God and Free Will

actually it means that your ass is not so important no matter how big you think it is

You mean your ass since you claim god is an atom that resides in your rectum!

does the process involve craft glue and scissors (be sure to reference your process in a historical continuum although)

You would have to ask Snake about that he's the expert! :shrug:

so therefore you cannot believe everything you hear, nor disbelieve everything that you hear - where does that leave you?

Actually it leaves me where I am! Sure that mysticism is purely bull shit, and live by accepting objective reality!
does the process involve craft glue and scissors (be sure to reference your process in a historical continuum although)

No. We've already been through this. You're being either dishonest or stupid by asking what the process is considering I've already told you.

As for your bit in brackets.. why?
No. We've already been through this.
how your version of the world/history is right and google hits are wrong?
You're being either dishonest or stupid by asking what the process is considering I've already told you.
liar liar pants on fire

As for your bit in brackets.. why?
we've already been through this


actually it means that your ass is not so important no matter how big you think it is

You mean your ass since you claim god is an atom that resides in your rectum!
get over it godless - your backside is really insignificant

does the process involve craft glue and scissors (be sure to reference your process in a historical continuum although)

You would have to ask Snake about that he's the expert!
I don't know - there is some stern competition from 6 year olds

so therefore you cannot believe everything you hear, nor disbelieve everything that you hear - where does that leave you?

Actually it leaves me where I am! Sure that mysticism is purely bull shit, and live by accepting objective reality!
or so you've heard anyway
LG for lack of better word! your DELUSIONAL! every bullshit you come out with is nothing more than rhetorical bullshit, made up! we only use your own argument against you, but your either too stupid to see it, or plainly idiotic, which is it?
I don't think God and free will can coexist philosophically.

Then again, who can say they have free will and not simply the illusion of free will?

It's also possible that the universe as we observe it is the 3-dimensional expression of a 4 (or more) dimensional universe. Have you considered that perhaps all possible outcomes/choices and consequences coexist, but we do not experience them in our neck 'o the woods?

Like that time you thought of slapping your mother across the face. You didn't do it, but the alternate you did, and thus sent that 3D universe moving in a slightly different direction through the fourth dimension.

Speculative philosophical thought, I know, but can you show me a proof that it is not so?

Nor can you show me proof that I have free will. If I did not, there would be no way to test it for testing it would violate the non-existence of free will, so it's likely your "test" would reveal (falsely) that free will exists when it in fact does not. The reason it would delude you into believing free will exists is that it was supposed to delude you as such.

Hence the problem with this eternal debate.
Gently Passing, Jet Lee's "The One" was only a movie, ti's not real, no existence of other multiverse within our universe has been shown to exist, thus irrelevant.

If you had no free will what compelled you to answer? You had a choice did you not? That is all free will is the ability to make that choice! ;)
Did god grant men free will?
Providing god exists, men exist, and men have free will, yes.
Does god ever prevent men from exercising free will?
Not that which he granted, I would suspect.
Should god prevent men from exercising free will for his divine plan, or preventing murder, or stuff like that?
The divine plan probably encompasses man's expression of free will including the will to commit murder, and stuff like that.
Not if we have free will. ;)
Did god grant men free will?
Does god ever prevent men from exercising free will?
Should god prevent men from exercising free will for his divine plan, or preventing murder, or stuff like that? Does he?
God gave free-will so that it would surrender to His will.
Any sign of the ‘free’ in the ‘will’ will be punished by eternal damnation.
Other than that, everything Christians believe in makes sense.
LG for lack of better word! your DELUSIONAL! every bullshit you come out with is nothing more than rhetorical bullshit, made up! we only use your own argument against you, but your either too stupid to see it, or plainly idiotic, which is it?
grand conclusion - all you need now are a few premises to add to your ad homs
LG the premises you are clueless to understand, cause you have buried your head up on your rectum, for this blinds you, and you can't see the truth, and the truth is to believe in an invisible entity is a delusion! Thus you are delusional, this is what makes you deluded, you have no evidence, you have no clue how to convince anyone here that your entity exists, you belief is blinded by your head been buried up your rectum! I'm sorry it has come to this, but this is the truth!
LG the premises you are clueless to understand, cause you have buried your head up on your rectum, for this blinds you, and you can't see the truth, and the truth is to believe in an invisible entity is a delusion! Thus you are delusional, this is what makes you deluded, you have no evidence, you have no clue how to convince anyone here that your entity exists, you belief is blinded by your head been buried up your rectum! I'm sorry it has come to this, but this is the truth!
You are wrong, my friend.
Lightgigantic’s head is buried in the rectum of the “correct” authorities and there he smells the fragrances of the “right” epistemology of the “ontology” of the “truth”, as it is given to him by the “correct” teachers using the “correct” methods and the “correct” texts.

Of course actually opening his eyes to the world is virtually impossible, being buried neck deep in their anus and having no access to the fresh air of his own senses.
sinful acts tend to harden the heart - in other words a sinful person is empowered by god to have a hard heart

hardening the heart depends on sinful acts and softening the heart depends upon not performing sinful acts - desiring a soft heart while having a range of sinful acts to take shelter of doesn't appear to do the trick

God has a special place in hell for liars like you.
You have no idea how much I cherish that fact.
Well, after reading the story of Exodus again I do believe than God gave man free will, but like everything that Free Will can be shaped. Thisk of people with Phobias induced by truamatic events. That one event cuases a normally rational person to lose all sense of Free Will when they are exposed to the trigger. Same can be said for foul weather, I've know plenty of people whose moods and thus decisions are influeced by dark skies.

So when Pharoah was going to let the Men go and worship, God went 'Dang, not good. Oh, let's do something and make him grumpy.' thus hardening Pharoahs heart.
LG the premises you are clueless to understand, cause you have buried your head up on your rectum, for this blinds you, and you can't see the truth, and the truth is to believe in an invisible entity is a delusion!
actually those are all ad homs, followed by your opinion
Thus you are delusional, this is what makes you deluded, you have no evidence, you have no clue how to convince anyone here that your entity exists,

at least I have a clue how to form an argument based on premises rather than ad homs - if you have managed to convince someone by such techniques, I would say that it indicates more the callibre of person you managed to convince

you belief is blinded by your head been buried up your rectum! I'm sorry it has come to this, but this is the truth!
On what grounds should we accept this? Your ad homs?

As for what i think your case is - I think you have had severe emotional experiences with religion that has lead you to the path of atheism - thus you are unable to scrutinize religion except from the point of its worst possible stereotype - the result of these two factors is your somewhat colorful but sadly lacking posts

A - "Your head is up your ass"
B - "No, your head is up your ass"
A - "No, your head is up your ass"
B - "No, your head is up your ass"
A - "No, your head is up your ass"
B - "No, your head is up your ass"
A - "No, your head is up your ass"
etc etc

actually the stalemate often reached between the theist and the atheist is also mentioned

BG 2.69: What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage.
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Originally Posted by lightgigantic
sinful acts tend to harden the heart - in other words a sinful person is empowered by god to have a hard heart

hardening the heart depends on sinful acts and softening the heart depends upon not performing sinful acts - desiring a soft heart while having a range of sinful acts to take shelter of doesn't appear to do the trick

God has a special place in hell for liars like you.
You have no idea how much I cherish that fact.
whats the problem?
part of the sinful reaction for performing a sinful act is the increased desire to perform an increased sinful act - its the nature of lust.
God doesn't have a special place for persons who are ignorant of scripture, but people commonly wind up there by such ignorance ....
You are a hypocrite, and you know it, so why even bother, everyone here has seen it, has observed, yet you live in denial! BTW I know your a drunk, you lust for sex, and then come here and act all mighty high in your warped ethics. This is what makes you a hypocrite!
You are a hypocrite, and you know it, so why even bother, everyone here has seen it, has observed, yet you live in denial!
so you keep saying, yet when I ask you to refer to such instances of hypocrisy, etc you just spew forth more ad homs - what to do?

BTW I know your a drunk, you lust for sex, and then come here and act all mighty high in your warped ethics. This is what makes you a hypocrite!
trying to examine religion by its worst possible stereotype again?