God exists

Ok, so we're all in agreement here that Jesus was the son of God, right? And being the son of God, he is as all-knowing as God, correct? If all this is true, someone please explain this:

About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

Doesn't sound very God-like, does it? These, mind you, are Jesus' words. He does not know what the purpose of his excecution is, nor does he know why God (Whom, mind you, he is one with) has let it happen.

So we reach a dichotomy: Jesus is God, yet he calls to himself and questions the purpose of the excecution, which indicates a lack of knowledge of the event and the reasons God (Whom, mind you, he IS ONE WITH) was letting it happen.

In one wail, we find the contradiction neccisary to disprove Jesus being the son of God. Prove me wrong.

And being the son of God, he is as all-knowing as God, correct? If all this is true...
Jesus shares God's Spirit, which is not the same as God's spiritual nature (i.e. the Father himself). It might not be "true" in the sense we understand it to be.

Doesn't sound very God-like, does it? These, mind you, are Jesus' words. He does not know what the purpose of his excecution is, nor does he know why God (Whom, mind you, he is one with) has let it happen
It sounds decidedly human. As a quotation from Psalm 22, it would have reminded everybody who heard it of a prayer. These words cannot be heard without its context. What is the context?

Jesus did know why He was there:
Matthew 16:21
From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

John 2
18Then the Jews demanded of him, "What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?"
19Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."
20The Jews replied, "It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?" 21But the temple he had spoken of was his body. 22After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

Jesus wanted the Jews to uinderstand that He was indeed the Messiah, and all the nations that He was their Saviour. If there was any question about it, his death would have been in vain. By uttering these words, Jesus effectively placed what was happening to him in a different context: a messianic one. He was directing our attention to something...

Death is the worst separation imaginable for any living being. Jesus is one with God, He knew life, but now He was forsaking (sacrificing) "himself" (his immortality, his holiness, maybe his omniscience, his very Spirit) for our sake... (Incidentally, at the Ascention, Jesus effectively gave that Spirit to us). To be hanged on a piece of wood was a sign of being cursed. We are compelled to ask: What is the significance of this? When Jesus initiates his death with this quote from Psalm 22, he was asking us to finish the rest of it:

{v.16} Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me, they have pierced my hands and my feet. {17} I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me. {18} They divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.

{24}For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.
{25} From you comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly; before those who fear you will I fulfill my vows.
{26} The poor will eat and be satisfied; they who seek the LORD will praise him-- may your hearts live forever! {27} All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him,

{28} for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations.
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The reason I don't answer every single objection you come up with, is because if you don't understand the principle of clearing up their understanding, I might as well leave it altogether.

I love how you people try and claim lack of understanding, thinking that somehow solves the problems. *yawn*. And i still await the day you clear up anything. What you give are pathetic excuses to try and avoid looking at the issue. Alright, i'll let you off, it's not like you have a choice. One wrong move, you burn in hell.... I do not suffer from the same fear so i can look at everything for how it actually is, instead of how i MUST.

However, if you can see the validity of one "contradiction" you might, with a little effort, be able to figure out the others yourself.

Well why bother by myself? So... i went off to an apologetics site to read up a bit. Topic of the day: judas

Did judas hang himself of fall over or spill his guts while in a field?

{site writer} Well, this is so easy to explain and it's not a contradiction at all. judas hung himself, and while he has hanging the rope loosened, he fell off, landed on the ground, and spilled his guts.

I know in advance you're going to agree with this, but it is a farce. What it shows is you guys just add/distort/corrupt/twist the bible to suit your own need to explain something, without any regard whatsoever for truth or evidence present.

On the one hand you all go around claiming this is the inspired word of god etc etc and then on the other hand go to assume the writers were complete fucking morons who couldn't write: 'he fell from the rop and burst his guts out', but instead someone else needs to make mention of it several chapters down the road.

That, and long posts tend not be read with the same attention.

Then please do not respond again. I understand they're long, but i don't want you replying if you haven't taken the time to read it properly. It saves me needing to say the same thing twice.

We know that John was the only one standing near the cross (John 19:25). From the rest of his writings, we also know his perspective and intent is on describing the subtext - what happened even though it weren't explicit.

And john was a simple retard who couldn't put jesus last words in full? And using the theist method, i will state everyone was there at the crucifiction. Ok it might not say they were in the bible but what relevance is that? It doesn't say they weren't.

You also know his intent was on describing the subtext? lol.

From their combined accounts, a reconstruction is possible:

Lol, if i do what you have attempted to do with the extremely pathetic dissecting of particular words, i could make noah look like god himself.

None of them had the brains just to write down his last words, instead they all sat down together and said: "Well i'll include word one, then you take your third sentence, word 2 and put it after luke's 5th sentence word 7. Once that's done take sentence 3 from mark and put it after the 8th sentence of matthew who will then take my first line and put it behind your 6th word."

OK jenyar, whatever you think..... :rolleyes:

Jesus last words might have been

Ah, might have been..... Isn't "might" such a pain in the ass? It shows you don't know the truth- *shout* which is why people like me point it out for you */shout*

If you were interested in finding truth, you wouldn't be sitting here saying "might", and thinking that's sufficient enough.

Apart from this, you just readily assume that whatever was "cried out" by Jesus wasn't intelligable and therefore not words.

Apart from this, you just readily assume that when someone "cries out" that they must be saying something completely legible to everyone, (not that anyone felt like writing those legible words- instead just saying "cried out"), all because there's 4 different accounts of what he said. By your definition, with all your "mights", you end up making the whole thing no different to any modern day steve jackson roleplay novel. "If you decide to go west, turn to page 180", etc etc.

For example people using jesus analogy of the fig tree, (which would have been such a rarity in that area) :bugeye: , to somehow tie in to jesus being the fig leaf sitting on adams private parts.

It is only an unresolvable contradiction if the difference cannot be reasonably resolved.

It still awaits a reasonable resolution.

You back this up with more assumptions on your part, and by putting words in our mouths

Lol. pot, kettle, black.

Let me ask you this: are you and your finger "one"? Does your finger act independently of "you"? Might your finger say something like: "I and the body are one" and at the same time, "the body is greater than me alone?"

Lol, what has my finger got to do with anything? If i chopped it off it wouldn't be able to do anything. It would wiggle on the floor for a tenth of a second while the electrical impulses from my brain recede, then it would sit on the ground and rot. However if my brain was also in my finger- and it was the same brain.. when i chopped my finger off, my finger would still know when the coming of the end days were, if i knew that. My finger wouldn't claim i was greater than he because we would share the same brain and as such, aside from outside appearance, would be identical.

If one is god, he is god..... he wouldn't claim god is greater then him, because he is god- and as you said, he's still god, regardless of different appearance. Thus saying he is greater then he is stupid. He might look like a measly little human but he is still god, and still the same, exact, identical god that is sitting somewhere else, but at the same time sitting everywhere in the universe at the same time, so jesus too is sitting everywhere in the universe at the same time. If he isn't, and the other god is then they are separate entities. If he still retains the knowledge of his other self he would know the end days or if he doesn't and his other half does- they are separate entities.

If this was an account by the same person, I would say he should think about it first and try again... but if these were two different accounts, a whole range of possible explanations are available. One person might have gone to fetch his supper and only heard a "loud cry" from the other room.

Ah, so on the one hand we can just do as we please and make a farce out of something so simple as writing down a mans last words, and then on the other hand we can't. You'd tell them to sit down and try again.... well, what a fucking surprise. And of course, there's always a billion and one "possible explanations". It's possible satan wrote the bible.... "possible" isn't prevalent to this discussion. One person might have gone to get supper, one might have suddenly gone deaf. It's irrelevant to the issue at hand- which is the fact that they are colliding statements. If we added in this scenario:

'After hearing the first line bob went off to fetch dr.x some supper' then we can include that as evidence to why he didn't hear the final words but you can't just sit down and say "he might have said", "it's a possibility", and all the other evidence-less nonsense you seem to like bringing into a discussion.

I propose you post one or two contradictions at a time, so that we might be able to discuss them sensibly. It's a much more reasonable strategy. If I can clear up a fallacy using one example, it might be valid for more than one objection, and we won't have to repeat ourselves endlessly.

For what reason? All you'll do is claim "he might have been talking about something else", "It's possible he farted, which blew the wind, which cleared the flood water" or some other worthless, completely pointless answer to something you obviously cannot answer. Well, maybe you can answer but instead just like telling jokes.
I know in advance you're going to agree with this, but it is a farce. What it shows is you guys just add/distort/corrupt/twist the bible to suit your own need to explain something, without any regard whatsoever for truth or evidence present.
Interesting how your objections rely more on the words in the Bible as set in stone, completely self-evident and inhuman than even the worst fundamentalist.

Explanation is not distortion. It would be distortion if I changed or disagreed with anything written there. Understanding is only "twisting" in that it twists your ignorance into something intelligable.

I have no fear of hell - and Christ is the cause of that fear never having to be present. I do, however, fear God who is the judge of what I do.

On the one hand you all go around claiming this is the inspired word of god etc etc and then on the other hand go to assume the writers were complete fucking morons who couldn't write: 'he fell from the rop and burst his guts out', but instead someone else needs to make mention of it several chapters down the road.
Oh yes, we dumb Christians have pages and pages of doctrine based on just this subject. I guess we'll have to edit out this part of the Bible as well :rolleyes:

Whatever explanation makes sense to you is fine. As long as you don't have to twist what has been written. If you have point A and point Z, you can connect them any way that makes sense to you, as long as you don't ignore all the points B to Y inbetween.

If one account said Jesus hanged himself and another said he was killed on his way to Rome, it would threaten my faith in the truth of his death. If you want to base your faith on Judas' death, you have seriously misread the Bible.

Then please do not respond again. I understand they're long, but i don't want you replying if you haven't taken the time to read it properly. It saves me needing to say the same thing twice.
I only respond to what I have read, understood and thought about. But I'm not your research assistant.

And john was a simple retard who couldn't put jesus last words in full? And using the theist method, i will state everyone was there at the crucifiction. Ok it might not say they were in the bible but what relevance is that? It doesn't say they weren't.
Read John. If you find anything that denies that Jesus died on the cross or said anything on it - I'd call that an inconsistency. Paul was only called to serve after Christ's resurrection. Luke's introduction implies that he was not there himself. At least some of the gospel writers had to rely on accounts from those present. The accounts might not be exhaustive, but that does not mean they are not reliable.

Lol, if i do what you have attempted to do with the extremely pathetic dissecting of particular words, i could make noah look like god himself.
Please try! It should make an interesting study, and in fact would add much to some of the typological similarities already mentioned in the NT.
None of them had the brains just to write down his last words, instead they all sat down together and said: "Well i'll include word one, then you take your third sentence, word 2 and put it after luke's 5th sentence word 7. Once that's done take sentence 3 from mark and put it after the 8th sentence of matthew who will then take my first line and put it behind your 6th word."
None of them had the guts to write anything they couldn't attest to, or that did not conform to what they came to understand through everything that transpired or that they could confirm. You have no proof that they added anything, or even omitted anything. I believe their sincerity, and the very fact that not everything they say is identical says a lot about their integrity and the integrity of the texts themselves.

If the Bible was as utterly corrupted as you and others claim, surely if people could warp the major events to suit themselves, they could fix these little bothersome quotes.

Ah, might have been..... Isn't "might" such a pain in the ass? It shows you don't know the truth- *shout* which is why people like me point it out for you */shout*
If you were interested in finding truth, you wouldn't be sitting here saying "might", and thinking that's sufficient enough.
I'm not claiming anything contrary to what is written. Anything I interpolate must include "might" since they are hypothetical. TruthYour objections, I have to emphasize, are no less hypothetical, except they are based on premises you don't even believe in yourself: the moral infallibility of what was written. "These people *might* have all heard the same man say four different things before he died" - come to think of it... what are you saying? If you think they made the whole thing up, just say so - but I would like to see you come to *that* conclusion from the text...
Apart from this, you just readily assume that when someone "cries out" that they must be saying something completely legible to everyone, (not that anyone felt like writing those legible words- instead just saying "cried out"), all because there's 4 different accounts of what he said.
Based on what they reported, this is the most likely explanation. Not everybody understood Hebrew (as is clear from the Eli lama Sabachtani confusion). Paul and Luke were Roman (Greek), Matthew was Jewish, Jesus spoke Hebrew and Aramaic. Thousands of people were gathered. Not everybody heard the same things.

Thus saying he is greater then he is stupid. He might look like a measly little human but he is still god, and still the same, exact, identical god that is sitting somewhere else, but at the same time sitting everywhere in the universe at the same time, so jesus too is sitting everywhere in the universe at the same time
I you chopped your finger off, it would not know anything but what you told it if it does not carry a brain. Jesus obviously was not the "exact, identical god sitting somewhere else" - He was there and then, in a physical body, using a human brain. The essence of God is not physical and definitely not human. Jesus was "everywhere" in Spirit, but physically and mentally He was separate from God - otherwise He would have had no need to pray.

For example people using jesus analogy of the fig tree, (which would have been such a rarity in that area), to somehow tie in to jesus being the fig leaf sitting on adams private parts.
Unlike all other trees, the fig has this unique feature about it, that its fruit appears before its leaves. It also bears a symbolic association with Israel itself throughout the Old TestamentFig trees in Israel. Symbolism and typology are perfectly valid means of expression.
Interesting how your objections rely more on the words in the Bible as set in stone, completely self-evident and inhuman than even the worst fundamentalist

Bizarre thing to say....

If a book says someone hit a rock, the evidence suggests that person hit a rock. Just because some guy 800 pages later used the word 'rock' does not = that man was the rock that was hit. That's the difference.. This is just an example, dont start busting my balls stating i "base my whole faith, or lack thereof, on a rock".

You stated mark/matthew and luke were not at the cross when jesus got crucifed. In saying this, they would have got their information via word of mouth or prior written information. If john told them what was said, (because he was the only one there), then the accounts would match up, unless john purposefully kept the information to himself and told them all different versions. Do you have any justification to suggest why john told them all something different? Did he have a master plan to spread a final sentence into 4 different chapters? Again, if they were going by written account- they would have written what they read- or changed it to suit themselves, but in doing so, making an inaccurate account of events.

I have no fear of hell - and Christ is the cause of that fear never having to be present. I do, however, fear God who is the judge of what I do.

Ah but you do fear god... who is the judge... And if he judges you badly where do you end up? I'm sure thats not what you want. Either way you are confined to one simple line of thought.... anything that goes against that is blasphemy/going against god and would leave you in the shit.

Whatever explanation makes sense to you is fine.

Not without evidence it isn't.

As long as you don't have to twist what has been written. If you have point A and point Z, you can connect them any way that makes sense to you,

No you can't. Your answer is already set in concrete. You see, you cannot divert from your fact that god/jesus and the bible is complete truth. By that, you are unable to consider it anything other than absolute truth. As such you will run off on your point a,b,x and z in some silly attempt at covering up an obvious problem.

It's like a 'slot machine'.. To your eyes the reels only consist of cherries. You will always hit jackpot, even if you don't, because all you can see are cherries. There are other fruits, you just can't see them. That's not even through choice... you're under eternal threat if you don't hit jackpot.

If you want to base your faith on Judas' death, you have seriously misread the Bible.

This is the second time you've brushed it all aside in this manner with me on this thread. I will help you out a little: It was called an example. NOWHERE in it did i state it's the basis for my faith, (or lack thereof), or that i would want to base my faith on it. Again it's your mind jumping off into the realm of fantasy and claiming i've misread the bible because i felt like using a judas example. If i wanted to spend my time talking to a clown, i'd go to the circus.

I only respond to what I have read, understood and thought about. But I'm not your research assistant.

god must like me.

At least some of the gospel writers had to rely on accounts from those present. The accounts might not be exhaustive, but that does not mean they are not reliable.

You have no proof that they added anything, or even omitted anything.

Based on what they reported, this is the most likely explanation. Not everybody understood Hebrew (as is clear from the Eli lama Sabachtani confusion). Paul and Luke were Roman (Greek), Matthew was Jewish, Jesus spoke Hebrew and Aramaic. Thousands of people were gathered. Not everybody heard the same things.

Ummmm Ok. "Some" of the gospels had to rely on those who were present. They either weren't told the complete story, decided to ammend the complete story, or didn't understand the complete story. The simple fact that the versions are not identical Shows beyond reasonable doubt that all 4 versions have either added or ommitted something- through lack of knowledge of events, (although you state they would have been told by those present- who would know the complete story i assume? If not, it can't be considered an accurate account of events), or desire to change the complete story.

Furthermore whether they understood hebrew or not is irrelevant. One of them, i assume, must have done in order to make note of jesus last words. He would have written down what jesus actually said, in full, instead of hoping his buddies who couldn't even speak the language would somehow manage to get it right. If he then decided to translate it for them: see paragraph above.

You're falling apart.... You claim: "You have no proof that they added anything, or even omitted anything" and yet..... unless all accounts were identical it can only be stated that they all added/or omitted something, (whether by choice or not). If nothing had have been added, or taken away, the accounts would be the same.... work it out.

And how can you even make that statement to me? You're the one claiming they split it up between them, which shows the FACT that each one of them left out a particular bit.

Furthermore, your claim that language conflicts are the "most likely" explanation is flawed. I wonder if the non hebrew speaking people ran around with translators when jesus spoke to them his entire life? Or "maybe" they just guessed at what jesus was saying all along?

Well, whatever you think.

I you chopped your finger off, it would not know anything but what you told it if it does not carry a brain.

If i chopped my finger off it wouldn't know anything regardless of what i told it.

Jesus obviously was not the "exact, identical god sitting somewhere else"

So, he was a different god?

Here's an example:

You make a clone of yourself. That clone is identical. You then wipe his memory of all life's events. He is now no longer you. He might look the same, but he is a different person.

He was there and then, in a physical body, using a human brain.

So he was just a human being? So how did this human being, considering he's the one and only god, give himself back his godly powers? If his other half was sitting somewhere else, waiting to give him back some powers- then they are two completely separate entities and you should be believing in multiple gods. (first seen on page 1 of the bible).

Of all the irrational beliefs on the planet- an idea of the trinity is the most obscene.

The essence of God is not physical and definitely not human.

Which god are we referring to? :eek: Anything valid to corroborate that? I guess so, as you use the word definitely.

Jesus was "everywhere" in Spirit

Supporting evidence?

but physically and mentally He was separate from God - otherwise He would have had no need to pray.

Separate..... that's all you needed to say.

Unlike all other trees, the fig has this unique feature about it, that its fruit appears before its leaves. It also bears a symbolic association with Israel itself throughout the Old TestamentFig trees in Israel. Symbolism and typology are perfectly valid means of expression.

That's..... fascinating, thank you. But what has it got to do with my post? I was stating how people like to use one word on page 678 to somehow offer validity to a sentence on page 3.

Please try!

No thnx, i prefer looking at evidence instead of making it up as i go along.

None of them had the guts to write anything they couldn't attest to

I wish you'd make up your mind. One minute it's because they cant speak hebrew, the next they weren't there, then it's because they did but felt like making a puzzle book out of it, and now it's because they didn't have the guts..... *yawn* wake me up when you're finished.

If the Bible was as utterly corrupted as you and others claim, surely if people could warp the major events to suit themselves, they could fix these little bothersome quotes.

For fun i'll do the quick Jenyar style assumption:

The most likely reason is they couldn't understand each other, didnt have the guts to fix bothersome quotes, weren't even there to do so, etc etc etc.
The most likely reason is they couldn't understand each other, didnt have the guts to fix bothersome quotes, weren't even there to do so, etc etc etc.
You're getting the hang of it. They were human, doing their best to describe what happened during Jesus' life and death.

My point with Judas and the fig tree (no I'm not going to add the rock to it), was that you can worry about these things all you want, they do not change what lies behind the events described. You say these things show there is no truth behind it, and I say there is. You don't believe the evidence because you think it's flawed, period - I believe the flaws don't obscure their meaning or their purpose. You have not managed to convince me otherwise because you are convinced that the difference between details in the accounts should point at nothing but their utter and collective failure, and have shown no signs of even being able to consider otherwise.

On the other hand, I have shown a willingness to consider any alternative before dismissing them. This has been met with nothing but hostility and accusations. I am either "too set in my belief" or "too flexible". So which is it?
Originally posted by SnakeLord
For example people using jesus analogy of the fig tree
Were figs in season at that time of year? Jesus cursed the fig tree for what? Being out of season? How silly is that? What ever happened to forgiveness?! It makes me wonder, does God hate figs?
You're getting the hang of it.

You're obviously not- instead, ignoring my entire post and concentrating your efforts solely on the last comment, which was but a mere 'mickey-taking' of your way of doing things- which is to just come up with a million and one baseless assumptions and pray one of them is sufficient, instead of even caring whether a flaw exists or not. The flaw is still there, you're just not interested. That's fine, but then don't ever claim you're interested in truth.

was that you can worry about these things all you want, they do not change what lies behind the events described.

Worry? I'm not worried, im just interested in truth and facts. Looking at evidence, comparing it with other evidence etc etc can help get closer to truths and facts. Having the attitude of "the bible says there's a god, so there is", is beyond pathetic. I'm interested in history, im interested in facts and as such point out problems in the hope together everyone can work out truths. You're not interested in any of that- just because you say there's god, so there is. You attempt some kind of rebuttal which i always respond to, then once you run out of excuse you start telling me it's irrelevant, just believe in god.

You say these things show there is no truth behind it, and I say there is.

No i don't. I don't know if there's a god or not.. I don't claim to be that knowledgable. There might be, who's to say.. But the errors, contradictions, and problems are in the bible whether you want to acknowledge them or not. As a person interested in truth, it would stand to reason that i question them. Thus far there has not been a worthwhile rebuttal. "They couldn't speak the language" is flawed, "They weren't there" doesn't help your case at all, and "nothing has been added/omitted" is blatantly false- and even you must be aware of that, simply because all versions differ. Obivously that comes through lack of caring, and maybe i'll await a reply off someone who does care, and who is interested in truth. When i give up caring about anything and everything i'll come listen to you tell me just to believe in god, for no reason.

You don't believe the evidence because you think it's flawed, period

What evidence? you haven't even cited any. Once someone who does care gives me a rebuttal that actually has more merit than "they didnt talk the same language" i will review it. Until then it continues to be flawed- even you seem to concede to that, but just believe flaws don't obscure anything..., or rather just don't care if they do.

You have not managed to convince me otherwise because you are convinced that the difference between details in the accounts should point at nothing but their failure

Well, i have no need to even try convincing you of anything, simply because you don't care. But in honesty i'd rather it just all work out nicely and save me the time and energy concerning its validity. If there weren't flaws, i wouldn't need to point them out. Any person interested in truth would be the same. If they aren't there, everyone's happy. If they are there, people who care about truth start asking questions. I await someone who can answer them.

and have shown no signs of even being able to consider otherwise.

Once there is a more reasonable rebuttal than "they dont speak hebrew", it would be naturally considered.

For instance: you told me in old hebrew the translation we used as bird, actually means flying things. In that instances bats would no longer pose a problem, and, if you remember my post, i said i'd concede on that issue. See, problem solve- that's all it takes. IF the rebuttal has merit. If it's a load of old cobblers what do you expect?

On the other hand, I have shown a willingness to consider any alternative before dismissing them

Sorry, can you please put jenyar back on?

This has been met with nothing but hostility and accusations

I'm not a hostile person, it's just the way i type- Us English people are just generally very up-front and forthwith. If you take it as hostility, dont.

Accusations on the other hand are easy to fling back and forth. For instance you are now making an accusation that i'm hostile.... Nothing can be done to avoid that.

I am either "too set in my belief" or "too flexible". So which is it?

Not that i actually said either of them, and apparent that it is you've taken everything way out of context, this doesn't really require an answer. Once you have more time, and if you care, go back and re-read the posts properly and you'll understand why your statement here is unfounded and flawed.