God can't control time


What is this? What do you have aginst stoners? That is what I want to know. And don´t be afraid to admit that although I´m rambling it still makes more sense than anything you write! :D
Stoning the Sinners

Ive got nothing against stoners or against you Mia Messiah, really. Its not as i can say that ive abstained or anything, or even abstained from anything. The sad fact is that it doesnt alter my state of mind, people always think im out of my head, you know the song
....I didn't lose my mind, it was mine to give away....
Its kinda like that, only with darker undercurrents and at this point i wonder how i got to here from the parts about Stephen Hawking ruling benevolently over the Universe....:eek:

Hmm, maybe the connection isnt so mysterious.

The worlds greatest artists in history took in enough to support the economy of Columbia and several small islands off the coast of Saudi Arabia, but dont be angry with me, Im very vulnerable you know:( sob

Arr, schitzophrenic psychoses, kids love 'em,
moms love 'em even more,.......now pull your mouth wide and say"I was on a pirate ship:p
Stoning the sinners...?

Hmmm, ahaaa....

Now I see, so the existence of weed is actually a christian conspiracy against those who they call sinners. To keep us happy and fluffy while they conduct the crime on humanity by brainwashing them with endless bibleqoutes, made up to boggle our minds out into infinity? :p

Very clever, very clever indeed...but I dismanteled your scam!!! :eek:

My God How I Adore Thee

In fact, weed is proof of Gods existence, and therefore both the bane and the beauty of Christianity. You see, the big J.C. himself told us that heaven wasnt a purely physical place, that it couldnt an infinite amount of "rooms", did the House of God. So, if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, than it only stands to reason that heaven was contained in the minds of those stoned enough to see it (as is Hell, Faerie, Otherworld, and a thousand other realms of the mind and soul, although Cybertron is sadly unrepresented) :confused:
God did say that everyone was invited to his kingdom. And now we approach the final days of Earth and Armageddon, as the laws against the Good Stuff become harsher and harsher, as was predicted in the Book of Revelations. So this means that weed was a plot foisted on the stoners in order to save the world from the impending Wrath of God.:)

By J.C. i do of course refer bto the Anarchist Superstar, Jerry Cornelius

But I'd take that with a pinch of salt
Can't He?

Originally posted by daktaklakpak
If God can manipulate time, why does he need time to create something? He can just freeze time and create the entire universe in the blink of an eye.
How do you know God didn't create the whole universe five minutes ago in the blink of an eye?
If God can control time, there won't be any mistake to be made by him or his creations. He can just rewind the time and play it again.
Perhaps he wants to see how it plays out...

Or perhaps he DOES rewind it to play it again. You'd never know, would you?
God can control time, but just can't fix what he had made.
Is it broken?

(Disclaimer: Nothing in this post should be taken as support for the idea that this God person exists. :))
Just who is this "God" person anyway?

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Seriously, no

Do I have to keep reminding people of the philosophical,biblical and highly comforting concept of free will ?
God isnt working in mysterious ways, we're just a pretty stupid race, all things considered. How we survived three million years I dont know, but the dinosaurs lasted a hundred times as long, cos they didnt have nukes

Of course God can control time, its just another aspect of his world. Just because we dont fully understand it doesnt mean much.

Sweet MOther of Ghandi, the Stoners made more sense.

Or was that just to me ?:confused:
Re: Can't He?

*Originally posted by James R
(Disclaimer: Nothing in this post should be taken as support for the idea that this God person exists. )

Disclaimer: Nothing in this post should be taken as support for the idea that this James R person exists.

*Originally posted by Bandit
How we survived three million years I dont know

Neither does anyone else, although some claim to.
*Originally posted by James R
I think, therefore I am. I think...

At least, you think you're thinking.
There is no anwser.

Can God control time?

There is no answer for that question because of the simple fact that time does not exist. Time is a biproduct of our subconciousness. Man invented time as a mesurement and as a tool to efficiently organise his activities. Therefore Beginning, end, past, present and future do not exist. Only in our minds. And if God would be able to control time, we would not be capable of noticing it, simply because: changing the past would effect our present and chaning the future would not be noticable for we cant predict the future.

There you go you've just been owned by an 18 jear old who's gonna fail his final exams in tourism tomorrow. Smartasses. :rolleyes:
So what's your take?

God can control time, but just can't fix what he had made.


God can't control time, and needs to stick with his mess.


God Can control time, and the current mess is a temporary necessity, a needed part of His ultimate objective, (which is Good).

I love how people try and build a prison that limits all conclusions so as to be beneficial to their bias. Building from the foundations of the thoughts of man will always lead to a faulty building.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I am going to reduce you to tears with the severe beating I shall deliver unto you for the spectacular failure of your thread necromancy.
has anyone said the obvious answer of 'god didn't stuff up, he didn't need to rewind'? pretty common religious idea that all the bad things in the world are here to test men. god's omniscient, he knows what gonna happen, he doesn't make mistakes. i personally wouldn't have done it the same way, but part of following a faith is having faith that god's way is the right way.
Can God control time?

There is no answer for that question because of the simple fact that time does not exist. Time is a biproduct of our subconciousness. Man invented time as a mesurement and as a tool to efficiently organise his activities. Therefore Beginning, end, past, present and future do not exist. Only in our minds. And if God would be able to control time, we would not be capable of noticing it, simply because: changing the past would effect our present and chaning the future would not be noticable for we cant predict the future.

There you go you've just been owned by an 18 jear old who's gonna fail his final exams in tourism tomorrow. Smartasses. :rolleyes:

an eloquent response, but the answer is simple - yes he can. Definition of God as omnipotent and omniscient means he can do anything. pretty sure we could agree the definition of God should include those. if you agree with this, god made everything knowing exactly how things would turn out.

this is my personal issue with god, what's he get out of this whole shenanigan. he already knows who's coming to heaven and hell, what's his angle? seems pointless when he created everything which would affect the choices we make, he's turned 'soul goes to hell or heaven' into what life is. same with the end of days scenario - whats the point of ending the world? its only purpose is to offer people salvation without making them die for it. which is nice, having that constant threat of the world ending all the time.

p.s. that time is relative is irrelevant.
codanblad said:
Definition of God as omnipotent and omniscient means he can do anything.

I definately agree. Nice.
See, god has to control time. If you say "God doesn't control time" then you're basically saying "I don't know if God controls time or not." or something to that effect... All the OP poster did was twist thingis around apparently, not enough for us to play around (or rather plenty enough for us to play around with), stating some bogus things than I can remember.

The fact is we don't know what controls time; just because "time" is subject to all of this uncertainty, doesn't mean necessarially that for example "God" or "The Universe" doesn't contain time.

Bogus attempt to explain God, imo.
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God must control time. If "God" wasn't in control of time, then well, who would be? Let me guess. The universe would be in control of time. No, "time" would be in control of 'time.' Or something to that effect.

Of course God controls time.
He can just freeze time and create the entire universe in the blink of an eye.
Two problems here -

(1) it takes time to blink an eye and if time were frozen then the blink could not occur.

(2) if he froze time then how could he unfreeze it since that would take time and time would be unavailable to him.

So we can be pretty certain that time has always existed and that a god would need time to exist to performance any action.
in response to "he can freeze time and create the entire universe in the blink of an eye"

Two problems here -

(1) it takes time to blink an eye and if time were frozen then the blink could not occur.

(2) if he froze time then how could he unfreeze it since that would take time and time would be unavailable to him.

So we can be pretty certain that time has always existed and that a god would need time to exist to performance any action.

but God came first, and created time. God doesn't require time to do anything, he's unaffected by any dimension, he's a completely separate entity. that it would take God time to create something, prove it. God by definition is the thing before all else. what's time without a person to experience it anyway, time is relative.

but God came first,
Requires a time component for something to come first. Time must have existed first for that to be possible.

and created time.
For anything to occur time must be present. To go from something to something else requires time.

For him to have created time then time must have already existed for him to initiate a state change. It's a paradox. There cannot have been a point where time did not exist otherwise nothing could have occurred, and that includes starting time.

God doesn't require time to do anything, he's unaffected by any dimension, he's a completely separate entity.
Not if he does anything since that requires time.

that it would take God time to create something, prove it.
The action of creating something involves a transition from a before position to an after position. That is the passage of time. Your demand for proof includes that very proof.

God by definition is the thing before all else.
Except time, since he could not have begun anything if time did not exist. Time cannot have had a beginning. Whether gods have beginnings is another issue.

what's time without a person to experience it anyway, time is relative.
This appears like a random comment that doesn't seem relevant.
Fundamentally defining God using the parameters of our existence is futile and will lead you to confusion. It's like a twinkie imagining that God must have a creamy center, but who created this creamy center without cream! Why oh why am I yellow? And why didn't he make the shelf life longer than 20 years? It's madness I tell you! And Twinkies melt in water! There is no God! And oh the wretched life of a twinkie! I would prefer to leave the argument "in his image" out for now.

Seriously, why would a divine entity, who created babies and baseball who exists without discernable physical dimensions (and God is everywhere) in infinity care at all about time? Musing about God's/your relationship in time would be as if a monopoly playing piece worrying about the guy who is throwing dice how he (the thrower) will stay out of jail and stop from going bankrupt. For real.
Oh, it (your life here) is as far from a game as it gets.

Imagine time as a three dimensional (only three) landscape. God wanders through this at will and we are being conveyed through on a train at constant speed where we can not exit. We die and can enter this landscape, this is "eternity". As the train travels it may pass a mountain or a river and then cross a bridge. As God wanders around he does not imagine the bridge, river or the mountain having different values, as you might imagine as they came into your view in a sequential pattern. For Him it is his yard, so to speak. Maybe.

I believe it to be sinful to try to define God. It is pride, but I thought I would share my views. Maybe they will help you gain insight and understanding broader than my own, if that is not the case already.
Sorry if this is trite.

There is no time, time is all you have, and an instant in eternity have alot in common. peace.
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