God created atheism

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Theoryofrelativity said:
Take suicide bombers, would they give up their life so easily if they believed it to be their only one and there was no after life?

spuriousmonkey said:
(Other threads have shown that suicide bombers are often atheists.)

What's so difficult to see here? Atheists are suicide bombers. Atheists easily give up their life despite knowing there is only one.

You can do you silly talk all day. Everybody knows you are being a stupid bitch here.
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In the Meanwhile:

Posted by Samcdkey -
"Knowledge acquired through rational human efforts and through the Qur'an are seen as complementary: both are 'signs of God' that enable humanity to study and understand nature."

It is my belief (yes, I do believe in GOD) that when GOD created man in his image, he gave him the ability to reason and think intelligently, thus evolving into using those skills in science. So is that the same as you are saying Samcdkey?

Posted by ToR -(in resounce to KennyJC)
"so you are saying that once upon a time there was a world where there were no atheists?
hmmmmm thus atheism was created.........
by whom?"

I think that Satan created atheism in order to work against GOD, but I do not believe that atheist believe the same thing or else they have to believe in GOD also, which they don't.
spuriousmonkey said:
What's so difficult to see here? Atheists are suicide bombers. Atheists easily give up their life despite knowing there is only one.

You can do you silly talk all day. Everybody knows you are being a stupid bitch here.

I asked you to explain your point, you have , took a while though ay.

I personally don't give much attention to those I consider stupid.

meanwhile you state 'everyone' presumably you have evidence for this or are you just delusional?
Nickelodeon said:
Science evolved from religion?

I'm not sure about that. I think human beings are naturally curious about their surroundings, how things are, how they work etc. Are you saying that people needed religion to explore the world around them??

Edit: you could argure that this curiosity for why things are the way they are led to religion.

You argue from the atheist position.

But in Islam, the earliest scientists were inspired by the Quran.

It was the Mendel, a monk who gave the laws of genetics.

In ancient India, science is rooted in the Vedas.
pasquala said:
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samcdkey said:
"Knowledge acquired through rational human efforts and through the Qur'an are seen as complementary: both are 'signs of God' that enable humanity to study and understand nature."

It is my belief (yes, I do believe in GOD) that when GOD created man in his image, he gave him the ability to reason and think intelligently, thus evolving into using those skills in science. So is that the same as you are saying Samcdkey?

What I quoted is Islamic philosophy.
According to Islam, our purpose in life is to enjoy and study God's creation.
pasquala said:
I think that Satan created atheism in order to work against GOD, but I do not believe that atheist believe the same thing or else they have to believe in GOD also, which they don't.

I disagree very strongly

atheists are not bad people, not remotely, they do good in absence of belief in God.
science n. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

I still don't see why you need religion for people to carry out the above. The thread stated science evolved from religion, I'm thinking science and religion came about from humans being curious about the world around them. How, why etc.
Nickelodeon said:
science n. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

I still don't see why you need religion for people to carry out the above. The thread stated science evolved from religion, I'm thinking science and religion came about from humans being curious about the world around them. How, why etc.

Philosophy evolved into science. In Islam, it was religious philosophy. So also in Hinduism.
Nickelodeon said:
science n. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

I still don't see why you need religion for people to carry out the above. The thread stated science evolved from religion, I'm thinking science and religion came about from humans being curious about the world around them. How, why etc.


a curiosity about life, how it came to be thus first logical answer was someone created it, second came investigation into that creator, failure to demonstrate the creator led to investigation into design details, which for some led to the ruling out of a designer.

Like finding a cheese flan, realising that all the ingredients come from various sources of origin etc but neglecting that without the chef to assemble them all and give it purpose there would be no cheese flan. :)
Theoryofrelativity said:
I expect posts that make little or no sense,
so what you are saying, is that the green turtle actually DID make it to the market on time for the bullfight?

Theoryofrelativity said:
I expect from you insults and Ad Hom, as I have seen little else recently. Keep up the good work.
ive been giving him personal lessons. im glad you like my handiwork.
Originally Posted by samcdkey
Click on the advanced link under the reply box. Select the text and use this

Just testing myself :eek:

COOL! I did it!
Thanks samcdkey :)

Originally Posted by Theoryofrelativity
atheists are not bad people, not remotely, they do good in absence of belief in God.

I didn't mean to insinuate that atheist are bad people althought it did come out sounding that way. I really messed my words up on that one. To be honest I really can't explain what it is I was just trying to say. It came out all wrong. It think my problem is that I have a hard time understanding atheists. My belief is so strong that I don't comprehend the notion of not believing in GOD. I consider myself an open minded person and I must admit that my statement didn't not reflect open mindedness even though I just don't get it.

It think my problem is that I have a hard time understanding atheists. My belief is so strong that I don't comprehend the notion of not believing in GOD.
It is therefore certain that you've been indoctrinated and brainwashed by religion all your life. If you were to look closely at religion objectively through clear thinking you will discover it is entirely baseless. Throughout many thousands of years that humans have made claims that gods exist there remains to this day not a single credible peice of evidence that indicates that a god exists, might exist, has ever existed, will ever exist, or is in any way remotely possible.

So unless you can show any single credible scrap of evidence, which I am certain you cannot, then why the heck would you ever believe that one exists?

Oh and welcome to sciforums BTW.
Theoryofrelativity said:
God is oppose to suicide and murder, thus would not encourage this type of extremism and would not be impressed that it is in his name.

How do you know our "god" isn't a mean god? Hell.. if I were God I would create worlds where people kill eachother... just for my own enjoyment. I like watching ants battle eachother. I did it today.

But I might also have a world that is all perfect.. just to contrast the two.
Originally Posted by Cris
It is therefore certain that you've been indoctrinated and brainwashed by religion all your life. If you were to look closely at religion objectively through clear thinking you will discover it is entirely baseless. Throughout many thousands of years that humans have made claims that gods exist there remains to this day not a single credible peice of evidence that indicates that a god exists, might exist, has ever existed, will ever exist, or is in any way remotely possible.

Actually I hadn't always been so steadfast in my belief. I went through several very difficult times in my life when I literally gave up on GOD. I even denouced GOD one upon a time. However I did discover proof of his existance. It was personal proof that relates to me alone. I saw what he could do in my life. What I am saying is this; I saw miracles performed for my benefit, pertainging to my life and the events that took place there within. When I was on the brink of death I told GOD that I was fed up and if he wanted to prove himself he had to do something very significant for me and he did. That along with a couple of other things that happened to me proved to me without a reasonable doubt the GOD existed and that sealed my faith forever because it was so profound. I think that you are most likely saying there is no proof of the things claimed and that the events claimed in text have no abosolute truth, but I am saying that I have seen, lived, and felt the proof in my own life and it was so, so, miraculous that now I can not comprehend the notion of non-existance. I realize that hard physical as well as scriptural proof is what is needed for people to believe, but for me I got it; physical and scriptural, which lead to inspirational. So in my way of thinking, if GOD can show me his existance with something I can see, feel, touch, pick up, and save in my safety deposite box, then I have no doubt that he did all the things that the bible claims he did. You may think that I am a little strange and out there, but I got the burning bush. Problem is its a hard thing to prove without looking or sounding like a nut case.

You may think that I am a little strange and out there, but I got the burning bush. Problem is its a hard thing to prove without looking or sounding like a nut case.
That’s fine, we’ve had many similar stories (testimonies) here, all with the same highly suspicious style and certainty.

Under further analysis such anecdotes do not stand up well to close scrutiny. Exaggeration and misdirection are always factors, and the real weakness of personal claimed proof is played down or overlooked. The intense desire to believe is so strong that any insignificant coincidental incident is seen as absolute proof out of all proportion. And the claims of being near to death or similar are never as severe as the story wants us to believe.

Sorry but your claim is not believable; all you have done is emotionally convinced yourself that a fantasy is real and you have likely told others your story early on and now feel committed to it, or you will feel too embarrassed to back out. If you take a more realistic and objective critical look at your claim you will find you have absolutely nothing.
Just to add my two cents as a theist, I don't believe Christianity created science. It's obvious it was around well before Christianity. From the first somewhat intelligent man which evolved, he was looking, scoping out his environment to see how it works and can be advantageous to him. The movie 2001 sort of symbolizes it when the prehistoric man picks up the bone and discovers it can be used as a weapon or tool.

To me, science leads to religion. A realization that we are all connected in this universe as one working machine and that there is a set standard in how we should act to one another.
pasquala said:
Actually I hadn't always been so steadfast in my belief. I went through several very difficult times in my life when I literally gave up on GOD. I even denouced GOD one upon a time. However I did discover proof of his existance. It was personal proof that relates to me alone. I saw what he could do in my life. What I am saying is this; I saw miracles performed for my benefit, pertainging to my life and the events that took place there within. When I was on the brink of death I told GOD that I was fed up and if he wanted to prove himself he had to do something very significant for me and he did. That along with a couple of other things that happened to me proved to me without a reasonable doubt the GOD existed and that sealed my faith forever because it was so profound. I think that you are most likely saying there is no proof of the things claimed and that the events claimed in text have no abosolute truth, but I am saying that I have seen, lived, and felt the proof in my own life and it was so, so, miraculous that now I can not comprehend the notion of non-existance. I realize that hard physical as well as scriptural proof is what is needed for people to believe, but for me I got it; physical and scriptural, which lead to inspirational. So in my way of thinking, if GOD can show me his existance with something I can see, feel, touch, pick up, and save in my safety deposite box, then I have no doubt that he did all the things that the bible claims he did. You may think that I am a little strange and out there, but I got the burning bush. Problem is its a hard thing to prove without looking or sounding like a nut case.

I also have had the experience of knowing God as interfering force in my life, This is the part atheists don't get. Maybe they just haven't had that type of experience, but heck its not like they happen every day. There is always time.

meanwhile atheists (some not all) are as indoctrinated in their disbelief as some with belief and hence the similarity ;)
Cris said:

That’s fine, we’ve had many similar stories (testimonies) here, all with the same highly suspicious style and certainty.

Under further analysis such anecdotes do not stand up well to close scrutiny. Exaggeration and misdirection are always factors, and the real weakness of personal claimed proof is played down or overlooked. The intense desire to believe is so strong that any insignificant coincidental incident is seen as absolute proof out of all proportion. And the claims of being near to death or similar are never as severe as the story wants us to believe.

Sorry but your claim is not believable; all you have done is emotionally convinced yourself that a fantasy is real and you have likely told others your story early on and now feel committed to it, or you will feel too embarrassed to back out. If you take a more realistic and objective critical look at your claim you will find you have absolutely nothing.

and all you have done is convinced yourself that anything outside your own realm of personal experience does not exists and is the result of 'delusion'. You are deluded, if you think that electricity does not exist becuase you live in a rain forrest and cannot comprehend it and have never stepped beyond the trees to see what is behind them.

Pasquala cannot replicate the event, hence the lack of evidence which she readily acknowledges, but the fact remains it was 'evident' to her. You are a fool for dismissing that which YOU cannot provide evidence for as being false, the least you could be able to manage is remaining open minded but retain your own personal view. BUT no, atheists have to dismiss and deny. There is no room beyond their indoctrinated disbelief. CLOSED minds. Unable to change, to learn and adapt. Flat earth scientists.
Theoryofrelativity said:
...Unable to change, to learn and adapt. Flat earth scientists.

It is worse than that.

They seem to think that the truth itself is unable to change and adapt.

Walking talking fossils.

--- Ron.
Theoryofrelativity said:
and all you have done is convinced yourself that anything outside your own realm of personal experience does not exists and is the result of 'delusion'. You are deluded, if you think that electricity does not exist becuase you live in a rain forrest and cannot comprehend it and have never stepped beyond the trees to see what is behind them.

Pasquala cannot replicate the event, hence the lack of evidence which she readily acknowledges, but the fact remains it was 'evident' to her. You are a fool for dismissing that which YOU cannot provide evidence for as being false, the least you could be able to manage is remaining open minded but retain your own personal view. BUT no, atheists have to dismiss and deny. There is no room beyond their indoctrinated disbelief. CLOSED minds. Unable to change, to learn and adapt. Flat earth scientists.
ToR - you need to understand that noone is dismissing the experience - just the interpretation. And they are dismissing the interpretation due to the untestable and unrepeatable nature of the events, but above all due to Occam's Razor - which would promote ANY PLAUSIBLE PHYSICAL explanation/interpretation above that of a non-material entity that has yet to provide any scientific evidence of existence.

If I see something beneficial that I can not explain, and it occurs at just the moment I ask the FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster) for help, does that mean I should immediately dump rationality out the window and claim that the FSM exists and that I have been given proof?

Or is it more likely that the beneficial something is merely beyond my understanding / education (such as your example of electricity to the rainforest tribes etc) but that it is entirely plausible given the laws of physics and chemistry, and the timing was merely coincidental, obeying the laws of probability?

Which is more rational?
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