God created atheism

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Sarkus said:
NO! Are you not reading properly?

Conjecture and speculation... based on INCONCLUSIVE evidence.

The fact that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow is based on CONCLUSIVE evidence of, in court-room speak, being beyond reasonable doubt.

Did you ever have to sit on a jury?

Trials are all conjecture and speculation.

Sarkus said:
If you expect science to be done in absolutes - think again.

My expectation is the opposite.

Sarkus said:
Why do you have to place a bet?

This is inferred by every action.

Sarkus said:
And is a bet really the same as "believing"? If you truly "believe" then there is surely no bet. Or do you secretly have doubts??? :eek:

Do I secretly have doubts about what?

If there is one thing that I believe in absolutley it is the impossibility of an absolute belief.

--- Ron.
perplexity said:
Did you ever have to sit on a jury?
Trials are all conjecture and speculation.
But science isn't a court of law - I was only using that parlance as I couldn't think of a more concise way to put it.

perplexity said:
If there is one thing that I believe in absolutley it is the impossibility of an absolute belief.
:D Very amusing.

perplexity said:
...for in end you have to believe in something; you have to place a bet.
I still fail to see the connection between "belief" and gambling - other than Pascal's Wager.

Science is a bet on the objective reality based on the evidence.
Religion is a belief based on the lack of evidence.
Sarkus said:
I still fail to see the connection between "belief" and gambling - other than Pascal's Wager.

Science is a bet on the objective reality based on the evidence.
Religion is a belief based on the lack of evidence.

Pascal's wager if you like, it is the equivalence of purpose that I am getting at, and with regard to the contentions, the supposed differences, the search for truth, discounting the a priory stuff that we all would take for granted as true enough.

Is it not about the same desire for certainty, illusory or otherwise?

--- Ron.
lol. That is so funny. I've never thought about how that sounds before. I'm glad to see someone with a sense of humor. Thank you, you've gave me my first smile of the day. Never-the-less, Its mine and it will stay that way. Besides all that, its a long story that goes along with it. Too long.
Sorry I will say that it is made of glass. That's all. I've said too much.

Made of glass heh.. Now I'm intrigued.. Hmmm Merlin's wand perhaps? Cinderellas slipper? C'mon f00, I love long stories!

Now you must die.

Fine, then consider it a dying man's wish.
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