Ghost Faces?

Look for phenomena & thats all you get!

it looks much like a portal of some kind,
:rolleyes: :D
This seems like the gestalt principal to me. You fill in the gaps in your own mind, or just outright see whatever the heck you wanna' see. It's just like looking at clouds, or taking one of those ink blot tests, what's it reveal about you? You want like hell to see paranormal things. Sorry friends, it just isn't there, the party is over, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
I don't see anything. :( But I think Mystech's right - we want to see, so our minds play tricks on us.

For example, there was an experiment done to prove the mind's slippery ways. A group of people were individually shown a consequence of an act, maybe an accident like a pyramid of oranges collapsing. Afterwards, the people were asked to describe the scene - many of them explained they had seen the cause, imagining things that might have caused the incident. This tells us that our brain is "desperate" to make connections, because after all, we are sensible, logical creatures.

Most of us, at any rate.

(Ok, some of us.) :rolleyes: :D

Far more of us are logical and rational beings than would be evident if one were simply to observe this board :p
wow... lol.. I ain't believing this.. the faces are staring at you.. wow! bring any or all of the pics up, step a way from your screen about three to four feet, don't look at the wood, look above. . if you cannot see them, you are missing out on a really neat pic. it is much simpler than you are making it. step away, move back and forth to and from your desktop.. they are misty looking, but plain as day! you people are gonna flipp out when and if you do see them. then they won't go away! ok.. I am loading this one... kinda traced,, it will give you an idea where to look.. the girl is standing,, the faces are there,, look for lips and noses,, only one has dark eyes, the images look like a Film negative on an undeveloped roll of 35 M/M film, ... no color!
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What's your problem slim? Yeah if you trace the outline you could say that it does look kind of like a face, if I look at a cloud I could say it looks kind of like a kitten, but does that mean a dead pet from the past is trying to communicate with me, or that there's anything unusual at all? Go spill some coolaid on your carpet and stair at it for a while, I'll bet you'll be able to start seeing things in there too, the walls of my room are made of stucco, on lazy weekend mornings sometimes I'll look at the patterns on the wall and start to make out shapes of things (yeah usualy faces, because the human brain is VERY good at doing that sort of thing, and we tend to memorize dozens of faces every day!)

Basicaly what I'm trying to tell you is that you can say Darth Vader looks like a big black dick (and he does) but that doesn't mean a god damned thing!
And have you ever noticed how the logo at the top left of this board looks like overlapping swasticas? Maybe whoever made it was possesed by hitler.
Mystech, What's your problem? I have noticed that you run amuck on this forum rediculing people.. just because you THINK you have ALL the answers, does'nt mean you do!.. if you would pay attention, and stop delegating your opinions as THE LAW, you "MIGHT" learn something! I am no Dummie, nor am I all that young... I am your senior by many years... you have No concept of what I'm saying or trying to show/share with you. you'd rather scoff at my theories, or open minded questions... is this a threat to you? it seems so.. you will remain ignorant for decades unless you chill out. I did my share of drugs in high school in the seventies.... I know the difference between hallucinations and reality.. so don't try to pull the holier than thou B/S... let other people find the faces, if you cannot learn.. your mindset is one of absolute disgust, and far from new to me... there are faces there, dunno how, what, or when... maybe you don't have th sight to see, lord knows with that ability, as a hunter, you'd never spot something out off the ordinary in settings, like the woods... maybe thats it. are you a city boy? to find a squirrel, you must look for signs out of the ordinary, things not normal... don't fear the squirrel, not these Faces that ARE... in this pic... FIND THEM dude! I'm telling you it is different than milk on the floor, or clouds... you hobble your own mind. can you at least "think"? your Vanity Blinds you to what is here... and there... it is rampant on this far only one person has taken it serious.. I'm surrounded by child like creatures... on a science forum no less... lol.. its above your comprehension I suppose.. not your fault.. excuse me, this pic needs to go elsewhere for disscussion.. my mistake.
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Haha, ok, I just have to ask, in all seriousness, and you can send me a private e-mail to confirm this or not, and I won't let your secret out, honest, but you ARE just playing a character here, right? I mean you're not actually getting worked up this much over someone suggesting that you're just seeing something because you're trying too hard, right? This is an act, for your amusement isn't it? I can understand that, I've been known to go on boards like these, and sort of as a satire write something crazy like you just have, and see people's reactions, it's usually pretty fun. This IS what you are doing, isn't it?

Not that it matters one damn bit, but I grew up in a rural area, and my back yard was a forest, I can also assure you that there is nothing special at all about spotting as squirrel, also I fail to see the link here.

As for 'holier than though' that's not at all what I'm going for here, I'm trying to tell you you're seeing a face on the moon, or Elvis in a potato chip, it's really quite common, finding recognizable patterns is just what your brain does! I'm sorry if this takes the luster out of your amazing discovery, Carlos, but the virgin Mary is not appearing in your taco.

Also don’t try to call this a science board, as neither pseudosince or pseudopsychology fit that description. Also, don’t refer to these faces as your ‘theory’ as a theory is the conclusion drawn from observations of a tested hypothesis, looking at a piece of wood and saying “hey that looks kind of like a face” does not exactly constitute scientific thought.

I'm sorry if you were looking for someone to try and validate your self worth, or stroke your ego, maybe shower you with praise for taking a grainy photograph of a door and proclaiming bravely and nobely "THERE BE FACES HERE!" That's not what I roam these forums for, I'm going to give you my honest observations and opinions on the subject, and you KNEW that's the sort of thing you'd get when you posted the pictures, so I dont' see why you're becoming upset with it at this point.

Finally, and I hope this isn’t too presumptuous, I’d like to suggest you get some sort of hobby, if this is the sort of thing you need to resort to-and cling to judging from your rather over zealous response-maybe it’s time to take up fishing, or painting, or some other nice quiet and calming activity to keep yourself occupied.
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Oh my this is turning into one of THOSE threads... there are a lot of them arnt there?

... honestly i have to say i saw a large womans face being confronted by a cobra with its head flaired out as they do. And something that is not quite a slightly lumpy crying baby spread out to the right of that. The pictures are of a pretty poor resolution so most of us probably cant pick out the distinctions that define the other faces.

For all the bashing mystech takes i would like to point out that he is generaly very honest about his petty motavations whereas the people he chooses to antagonize are usualy claimbing super powers that set their oppinions above his skepticism.

There aught to be better reasons for why what we see defies skepticism.

slim reread your posts, you accuse him of acting like he is supreme then make claimbs like "You wouldnt beleive the things ive seen or felt" with no elaboration, it stinks of posturing and chest beating. It dosnt change the fact that Mystech is a bastard but it does not seem like you are fighting the good fight either.

How will anyone learn to open their mind if they are harassed and called names from the moent they make known their inability to perceive the supernatural, dont we know something about that kind of percicution as well? Couldnt his persistance in posting here be evedence that he wants to try, is waiting for something he can see?

some people could do a better job of keeping an open mind about openmindedness, there is more to it than finding faces floating above woodgrain.
That's all well and good, but I still maintain that Darth Vader is a big imposing erect black penis, and that is why we both fear and love him all at once.
well hey, I am guilty of posting what I think is an unusual pic on this thread, an skeptics run up calling me basically an idiot for seeing something in it unusual. thats ok and good if thats your fun, but these people are robbing themselves of enlightenment to a certain degree. and looking at mystech's profile, he proclaims to be searching for the truth, (although he acts like a bully on the playground), a certifiable genius, and he's born in 1983? he's 20 years old and acting like an idiot! he'd do well to keep an open mind if he wants to be a genius. its just a simple pic, no big deal! only two people here saw what I see also, that in itself is another topic of its own. Why do people fear the unknown? simply saying "I don't see Them" should suffice. Its not my fault if others can't see it too. so call me names ehh? I'm not a child looking at my cerial bowl imagining weird stuff. If you don't see, no need to explain that I don't either. that is lame! some people are blinded by sight, and cannot feel, nor see anything their brain says is not there. I'm not into chest beating, I am simply intriged by the supernatural and have seen some weird things in my time. being open minded should not be a curse, nor should it be something to be ashamed of. My purpose of this thread is to Share, not shove.. it seems it bring out fear in some people, so it must be explained away. hey! Its just an unusual pic, no big deal!


"honestly i have to say i saw a large womans face being confronted by a cobra with its head flaired out as they do. And something that is not quite a slightly lumpy crying baby spread out to the right of that."
***That is not a womans face, it is a mans face with a beard, and another face is connected to the beard, part of it, under and to the right, another is joined above at his eye and above to the right slightly. you did find the other. there are several faces there.

"How will anyone learn to open their mind if they are harassed and called names from the moent they make known their inability
to perceive the supernatural, dont we know something about that kind of percicution as well? Couldnt his persistance in posting here be evedence that he wants to try, is waiting for something he can see?"

when posting a reply, these threads read from end to front. I never comented to him until he posted a couple of posts alluding to my idiocy of seeing nothing.. in short, he started the harrassment, not I. and I think his purpose is to aggravate, not learn. he already knows it all!

**You may be correct, ok... nuff said. his observations of Darth Vader ..may be the extent of his genius.
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Thought of the night

What good, exactly is being 'open minded' if it allows you to do nothing but misconstrue mundane events, and try to grasp at straws to make yourself feel as though you have some sort of leg up, or genuine reason to feel above your peers? You’re recognizing patterns in wood grain, congratulations 5 year olds to it all the time, a very large portion of the brain is dedicated to recognizing patterns such as faces, which is why you can see them in most any abstract image.

Also, I’d like to note that I have already stated several times that I can see what looks like a face from a profile view in that picture, I’m not saying that I don’t see anything and that you’re an idiot. You are however terribly confused, and I AM trying to tell you that this is nothing special at all, and that you are wasting your time with things that don’t matter, this is not paranormal. I seem to remember a while back someone took a picture of his curtains in low light with a pretty cheesy digital camera, and posted it on this board. All over the image there were inconsistencies in the color, mostly static purple splotches, and in these discolorations he circled a bunch that he thought were the faces of daemons, it was ridiculous when he did it, and it’s still ridiculous now, there is NOTHING at all unusual about random abstract designs looking like faces, or anything else for that matter, it’s just how our brains work, we seek to see things like that, be they intentional or non, that’s what the whole inkblot test thing is about (The actual name escapes me). What you see is more a projection of yourself than anything else, as the image was random and really never meant to look specifically like anything. In your case, I’d say you seem to be looking for some sort of self worth! You won’t find it in trying to boast the paranormal, go find something you can REALLY be proud of, paint a picture, or compose a song, it’s much more satisfying than working yourself up over nothing.
Well, there you go again.. lol.. above my peers?.. you are cocky for sure. a legg up? umm...No! an unusual pic ? yess... that you don't think so? who cares? there are other people who may see it differently. this is not the first time I've shown this pic, but it is the first time it has gotten this type of reaction. I have the large original version uncropped. what you are looking at is a section of the wall with the most anomalies present. The pic is being studied by experts that share my exitement and it has been deemed authentic. your opinion is hoggwash and unworthy of zilch..notta.. nothing! you show your ignorance of such things as soon as you start typing. My self worth needs no bumping up for these sort of things.. you seem like you enjoy putting people down to bump yours up! I mite suggest you do the same instead of cruising forums and kicking sand in peoples faces like a punk, you should find another hobby, take up fishing, or knitting. you know absolutely nothing of me of my credentuals, yet you speak with authority like you are above all. you elevate yourself to the extreme, not realizing how silly you sound. my intentions were to share the pic for fun and as something unusual. you seem to find it threatening to you somehow. like it must be put down and discarded, which is what you are trying to do. Its not yours... is that It? you call it nothing, I call it something. who's opinion do you think matters to me? another thing, I am about 30 years up on your B/S.. I was born in 1953.. I have children older than you, so tell me about what the brain sees, the ink blot test? thats old news dude. I've earned my opinion long ago! you'd do well to keep your opinions in Arizona with the Squirrels in those woods.. I thought that place was desert land?
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First off, the whole northern half of the state is forested, not that that matters so much, as there ARE in fact squirels (Ground squirels they're called) who live down in the desert, and to top it off I used to live in a rural area on the east coast, so yeah, squirles and forests aren't exactly bizzar alien concepts to me :p

Moving on I'd be VERY interested to know exactly what constitutes an 'expert' in your opinoin, and an expert on WHAT exactly, an expert on looking for stuff that isn't there? And what have they authenticated it as, a photo graph? How about somethign SPooooOoOOoOOOOky! *To be said while waiving your fingers* I'll let you know that I would have to throw any suposid authority who would support your claims in the same boat as you.

Yes my opinion is far more valid, as it follows reason and logic, and can be backed up, unlike your own wild reactionary claims of fantasie and delusion. Though I do know many people who are older than myself who's opinions I respect very much, I also know that wisdom doesn't automaticaly come with age. You don't come off as if you have a fricking clue what you're talking about, and I have to admit that you come off sounding like a complete crackpot and loonie.

Tell me this, what reason in all of the vastness of creation do you have to think that these 'faces' in the woodgrain are at all related to ghosts in any way? There's a bit of a break down in logic, there, especialy when these things can be explained PERFECTLY without resorting to wild idiotic unsupportalbe claims. Sir, I could claim that the sun rises every morning because in fact aliens are towing it around our plannet in their space ships, but then we already KNOW why the sun rises every morning, and that ain't it.
I think your Childish reply pretty much sums it all up..:bugeye:
you still don't understand... the faces "I" see, are NOT in the woodgrain! whether or not they are Ghosts or apparations, spirits, or the ice cream man, I don't Know! I see a multitude of faces waiting in line, layered, like they are passing through the room, and were interupted by the camera flash. however, I have a child-like sense of excitement about the unknown, an am always open to new horizons, and I seek to find the truth. not muddle it up with Rash, off the wall B/S.. I bet I have more fun than you do!

you speak, type, with words of youth, which Youth in itself is the beginning of Knowledge, and NOT to be disrespected, youth or curiosity is the stepping stone to true Knowledge. you seem to think and speak with an Elated self worth that will in fact hinders you until you get old or EXPERIENCED enough to know that you DON"t know it all. in other words, you may be smart in book sense, and feel yourself above the "Old" man here in that you "Think" you are Sharper, Quicker, Better Reflexes, and "Know" more in General than me. however, You don't have enough sense to "Realize" that you don't know Beans about me, or the history of the pic, you simply Glanced, saw, made a decission, and all thats left is to Debunk me, the pic. also, a generic mistake made universally is to ignore the fact that being Older "DOES" bring Knowledge and wisdom beyond what your Punk ass Knows at your Age. However, you, on the other hand, may remain on the bottom rung of the ladder till you become wiser, or otherwise enlghtened enough to "Pay Attention" to the old farts, and learn.. But it is unlikely.. you exibit a fallacy of great tunnel vision. which in all the scope of unknown realities, in regressing to a great degree. in Short, you, unless you slow your critisizem and open up your mind, will always be ignorant.

open your eyes dude! look at the pic again, study it.. I challenge you to find four faces, if you are sorta sharp, up to seven faces and more... it can't hurt you or cause you irrepuable damage... Tweek your eyes and brain... shut your Skepticizm down for once. I'm being patient.. this pic is not average, not because I brought it here, but because its out of the ordinary... I'm not trying to outshine your glory, so, back off the man-pride shit.:D
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and I seek to find the truth. not muddle it up.
Better stop looking for phenomena then,as thats all you will find,& no truth!
can't never could....So, was Edison successful? Madam Currie?, the spaceshuttle will NEVER fly!, Computers!..Bahh.. Waste of time! they told Ben Franklin to go fly a kite...he did. They also burned witches long ago, along with... maybe, the cure for Cancer? Mankind has a deathwish for itself in ways. in the form of negative people occupying the same space, time, and instant, as dreamers. Imagine another Realm watching you undress before you shower... No wonder you are afraid. hehe.. sticking your head in the sand has the same result everytime*... it truely happens that your ass is made an easier target.
Yes, but edison and franklin had something over you. They used scientific thought, not wild idiotic reactionary fantasies, as the basis of their ideas! Lets see you bild a light bulb with your 'faces'. There's nothing there, old man, go lay down before you hurt yourself! For all your years you haven't learned much about rational thought, go take some night classes about critical thinking, studie sylogistic logic, figure out that your statements are complete BS! Unfortunately wisdom does not automaticaly come with age, it doesn't take a genius to realize that, there are a lot of very dumb old men out there, and that's quite likely because they never really learned anything when they were young, and nothing about that has changed. 12, or 60 years old I don't care how old you are, if you don't know how to think, you don't fricking know how to think!
Value Opinions of Others

I see a reflection of the past...
a large percent of these pictures are coincidence or hoax...

however; you may have something...
I have see very little evidence of this phenomenon....

If I had to say what i see...

two or more spirits struggling to manifest....


to whom it may concern:

the opinions of others are valuable not matter how ecentric or abnormal they may seem.... can someone so beautiful be so bitter....?
a friend...

nice contribution....
keep posting