GOD in CNN, possible ?

audible said:
if you prove to me that a god exists, and I'll show you my mind, I asked first.

I quote
I have proven in my thread beforehand "Is there God or none?" Read it. If you have not found my proof, I'm so sorry.
Hapsburg said:
so why are you trying to force your belief down my throat at gunpoint?
if its not you doing it, then another christian will.
lemme tell ya a story, lad:
three years ago, in 6th grade, i was at my bustop, and some kids were inquiring to me about my faith. i replied that i didnt believe in god, and i didnt care if they did. it was fine by me if they did, but i dont. they beat the living fuck out of me then. i was bleeding, and my face was fucking swollen.
give me a reason, after that event, as to why i should trust christians and religion?

By the way you talk to people on the board, I cant see why they would want to do that ?? :)
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Saint said:
God is only possible to be discovered after we died.
Although the poster is no longer an active poster, but for the sake of all readers here: One cannot discover God. Why can one discover/uncover Him when He is in fact a Spirit, according to the Bible? As for now, think about eternity.
enton said:
I have proven in my thread beforehand "Is there God or none?" Read it. If you have not found my proof, I'm so sorry.
if you think you've shown any prove, then you will be the first in the history of mankind.
could you show us that god exist, again as I and some other proberly missed it the first time, if it existed.
incidently I am not searching for proof of god, I know it does'nt exist. but you insist it does, so I'm asking you to prove your assertion that a god exists.
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Hostile said:
By the way you talk to people on the board, I cant see why they would want to do that ?? :)
How I act on the interweb and how I act elsewhere are two totally different things, you realize?
Sarcastic Bastard... :p