God & Crystal Skulls



Click for a lots of thinking :D


Copy from the Internet;

-A crystal skull is a model of a human skull made out of clear quartz crystal. The sculptures vary in size from a few inches to the size of a human head, if not bigger. There are 13 crystal skulls worldwide which some say have mystical powers and are of uncertain ancient origin.

-The most widely celebrated and mysterious crystal skull is the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, for at least two reasons. First, it is very similar in form to an actual human skull, even featuring a fitted removable jawbone. Most known crystal skulls are of a more stylized structure, often with unrealistic features and teeth that are simply etched onto a single skull piece. Second, it is impossible to say how the Mitchell-Hedges skull was constructed. From a technical standpoint, it appears to be an impossible object which today's most talented sculptors and engineers would be unable to duplicate. The discovery of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull, sometimes referred to as the "Skull of Doom". is a controversial matter, and reads like a sci-fi action adventure film. The skull was made from a single, unusually large block of clear quartz crystal, and measured 5 inches high, 7 inches long, and 5 inches wide, weighing 11 pounds, 7 ounces. It closely corresponds in size to a small human cranium, with near perfect detail, even to rendering the skull without the globular prominence or superciliary ridges, which are characteristics of a female.

--Origin Theories: Celestial Gifts or Skullduggery?--

-Regardless of any unearthly properties the crystal skulls may or may not possess, the question remains: where did they come from? There are countless hypotheses that they are the legacy of some higher intelligence. Many believe they were created by extraterrestrials or beings in Atlantis or Lemuria. One elaborate theory maintains that the skulls were left behind by a sophisticated Inner Earth society which lives at the hollow center of our planet, and there are thirteen "master skulls" which contain the history of these people...

---I don't think Mr. Darwin spoke about this species---

Where Crystal skulls come from !!! ??? Only I know :p

~ Don't let others think for you ~ Qorl
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from the same site:
Crystal skulls are often associated with:

* Extraterrestrials
* Atlantis
* Lemuria
* Hollow Earth Theory - Subterranean Civilizations
* Mayans
* Aztecs

and one other * Lunatics
I make babies with crystal balls, and I wear crystal glasses, I have a banana that was a crystal slipper, and I have a tree that I get crystal candlesticks from.
They're faked. Not one of these alleged artifacts has any provenience that traces back to a culture they are alleged to have come from. Indeed, the originators of these skulls made a bit of money selling books on "crystal healing" and such nonsense.

Show the evidence of provenience. The first of them were probably made by F. A. "Mike" Mitchell-Hedges and his daughter Anna. Neither offer any verifiable provenience. They appear to be wholey 19th Century artifacts.
did'nt need to, as soon as the fantasy aspect is introduced, you would be a fool to take it seriously.
So who do you think made that skull then ? Qorl.
Does it look like it was made by accident ?
There's many active volcanos in South Americans, It's highly probably to find giant quarts and since melted sand produce crystal glasses. It could be sculpted or molded by incas.
How could Incas molded something that could not be molded today?
You are right about Intergalactic Terminators! That's how our bone structure will look in the future, God just give us some thinking.
Funny, they have better skills than today!
Copy from the Internet;
- teeth that are simply etched onto a single skull piece. Second, it is impossible to say how the Mitchell-Hedges skull was constructed.
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<A HREF="http://www.heartlanddigsandfinds.com/store/store_product_detail.cfm?Product_ID=470">site</A>

Quartz can be handcarved. In fact you can easily buy one for $149.99. Imagine the detail a group of aritsans could replicate.
quartz crystal skulls in Brasil
Carved with loving care in high quality quartz. Also available in rose quartz and other stones

Your skulls are totally different from originals.

Copy from the net.
-Featuring a fitted removable jawbone, teeth that are simply etched onto a single skull piece.
-From a technical standpoint, it appears to be an impossible object which today's most talented sculptors and engineers would be unable to duplicate

What about the holograms inside, read the story.

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Holograms inside crystals. O! Comon. that's a regular procedure here in the states, sold in gift stores all over the Las Vegas area.

Hey and here's the machine that produces them hologramsclick

Now you too can find your own crystal skull and have a hologram picture of whoever or whatever you like inside the skull. All for the affordable prise of 5000.00 US. Send me the money, I need it to put a down payment on this machine :D

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