Ghost Faces?


Registered Senior Member
Look at this pic! it was sent to me by a friend that lives in an old Apt. house. it is a crop of a section of her wall that shows a stain in this pic only. I found several faces in it plus a girl standing among them. a face in the forefront appears to have its eyes open, and they show up as dark as coal, his mouth is open also. there are other faces layered in the pic.. look for noses and lips. the pic is a polaroid with a flash, and hasn't been altered other than cropping my friend out.
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Wow man...That awesome...Now I see her exactly like you were tring to say!!!!!..and the faces show on her cheek better too...That is fucking eerie...yet sssoooo cool..

Amazing what you can find if you only look...right...?
yep, My friend did'nt see these till I pointed them out.. hehe.. I think she wants to move out now! it looked like a stain on the pic. on the other side of her on the wall there appears to be more, like she is sitting between a portal. heres a dark one, no blue tint.
yah i got faces on wooden doors too....

ever read the MAXIM inwhich they shows the face of jesus in various items.... how this one chick worships a old dirty stainded window.... or a brick wall after it was sprayed with a high presured water gun to removed the spay paint and it shows a face

scary aint it !!! :rolleyes:

i once spilled juice on the floor and it made a happy face..
oh well.. Smilies are cool.. lots of things that are unexplainable.

like the time i was playing ghostbusters with my brother outside when we were kids and a mini tornado apperred 10 feet from me and lasted for 5 seconds....

the irony of playing ghostbusters and then....
yeah, you wouldn't believe probably, some of the things I have seen, or felt. I think I was concious, I know I felt awake and remembered. like a fifth demension, is it there, or did I make it happen, or did I happen upon it while it was happening? its a simiconcious form of insanity.. like near death may release the spirit to wander a little, and return with new found awareness. if one refuses to believe, then one in fact hobbles themselves for adventure in new beginnings of realms. sometimes windows of knowledge and opportunity open, and many people cower back mentally in fear of unreadiness and lack of plan. Its better not to upset the applecart. remain dependably functional, yet notoriously ignorant safely. lol.. oh well. me, I see all Kinds of Weird Shiiit...:bugeye: like while driving around town at night, for years, different Streetlights have been flickering out as I approach. thats also drivng all sorts of different vehicles over the years, so, its not headlights doing it, I don't think!
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buddy.... you just said a mouthfull....

and i didnt catch one word of it
see what I mean? I read it too, and don't understand it either! ... its the fifth demension .... the other me.. hehe...

I'm so bright, my mom calls me sun.
I've long been curious about paranormal activities such as this pic, I'l been told that the apparations are preserved energy that is repititous and has no plan of sorts. Poltergeist's are supposedly mischevious Spirits.. I think we are locked in one demension and there are others that parallel ours, these maybe sometimes overlap and Briefly enter ours. maybe there is another world around us that has no physical presence and when you think you are alone, your not!
I don't think this is anything paranormal, faces can be seen everywhere, just look at any piece of tiedyed fabric. It is natural for humans to try to find faces and patters in surfaces that are otherwise non-figurative in themselves.

I understand what you are saying, I have seen Patterns in wood that resembled faces, animals. The faces I'm seeing here are not that. these Float above the wood.. Look again, they are layered and a little difficult to see at first, but once you find them they stand out. the people that finally see them said mostly the same thing as you, until they found them. Some people don't see what I'm seeing because they look too deep into the wood! these images are Not in the wood! they look like plasma, floating.
Even if that is a face, which it isn't, I think it'd be pretty cool, because to me it looks like a laughing, happy woman with a huge head of hair.
there are others faces above, below and to the right of the glowing face. if you ignore and scoff at their existance , you'll Never see anything unusual anywhere, which is kinda sad. you have to first believe they MIGHT be there. then Study the pic again. you are missing out on somthing unusual, because they Are there!
hey beb

i thought you were into all the paranormal stuff

B\W what happened to those cards:p
I have been playing around with the photo and found these things :
VERY abnormal RGB, but the red is really odd - i jumps massively, which very odd.

BUT I also did some enhancing on the photo - and this does show it a bit better :-\

thanks edg, all I wanted was for someone to help me figure this thing. I've seem orbs and ectoplasm, but never have I seen faces such as these! it looks much like a portal of some kind, and the glowing face is first, followed by many that do not show a reaction like the dark eyed one. its almost as if he is startled by the camera flash. there is also a little girl standing, her hair is in the above picture frame and her form runs to the couch. she stands among the faces there is a "Fat" face to the right of the pic, a gray mist type, one face below dark eyes, and another to the right above dark eyes, they are layered into his face. I took the pic and did some manual tinting with intensity, and contrast, the red really did show up then, and around the eyes looked to be glowing moreso.. like a flare.