God & Crystal Skulls

Qorl said:
SkinWalker and others;

They are scientists.
Read the whole thing - please. On the Internet it's so many links like for some celebrity. But don't bother I will do a job for you people.

Internet, schminternet. What are the "scientists" names?

Qorl said:
Copy from the net;
-Some of the skulls are believed to be between 5,000 and 36,000 years old.

Believed by whom?

Qorl said:
The Mitchell-Hedges family loaned the skull to Hewlett-Packard Laboratories for extensive study in 1970.

And the primary source or citation for their results are where?

Qorl said:
Art restorer Frank Dorland oversaw the testing at the Santa Clara, California, computer equipment manufacturer, a leading facility for crystal research. The HP examinations yielded some startling results.

Right. There's an authority. He writes new age books on woo-woo topics. Next.

Qorl said:
Researchers found that the skull had been carved against the natural axis of the crystal.

What researchers? What are their names? What are their research institutions? What are the citations to their work?

Qorl said:
Modern crystal sculptors always take into account the axis, or orientation of the crystal's molecular symmetry, because if they carve "against the grain," the piece is bound to shatter -- even with the use of lasers and other high-tech cutting methods.

Right. Says what art authority other than the one above that is marketing woo-woo books. Moreover, what art authority says how these "crystal skulls" are made?

Qorl said:
To compound the strangeness, HP could find no microscopic scratches on the crystal which would indicate it had been carved with metal instruments.

Still waiting for the citation to "HP." That way we can read their methodologies and results for ourselves.

In short, what we have here is a host of assumptions and very little in the way of verifiable facts. Lets see the facts. And, consistent with woo-woo claims, we are told that the claimant is "doing our work for us.

-SANDRA BOWEN - Crystal and Crystal Skull Teacher and Researcher
-MICHAEL KANT - Michael is a Planetary Light Worker who continues to
work with the Higher Evolution in key areas of education which make
use of Planetary Technologies and the Sacred Sciences.
-STEVE MEHLER - Steve is a Psychic Archaeologist, scientist and
researcher. He was a staff member of the Rosicrucian Museum in San
Jose, California.
-F. R. 'NICK' NOCERINO - Founder of the Society of Crystal Skulls
Inter-national, a division of the Institue of Psychic and Hypnotic
-NEVILLE ROWE - Neville is a Channel for a group of dimensional beings
named Soli, and for the Dolphins and the Whales.
-JOSHUA SHAPIRO - (V J Enterprises, co-founder of J & S Aquarian
Networking, which is now defunct) Author/Compiler of "Journeys of an
Aquarian Age Networker",
-Frank Dorlan... studies led him on a course to become one of the great crystal historians of all time, resulting in a rebirth of the new age and ancient art of cutting quartz crystal.
-Marianne Zezelic, psychic abilities researcher
-Tom Bearden, an expert in the field of psychotronic studies

Read the review

--I believe to people who go on meetings and conventions.

Do you think government will tell you unsolved mysteries or secrets. Check out what US government really is.

If you will really like to know you will do a research or don't even bother.
Laika said:
Qorl, would you elaborate please?

With your third eye you could see that humans will be immortal in the future. Immortality will be of course given by God, as is written in The Bible. If you look at a crystal skulls that are found, is obvious that our bone structure will be from eternal material and not from a growing one. Our flesh will be cloned and attached on a crystal bones. Because crystals have a healing powers our flesh will not go old. Your memory or personality (you) will be memorized by computer or device like in the movie The 6th Day with Arnold, watch. This is a science fiction for some people, but I believe it will be sooner than we think. The last chapter of The Bible. Revelation, will soon going to end and not everyone will get immortality. Believe what you won't this is what I know. I could not elaborate better because my English is poor.
Yes, Qorl. A crack team of researchers. I stand corrected. Especially with the "psychic archaeologist" on the job. LOL.
Maybe is true, if there have been civilizations much more technologically or spiritually advanced than our own today. So where do you think live today? Maybe up there. Don't you think this beings could be our creators?

Copy from the net.

"I personally feel that the Crystal Skulls are not only here to share ancient knowledge and wisdom, but to assist in awakening our race to higher spiritual laws and understanding of itself....If the Crystal Skulls were not brought by extraterrestrials then certainly we must conclude their [sic] have been civilizations much more technologically or spiritually advanced than our own today."
--Joshua "Illinois" Shapiro

"[The] crystal stimulates an unknown part of the brain, opening a psychic door to the absolute." -- Frank Dorland
Communist Hamster
I will get you a computer that nobody ever had. I mean, on this planet.
Qorl said:
People who study 13 crystal skulls that were found from ancient days wrote this;
-From a TECHNICAL standpoint, it appears to be an IMPOSSIBLE object which TODAY'S most TALENTED sculptors and engineers would be UNABLE to DUPLICATE.
Now you telling me than this people don't know what they are talking about?
There is no technical reason why these objects could not be duplicated, given a block of crystal, and some diamond bits in a rotary tool. Sure, sculpting them with stone tools would take much longer, but the ancient kings were fabulously wealthy and powerful.