God has no authority over humankind.

Madan, what you say makes no sense. Why did he create us, knowing we cause each other to suffer? Allowing us free choice is nice and all, but an omnipotent, completely good being could not, WOULD not allow for innocents to suffer as they do on earth. And if, as you say, this is all part of a greater plan, then that plan sickens me. I heard some idiot christian quote Batman to support the theory of god once. "why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up again." He said that god lets his children suffer so that they might learn; a parent can't always shelter his child, or it won't learn. A parent, however, doesn't let his kids beat the fuck outta other kids to let them LEARN. If god creates each and every one of us, and he knows everything, then he was well aware while creating Hitler that his creation would be responsible for millions of deaths. Why did he make him then? To test us? Please. That brings up something else- fate. If god knows everything, that suggests that everything is predetermined, in which case e have no free chouce at all, and are pawns in his sick little game of chess. You know what? I think I'm getting to like this guy.
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And by the way, i've noticed u mostly disagree with me. What u think of what I wrote up there?
Chiraque said:
Allowing us free choice is nice and all, but an omnipotent, completely good being could not, WOULD not allow for innocents to suffer as they do on earth.
There can not be free will without suffering. Period. I'd rather live in a world that allows evil, then live as a mindless robot preprogrammed to do only good.
I heard some idiot christian quote Batman to support the theory of god once. "why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up again."
That was a surprisingly good movie! And I like that quote, even if it was said by Batman.
He said that god lets his children suffer so that they might learn; a parent can't always shelter his child, or it won't learn. A parent, however, doesn't let his kids beat the fuck outta other kids to let them LEARN.
God's concern is with our immortal souls. Beating the fuck out of each other may be, to him, the equivalent of a skinned knee.
If god creates each and every one of us, and he knows everything, then he was well aware while creating Hitler that his creation would be responsible for millions of deaths. Why did he make him then? To test us? Please. That brings up something else- fate. If god knows everything, that suggests that everything is predetermined, in which case e have no free chouce at all, and are pawns in his sick little game of chess. You know what? I think I'm getting to like this guy.
I detest the idea of predestination. If everything is predetermined, then it would be unjust to punish sinners. Life would be pointless.

Einstein said that God doesn't play dice with the universe. I think, conversely, that God created the universe because he likes to play dice. Unpredictability is built into the universe at a fundamental level. Look at quantum mechanics. I believe God purposely created the universe in this way so he wouldn't be able to know everything in advance. This way we do, in fact, have free will. This way God can, perhaps, even be surprised now and then. Otherwise, I think he'd get bored.
well,in this i have seen people being biest.the religous people say "why does God have to if he rules over us?" and the non-religous people say "why doesnt he show a sign or do anything to help us".see,for me i belive in him slightly.i'm not saying im right but hear me out;everyone knows that humans are way too complex.far beyond mutation and/or evolution.so in order for us to be this way something had to create us(hince a some sort of "God" or higher power).and i've seen people on this say "lifes a test,he's testing us".i think it's human's somewhat "purpose" to be learning new things from enteraction with new things and new people and from things you do right and wrong.but no,i dont think god does anything for us.i just think that the "thing"that created us wants us to figure things out for ourself without it's help.
No. Baron Max was asking, "why not" to madanthonywayne's statement: "There can not be free will without suffering. Period."
original said:
No. Baron Max was asking, "why not" to madanthonywayne's statement: "There can not be free will without suffering. Period."
sorry - I see - then I am also possessed of the same curiousity
Baron Max said:
Why not?
Baron Max
If you are free to choose, some choices will be bad. Furthermore, some will be pure evil {Hitler, Osama}. As a consequence of these poor choices, there will be suffering. But if we are truly free, we must bear the consequences of our poor choices. As the saying goes, freedom isn't free.