Getting a prostitute for your son. Acceptable or no?

Is it acceptable for a father to get his son a prostitute?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters


The field its covered in blood
Valued Senior Member
Just wondering what you all think. If your son is over 18, and has a birthday, would you say it is acceptable/ethical to get him a prostitute? Please explain your thinking.
Can you elaborate? What do you think this says about the relationship between the two?

What do you think it says about someone who thinks this is acceptable?
It really depends on the son. Perhaps the son is 37 and has been using prostitutes for 20 years and has asked his father to pay for his weekly prostitute. In that case, I can't see any major problem.

On the other hand, this could be a father pressuring his virgin son to have sex before he is ready, which would be a bad thing.
Just wondering what you all think. If your son is over 18, and has a birthday, would you say it is acceptable/ethical to get him a prostitute? Please explain your thinking.

I wouldn't say it's "unethical", but why would anyone WANT to subject their kid to that kind of nastiness?
It really depends on the son. Perhaps the son is 37 and has been using prostitutes for 20 years and has asked his father to pay for his weekly prostitute. In that case, I can't see any major problem.

On the other hand, this could be a father pressuring his virgin son to have sex before he is ready, which would be a bad thing.

Well lets say the son is in some kind of mental facility where he is trying to better his life and ways. He's still a teenager, but of age so to speak. And the father has always been abusive but is now trying to mend things with his son, so got him a hooker. Mind you, prostitution is illegal in USA.

Is this an acceptable way to mend things with your son? And could it contribute to the sons problems and give him the wrong impression about how to treat women.

While I do very much want to hear how other males would answer this, I am also very curious to see what some women on the board think of it.
I wouldn't say it's "unethical", but why would anyone WANT to subject their kid to that kind of nastiness?

Hey, prostitutes are people, too. And some of them happen to be pretty decent. Don't be such a prude.

Also, you get what you pay for.
Wrong because it's illegal, but ethically speaking no I don't think it's wrong. Weird mind you, but not wrong.
I wouldn't say it's "unethical", but why would anyone WANT to subject their kid to that kind of nastiness?

Whats more nasty is when people pretend their job doesnt happen, when they make their job illegal so woman who have no other options or who want to be in that position ... can be raped with no legal recourse.

That kinda evil is a lot more worse the act of sex for money.

I would prefer those kinda people to die out in this world than prossies.
I actually wrote this out a year or two back:

The hypocrisy of criminalized prostitution
07:13:37 pm, Categories: Life Views, 896 words
I spent a lot of time learning about this topic before I was confident enough to write about it. I spent a lot of time watching documentaries, reading research and studies and speaking to people around me before I put my fingers to the keyboard.

The reason I am writing this is not because I have any type of desire to use the services of a prostitute but because I understand the hypocrisy and unjustness of criminalizing prostitution.

First lets have a look why it is illegal... I asked around and the only reasons I could seem to find was because it is, "immoral" and "degrading". So basically the reason appears to be religious moral conditions more than any actual real crime or harm being done to either the buyer or the seller.

What society has done by criminalising prostitution has allowed some very vulnerable people to become victims to some of the worst types of abuse. Females and males who work in the industry can be subjected to rape without any type of recourse from the law for fear of being arrested themselves.

So basically, because we are offended by the concept and idea of the type of work someone has chosen to do, we just sit back and allow their hurt and abuse to continue. I'm sorry, you cant take the moral high ground on this one. If you seriously think that we should continue to create victims because of some warped morality code than I cant hold any type of respect for you. You are committing a great crime by allowing these woman to be abused, then by legalizing the industry. Morality should not be legislated!

Now I want to move onto the "degrading" argument that was constantly thrown my way. I emailed and got into contact with a couple of people who work in the industry to get a more balanced view point on the topic, and get their thoughts on the criminalization of prostitution. The responses I got back where professional and interesting and to the letter, not one of them thought their job was degrading.

Most of the people I contacted in fact informed me that they loved their jobs and what they did and a couple even mentioned it was more than about the money. Their point of view seemed to center around the fact that they considered themselves sexually "mature" and did not see any type of sin or evilness with sex.

A couple of the people I spoke to appeared already to be the victims of society with no other resources available to them. One of the ladies explained how her husband had left her with three kids and they were basically starving on the side of the road before she entered the industry. Now she is able to look after herself and her kids, and is putting them all through school.

Another important point we have to look at is the crime associated with prostitution. Yes, there is a pretty large criminal element associated with prostitution but as studies have shown... that element is there because the act of prostitution is criminalized. Because prostitutes are considered to be committing a crime they are unable to use the protective services a lot of society has to offer, and so in turn, have to associate themselves with less savoury characters to get some type of protection from the sicker parts of humanity.

If you legalize it, most of the criminal element should leave with it. This has been shown over and over again when countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand and even an American and Australian state who have all started the process of legalizing it.

In the state of Nevada where prostitution has been legalized and is regulated, results have shown that the STD rate amongst the prostitutes in that state are lower than those of the general public. Also, because the woman are more educated in safer sex and are protected there has not being a single case of AIDS in the Nevada legalized prostitution industry.

This topic should be very simple for us. You have no right to tell someone else what they can and can not do with their body, and no one has the right to tell you what to do with yours. If you choose to sell your body services off as a toilet janitor, a politician or a prostitute that should be YOUR choice. Whether you are offended by the idea or not, prostitution has and most likely will always have a roll and to play and a part in our society. Even in countries in the Middle East where prostitution is punishable by death it continues. Sex is legal, money is legal, sex for money is illegal... unless its in front of a camera, and its just porn, and then its legal. You cant be serious?

Now we can choose to be hypocrites and allow this abuse to continue in the name of some imaginary moral conviction or you can do the right thing, and help protect these woman by decriminalizing the industry.

In the closing words of Penn & Teller episode on the subject of prostitution, if you think its disgusting and degrading. Don't do it.
Hey, prostitutes are people, too. And some of them happen to be pretty decent. Don't be such a prude.

Also, you get what you pay for.

Oh, I'm not contesting the fact that they are people. I'm more concerned with the number of diseases those women spread and the lack of medical attention they get particularly in places where prostitution is illegal. That is nasty. In places where it's legal, I've heard it's better supervised and way cleaner for all involved.
Just wondering what you all think. If your son is over 18, and has a birthday, would you say it is acceptable/ethical to get him a prostitute? Please explain your thinking.
If one is sure one's son would like it, then sure. It's not different than, say, renting a car for him. It's a service and or product; a perfectly legitimate, reasonable gift.
Illegal where?

In the United States. If you're in another country where it isn't illegal then it isn't wrong at all. I do still think it's sort of weird though. I don't really want my parents involved in my sex life, but that's just me.
again i would ask what would you people think of getting one for your daughter?
Concidering the discussion on abstance pledges i do have to admire the irony of this thread though:p
General thoughts

The whole notion strikes me as a dubious proposition on more than one level.

Psychologically speaking, this is not a healthy relationship between father and son. Healthy differentiation of the emotional aspects of parent and child suggest that they should not, even with this degree of removal, be sharing a sexual experience.

Additionally, hiring sex as a service for one's son might contribute to a diminished regard for women or, more generally, sex partners.

Addressing Asguard's question about daughters, I can only note that in my youth, we heard stories of a Pacific culture in which young women were not quite ritually deflowered by young men hired for the occasion. I would suggest this isn't particularly healthy, either.

To the other, though, much of this depends on cultural paradigms, as well. Perhaps if, the cultural outlook on sex and sexuality wasn't so neurotic—as in, say, the United States—it wouldn't have such negative implications.
In the United States. If you're in another country where it isn't illegal then it isn't wrong at all. I do still think it's sort of weird though. I don't really want my parents involved in my sex life, but that's just me.

It's not illegal in all states.