global dictatorship

Hmmm... about preserving the nature... we could just recycle humans when they die :cool:

Or what about a kind soceity which was in Starship Troopers or we should all just read Plato´s state

Aldous Huxley´s Brave New World! then we would have babies in production line. One of the most depressive societies was, I think, in George Orwell´s 1984.

Sheng-Ji Yang´s utopia state (from Sid Meier´s Alpha Centauri):

What do I care for your suffering? Pain even agony is no more than information before the senses, data fed into the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have receaved the information, now act on it, take control of the input... and you will become the master, of the output.

Sheng-Ji Yang
"Essays on Mind and Matter"

(Also see Yang´s other thought in the end of the message)

or society of Cybernetic Consciousness:

Those who join us need give up only half of theyr humanity - the illogical, ill-tempered and disordered half, commonly thought of as ´right-brain´function. In exchange, the ´left-brain' capacities are increased to undreamed potential. The tendency of biologicals to cling instead to theyr individual personalities can only be attributed archaic evolutionary tendencies.

-- Prime Function Aki-Zeta 5

Or Spartan´s utopia society:

We shall take only the greatest minds, the finest soldiers, the most faithful servants. We shall multiply them a thousandfold and release them to usher in a new era of glory.

--Coratzon Santiago
"The Council of War"
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Originally posted by kmguru
In USA, 2.5 million people lose their freedom but eat well, another 2.5 million (guestimate) have their full freedom but eat dogfood to survive (either food or medicine).

Rest are happy the way the government is but unhappy about their own life (Prozac, drugs, alcohol, divorce, racism, cult, pride, gluttony, lust, las vegas...)

Why do you include "Las vegas, pride?" these are not evil, they are merely reflections of what you make of it.

I lived in Las Vegas for two years, wonderful place to live, it's not all casinos and the strip, there's in there a well hidden community and a good town away from all the toruists attraction.

And that's another matter, it's not all bad either, in Las Vegas one has a chance to see rome, "Caesars Palace", be in Venice, "The Venitian", Travel to Egypt, "The Luxor" in effect it's fantacy island in the dessert.

Pride, with out pride what are you?
to have pride in oneself is not an ominious thing, in fact it's ominious to claim that you have no pride, to whom are you working for?, if not for yourself, to whom do you owe your life to?, if not from the pleasure of living. Pride goes hand in hand with selfsteem, and selfishness, are these also considered to be omnious in your opinion?
I believe Bible talks about sins...The first sin is...? why?

What is sin anyway? Why it is bad? OR is it?

Just some thoughts...

Originally posted by kmguru
I believe Bible talks about sins...The first sin is...? why?

What is sin anyway? Why it is bad? OR is it?

Just some thoughts...

I'm no bible quoter such as Tony1, however the moral code of the bible did not originate with the bible, these codes of conduct existed before the bible was ever written, however not all the sin's of the bible are evil, it's evil to try and control men by his emotional surrender to the whims of it's religious leaders.

It is the invention of "quilt", which enable religious leaders to create some of the more questionable "sins" of the bible, such as pride, objective selfishness, knowledge, etc.