God does exist.

Muscleman, move on and stop clinging to the intelligence and chance arguement. Tell us all of this other information you have. You were the one who claimed to have this information not us, so show us all and enlighten us.
get the book "the new scientific case for God's existence" by Mark Mahin. Seek and u shall find...Get the boook yourself and learn yourself all of you..For if I quote it i dont think u guys will understand it.

And about the chance and intelligent design.. heres another way to put it children, its like saying "as Complex, ordered, designed and detailed computer is, there must be an intelligent cause and my proof is it's existence and the fact that nature is incapable of creating a computer through "chance" and i proved it's incapability by "science" (observation study and demonstration), but only intelligence is capable of its existence (human intelligence)" that goes for any life forms. Did u get what Im saying? Intelligence is proven, chance isnt. How can I move on when thats the MAIN ARGUMENT, PROVING THERE IS DESIGNIING INTELLIGENCE AND THAT "CHANCE" IS A LIE. JUST COMMON SENSE, I WOULD USE THE SAME ARGUMENT TO PROVE TO YOU THAT COMPUTER COULDNT JUST BE CREATED BY SERIES OF EARTHQUAKE AND LIGHTNING BUT THERE IS AN INTELLIGENT CAUSE BEHIND SUCH ORDERED DESIGN, I SAY ORDERED BECAUSE OF THE WAY IT FUNCTIONS, HOW THE KEYBOARD'S PURPOSE FIT FOR THE SCREEN AND HOW THE RAM GIVE IT MEMORY, ETC. AND THATS NOWEHER CLOSE TO THE COMPLEXITY OF THE HUMAN BODY, THE HEART, LIVER, BRAIN, ETC.
and yes the ingredients that makes up a computer are very common as well and can be found everywhere, just like the life form ;) therefore you should have no reason not to be able to provide proof of chance if u claim they existed through chance..I HAVE SAID THIS 1,000,000,000,000 TIMES (F.O.S.)I HOPE U GOT IT?
and yes the ingredients that makes up a computer are very common as well and can be found everywhere, just like the life form.

That is true, to a certain point. However, the difference is that the computer is inanimate and is not a lifeform. You are comparing oranges to apples.
q, what does the life form and technological had to do with the topic? Chance is chance. The main point is that both r complex, detailed and ordered, thats the point...

and about chance. Some atheists are desperate for lies and might say, “The word ”chance” is only intended for biology, not for technological engineering”. Listen atheist kids, the definition of “chance” is=likelihood; opportunity; possibility; accidental. Did it say biological likelihood? Or did it say biological possibility? No! Why are you making your own definition of chance? Liars. I suggest you should make your own dictionary if you are that ignorant, call it the “Ignorant Dictionary”. Biology is off nature. Cars and houses are made out of metals and wood, which is from trees and rocks, which are off nature as well. Where do u think trees and rocks come from? Planet Jupiter?
The main point is that both r complex, detailed and ordered, thats the point...

A computer is a manmade inanimate object with the sole purpose of being used as a tool. Can you say the same about an amoeba, for example ?
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
Muscleman i dont understand your posts at all. They arent very well written.

You have eyes but cant see, have ears but cant hear. Satan has blinded you from the truth, he is the father of lies, he might have whispered in your heart "oh those r just words, god isnt real" whatever it is thats going on your head, you have been blinded from light, because you r walking the path of darkness
You have eyes but cant see, have ears but cant hear. Satan has blinded you from the truth, he is the father of lies, he might have whispered in your heart "oh those r just words, god isnt real" whatever it is thats going on your head, you have been blinded from light, because you r walking the path of darkness

Your blaming your bad writing on Satan!? LOL!
Satan is a cool dude, muscleman

You have eyes but cant see, have ears but cant hear. Satan has blinded you from the truth, he is the father of lies, he might have whispered in your heart "oh those r just words, god isnt real" whatever it is thats going on your head, you have been blinded from light, because you r walking the path of darkness

Satan is not evil , he has only other perception of good.
He really wants people to let him alone and maybe help him in his quest to put thown that bastard who has screwed all up.

God doesn't care about you- just look upon the earth
Satan doesn't care either- why should he, but he's a cool dude. Just read the bible- you'll see. Genesis is particualry good. Also book of Job to show you that your god is a bastard.

Lucifer is here on earth, your envious god is in heaven- I suggest you get into good relations with him.

as bbcboys signature says

We danced in graveyards, with vampires 'til dawn.
We laughed in the faces of kings, never afraid to burn

And is your place in heaven worth giving up these kisses?
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"yes the ingredients that makes up a computer are very common as well and can be found everywhere, just like the life form therefore you should have no reason not to be able to provide proof of chance if u claim they existed through chance"

Life exists because it regenerates. All past life has died. If a computer ever came up by chance, then it would have been destroyed by nature by now. Since they don't reproduce, they can't pass on their computer traits to another.

Also, a cell was created not out of the blue in a flash of lightning. Peices of cells also evolved over time. It is like the creation of a sun from steller dust. It didn't just FLASH come into existance. There were peices to it, dust came together through gravity and was compressed into a hot ball of junk, then, as atoms were crushed under pressure, some started to undergo nuclear fusion.

A human can be compared to a computer, they are both complicated. If a human just sprung up out of nothing by chance, it would be truly amazing and pretty much impossible. Same with a computer.

The difference between a computer and a human is that a human has peices that used to be able to live on their own. In fact, these cells can still live on their own if we give them the materials to sustain themselves. If any part of a computer is taken apart it doesn't work, much less reproduce.

Parts of computers do not reproduce (a computer doesn't even reproduce), Cells (parts of human) do reproduce and live on their own. Thus if a cell could be created by chance a human could be created from cells over time.

Even peices of cells like mitochondria can reproduce and live on their own. Find some other analogy because yours does not work.

"oh those r just words, god isnt real"

Those are just words because they arent correct. Your "proof" that god doesn't exist is the same as saying we will never be able to travel to an other planet.
Originally posted by muscleman
You have eyes but cant see, have ears but cant hear. Satan has blinded you from the truth, he is the father of lies, he might have whispered in your heart "oh those r just words, god isnt real" whatever it is thats going on your head, you have been blinded from light, because you r walking the path of darkness

how pathetic can you get? You blame your bad punctuation and grammer on Satan?

Take responsibility for yourself.
Jesus loves you.

Then again, so does Barney. :D

If you freeze to death and end up in hell... wouldn't
you be really comfortable some point along the way?
-Coolsig email sigs

Cya later,
Originally posted by Frencheneesz

Also, a cell was created not out of the blue in a flash of lightning. Peices of cells also evolved over time. It is like the creation of a sun from steller dust. It didn't just FLASH come into existance. There were peices to it, dust came together through gravity and was compressed into a hot ball of junk, then, as atoms were crushed under pressure, some started to undergo nuclear fusion./

A computer was created not out of the blue in a flash of lightning. Pieces of particles also evolved over time which became metals. It is like the creation of a sun from stellar dust. It didn't just FLASH come into existence. There were pieces to it, dust came together through gravity and was compressed into a hot ball of junk, then, as atoms were crushed under pressure, some started to undergo nuclear fusion; and thats when the monitor, keyboard, mouse etc. appeared..

In fact, these cells can still live on their own if we give them the materials to sustain themselves. If any part of a computer is taken apart it doesn't work, much less reproduce.

In fact, computers can function on their own if we give them the materials to sustain it (electricity). The first life form to evolve from earth is "cell". If any of the cell's parts is taken apart, it doesnt work, much less reproduce.

Artificial intelligent computer robot creates its own kind by gathering metals together and reproduces. Kinda like the cell theory in the beggining where they turned into trillions of species accidentally, are u trying to tell me this is false because it has no proof? I dare you.

Even peices of cells like mitochondria can reproduce and live on their own.

the first life form to evolve from earth is cell. Your a liar, mitochondria DOESNT SURVIVE on their own, they exist and is only a part of a living cell, kinda like the human heart, it lives in a human body but will not survive outside the body. You liar..

note: humor me more....

Then again, so does Barney.

If you freeze to death and end up in hell... wouldn't
you be really comfortable some point along the way?
-Coolsig email sigs

Cya later,

I saw the funniest bumper sticker a couple days ago, it said "Jesus loves you... But I think you're a cunt." with a little picture of Jesus with open arms and smiling beside it, don't know why that was funny but I was laughing for a good 5 minutes :p
Originally posted by Xelios
I saw the funniest bumper sticker a couple days ago,
it said "Jesus loves you... But I think you're a cunt." with
a little picture of Jesus with open arms and smiling beside
it, don't know why that was funny but I was laughing for a
good 5 minutes :p
I saw that on a t-shirt once but another expletive
was used. I think it is hilarious. Guess that makes
us evildoers and tools of satan huh? :eek:

Here is another one I like (also from the Coolsig site)

Jesus Saves... Passes to Moses. Shoots...He SCORES!