Actually I hadn't always been so steadfast in my belief. I went through several very difficult times in my life when I literally gave up on GOD. I even denouced GOD one upon a time. However I did discover proof of his existance. It was personal proof that relates to me alone. I saw what he could do in my life. What I am saying is this; I saw miracles performed for my benefit, pertainging to my life and the events that took place there within. When I was on the brink of death I told GOD that I was fed up and if he wanted to prove himself he had to do something very significant for me and he did. That along with a couple of other things that happened to me proved to me without a reasonable doubt the GOD existed and that sealed my faith forever because it was so profound. I think that you are most likely saying there is no proof of the things claimed and that the events claimed in text have no abosolute truth, but I am saying that I have seen, lived, and felt the proof in my own life and it was so, so, miraculous that now I can not comprehend the notion of non-existance. I realize that hard physical as well as scriptural proof is what is needed for people to believe, but for me I got it; physical and scriptural, which lead to inspirational. So in my way of thinking, if GOD can show me his existance with something I can see, feel, touch, pick up, and save in my safety deposite box, then I have no doubt that he did all the things that the bible claims he did. You may think that I am a little strange and out there, but I got the burning bush. Problem is its a hard thing to prove without looking or sounding like a nut case.