GOD in CNN, possible ?

so why are you trying to force your belief down my throat at gunpoint?
if its not you doing it, then another christian will.
lemme tell ya a story, lad:
three years ago, in 6th grade, i was at my bustop, and some kids were inquiring to me about my faith. i replied that i didnt believe in god, and i didnt care if they did. it was fine by me if they did, but i dont. they beat the living fuck out of me then. i was bleeding, and my face was fucking swollen.
give me a reason, after that event, as to why i should trust christians and religion?
Saint said:
Why not God send an angel to CNN studio room, broadcast to the whole world to testify his existence, so that all human beings will believe in One religion. :D
But then, nobody will believe in god, would they?
give me a reason, after that event, as to why i should trust christians and religion?
Um, because not all christians are like that? You're basing the personality of an entire religious group on a couple of 6th graders? Are you really that stupid or are you just looking for an excuse to hate christians?
Why should the Creator prove to His creation?

Only the alien proves to God`s creatures.
the hell is that supposed to mean

how do i know they aren't like that?
Hapsburg said:
so why are you trying to force your belief down my throat at gunpoint?
if its not you doing it, then another christian will.
Just as you say we try to "force our religion down your throats", you try to do the same. Your argument against Christianity is basically your attempt at converting Christians to atheism.

Your argument isn't very strong, but I have seen some very strong arguments against religion. Just as we cannot make you believe any more than you already do, you cannot make us not believe any more than we already do. (Well, I guess both cases are plausible, but when certain people make up their minds there isn't much to be done).
give me a reason, after that event, as to why i should trust christians and religion?
Like xelios said, get to know some of them. Basing your opinions upon the actions of some snot-nosed 6th graders is bad policy, and not very advisable. I know there are some full grown adults that aren't any better that claim to be Christians, but that is exactly why you don't choose your religion by it's followers.

My own pastor always says to never base our faith upon him, as he is human, and will undoubtedly let us down (he may just be acting humble, but it's true).

Your opinions are your choice, and I can't do much to change them, but I can at least ask that you give people a chance (even if they don't give you the same luxury).
Hapsburg said:
the hell is that supposed to mean

If you believe in hell, you should have been believing to the Living God, the Father of all spirits, the Father of lights.

What I mean is this:

Why should the Creator prove to His creation?

The Creator is always the Creator and until now He creates/makes.

So, what else is the proof?

God is already. You cannot change the time and space, matter and mind. ANYBODY can never disprove the existence of the God of heavens and earth and His religion which is Christianity. But remember, there is one Bible which the existing christians (as they claim) are using.

Well, there are gods that people are worshipping nowadays and one of these gods is your belly.

Religion is a form of worship that is done congregationally (for UNI-VERSE`s sake).
there is no god !!! all those people who say who believe in god are nothing but pretenders...

they are the most scared humans on this earth , the most dependent and most weak people !!!
bob-bobby said:
there is no god !!! all those people who say who believe in god are nothing but pretenders...

they are the most scared humans on this earth , the most dependent and most weak people !!!

Your RIGHT!! Man I have been blind all along!!! Thats me convinced!!!!!

bob-bobby said:
there is no god !!! all those people who say who believe in god are nothing but pretenders...

they are the most scared humans on this earth , the most dependent and most weak people !!!

please PROVE that there is no God
well he cant now, he's no longer here, but he does'nt have too.
but I am, the onus is on you saint and enton, it would be ludicrous, to try and prove non-existence , it's obvious. the thing only has to show itself once, for it to exist.
so I'm afraid that your the ones, asserting something exists, so go ahead and show it.
audible said:
well he cant now, he's no longer here, but he does'nt have too.
but I am, the onus is on you saint and enton, it would be ludicrous, to try and prove non-existence , it's obvious. the thing only has to show itself once, for it to exist.
so I'm afraid that your the ones, asserting something exists, so go ahead and show it.
What? How lucky you are!
audible said:
the thing only has to show itself once, for it to exist.
It's an unfair statement for those who departed already. And besides, God has no problem whether you believe or not because it's certain that you are engaged in some type of work, i.e., if you are in the normal condition to know.

Okay, show me your mind.
Saint said:
Atheist "believe" something they can not prove????
They believe "God does not exist", but they can't prove it!

LOL....But common. Anywya this thread is the funiest i've seen yet. sorry no offence to anyone but please read the first two or three posts
Jinoda said:
Just as you say we try to "force our religion down your throats", you try to do the same. Your argument against Christianity is basically your attempt at converting Christians to atheism.
You obviously have never heard the term "double standard", have you?
enton said:
What? How lucky you are! It's an unfair statement for those who departed already. And besides, God has no problem whether you believe or not because it's certain that you are engaged in some type of work, i.e., if you are in the normal condition to know.

Okay, show me your mind.
if you prove to me that a god exists, and I'll show you my mind, I asked first.

I quote
me said:
the onus is on you saint and enton, it would be ludicrous, to try and prove non-existence, it's obvious.
the thing only has to show itself once, for it to exist.
so I'm afraid that your the ones, asserting something exists, so go ahead and show it.