global dictatorship


Registered Member
I was thinking that if I were ruler of the world here are some actions I would take. action#1 abolish all organized religion. action#2 establish a rigid police state. action#3 eliminate all opposition. action#4 begin the colonization of Mars. What would you do?
my program

#1 create a wold senate with much smaller power than I have, just to be sure no-one says I'm dictator or smth like tht.
#2 give a large funding to researchers and scientists to develop advanced technologies. Nanotechnology and space industry would be the first on the list.
#3 till fusion power is made usable in powerplants, I would cover Sahara desert, central parts of Australia and some other hottest spots on Earth with solar batteries to produce energy needed for whole world.
#4 make world defense forces as my private army and to be ready (just in case) for outer Earth invaders:D
#5 destroy all extremist groups--christian and muslin, not to mention all the sects.
#6 slowly reveal all the secrets of previous governments
X-Files and so on, but not my secret files.
#7 make a well paid and elite spying force, to ensure my and worlds security from developing terrorist groups.
#8 wipe out all the archaic traditions in all nations[not able to drink wine, cannot marry smon from another cast]
#9 make world bank truly a world wide economical force, to ensure that world economy is always in good shape.
[sorry for poor language]
if I had absolute power--was pronounced dictator of the world?...?

I'd abolish global dictatorship and allow people to think for themselves.

I was born into a military dictatorship. It took over the communist goverment that preceded it.....I don't care how noble their intentions were.....sure we were starving and the next day after they took over we had grocery stores stocked with meat, milk and bread.....but it didn't justify them killing thousands of people and making everyone afraid to even whisper anything against the government....I don't agree with communism by any means....but forcing everyone into your beliefs...ridding the world of religion or the freedom to participate in it and basically taking away others' freedom by requiring them to conform to your ideals...which both communism and dictatorships do...well, it's just not my cup of tea.....

Dictators always think that their way is best....that's why they "dictate"---best for themselves or even best for the people---either way it ends up costing way much more than its worth.
In USA, 2.5 million people lose their freedom but eat well, another 2.5 million (guestimate) have their full freedom but eat dogfood to survive (either food or medicine).

Rest are happy the way the government is but unhappy about their own life (Prozac, drugs, alcohol, divorce, racism, cult, pride, gluttony, lust, las vegas...)
What would I do:

-I would allow freedom of speech and all of the rights guartanteed in the bill of rights
-(this sounds crazy but criticism is welcome) I would abolish money and any form of wealth or value so that anyone could own anything as long as the particular commodity is being produced. The acquring of the commodity would be based on a first come first serve basis. If everyone did this then I believe it would work and the whole idea of social classes would be mute.
-I would construct an elevator into space that would throw all of our trash into the atmosphere where it would burn up into nothing
-I would construct a solar-wind power plant in space, it being like some sort-of windmill that would produce electricity that would be carried back to earth by convoys of 'battery ships' and be distributed onto each continent
-I would reward the first company that created a car with equal power to our own that was run on solar power with the prize of their choice (except leadership)
-Any form of violence (unless it was accidental, forced, or caused by mental retardation) would be punished severly but determined by a selected panel of judges. First time offenders would be subject to a year of complete isolation from anyone, second time offenders would be subject to five years, and third time offenders would live the rest of their lives with no human contact. The gathering of evidence would act in accordance to the Bill of Rights
-I would immediately destroy every nuclear and coal power plant on Earth and ask scientists to see if they can repare the damage caused by global warming
-see if psychics are real
-unveil the true secret of everything that every government knows about
-provide free ultra-speed internet and state-of-the-art computers to every citizen on Earth effective immediately, so they don't have to wait for companies to give them one
-Over the course of ten years establish large colonies on the Moon, Mars, Europa, Ganymede, and Triton. These would gather resources for further human expiditions into the outer solar system.
-listen and consider any issue with the government deemed worthy for me to hear by a panel of selected judges replaced every ten years regardless of the quality of service to me
-terraform australia into several different ecological habitats then clone as many extinct species as possible
-collect the necessary information to clone myself when I die and if possible clone my personality (like a ghola)

that's all I can think of for now! Sounds good doesn't it?
Dont be such a communist Omega,
how would you like to be under the rule of a tyrant/

Anyway, I would resign as ruler of the world and have only a cabinet of equally powerfull people who represent all people, even the ones I dont like. Ofcoarse I would represent my jurisdiction.
I don't think anyone should be governed by one person. The entire reason why we put forwards people into power is purely because as a whole, a single populous of people, we need a unaminous voice to speak for the whole of us.

Although people across the world find that they blame their governments and officials, they should understand that some actually try to do the job that they have been voted in to do.

Of course my understanding is this can be very corrupt, with some just pulling the wool over the populouses eyes long enough to amount a large hidden wealth, which they then retreat with into retirement. (Most notibly a wage and bonuses that equal far beyond their needs)

I came to a conclusion that when it's time to vote, we shouldn't be voting for a man, or a party because at the end of the day what the populous is looking for is what the parties stand for.

So we should be voting for what we want done in countries, what changes we want made, and then perhaps vote for a person to carry out what we vote for.

Of course my ideal method would seem far fetched and would need an independant adjudicator to make sure there is no vote rigging. Quite simply, once a month your asked to vote on principles (And to keep peoples interest, you throw in some prize a person can win each month)

Of course this means that you would have a populous of people making their way to somewhere to vote, of course that could be structured to e-mails, text-messaging, going into your local lottery outlet to vote on your principles that you think should be considered etc.

Of course this should lead everyone to think of this further and perhaps see the bonuses and drawbacks of such a scheme. (Although it would keep a constant clue to populous, and possibly help bring Censuses up to date etc)
Elbaz ...

A single ruler doesn't necessarily have to be a tyrant.

There is the possibility of him/her being a philosopher king/queen who rules wisely. After all, Hawaii did have Queen Liliuokalani.
Aaahhh, sweet dictatorship.

First of all I would see to that all weapons were destroyed and the factorys that makes them. Then I would let people run free and use their own minds. No countries, no boundaries, no fear. Food would be plenty for everyone. But no meat! Killing is banned from now on! Recycling is the way to go, eat fruit and poo in the nature. :D
Spirituality would be greatly encouraged.

ya bebelina!

And we would all frolick as skittles fall from the sky, and then we could eat our own poop too, while we enjoy our pee lemonade.

And as we all dance in a circle with joined hands, a rainbow would form above us and everyone would become gay and then our species would be wiped out of existence.

Lets not forget without those weapons and control, the criminals would be free to frolick with the rest of us, killing and steeling from any bozo in their way.

The criminals would have no fear of getting arrested because there are no guns or police.

And a feudal system would form as we get thrown back into the dark ages, because little by little, all the water would flow to one progressively smaller side of the tub as the entire ship sinks and the world suddenly becomes flat again.

Bebelina Just out of curiosity, how many of those wild mushrooms have you been eating lately, or toads you have been licking?:D

You're so right, and unforntunately if there is one person in the world who doesnt agree with you then everything gets flushed.
Are you being sarcastic????

How immature of you, dear goblin.....
What you just wrote was only your own twisted by your limited perspective, vision. It showes that this little goblin needs to have his noggin´examined!
We can´t have dysfunctional goblins like yourself running aroud here, anyone can see that.

And mushrooms are nice and friendly, unlike you, evil goblin. :mad:


Are you talking to yourself, again Bebelina.

Its those mushrooms isnt it? tisk, tisk, tisk........
Great question OmegaSeven!

There would be so many things to do.

Common perception is that governments and their members are corrupt or operate on "spin". Let's ask ourselves one thing... do we trust our own governments? Has this loss of faith in the people we vote into office caused us to give up! The last general election in the UK had the lowest number of voters in history.

When you last voted... did you vote for the charisma of the leader of for his/her party policies. Some would say the latter, but unfortunately most would say otherwise.

As world leader I would form a peoples' forum. Where the common man (or woman) can influence the way things are run, everyone can have a say. People wouldn't have to wait for the next election. Terrorists would therefore have a voice before their guns would be used.

The Greeks, initially, did not vote for officials in their government. The people who made the decisions in the democratic state were the citizens themselves.

Oh yeah, and no-one would go hungry!

OK... none of this would work in reality, but it's certainly got me thinking. Hey, I could be friends with Hugh Hefner then, couldn't I? GREAT!
If I ruled the world, HMM....

1) Abolish all firearms from the civilian populus, except for hunting rifles. There would be background checks galore.

2) Reform the drug war, rehabilitation and detox as well as other programs. Sry, no legalization.

3) Maintain a completely secular government.

4) Estabolish a strong military to destroy innsurections and terrorists.

5) Abolish world hunger in the western hemisphere, working around the world.

6) Aggressively contain the AIDS epidemic in Africa.

7) Establish programs to edcate, and give economic opportunities for the poor around the globe.

8) Decentralize the new government, to some extent. That way if there was an attack on the capital, probably Washington D.C. still, the government wouldn't be completely beheaded.

9) Reduce the nuclear stockpile to less than a hundred nuclear warheads.

10) Spur space exploration, including colonization of Mars and other habitable places.
*Originally posted by Chagur
A single ruler doesn't necessarily have to be a tyrant.

There is the possibility of him/her being a philosopher king/queen who rules wisely. After all, Hawaii did have Queen Liliuokalani.

That's a pretty good illustration of clutching at straws.
Ole Lil is the best (only?) example you could come up with?
The odds favor tyrants.
For every Lil, there is Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini and that's just a handful, and just out of the last century, and just out of Europe.

*Originally posted by Bebelina
But no meat! Killing is banned from now on! Recycling is the way to go, eat fruit and poo in the nature.

Who wants to eat fruit and poo?

Besides, I'd rather eat beef from a cow that has been killed, than eat an apple while it is still alive.
Don't the little screams from all that living fruit bother you when you are killing them with your teeth?

*We can´t have dysfunctional goblins like yourself running aroud here, anyone can see that. *

So, everyone would be running around eating poo, and killing dysfunctional goblins.
What a world!

*I am always talking to myself.

Because I am one with everything.

Why do you need a computer, then?

*Originally posted by Biggles
Terrorists would therefore have a voice before their guns would be used.

They have a voice now, before they use their guns.
When they threaten war and mayhem, that's them using their voice.

*Originally posted by thecurly1

1) Surprise, surprise! Every weapon will be declared a "hunting rifle."
2) What exactly would you do?
3) You mean like Russian communism?
4) i.e. build a police state
5) eat magic mushrooms
6) but leave the one in the US?
7) eat more magic mushrooms
8) the capital actually IS Washington DC, it's not open to conjecture
9) Only blow up the world 99 times instead of 10000 times
10) Mars is habitable? I'd hate to see your apartment.

Quite the plan you have there.
this is when the politeness of tony1 shines brightest. I'm blinded by his righteousness and the utter nova of acceptance and appreciation, especially when viewing his other posts under free thoughts.

If you can't tell there's no lost love between us.
tony1 ...

That's a pretty good illustration of clutching at straws.
Ole Lil is the best (only?) example you could come up with?
Possibly not the best, and certainly not the only, but one that satisfies my sense of irony ... particularly at this time.
I think....

...there has been a major misundestanding here, maybe deliberate but anyway, I will try to explain what I meant again, just to be sure wether you are just mocking me or really didn´t get it. ;)

I never said that we should EAT POO! :rolleyes:

I mean that when we eat fruit and vegetables we bring back seeds to the nature when pooing, as in recycling, and new fruits and vegetables will grow up. That doesn´t happen if you eat cows. The cow is then dead, and no cow will grow up in its place. A cow has just as us and the other animals on earth a consciousness and feelings, they feel pain , fear, joy and love. Plants doesn´t have that kind of consciousness, they don´t have a brain that can produce pain signals for example. Their consciousness is more floating and not as distinct as humans and animals. And as humans we have choices to be made everytime we do something. We must eat to survive, so what is the most compassionate way of eating? For me that is to eat plants instead of animals.

And of course, I never said that dysfunctional goblins should be killed, how horrid! Just examined! :D

The computer is needed to reach other unexplored areas of the larger consciousness of humanity that we are and I belong to, me. :p
