God created atheism

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From Romans thread 'Thank God for science', Roman states that christianity led to science led to atheism

I say this in reply:

I think God is a supporter of atheism, man was not designed to spy on God, only to know of him. Thus atheism prevents the desire to spy.

Also atheist do not believe in an after life, so rather than being wasteful in this one (saving it all for the next) they make the most of life here and now, which is how it is meant to be.

Take suicide bombers, would they give up their life so easily if they believed it to be their only one and there was no after life?

God is oppose to suicide and murder, thus would not encourage this type of extremism and would not be impressed that it is in his name.

Thus athiesm supports Gods agenda for man, which is to develop a moral code that comes from within and ensures proper use of this life and respect of the one life of all other living things.

Believing in many lives, makes one take this for granted so is counter productive.

Thus the fact that belief in God led to christianity which led to science and the ultimate rejection of God is of no surprise, rather part of the plan.
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Christianity led to science? Where did you get that from?

The rest of your post is irrelevant rather than wrong.
Theoryofrelativity said:
....man was not designed to spy on God, only to know of him. Thus atheism prevents the desire to spy.

Well said.

There's a lot of them here who should be banned for stalking God.

God should report them.

Or did she already?

--- Ron.
The short version

Christianity didn't lead to science perse. Christians happened to see god everywhere and thought that by studying nature they could study god's world. A noble thing to do. This action unfortunately led to a better understanding of the world we live in. And this understanding showed that god is not behind everything in the world. In fact that the world could have come about without him.

god didn't create atheism. The meme of god was dumped thoroughly after people got a better understanding of their world.

(Other threads have shown that suicide bombers are often atheists.)
KennyJC said:
Christianity led to science? Where did you get that from?

The rest of your post is irrelevant rather than wrong.

Not just Christianity; the concept of scientific method and experimentation, observation and peer review was established by Islamic scientists.

The scientific method in its modern form arguably developed in early Muslim philosophy, in particular, using experiments to distinguish between competing scientific theories, citation ("isnad"), peer review and open inquiry leading to development of consensus ("ijma" via "ijtihad"), and a general belief that knowledge reveals nature honestly. During the Middle Ages, significant advances in mathematics, medicine, astronomy, engineering, and many other fields originated from the Islamic civilization. During this time Islamic philosophy developed and was often pivotal in scientific debates–key figures were usually scientists and philosophers.

Prominent Arab scientist, Ibn Al-Haitham, used the scientific method to obtain the results in his book Optics. In particular, he performed experiments and used the scientific method to show that the intromission theory of vision supported by Aristotle was scientifically correct, and that the emission theory of vision supported by Ptolemy and Euclid was wrong. It's known that Roger Bacon (who is usually erroneously given the credit for having founded the scientific method) was familiar with Ibn Al-Haitham's work.

Science was one of the most powerful areas of the Islamic Culture.

Ibn Al-Haitham
spuriousmonkey said:
The short version

Christianity didn't lead to science perse. Christians happened to see god everywhere and thought that by studying nature they could study god's world. A noble thing to do. This action unfortunately led to a better understanding of the world we live in. And this understanding showed that god is not behind everything in the world. In fact that the world could have come about without him.

god didn't create atheism. The meme of god was dumped thoroughly after people got a better understanding of their world.

(Other threads have shown that suicide bombers are often atheists.)

You quote that 'Suicide bombers are atheists', so atheists are the mad dogs plaguing modern times not religious extremeists?

Are you supporter of atheism or not? I am confused.

'dumped thoroughy'? 80% of world are still theists Spurious, thus hardly a dumping. Neither is everything in the world proven to be 'accidental'.

How can evolution be accidental?

Have you ever accidentally created something so gigantically successful and fantastic and self supporting (ie no need for human intervention ever) has any human?

And no computers and the internet are not self supporting they require human intervention.

Who intervenes to support evolution, oh........ God?
Theoryofrelativity said:
You quote that 'Suicide bombers are atheists', so atheists are the mad dogs plaguing modern times not religious extremeists?

I didn't. You are just confused.

Theoryofrelativity said:
Are you supporter of atheism or not? I am confused.

Yes, you are.
Theoryofrelativity said:
'dumped thoroughy'? 80% of world are still theists Spurious, thus hardly a dumping. Neither is everything in the world proven to be 'accidental'.
In science, oh confused one.
Theoryofrelativity said:
How can evolution be accidental?

It isn't. Doesn't mean it isn't natural. Oh confused one.

Theoryofrelativity said:
Have you ever accidentally created something so gigantically successful and fantastic and self supporting (ie no need for human intervention ever) has any human?

Yes, yesterday I did a dump in the toilet.
Theoryofrelativity said:
And no computers and the internet are not self supporting they require human intervention.
Oh confused one, is there a purpose to this random statement?

Theoryofrelativity said:
Who intervenes to support evolution, oh........ God?
Don't pop too many vitamines if you want other people to understand you.
samcdkey said:
Not just Christianity; the concept of scientific method and experimentation, observation and peer review was established by Islamic scientists.

Well it wasn't going to be 'started' by atheism was it? Who was atheist in those days?

The question I'm asking is why is science a direct result of religion?

Terrorism is inspired by religion, direct from scripture. Where is science encouraged in any religion?
KennyJC said:
Where is science encouraged in any religion?

I don't know about other religions.

In Islamic philosophy:

Islam attempts to synthesize reason and revelation, knowledge and values, in its approach to the study of nature. Knowledge acquired through rational human efforts and through the Qur'an are seen as complementary: both are 'signs of God' that enable humanity to study and understand nature.

The Muslim inspiration for the study of nature comes straight from the Qur'an. The Qur'an specifically and repeatedly asks Muslims to investigate systematically natural phenomena, not simply as a vehicle for understanding nature but also as a means for getting close to God. In Surah 10, for example, we read:

He it is who has made the sun a [source of] radiant light and the moon a light [reflected], and has determined for it phases so that you might know how to compute years and to measure [time]...in the alternative of night and day, and in all that God has created in the heavens and on earth, there are messages indeed for people who are conscious of Him.
(Surah 10: 5-6)

The Qur'an also devotes about one-third of its verses to describing the virtues of reason. Scientific inquiry, based on reason, is thus seen in Islam as a form of worship. Reason and revelation are complementary and integrated methods for the pursuit of truth.

KennyJC said:
Well it wasn't going to be 'started' by atheism was it? Who was atheist in those days?

The question I'm asking is why is science a direct result of religion?

Terrorism is inspired by religion, direct from scripture. Where is science encouraged in any religion?
judaism encourages scientific research of all kinds.
you are so blinded, it seems, by your fanatical (yes i said it) opinion, that you cannot see anything good about religion.
spuriousmonkey said:
I didn't.


YES you did, seems you are the one confused,

spuriousmonkey said:
(Other threads have shown that suicide bombers are often atheists.)

I said "you quote......" in your post, I did not say it was your claim, but the fact you felt the need to include it means you attach some relevance to that in this thread.

Take your Ad homs away, they don't hit the spot, just invalidate you.
KennyJC said:
Well it wasn't going to be 'started' by atheism was it? Who was atheist in those days?

so you are saying that once upon a time there was a world where there were no atheists?

hmmmmm thus atheism was created.........

by whom?

let's back track, religion evolved from beleif in God, science evolved from religion, atheism evolved from science

how does evolution work again?

Who is at the base of it all? God.
Theoryofrelativity said:
YES you did, seems you are the one confused,

I said "you quote......" in your post, I did not say it was your claim, but the fact you felt the need to include it means you attach some relevance to that in this thread.

Take your Ad homs away, they don't hit the spot, just invalidate you.

I said OFTEN (you stupid *******, who thinks she is mensa but cannot understand english, her native language).
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Science evolved from religion?

I'm not sure about that. I think human beings are naturally curious about their surroundings, how things are, how they work etc. Are you saying that people needed religion to explore the world around them??

Edit: you could argure that this curiosity for why things are the way they are led to religion.
spuriousmonkey said:
I said OFTEN (you stupid *******, who thinks she is mensa but cannot understand english, her native language).

why did you edit out 'stupid fucking bitch'

too demonstrable of your delicate mental state?
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spuriousmonkey said:
What do you expect when someone has to talk to a moron like you.

you don't have to though Spruious

do you?

re my expectation, I expect there to be interesting posts, I expect there to be controversial posts, I expect there to be opposing posts, I expect posts that make little or no sense,

I expect from you insults and Ad Hom, as I have seen little else recently. Keep up the good work.
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