global dictatorship

-I would allow freedom of speech and all of the rights guartanteed in the bill of rights
-(this sounds crazy but criticism is welcome) I would abolish money and any form of wealth or value so that anyone could own anything as long as the particular commodity is being produced. The acquring of the commodity would be based on a first come first serve basis. If everyone did this then I believe it would work and the whole idea of social classes would be mute.

Food for thought...

What if a very talented, smart, law-abiding citizen of this “new world” invented something marvelous, something that made life vastly better for all? Yet, because of a “first come, first serve” policy, or because of corrupt individuals (or government depts.), someone as talented and “deserving” as Mr. Inventor is not able to get the basic essentials--like food, medicine, whatever... He winds up starving or ailing because he was not first in line. (Perhaps he was held up in traffic) His accomplishments, therefore, have meant nothing. And regardless of the fact that his magnificent invention aids his brothers and sisters...

If we value nothing, then what are we?? What do we have?


I think our ability to “value” things, and to value each other, is part of what sets us apart from what we call “animals.”

Do I have the right to anything I haven’t earned--but which others have earned? Do I have the right to be kept by my brothers and sisters who are willing to work and create, when I am not?

And no... I can’t agree that we should be ruled by a dictator.

I think we need to do a better job of governing ourselves.


good points. Like I said criticism is welcome. Do you have any other way, if nothing was valued, for everyone to get what they need? The only REAL value is work, if you work and produce things then you can get things from other people. Any job whatsoever as long as you know what you're doing and you're productive. Entertainment, politics, street sweeping, everyone in that category could own a big screen tv and a seven floor manshon. All I could think of was the first come first serve basis. If the scientist proved that he had a really good idea then naturally he would be one of the priorities for anything he needed related to the idea itself.
The only rules I follow are the ones I agree with.

For example I been hearing things like guns should be banned. Do you know that what they do in communist china, and if you see one you get excecuted.

If I WANTED a gun then I would get one, but I dont.

If I want to jaywalk then I will.

The only rule I have is to follow the ones I believe in.
"the only way for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing"some German guy
It happens, thecurly1. We can't control how other people interpret our words. The best we can do is to be choosy about the words we use to express a given thought. If we feel strongly about being understood, we can then repeat ourselves until we no longer see any purpose in doing so.

If you (or anyone) could control the world--solely--then you might theoretically be able to keep things from becoming too repressive. Realistically, however, this kind of control could never happen. It takes too many people to "run" a world, and everyone's gonna see things differently from their leader(s) at one time or another. It's human nature; it's free will.

Dictatorships of all kinds have failed because of this. Even if a dictator thrived, the majority of the people under him/her did not prosper. People will not be ruled in this manner. History has proven this.

Police state? What happens when the "leader" can no longer control the police? We have evidence of what happens.

It's interesting (even fun) to speculate on how "WE" would fix the world. Maybe some of us could come up with some super ideas. As for me, I'll keep my expectations realistic and continue to encourage the free flow of ideas.
Ideas start when you are inside a mother's womb. Any ideas should create a low stress environment for the new born. Then the matter of nurture, education and so on. If a society is designed such that, by the time a human becomes a teenager, he/she is opressed, uneducated, unsecular and have no understanding of the wolrd around them, then that society is headed for trouble.

And like rotten fruit, that society is going to cause problem in the rest of the world....

Just a very few people can cause serious damage (Tens of billions of dollars). I suggest the insurance industry should start proactively and do something about it....
Ideas start when you are inside a mother's womb.


Interesting, kmguru. Have you or others posted about this elsewhere at sciforums? I'd rather not clutter this thread with an unrelated discussion, but am curious to hear more.


Alrighty then!

Well I thought about it for a long time and I couldn't figure out what I would do if I were a global dictator, but I have come to two different thoughts about it.

- I would keep track of what people expected of me and what people thought I was doing right and wrong. I would then try to conform to as many requests as possible, either myself or by delegating decision making to local abilities. If I found the task of keeping up with the requests and wishes of the people impossible, I would probably give up and hand the power back to the governments.

- I would try to implement a knowledge and idea based society, in which people with good ideas about our development and future would get the possibility to expand their ideas, to get funds to develop more inventions and do more science. This does not mean that well educated people should become "über people" with more money than the common man, but rather that all ideas should have the necessary funds to be developed or tested. Off cause there should be some gain for those people who developed great ideas, that could mean money.
Critisism would be important indeed I think. If I would be ruler, I would try to make a kind of socialist society:

There would still (ofcourse) be money and intependent companies, but the social security would be very important. All hospitals and schools would be public and also atleast part of trasportation (the society would also support mass-transit, escpecially in large cities).

The common problem of many socialist governments was that they made many services public, and then they didn´t notice the flaws in the society because the lack of critisism.
In my society critisism would be put in wery high value, because the government cannot see everything, somethings can be in terrible state, and yet the government has no time to see this flaw. That´s why there should be a intependent ministry which would take critisism from people and also look flaws from soceity.
After that, they would analyse the data, make a report (for example there could be quater year report, and then one big report in the end of every year). But this wouldn´t be enough, they should also recommend that how the flaws should be fixed. And if the government wouldn´t take the necessary action, they could demand action from the government or the leader (ME :( ).

Preserving nature would also be important, and at the first, the production of certain luxury products (which would require rare materials) would be stopped and the production should be tried to adapt to the needs of the people.

Also the ruler should not have any power to punish people, that only creates an athmosphere of fear and so people would be afraid to critisize the society.

The public companies should also be observed wery closely to see how they develope. Sometimes the public companies don´t develope enough because they don´t feel the need for it, and so they decline and become wery inefficent.

The religion and the government should be seperated, I think, but the practice of religion and organized religions should be possible. But the government should not take any opinion on the religions and the society should be lead with humans laws.

Education and sciene should be put on high value and the ruler should be required a certain type of character: Open mind towards all religions and cultures, high education, determination, will to serve the people, empathy, sense of moderation, willingness to take critisism, imagination and creativity and willingness to learn and not to be too concervative and many many other abilities. Also one which would be important, would be to be able to see flaws in self.

Quite opposite to the nationalistic ideology (which wants to preserve national identity and culture), I would try to mix the cultures. So that in one city there could be many religions, races, ideologies etc. and people would be encouraged to talk, even argue (as long as it wouldn´t get physical), so that peoples opinions etc. would evolve, as they could discuss with peoples from with wery different point of view.
One thing that I would try to make common, would be humanism, and the thought that no matter the religion or race or ideology, we are all still humans.

The government and the ruler (ME again :( ) should also be closely observed to keep the corruption away. If the ruler would be corrupted, the government should have the authority to elect new ruler if so would be decided and if there would be clear evidence that the government is corrupted, the ruler should be able to disband the government and elect a new one.

Well, there would be a lot more but that´s what came to my mind.
Also one thing that I would try to do, is to make sciene, knowledge and educated people more respected. The scienetists, teachers etc. should get more pay than movie stars or top athletes.

And I think that the highest ruler should be elected by the government (since they would know better than who has the ability to be a leader) and when the ruler would have served his time as the head of the state (and new leader would be elected) the ruler would go back to the government.
A few ideas:

1. Limit the growth of the cities. Too many people concentrated in one small place causes all sorts of problems. Too much misery and very little interaction between groups.

2. Telecommute. You can stay in a rural area, yet contribute to the economy.

3. Healthcare free to all or atleast with a nominal payment for doctor visit.

4. Education: free. Better facilities for web based education so that no matter where you are and what job you are on, you can study and grow. That is a fundamental human right. Let the souls mature...

5. Children get special incentives, tax breaks and what ever if they take care of their elder parents. No more checking into a nursing home to die in misery after your contribution to the society.

6. Create a less demanding environment for expectant mothers upto 6 years of children to encourage nurture.

7. Encourage free flow of ideas and exchange of different cultures.

and so on....
Several have mentioned that "free" services of one nature or another should be provided for all.


Who is to pay for the labor, materials, and time that will go into providing free education, healthcare--or commodities of any kind?

Taxpayers? If so, which taxpayers? Those who use the services--or all taxpayers? Percentage-wise, how much should each pay for maintaining others' well-being and improving the general state of mankind?

And (thinking ahead here) if someone suggests that the wealthiest citizens should pay for the poorest, why should this be so? Have the poor earned this priviledge? If they have, how have they earned it? By virtue of being poor? What prevents them from changing their circumstances? Are all poor people incapable of bettering themselves? Are all poor people inescapably oppressed?

Bottom line: Why should those who have earned more money than some others be forced to pay for them? How do any of us feel about turning over a substantial amount of our annual pay to another entity (government) to use as the "people" see fit? Do the "people" know best how to spend your/my money?


There's already a lot of money, time and effort being put into these areas of society (education and healthcare). But is it being spent wisely? Perhaps changes are needed, but how much change in what areas? Perhaps the system of Capitalism isn't so broken, but the way in which people utilize the system could stand some fine-tuning?

Socialism, and all political systems that resemble it, may seem attractive but do they work as well as they are supposed to?

Again, I think history could shed some light on this.


Oh, btw... like the idea of better city-planning and telecommuting, kmguru. Lots of possibilities for positive change there. --As well as a need for looking into the needs of pregnant mothers who are most often the ones responsible for critical nurturing.

I will reply later with some more details. Here is a preview of that. In order to make this social reengineering, the whole process has to be overhauled. Just changing urban planning and adding telecommuting will save billions of dollars (gas, transporation, high rise buildings, insurance, smog, parking, roads, bridges, tunnels, a/c, light, flags, cafeteria....).

We raised $1.2 billion dollars to help the victims of 911. One of the victim with 2 kids got $274. Family of foreigners who died got zilch. So present way of doing business is highly inefficient. I am not an advocate for redistribution of wealth. Let it be the result of a better engineered society.
shrike said earlier in this post and i quote...
I would immediately destroy every nuclear and coal power plant on Earth and ask scientists to see if they can repare the damage caused by global warming

When you destroy these power plants what are Mr & Mrs America going to do when they hit the light switch and nothing happens?
I think you would be ousted from power before such a plan could take affect :p.

Personally if i was voted first World Leader I would abolish 3rd world debt, move the mountains of food stores into countries which are starving, turn the worlds armys into 1 fighting force to combat curruption and exploitation throughout the world.
Keep the nuclear power plants open perhaps even build more, stop all use of fossil fuels within a certain time period, I would make the planet cleaner more efficient place to live.
Most of government money would be spent on schools hospitals and scientific research, I would give regional government a lot of power, they would control there tax rates local laws etc.
Reigonal government is then directly answerable to national government who are elected members of that nations government, 2 of these would them be directly answerable to me and my staff, head of world government after I die they would elect a formal member of the world council to become 2nd world leader and so on.
I would not control laws that are reigon specific, I would not enforce or segregate any religion class creed or color.
I would guarantee a certain standard of living withing a set time period and I would deliver.
I would do my upmost to make the world a better place, but i would be fighting a battle against people who are extremely narrow minded, I think its fairly certain world government is not possible in my lifetime :(.
To All !!!

As Supreme Planetary Dictator I do hereby decree:

To preserve the genetic inheritance of the species: No child under the age of twelve months may receive medical attention other than basic first aid for any reason other than accidental trauma!
Further, To preserve the limited resources of this planet, all citizens above the age of fifty years must annually qualify as being physically fit and a contributing member of society for life extension. For those who do not qualify, medical assistance shall be provided at no cost to the individual or their family!
Counterbalance ...

Hell, even Supreme Planetary Dictators get tired of hearing all the bitching about the cost, or lack, of medical insurance! :D
I would love to not eat meat but unfortunaly im a man not a Cow, im a meat eater, cows, piggs, sheep, i dont care il eat it.
Thats in my nature its like that for a reason god doesnt play dice, perhaps you dont eat meat for a reason, your not programed to :)
And although i dont have anything against all that freedom to say
A cow has just as us and the other animals on earth a consciousness
Consciousness is indicated by inteligence, cows piggs and sheep are not inteligent, the closest thing to inteligence in the animal kingdon is ape's (our genetic cousins?) and dolphins.
I would/could never eat dolphin or monkey, as i consider them to have primal inteligence.
As for sheep cows and piggs they are not so lucky as to be blessed with inteligence.