God and time

It seems many beliefs have some similarity here. Now all we have to do is figure out which god is the real one, if any heh.
that's the ticket.
people seem to be using the word time very loosely here.
Exactly what are peoples interpretations of time?
I do think its a man made invention more specifically a mathematical tool
to describe physical events.

I believe in no religion but out of curiousity if "god" is bounded by himself
does that not imply that he can make himself seize to exist, and does not mean that there is a method to kill him and thus anyone can kill him and thus he is not bounded by himself?
Oh my God. There is no such a thing as time! while we are on this journey called life in this 3rd dimensional world. We have a sense of time. because of seasons and earth rotation .But when you have an eternal Being (GOD) with out beginning or end. everything to him is the eternal present.He lives in the eternal Day. 22:5 Revelation And night shall be no more;thay need no light of lamp or SUN, for the LORD GOD will be their light, and they shall reign for ever and ever.
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Origen said:
I am a christian and am just wondering no matter what your belief, peoples view on this question.

Is God bound by time, because time is an invention of man. If he is then whose time in he on.

I will post my view on this, I don't think that God is bound by time. The only thing he is bound by is himself. However this can play a role in whether or not God created the world using Creationism or Evolution. For that I do not take a stand because I was not there and I try not to bother myself with that subject of the past. Basically I do not know, I just know that it all started with God.

God is not bound by time. Time is not an invention of man. Time is an invention of God. He is on no one's time.
I cant belive i did that. bean instead of being.My brain went out on a coffee brake or something. :D Ha Ha .
heres my take:
the creators of the galaxies obviously created the time within each galaxy. (the planets orbits and rotations etc) and so it is their creation. they work on the other side of time than we do. since they are spiritual beings they have no physical body, they are able to travel back and forth in time, in and out of all dimensions in that galaxy. (our 3 dimensions + time + any others)
they are hard at work trying to keep the galaxy in order, because our free will causes history to be rewritten many times over- so they travel back and forth fixing things as best they can. they help each other too.
ill keep it short, but the point is they created Time, they can do whatever they want with it. they dont have 'time' in their realm.
since they have no physical body they cannot come down and do things themselves. they have to use time and work things into the past to shape the future.
and if u oppose my multi-'god' theory just pretend it was only one God, the traditional way- it will still make sense.
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

"The following interview was conducted Feb. 21, 1990, by David Cloud, editor of O TIMOTHY magazine, with A.H. Pohl (202 - 33401 Mayfair Ave., Abbotsford, British Columbia V2S 6Z2, Canada, phone # 604 859-4744). While visiting with us for a few days, Pohl agreed to give an interview about his experiences in a healing campaign with William Branham. Mr. Pohl was in a Pentecostal denomination in Canada for years, was a leader in that denomination, and a teacher in their Bible college until he left the Pentecostal movement in 1950. The duplicity Pohl witnessed in the Branham healing campaign was a key step toward his leaving Pentecostalism. He’s written an excellent book entitled 17 Reasons Why I Left the Tongues Movement.

Read the interview here - http://wayoflife.org/fbns/branham.htm

Zonabi quote: the creators of the galaxies obviously created the time within each galaxy. (the planets orbits and rotations etc) and so it is their creation. they work on the other side of time than we do. since they are spiritual beings they have no physical body, they are able to travel back and forth in time, in and out of all dimensions in that galaxy. (our 3 dimensions + time + any others)

DEEP!! asumptions. All what you wrote is a metaphisical imposibility.

Here ’s something I wrote about in a previous post concerning God and time. Let’s assume that God is omniscient and aware of all events in the universe. The question is how does God learn about events? Does he depend on the speed of light? Does he wait until the light from some event to reach him before he knows what happened?

Now let’s take this a step further in a universe that’s billions of light years across does that mean that God has to wait for the event light to reach him? If such is the case then God is behind light years in knowing what happens.

Another problem that arises is if zillions of pieces of information are arriving to God at the same time how does he know the time line of events.

Now what a critic might say is God is outside our natural laws and does not operate by them. That would mean that God created our natural laws but does not abide by them. Sort of one set of laws for us and a set of laws for God. Or God does not have to have a set of laws; maybe he makes things happen anyway he wants anytime, a lawless entity.

So the big question then is God an outlaw?
Actually Greco, by using your logic above, it is easier just to say, No-god is needed, no entity can be ominiscient as your logic tries to demonstrate, look at this way. A boxer thanks god, because he won, however the looser also asked god, for the win in this match, did god favor one over the other?. Or was it that one boxer was better skilled to win his match with out god helping him throw the punches?. People are quick to thank an entity that has nothing to do with natural ability, however they quickly be-little themselves, by actually thinking that a higher hand was at play. Not realizing that the other individual had same feelings, and same hopes. However he did not win. Is the looser now pissed at god, or does he realize that his ability is lacking?.

Pohl agreed to give an interview about his experiences in a healing campaign with William Branham. Mr. Pohl was in a Pentecostal denomination in Canada for years, was a leader in that denomination, and a teacher in their Bible college until he left the Pentecostal movement in 1950. The duplicity Pohl witnessed in the Branham healing campaign was a key step toward his leaving Pentecostalism. He’s written an excellent book entitled 17 Reasons Why I Left the Tongues Movement.


The "tongue's movement had nothing to do with Branham, he was publicly against "tongue's" as evidence of the Holy Ghost.
This Pohl is receiving a lot of airplay from organized religious sites such as your "way of life" site you posted and others lately.
I have read his statments, and being familiar with nearly every one of Branhams sermons after twenty years of study, I can personaly disprove and show on actual tape and verbatim recordings where and how every one of Pohl's claims concerning Branham's so-called duplicity are false.
He either lied outright about what exactly took place or in many cases misrepresented what did actually happen to fit with his agenda.
Branham explains in detail on tape in multiple services why people healed of cancer by the power of God continue to get sicker for about three days - the tumor after having the life removed from it still has to break down in the bloodsteam and be absorbed by the body.
Also for another example - The so-called occultism of having an "Angel" by his side during the supernatural acts of his ministry, where Pohl says none of the "apostles" needed an angel to perform miracles......Branham states on tape the "Angel" is Jesus Christ" the son of man, performing the same miracles and discernment today He did then, that only He could do.
Branham alway said it was Jesus Christ performing the miracles and speaking the discernments through him and never claimed any of the credit for himself.
David Cloud's article says of Branham's visions:
We don’t believe these visitations were of the Lord. Note the fear that the voice caused in young Branham, and the turmoil and confusion and fear that it caused in his life from then on. The Bible says, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace..." (1 Cor. 14:33).
Funny but my bible says nearly every one of the old testement prophets were absolutly struck down with fear when they first heard His voice.
See the story of Isaiah for example.
It is a fearful thing to realize your standing in His presence.

Pohl is only one of many enemies of God who after seeing the truth then walk away....It's sad but the Word of God is the one that does the seperating.
To come right up to the very One of Eternal life and to turn Him down and walk away saying it's of the devil.......... In Heb.6 it says there is no more sacrifice for that sin, that's the sign of a reprobate mind.
If you believe Pohl's book is such "excelent work", you're either in the same boat he is, or you just haven't looked at both sides of the issue firsthand yet.
I hope for your sake it's the later.
Let's see...........Stretched,

gary larson wannabe
(Of Larson's Book of Cults fame, where everyone is a cult but him.....interesting)

curiousity, killing cats
(Gay's are noted for their "curiosity", and they say serial killers torture animals as children)
Your credentials aren't impressing me any, but I can't talk for anyone else out here. Lets take your reasoning a little further.

I may be going against scriptrure here casting pearls before swine, but I feel a need to set the record straight for all of our other "readers" out there in cyberville.
There are many more anti- Branham sites on the internet than the ones currently carrying Pohl's stuff, it's only the fact that all of the denominational churches are carrying His statments that is getting them noticed.
Ask yourself why......?
Branham called them all for what they are....anti-Christ, and exposed them as such, explained all of their false doctrines leading men away from the Word, into a ecumenical world council system as the Harlot of Rev.18.
Revelation 18 was one of the very scriptures that prophecied his ministry calling people (the bride) out of the Harlot system, to the message of Jesus Christ the son of man, along with Rev 10:1-7, Mal 4:5-6, Amos 3:7., and about a hundred others concening the Spirit of Elijah that was to come before the "World burns as an oven" and "restore all things".
Branham was a vindicated prophet of God, but more than that...the one that spoke through Him was the son of man Himself Jesus Christ, appearing exactly as He was prophecied to come in this day to the gentile church in the end time - not in His physical body but His spiritual body speaking through a prophet.....as the son of man.
Just as was prophecied, the organized religious teachers and their followers miss it.
Those big churches with the pretty tall steeples......are binding the bundles of tares to be burned.
Rev. 18 says; The hold of every foul spirit, the cage of every hatefull and unclean bird.

But each must follow their own path........
If you feel safer going down that wide heavily troden road, ask yourelf why it says as it was in the days of Noah, where 8 souls were saved ..........."so shall it be in the coming of the son of man" if millions are to be raptured and every eye will see....?
The gentile churches miss the coming of Christ as the son of man, just as the Jews missed Him the first time. He comes as a thief in the night, to call His elect by the Word.
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Yo Visitor,

As my lawyer always would say - You get Branhams story, and you get Pohls story. And somewhere in the middle there is some truth. Truth is simple. No gymnastics required. Why do men complicate the path to God?

Yo Visitor,

Now what?


Mr. Branham's most controversial doctrines were unorthodox interpretations of the Scriptures that he said had been lost through the ages. He believed that God sent him as a prophet to restore these lost "mysteries" to the Church. Some of his most well known teachings include:

1.God is not a Trinity, but has manifested Himself in three dispensations:
a. As Father in the Old Testament;
b. As Son in the New Testament;
c. As Holy Spirit in His Church.
He taught that God was not omnipresent because, as a being, He could not be everywhere at once. He also believed that Jesus was not God until the Holy Spirit incarnated His body at the time of His baptism. Jesus was again reduced to a mere mortal man when the Holy Spirit supposedly left His body in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before He was crucified.
2.The fall in the Garden of Eden was a result of an adulterous affair between Eve and the Serpent. This doctrine is known as Serpent's Seed. As a result of this affair, Cain was born (i.e., the Serpent--not Adam--was Cain's true father).
3.The Catholic Church is the fulfillment of Mystery Babylon from the book of Revelation. Mystery Babylon is the mother of harlots. Her children are our present protestant denominational churches. He believed that Revelation 18:4 was a call for Christians to leave their denominational churches and come to his Message, the only true revelation of Jesus Christ.
4.Hell is not eternal.
5.Mr. Branham taught that his Message represents the required truth necessary for members of the Elect Bride of Jesus Christ to accept in order to make the Rapture.
6.Members of the Bride are Eternal, having "theophanies" (their glorified bodies waiting for them in heaven) which had no beginning and will never die.
7.Christians who reject the Message are lost. Christians who are ignorant of the importance of the Message may be saved as lower class believers if they treat Message believers kindly. They will not make the Rapture, however, but must endure the Great Tribulation while followers of the Message are Raptured.

(excerpt from - http://people.delphiforums.com/JohnK63/home.htm

How do you reconcile these anti mainstream Christian views, especially point 1.?


"And to Rogers horror, the door burst open and cops with nerd sniffing dogs entered the room"
How do you reconcile these anti mainstream Christian views, especially point 1.?
Why would I attempt to "reconcile" true doctrine to "mainsteam" false doctrine....?
The so-called mainstream veiw is in error.
There is no trinty.
God is One person in three offices, just as I am a son, also a father, and a husband to my wife.....theses are titles of an office.
Same with God.
Eve did have sex with a "serpent" that was the missing link between man and ape.The pure blood of God was poluted by the blood of animal mixing with it not only once but twice, it was mixed again right before the flood when the sons of God (Adam's godly linage through Seth), and the sons of men (Cains unbelieving linage, .....Serpent's seed) crossed, the Sons of God marring the daughters of men (Cain).
The distinction today is in the soul realm.
Branham never claimed God was not omnipresent........He said God is a Spirit.
You have to take his whole message in context, not an isolated quote.
Also and the most important is that His message was a progressive revealation, especially after what took place in 1963, when the seals were opened by the son of man.
When this took place, He admited what Jesus revealed from then on was sometimes different than what he had believed, and he had had it wrong just like anyone else until then.
Every doctrine was corrected by Christ himself.
Marriage and divorce.
The mystery of the Godhead.....ect...

These doctrines may seem foreign to someone who has been indoctrinated all their lifes into mainsteam demoniationalism, but each and every one was explained in detail after 1963, and corrected.
This is when the organized religions pulled away...............because of the doctrine, not the miracles and healings, they were absolutly real.
It's the Word that caused the seraration.
In Jesus first ministry, the crowds followed Him in multitudes to see the signs and wonders, but when He sat down to teach His doctrine - which He said was the Father's - thats when they pulled away because It revealed that the organized religions teachings were false.
Same in this day.
The Bridegroom call will come right through this, when the Son of man will come down and come in human flesh to unite the two together. The Church has to be the Word; He is the Word, and the two unites together, and to do that it'll take the manifestation of the revealing of the Son of man.

So again............why would I need to reconcile to something thats false, when I have the true sayings of God.............?
Popular opinion,...........or the need to be accepted by some middle of the road, compromising, luke warm, worldly churches............
No, .....no need to.

P.S. - I don't expect many people to see this, so if you don't agree, thats fine.......
If your meant to see it you will, if not you won't....
Do those big churches call to you........?
Do you feel safety in numbers...........?
Or will you risk everything to know the truth.....?
Because it will cost you everything you have.
The "respect" of your friends, relatives, your social standing in the church.
Jesus is the Word, and He has always been rejected and despised by the world, and it's worldly churches.

The Word is a seed, but remember the enemy came along and sow tares....
The false anointed ones at the end time.....is a great mystery.
How the real genuine anointing falling like rain, on a person that's false in the soul realm.......causes them to act the same as the real, both living off the same life, the same rain, the same Sun......
Each person will manifest what's in them...........
It's harvest time, the end of the age.
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I always wonder how you explain to someone that they are in a cult...

It appears that you can't.
Persol said:
I always wonder how you explain to someone that they are in a cult...

It appears that you can't.

John 1:5 - And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Yo Visitor,

Quote Visitor-
"Eve did have sex with a "serpent" that was the missing link between man and ape.The pure blood of God was poluted by the blood of animal mixing with it not only once but twice, it was mixed again right before the flood when the sons of God (Adam's godly linage through Seth), and the sons of men (Cains unbelieving linage, .....Serpent's seed) crossed, the Sons of God marring the daughters of men (Cain)."

I can tell you are sincere and committed in your belief of the above. Can you tell me exactly why you have come to believe this way? Can you supply avenues for me to research your conclusions regarding the above? Surely there must be some evidence to shape this view?

Quote Visitor
"Branham never claimed God was not omnipresent........He said God is a Spirit."

How does he know this? What exactly is a "spirit"?

Quote Visitor
"not the miracles and healings, they were absolutly real."

Can you supply a couple of contactable individuals who were healed? In a sense that the healing can be scientifically verified? GP`s documentation before and after.

Quote Visitor
"So again............why would I need to reconcile to something thats false, when I have the true sayings of God.............?"

So you are right, and everyone else is wrong? Why?

Quote Visitor
"P.S. - I don't expect many people to see this, so if you don't agree, thats fine.......
If your meant to see it you will, if not you won't...."

Help me to see it. Give me something I can get my teeth into.
