Ghost Faces?

mystech, its past your bedtime. you'll be late for school in the morning.... AssH*le. LoL..

Thanks Panther.. A simple observation like yours is appreciated.
you see/feel something in the pic that I've seen/felt also. a manifestation of the past maybe. the house that that was taken in is in Northern Arkansas, in a small town close to an indian reservation near the Oklahoma border. there is a small girl standing in the pic also, she is wearing a long dress, like a settler girl, and the faces in the background appear to be indian. the prominant, glowing face, with dark eye sockets, appears to have a beard, is a white man, and may have been her Father. The woman I cropped out in the pic is unusual in the aspect that she is highly spiritual and sensitive to premonitions, and can also "see" or hear old spirits. like a medium. a lot is coincidence, but on the average, a little is uncanny. I do believe that some people are blessed or cursed with a third eye so to speak, the frightening yet calm understanding of what is not seen, but felt. she could either be a channel or is housed in its path. but that understanding or thought is apparently for a select few it seems.

unfortunately, hoax pics and pranksters do volumes of Damage to what could be genuine. then there are those who cannot see the forest because the trees block the veiw. Many people choose to be situated in an average world, and block out gifts or traits concidered to be visionary. My Family has been one of many prophets, and knowledge of Spiritual presence is concidered a gift to respect. live or dead. blind people can sometimes "see" more than alert 20/20 vision. but, thats another story.:D
6th Sense (thoughts anyone)

Thanks slim...

I appreciate those who are able to talk about there gifts openly...
each person has some individual gift they have not discovered yet

from a young age i have been able to sense the emotions of others...

It is almost like I feel just like they do...occasionally I feel these emotions so deeply I cant control them...

I can also make people feel better just by touching them...but sometimes I feel worse afterwards...

any thoughts?

Ok you obviously know me, but please please please PLEASE tell me you're not THE panther. I just don't know if I could handle that. . . I mean I knew before about sable and all that, but I chose not to say anything, and just sort of try to appreciate it as a sort of clever little grieving/coping tool.

If you know what I'm talking about, then could you please just stay away from here? You know I don't want to say things to you like I'd say to poor old mentaly challenged slim, and it's fun to have somewhere to go where you can be ruthless and right all the time.
Well I just talked to THE Panther, and he doesn't seem to know anything about the sciforums, I figured he'd be using another name, anyway.

Too damn many panthers out there, in my opinion it can get confusing.

Anyway, I'm left witht the question of who exactly you are. . .

I am not who you think I am....

I am just a College Student working on my masters thesis...
Do not leave the forum...

It is a good place to speak your mind...

the slim comment was a little harsh though...
but I can respect your opinion as well...

You said...
I mean I knew before about sable and all that, but I chose not to say anything, and just sort of try to appreciate it as a sort of clever little grieving/coping tool.

I am just a little more intuitive about people than most...

No, I am not nor do I know about THE PANTHER...

The Panther is my Indian animal guide...source of strength when I am afraid or exhausted....

You may think thats a little strange; but, I find comfort in the traditions of my culture...

Anyway Mystech...I was talking about your mind...not anything else...


Ahh, you see the confusion comes mostly from the fact that you both called me beautiful and a friend. . . there's only one panther I know online who would say those things heh it appears that you are not him. See I'd feel bad treating him the way I like to treat the rest of the non-thinking mouth breathing troglodytes which visit these boards.

By the way, Slim, I'm glad you've got the whole age thing going for you, and that you're using it to your advantage. I mean, honestly it doesn't seem the least bit petty or pathetic when you tell me it's past my bed time. Guess maturity doesn't necessarily come with age, either. Honestly, if that's all you've got left, maybe it's just time to walk away.
thats fine Mystech, walk, slither, crawl, whatever venomous people do, I'm sure you can do. you have nothing going for you except your low attitude towards people, and responding to you is not unlike slapping an annoying Fly. I think you've proven your worth is equal to a nobody. I pity young people like you, with no personality, heart, soul.. Just a shitty attitude, and a dime a dozen, plentiful in hell.

Panther, you are a tribute to young, good Spirits everywhere! you are showing a unique wisdom that is Enlightening. Place value is good Spirits, do not waste your energy on people like the above, they will attempt to drain you to become empty like themselves. your path ahead will be Governed by your strength to "sheild" your Spirit from missfits and users. choose your friends wisely, continue your pattern of giving and Sharing and you will be rewarded greatly.

let me post something worthy for you..


Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble, it's a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantement, it is as perrenial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Desiderata - Wanted

Words of wisdom spring forth from the lips of men who have seen great tragedy and have known love for its grace and honesty...

honesty that is learned from the experience he is willing to share with others...

others that flock to him not because he has great fortune; but, because he pours out knowledge that inspires...

inspires them to think freely and to administer needed change...

change that helps share their lives and ensure the dynasty that is their family... all its meaning is simply a man willing to shape a world where he is honest with others so that he inspires change and ensures the survival of the world, his family...

Best of Life

Thanks Panther.. Selective visions impair many, of hidden dreams, they don't see any.
what is to be seen, is not always in veiw,
what seems real and tangible, is what many choose.
unable to look inward, only seeing out,
blindness lurks, in a world of the devout.
when the unexpected occours, many are left in vain,
not learning from this, same mistakes are made again.

Sorry I missed this Slim....

I was busy fighting a different 'Hunter' at the time...

Just remember that some are gifted to see the unseeable..

and the hear the unspoken...

some feel the emptiness of others...

Jealousy must rage within those without the abilty and blessings of these gifts...

I read a feeble attempt to try to attack you because of your blessings...

Consider it a good thing then..although it came from a child..who needs to grow up in the manner area...


Food for look hungry..

How would The Panther know to call you..beautiful..and..friend..

If he wasn't the real Panther...hummm...

He had to have known somehow..right..?How I wonder..?

Another gifted one is among us...

Glad to meet you Panther...

Re: Wow...

Originally posted by tormented

He had to have known somehow..right..? How I wonder..?

Another gifted one is among us...

Glad to meet you Panther...


Tormented - Thank-you for taking notice...

i appreciate your enthusiam and understanding...

Interesting name... tOrMeNtEd...

...torn between two sides one very curiously wicked and the other very spiritual...not really religious though...

Why ToRmEnTeD?...

Best of Life...
Panther.. Tormented has been so, because she is alive and been subjected to the power of inhuman people. She will overcome those in time. A beautiful Spirit will outshine the dark, although her life, has not been a lark... her strength will come, and no longer be weak, when her voice waxes strong, and becomes able to speak... A wonderful Friend She is, invaluable to like Spirits. A Joy to Know.. She brings a smile always.
Slim... & tOrMeNtEd

I agree with you Slim... slowly recovering; however, some things were surroundings; time...

tormended will turn her suffering into great strength and will change the lives of many...

Best of Life
Slim...You are a good friend and joy to know....

You always make me laugh...;)


..tormended...I like that...

I will change my name to that in time...

polaroid WITH flash...
so the the thing u see, the spot inthere is just a reflection on the wood from the flash...
just telling u all since I have taken many pictures before with flash and without and for real lotsa flash stuff did fuck up my picture showing things that werent there and so on...
so, perhaps, its just that...
though, if u really SAW that ghost yourself, I would've believed u perhaps :)
Heh, careful, -=#h@@rdkoor#=-, don't throw rocks at the hornets nest!
hey hey...

I'm just joking round here... me, the cynical prick ;)
besides... if I wasn't interested I wouldn't reply now would I???

think bout that... got so much better to do than follow nonense, hehe
I distinctly see snaggle puss in that fire, all who disagree with me are small minded idiots who can't see what's right in front of them. My observation based purely on opinion and non-concrete reasoning is infallible, it would be folly to disagree with me!