God and time


Registered Member
I am a christian and am just wondering no matter what your belief, peoples view on this question.

Is God bound by time, because time is an invention of man. If he is then whose time in he on.

I will post my view on this, I don't think that God is bound by time. The only thing he is bound by is himself. However this can play a role in whether or not God created the world using Creationism or Evolution. For that I do not take a stand because I was not there and I try not to bother myself with that subject of the past. Basically I do not know, I just know that it all started with God.
How did man invent time?

God is only a concept invented by man so whether he is bound by time or not is entirely up to your imagination.

Origen said:
I am a christian and am just wondering no matter what your belief, peoples view on this question.

Is God bound by time, because time is an invention of man. If he is then whose time in he on.

I will post my view on this, I don't think that God is bound by time. The only thing he is bound by is himself. However this can play a role in whether or not God created the world using Creationism or Evolution. For that I do not take a stand because I was not there and I try not to bother myself with that subject of the past. Basically I do not know, I just know that it all started with God.
M*W: The current way we calculate time is man's invention. The correct way to calculate time would be by nature's system--the lunar calendar (i.e. Native Americans calculated time by the number of moons that have appeared and past). The lunar calendar is how we calculate the timing of human gestation.

However, I think you are referring to the whole concept of "time" as created by "God." I see God as a positive force of energy which created the physical and spiritual realms. Evolution, for example, is not bound by time although it uses the calculation of time to define specific states of evolution. As a positive force of energy, "God" is not bound by time nor is humanity, although humanity seems to be regulated by systems of time. In "God's eyes," (the force of positive energy), time is eternal. It's only in man's judgment how the timing is regulated.

In a spiritual sense, humanity is still evolving, and we are in the last day of creation (the sixth day). However long it may take for humanity to reach the perfection of divinity, that will still occur in the sixth day. When humankind evolves to remove all diversity of race, gender, color, nationality, religion, etc., then we will reach the seventh day of creation, and humanity will rest, with no more mutations, diseases, and we will live in peace for eternity. The world as we know it will not be destroyed but will evolve toward a spiritual renovation. Then we will see that we were not only created in "God's" image, but that we are God, and we were not bound by time but have always had eternal life.
Origen said:
Is God bound by time, because time is an invention of man. If he is then whose time in he on.
We are not bound by time, time frees us. If it weren't for time everything would be static, unchanging, all of history would be now.

You make is sound like your god is Something that can be effected by something other than itself. Isnt the idea of God to be everything since he "supposedly" created everything?? If this is the case why dont you just solve your question or issue by saying God IS time. If your God can be controled by something other than itslef then you are mislabeling whatever it is you think is god. Time wansnt created by man. Man created a way to measure time and use time as a tool, but wether or not man knew about time, man still got old, man still died, man still had a past present and future. I dont think there is any answer for your question.
The future doesnt exist.

The past doesnt exist.

How long does the present last before it doesnt exist either.
Past and Future are more of a measurement than they are anything else. They arent something that is in existance now because now is present. thats why there is no such thing as past or future in any other way than a measurement. Even if you could go to the past it wouldnt be the past it would be the present same for future. Past and Future are measureing models and points of reference.
Could anything exist if time were not present? I don't think that is possible.

If he is then whose time in he on.
You mean like what time zone? I would think he goes by GMT or Greenwich Mean Time. Or perhaps he is in tune with the atomic clock at NIST in the U.S..
Greco said:
How much time separates past-present -future?

Depends on what your trying to measure and how specific it is. Technicly anything after the fact is past, and anything in the process of is present, and anything planned, is future. I think the point at which something switches from present to past depends on who is defining what past and present are.
As far as from present to future im not sure really i guess it could work the same way. Or least thats the way I view time and how it works. I dont think there is an answer to your question really its all relative to what you define as TIME.

- Past and Future do not exist to us because we are in the present and the past and future cannot exist in the present -
If we are observing an event how do we know when that event took place. For instance when we look at the sun are we looking at the present condition of the sun or the way it was 9 minutes ago? We assume that that's the way that the sun looked 9 minutes ago because it took 9 minutes for the light to get to our eyes. So in effect we are looking in the past 9 minutes as to the sun.

How about events that are closer to us, the witnessing of an accident? We are still looking at the past even if that past is a few nanoseconds old. In effect we are always observing the past to some degree. What we call present already happened. The time front we call present is just a little bit ahead of us.
Am I making any sense Sly1?
Greco said:
How much time separates past-present -future?
M*W: There is no separation from the past or the future. We only live in the present. If we don't, if we tend to live in the past or live in the future, that's not reality. All we have is the present, so do your best while you can.
Origen said:
Is God bound by time, because time is an invention of man. If he is then whose time in he on.

Time is an aspect of the natural world (space-time). God is bound by it if he is a natural being.

origen said:
Basically I do not know, I just know that it all started with God.

How do you know that?
Origen said:
I am a christian and am just wondering no matter what your belief, peoples view on this question.

Is God bound by time, because time is an invention of man. If he is then whose time in he on.

I will post my view on this, I don't think that God is bound by time. The only thing he is bound by is himself. However this can play a role in whether or not God created the world using Creationism or Evolution. For that I do not take a stand because I was not there and I try not to bother myself with that subject of the past. Basically I do not know, I just know that it all started with God.
I personally believe that God makes time move by choosing from the possibilities, maybe even choosing the correct universe out of a selection of neverending possibilities, so that He chooses the one that fits with His plan.
Origen, (means origin, in spanish btw) Anyhow time is movement. Humans did not invent time they "observed it" We learned to track the movements of the moon, the movements of the sun, stars, and the seasons, also the animal migrations.

We have no knowledge or croncrete emperical evidence that such a being as god exists. Any entity that does exist is bond by the laws of phisics, god is an entity without identity, many beliefs exist of what god is, or what "it" is not, however no one can prove, nor have "emperical" evidence that such an entity does indeed exist or does not.

However in "your belief" god is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, so your answer based upon "your belief" is that god is not bound by time, or any law of phisics. Thus god is without boundaries of this existence or the "spiritual" existence, not bond by laws of phisics, "time is part of the laws of phisics". However to me, as an atheist the above is "ilogical".

On God and Time..............................
2 Peter 3 says that;
that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

We can see here that God's time (according to the bible), is much different than our time.
Hosea 6:2 says; " After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight"
This is the way many of the scriptures refer "God's time" in millinea as days....

This may have much more scientific significance than being just a type or pattern for understanding the scriptures.

Einstein said in his "Realitivity" theory that Space-Time "curves" around gravitational sources............so that Time in an area of space well outside of any gravitational effects (perhaps outside of our solar system, or even outside of the spiral effects of our galaxy), would move at a much faster rate, making someone viewing people on a planet from that perspective appear to be frozen in time........motionless.

Here is a quote from a man I believe after 20 years of study, fullfilled all of God's requirements for being a prophet, and whose completely supernatural ministry of un-parrallelled miracles and wonders until his death in 1965 is still a controversial topic, even among those who don't take Him to be one.

From a Sermon by William Branham, titled "Christ revealed in His own Word" preached 8-22-1965..............(paragraph 63)

"And they're going to find out someday that they're not seeing a hundred and fifty million years of light space either; they're going right around in a circle. That's exactly. You're going to find out one of these days that when you go to heaven, you don't fly off somewhere else; you're still right here too, just in another dimension faster then this"

Compare that to what Einstein said.
Science has determined that our physical bodies are made up of the same 16 elements that the earth is made from.
The bible says man was made from the "dust of the earth"
It also says that "Flesh and Blood cannot inheirit the kingdom of heaven"
Notice also how the bible refers to those who have received the Spirit of God, as having been "Quickened".

Could it be............that a "celestial body", such as those in the "dimension" of heaven, may not be subject to the gravitational time effects as our mortal bodies are, making them able to exist right here but in another dimension faster than this, because for one reason........ they may not be made from the same 16 elements, or "the dust of the earth"....?
Just a thought.
whose completely supernatural ministry of un-parrallelled miracles

May I ask what these unparalleled miracles consisted of?

As for time and god... Well, he probably grew old and kicked the bucket ages ago, which is why he no longer sits on mountains handing out stone tablets, or helping Israelis.
May I ask what these unparalleled miracles consisted of?
They are there for you to look up,................ public record.
Dead raised, deaf, blind, healed....... the record of a congressman Upshaw, 66 years in a whellchair since a boy.......and walked.
Thousands more. From 1946 - 1965.
Discerment of the thoughts and intents of the heart, considered to be the sign of the messiah in the bible - God speaking through flesh.
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They are there for you to look up

You don't fucking say? However, there was a problem. I started searching, and all I got was a damn sermon on how it's not to late to save myself from hellfire. Frankly I want to try and avoid sermonizing twats as much as possible, so I thought with your extensive knowledge of the subject, you'd be kind enough to fill me in.

Dead raised

Freaky shit. While I never saw this walking cadaver on CNN or Ripley's, I must confess that I don't watch much TV.

deaf, blind, healed....... the record of a congressman Upshaw, 66 years in a whellchair since a boy.......and walked.

Again, very freaky, and also rather intriguing. It brings to my mind the biblical text warning about people performing miracles and great wonders etc etc.. something about devils or daemons or some standard biblical horseshit. Then again, if he's dead now, he can't do much harm heh.

I'd much prefer a link to a video/evidence of his miracles than listen to him preaching.

The bible says man was made from the "dust of the earth"

The Sumerian texts say man was moulded from dust and mud from the earth, and a sky god, (Arebati), of a Zaire tribe moulded man from clay, and then poured his blood into the mould.

It seems many beliefs have some similarity here. Now all we have to do is figure out which god is the real one, if any heh.