God can't control time


God is irrelevant!
Registered Senior Member
Yes, God can't control time.

If God can manipulate time, why does he need time to create something? He can just freeze time and create the entire universe in the blink of an eye.

If God can control time, there won't be any mistake to be made by him or his creations. He can just rewind the time and play it again. Unless his creations were so faulty that no matter how many times he tried to rewind, he would get the same damned result (Adam ate the fruit). If that's what happened, then I don't know what to say.

So what's your take?

God can control time, but just can't fix what he had made.


God can't control time, and needs to stick with his mess.
Dak ....

I hate to be the guy with the bucket of icy water, but I'm wondering what you're hoping to achieve. Specifically, I wanted to point out that either way, the faithful won't notice. After all, they're enthralled in faith; what does it matter to them if they're being lied to? Er, something like that.

But yeah ... I don't expect that the faithful will understand why the idea is important. Perhaps you and I can see the question of integrity of faith, but as our Christian posters demonstrate, integrity and faith are two words that really shouldn't be put together.

But it's a good question; subtle by Sciforums' standards. But it's one that 2,000 years of intense theology hasn't puzzled out. I'd actually say it's None of the Above, and that the Christian evangelists of the early church wrote some checks that God can't cash. But that would be too easy, wouldn't it?

Tiassa :cool:

Hi Mate,

Too easy...maybe, but isn't it also true that the simplest answer is most often the most correct??? I think that statement (i.e. ....cheques god can't cash....) is about the best description of where/how christianty went wrong.
Saving The Faith...as if its worth it

Sure he can control time.
Lets think about this.

Now, the Good Book tells us that the Big Guy ( no, not Superman )
created the Universe. Fair enough. The Other Good Book ( by Stephen Hawking, you know, the Guy on the Egg ad ) tells us that before the four dimensinaluniverse existed time was non existent. It came into being with the rest of the rest of the Universe. It follows that since the Man Upstairs, cunningly represented by Allanis Morrisset, can control all of his creations if he so wishes (witness Job ), he could fiddle about with time at any ..uh time.

Next, your on shaky ground if you're going to say Gahd makes mistakes. Even the Pope cant make mistakes:p but Gahd can? Ithink not.

But suppose he can. Running time backwards for a bit and fixing his mistakes and those of his creations, wouldnt that totally undermine the concept of free will? If the Bossman is going to fix everything you do thats not perfect, well, thats free will right out the window. We're stuck with our own decisions, for better or worse.

Or at least thats the Popes excuse for the whole mess that is Planet Earth. Personally, I blame our parents, and elect to move to a nicer planet, with scantily dressed natives, who suspiciously look totally human. ;)
What is God and what is time?

Are the two essential questions that first needs to be answered. :eek:

For me, "God" ( the word is replaceable) is love, the original creative force of all life, all that is. This definition may not be the same as the christians or anybody elses even, but nevertheless, I believe in it.

All that this force creates is good, and has a purpose. :cool:

What is time then and what purpose does it have?
Time is linear contruction made to uphold this illusion of physical reality we find ourselves in. To make it more tangible and easy for us to understand.
When we fully have learned about time and how it works, then we also learn how to control it. How to use it for more purposes than just to uphold the illusion.

Now, by now some of you may have asked yourself, why is the physical reality an illusion?

And to answer that in turn, one must ask, what is an illuision? :confused:

To tell you the truth, the real illusion is to believe that there are illusions.
The word illusion, is just a term for something we think is not real and therefore has no meaning.
So I used that word, in my explanation of the physical reality so it would be easier for you understand what I meant, because the meaning of the word illusion is so deeply rooted in the human consciousness.

Because I believe that everything is real, all that is has value and purpose, no matter how "evil" it may seem at first, there is always a loving purpose behind the experience, and that is the evolution of our souls, the evolution of what we call God, the evolution of the consciousness of the universe.
And everything is real, all experiences are real, there are no illusion, except for the illusional term of illusion itself...:p

I´m sorry for rambling incoherent like this, but I`m in possesion of the best "catnip" ever right now...:D

Is Tetragramaton really Megatron, or is Megatron truly the Metatron?

Reversal of philosophies there, mia Messiah.
There are illusions, and yes they're all in our heads, but these illusions arent about God/Universe/Being/Optimus Prime, but instead are all about ourselves. The main illusion is that we think we're something pretty special, that life is somethimg special. Perhaps it is. But its also a coincidence. If i die tomorrow ( God forbid:D )and there actually turns out to be a God i'll be pleasantly surprised. If it turns out that all there is afterwards is oblivion and the silent darkness of the grave, well to be honest, i weont be surprised, pleasantly or otherwise. I wont be much of anything, will I ? So, hope for the best, expect the worst. You never know.

But back to time and God/Universe/ Optimus Prime.
Viewed from the outside, reality (time and space) is a sphere.:confused:
At the "top" is the Beginning, Th Big Kablooie. At the bottom is (possibly) the Big Crunch.Yikes! The beginning was Chaos. So shall it be in the end, hyper density, supergravity, ultra heat, they all turned time and space into something like spaghetti (or possibly pasta hoops. This is not related to theory of planetary pizza disks) and thats the way the Universe is going to go again. Second Law of Thermodynamics, Baby, all systems tend towards Chaos, sort of like Murphy's Law, only without the Natural Woman song she did.

At the edge of the reality sphere, (think of it as the Equator of reality) is a master piece of God/Optimus Primes craftwork with the fabric of time, where it crosses from going forwards to going backwards, with nary a hiccup (well, maybe one or two).

So if you accept that God/Universe/MetaEgo/Optimus Prime/ Reality/Brahma/The Presence to be a concious force/entity, then the answer should be Yes, Optimus Prime can control time:)
How about God can control time and God chooses not to start again.

The only way to change the result is to turn us into will-less robots.

He can do it. It's just better the way it is. Better to allow suffering than be king of rocks.

Re: Is Tetragramaton really Megatron, or is Megatron truly the Metatron?

Originally posted by Bandit

.... then the answer should be Yes, Optimus Prime can control time:)

Yes, except from that other mumbo jumbo you were rambling about, that is pretty much my conclusion too. .:p

That since "Optimus Prime" created time and all that is, it is all that is, and therefore can also contol time.

And the illusionary reversion is just a confusion to speed up your evolution...:D
Monkey Man speaks

Kalvin said it without the Mumbo-Jumbo and Double-Dutch explanations of half-understood physics.

Wow. That means God is the Ultimate Anarchist.
And Optimus Prime was the coolest Transformer from the planet Cybertron
dont they have homur in heaven?

Originally posted by Bebelina

And the illusionary reversion is just a confusion to speed up your evolution...:D

Hey, are you mocking my hairy back?
Sob:( :( :(
No, never!

I would never mock a monkey! How horrid! :eek:

But it was a nice combination of words , don´t you think, a little bit like pop-poetry...:D

Talking to the Santos

If you say it fast and stress a few words, wave your arms and shave your head, you could become a famous rapper.

Live the dream baby:D

Originally posted by Bandit
If you say it fast and stress a few words, wave your arms and shave your head, you could become a famous rapper.

Yes, I guess you could do that with any combinations of words actually, but is the headshaving optional? :D
I will say this one thing to let you all know and beyond that I will not reply to anything said in response.
God can control time BECAUSE he is EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE and he knows what will happen so what happens is to his will and BTW time is non existant it is just reactions of energy which I cannot explain the reason for it all.
What do you mean by late bloomer? I'm 15 years old so I think I'd be a 'young' bloomer to understnad it. I'll be late blooming once I understand old people language!:D
*Originally posted by Bebelina
I´m sorry for rambling incoherent like this, but I`m in possesion of the best "catnip" ever right now...

Incoherent, and stoned.

The two main reasons for the existence of religions besides Christianity.
Incoherent, and stoned.

The two main reasons for the existence of religions besides Christianity.

*lol* I agree wholly tony1, with perhaps the exeption of your implication that Christianity is any less incoherent to stoners than any other religion. :D

As to the thread's topic, I don't think it's really possible to say what God can and cannot do. If we find that "If God were good there would be no evil" an ad hoc alteration values will suffice to remove the problem. (ie. God is good and loves us, but he needs evil for the greater good.) The upshot is that everything we know about God has been invented (by one person or as an evolution of ideas) so the limitations of our imaginations are identical to the limitations of God. To talk about the logical limitations of God is a lot like talking about the logical limitations of our imaginations.
LOL @ this topic

okies.... if god could change what happened in time with adam and eve LOL

Remember... hotrod saved the day... he opened the matrix and became rodimus prime!!!

long live hotrod.. LOL

cup kicks ass too :)

hehe, I love transformers :)
*Originally posted by synaesthesia
Christianity is any less incoherent to stoners than any other religion.

Is anything coherent to stoners?

*To talk about the logical limitations of God is a lot like talking about the logical limitations of our imaginations. *

You're right, of course.
That's why God tells us to enlarge what we think of him.

O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.
(Psalms 34:3, KJV).
Robots in the skys controlling time

Scream if you hate the beast transformers. AArrrggghhh!!!

Is anything coherent to stoners?:confused:
Is anything coherent aqbout religion?

Speaking of stoners......

.......and Jesus went into the desert and fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and drank only the morning dew and ate only of the strangely coloured mushrooms, which grew their in great abundance, alas for they gave unto him some serious munchies

Bet you've never tried:)

"Whheeeeee, with hot-milk skin bouncing on the ceiling through thoughtful bouts of kill me sentimental, kid"
Revelations 5:17-19

And on the eigth day, he created grass to cover the earth, and lo, Adam said unto himself, "Screw the apples, pass me that Eve":)