God in Ethics

Originally posted by Asguard

its NOT aceptable for every thread in here to go the way of homosexual laws and i will do everything i can to stop that from happerning

why are you are under the impression that your forum is under assault from fanatical fundies? except for threads that lady participated in, the forum appears quite innocuous.

please do not delete this post. i am merely voicing my opinion
Asguard edited my pole on male rape... that shows how far biased and skewed his feelings are on the topic.

He has gone beyond just upset and lashing against fundamentalists... he is now useing his power as a moderator in order to control the thoughts and flow of discussion in the form.

Asguard has joined the thought police... and for that my respect for him has really dropped.
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First off, thanks for the kind words Xevious!
And excellent Cris, thank you too!

"tyler i have come down HARD on this and the reason is that i have TRIED to be subtle with lady"

No you haven't. Taking a dead thread that didn't overly deal with "god said so" and moving it to another forum is hardly subtle.

"untill she picks that up i have no choice but to mod hard"

Unfortunatly, you're not understanding, Anthony. That or you've yet to read everything I've written; which is easily believable.

"its NOT aceptable for every thread in here to go the way of homosexual laws and i will do everything i can to stop that from happerning"

And you feared that a thread that hadn't been touched for nearly 4 months was about to go that way? What in the good lord's name made you fear that? Are you truly that paranoid?

Anthony, the thread you recently had moved (and asked to be deleted) was dead. On top of that it was not a matter of "god said". It was a matter of debating the difference between homosexuality and other sexual deviations - a topic which has shown to arise much emotion in you numerous times. I personally cannot see one good reason, or one reason period, to have that thread moved other than to satisfy your desire to rid the Ethics forum of anything that smells of anti-gay feelings.

"I mean, no offence or anything, but have you considered not all here are Catholic?"

I'm Jewish (not in belief, that is). So it's not exactly like I'm protecting my own here.
In my inspired opinion, god(s) are superstitious and often misleading icons of evolving ethics.
So, what is the solution to this problem? I'm new here, but I think I read somewhere that moderators are voted in. So, do another poll for moderator or something?
Moderators are voted in by the people who care enough to vote, and those of us who don't bother voting because we trust things to work out properly are continually surprised when they sometimes don't. We're rather silly in that regard.