There's a lot of subjective or petty arguments. Not that they're not worth tackling but it's not worth starting a debate over the smaller issues right now.
I'm just saying we are pretty much like Gods since we have more control over our environment for our size than perhaps anything else in our solar system and maybe our universe if there is no other intelligent life out there.
Yep. Through crusades, inquisitions, witch burnings, displacements, torture, etc. Jesus and friends were quite successful in turning the capacity to easily "believe" into a prevelant human adaptation.
If, as an atheist, you believe in 'thinning the herd' or letting it thin using Darwin's law, then what's wrong with people doing seemingly evil things to those they don't see fit? Not that I'm for it but how can you subscribe to that attitude and have a problem with people killing other people that are weak compared to someone else or a group that is numerically weaker than another being killed off? I see contradiction.
Perhaps my view of God needs to be cleared up again. Is it the word God that is offensive because most people under scorn here are of the typical religious persuasion which use the word God? It's been used for thousands of years and it's traditionally meant as an entity which is more powerful to say the least, so I use it. As I said before, God/Universe is more intelligent and more powerful than us.
But I'll go over it again. Take the brain for instance, the neurons in the brain aren't intelligent in and of themselves but combined as a network, they make up an intelligent being. Neurons at their root are a composition of particles that produce true/false output from input. Just as the universe works. In every action in the universe, it can all be turned into mathematical data, true/false or binary data, and calculated just as the brain does. Because it seems as just mere unintelligent true/false reactions going on, when it is combined together as a universe, us included, does that mean it isn't a network of smaller reactions composed of more complex reactions creating a universal intelligent entity? You have to look at the big picture. Who's to say we aren't part of a brain? Yeah, it seems silly but really, the Universe as a collective is intelligent in the same definition humans can be considered intelligent. Therefore, we have God. I don't think as an atheist or theist, I try to just think. The truth can never be just one side. The truth is a composition of rights and wrongs. It is the outcome of side a and side b. It needs a false to declare it as a truth. I realize I may be going over some heads here and might seem a little nutty but I just speak it as I see it. I try to spend a lot of time looking at things from both sides before I post but I just can't see from either religious view that you can't see the universe as a collective is intelligent and could subsequently be called an entity or God, all powerful and intelligent. When we do a wrong and what some people call karma gets back at us, it's God or just the way things are. God's rules are set. If we do bad, we don't get punished because it's wrong, but it's just the way things are. We get punished because we misunderstood the system and it's laws. It's not God attacking you. Just like when you're on the other side of a huge rubberband and you pull it, it pops back at you. You pull it, it pushes back. The natural balance of things. I don't want people thinking I see God as some old man in the sky, it's really absurd.
But I have tended to forget about hope. Like I said, when you appreciate a something, you have hope for it. And even if sparing the lives of the weak and forgiving others who may not seem to naturally deserve it could possibly lead to over-population, I've realized once again, that we should have hope for an answer and not kill in the name of what we think is right. I think it is only for God to give life and God to take it. That it's how long we live and how we live it. They compliment each other. The longer we live, often the wiser we get, and the wiser we get, often the longer we live, that is, up to a natural point. But we learn to play the game of life better, generally. I think our creator would only want us to live longer so as to better learn how to live as mankind and learn how to live longer to hopefully learn how to live better. But at it's end is the goal of learning how to live. Therefore, I think it wise to spare life at all costs. Even if someone does not seem to deserve forgiveness or his life spared, it is the person doing the punishment who hasn't learned the value of life which is being punished also. I guess I sort of answered my own question and given enough time and thought, I usually do. So therefore, I say as Jesus said paraphrased, be your brothers keeper and be forgiving of him.
Ulam, thanks for the recommendation and welcome to the forums.