George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.

Is it Racism, or Just Shitty Parenting?

KWHilborn said:

Stand your ground means you shot because you feared for your life. The man did not chase her to the garage. She did not attempt to flee. A fearful person would not go back into a house to shoot at people.

To reiterate the point you're deliberately ignoring:

So while a judge was willing to enforce the idea of "fleeing" when Marissa Alexander left her home to retrieve the weapon with which she stood off her violent ex-husband, that, well, yeah, by the judge's logic—her stiff sentence was for endangering the children by firing the gun in their presence—she should have abandoned her children to a violent man with a criminal record whose answer to accusations of domestic violence is that he hit each of his five baby-mamas except that one, who is lying.​

And to think, you claim to be a parent.

Or is it only the black woman that should abandon her children to the violent criminal?
@ Electric Fetus,
There were many sources that gave us the mapped out timeline.

So? The number of source is not the issue, issue is can they actually map out zimmerman and martins movement with such accuracy.

From the video at 7-11 to the 911 calls where we heard the fatal gunshot there was corroboration between three sources plus witnesses.

And that has to do with mapping the movement how?

We have Deedee Trayvons Girlfriend describing what he was doing and saying. We have GZ accounts, backed up by the recorded police call. You can hear GZ shut his car door. This is the established route and timeline.

Again how does is provide us with an accuracy down to the second map of how these two moved throughout the whole incident? Even to a degree that we could know the martin return to jump zimmerman?

ALSO ... Treyvons death was only 100 seconds (minute and half) after GZ hung up the telephone with Police.

The Police have a time stamp on their recordings of Trayvons call, and have a time stamp on the various 911 calls that came from neighbors once the fight had started.

This was a corroborated description of the route and timeline.

No it does not, after Zimmerman leaves his car (car door sound) there is no way we could know for sure how he moved, how fast he moved, what direction he moved. All we have for sure is the position of his car, and the murder scene. All the rest is supposition.

If you want to suggest an alternate route or timeline that matches all the information then feel free to share it. There are a lot of Bogus videos out there from idiots and kids making facts up, but if you follow all the information accurately the video I posted is most accurate.

Pure opinion.

Some things are common sense. If Trayvon had gone a different route then why did GZ need to get out of his truck and go on the pathway by foot? We heard GZ leave his vehicle. The door slam is on tape.

This is the most commonly accepted version of events.

Different path from what... ok lets back up here, can you prove that martin turned back and attacked zimmerman.

GZ defence lawyer walked on hands and feet (crawled) to the home in under 30 seconds. Trayvon played football and could do the distance in 10 seconds (lawyers words on stand not my own).

How is this proof martin turned back to attack zimmerman? It is not, for all we know he stood in place and talked to his girlfriend, he got lost in the confusion, who knows!

There is more than some reasonable doubt Trayvon went back for GZ.

Yes your right there is reasonable doubt martin went back for zimmerman. Therefor we can't accept zimmerman account that the person he chased after attacked him as validating his killing.
@ Electric Fetus,

The mapped movements were corroborated. If you have an alternate theory pose it, but timestamps on phone records and videotape do help paint the picture. Take a class in forensics if you are too dim to understand what corroboration, background noises (car door shutting,etc.) can mean in a case. A jury was convinced this was what occurred. This is the common opinion. If you have some fantasy scenario, pose it.

@ Tiassa,

Perhaps I am wrong, but everything I see about this Marissa Alexander case says the children belonged to the man and not her. The articles suggest they arrived with him were shot at with him and left with him.

If they were her children that would mean 2 things.

A) It would give me reason to believe maybe she was protecting her children and was within her rights
B) You actually looked at the facts before you started spewing nonsense.

However I am still not sure these kids were related to her. If she was their mother I apologize. I have only reviewed this case for about 5 minutes. You perhaps are more aware of the situation.

@ Balerion,

To suggest that Trayvon would double-back after running away from someone--especially someone he lost sight of--is beyond absurd, and no one in their right mind would believe it.

So where is this evidence that Trayvon was running away from, scared of, or in any way intimidated by Zimmerman? Trayvon was 6'2" tall, had a muscular build, played football, had a reputation as a fighter and was even sought after as a fighting trainer (in phone texts). He was 7' Taller than the fat guy watching him. According to GZ Trayvon circled his truck while walking past and he had to roll up his window to avoid a confrontation. Zimmermans fighting skills were 0.5 out of 10 testified a gym trainer, and he could not fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

Nobody knows if Trayvon was scared. It is nice that you are PSYCHIC enough to tell us.

Trayvon did run at several points and the first time was to get out of the rain at the mail shelter. According to Deedee he did not suspect he was being watched at that point in time. Is running in the rain the same as running in fear? Trayvon does not sound like the wimpy guy you suggest he was.
And to think, you claim to be a parent.

This is the crap that has to stop. We can do enough damage by using their own words to hurt their credibility; insinuating that their delusions about the Trayvon Martin case make them bad parents is stepping way beyond the line.

I won't even say I haven't done similar. I'm just saying, let's all make an effort to stop. Our leaders should be setting the example, not giving us an out.
@ Tiassa,

Nope. I was right the first time. She is a psycho. The children were not hers. She shot at them and not some warning shot into the ceiling. If this was not serious enough charges, as soon as she got out on bail she went to his house and started beating on him in front of his kids.

I mean if you are going on trial for attempted murder it might seem a bit sane to not attack the same person again. Especially since her defense was that she was deathly afraid of said man. How afraid could she be if she could not keep a peace bond and went straight over to attack him?

If they were her children that would mean 2 things.

A) It would give me reason to believe maybe she was protecting her children and was within her rights
B) You actually looked at the facts before you started spewing nonsense.

I now think the opposite is true, and your record for spewing nonsense without knowing the facts remains untarnished. Why would I even think otherwise (for all of 10 minutes)?

RE: My parenting.

My children have not yet Sold Guns or Beaten up Snitches yet (to my knowledge) which you have told me is common behavior for American Kids, so I think I am doing Okay so far.
@ Electric Fetus,

The mapped movements were corroborated. If you have an alternate theory pose it, but timestamps on phone records and videotape do help paint the picture. Take a class in forensics if you are too dim to understand what corroboration, background noises (car door shutting,etc.) can mean in a case. A jury was convinced this was what occurred. This is the common opinion. If you have some fantasy scenario, pose it.

No, first of all you have yet to prove how zimmerman's and martin movement can be tracked accurately throughout the whole incident. By all means if there is a matter of known forensic science then please explain second by second the evidence and the positional result for both individuals, explain to me how this works, that all. If you have the evidence than PROVE the evidence shows that martin turned around and attack zimmerman.
As you typically do, make strong points about the SYG laws, and frankly how they seem to be skewed against minorities. And while I'm not into generalizing or 'broad brushing' (;)) I think you're right that the SYG law will end up being an acceptable defense more often than not, for those who plot to kill someone, but stage it to look like self defense. (well, it being an 'acceptable' defense depending on who is who in a murder trial) Yikes...That's a pretty sobering idea, when you think about it.

Did I say...stage?
@ Electric Fetus,

I have zero interest in describing action by action how the stories and whereabouts were corroborated. Even while on the telephone with police he made statements like "Now he is coming towards me" or "now he's heading up the path which based on average walking speeds and verified by Deedee, etc show where he was parked. Maybe the entire police call was a lie. Maybe GZ and Deedee (Trayvons Girlfriend) were secretly lovers trying to set up Trayvon. It's your fantasy, how do you want to play it out.

The scenario I posted was based on what was deemed to be the likely scenario painted by multiple sources. I do not give a crap if you do or do not accept it.


You are just too lazy to research this yourself. I have read and understood the timeline, but I imagine it is simply too much for your brain to handle. I cannot dumb it down enough, or am not willing to dumb it down enough. Maybe ask your mommy to help you figure it out.

If Trayvon continued down a road then Zimmerman would have been able to follow him by truck. You need to have common sense when watching that video or listening to any court version of events.

@ Wegs,

Tiassa recently discussed case was about someone who tried to use the SYG defense and failed because she shot at kids, and had gone elsewhere to get the gun and returned. If she feared for her life as is required, why did she return after getting gun or go to the victims home and again attack him in front of his kids as soon as she made bail. Judge denied SYG defense.
@ Electric Fetus,

I have zero interest in describing action by action how the stories and whereabouts were corroborated. Even while on the telephone with police he made statements like "Now he is coming towards me" or "now he's heading up the path which based on average walking speeds and verified by Deedee, etc show where he was parked. Maybe the entire police call was a lie. Maybe GZ and Deedee (Trayvons Girlfriend) were secretly lovers trying to set up Trayvon. It's your fantasy, how do you want to play it out.

Let simplify this here: is there any moment in the time span between Zimmerman leaving his car and him fighting with and killing Martin in which one or both individuals can't be tracked? If in fact most of that time is untrackable for one or both of them (certainly Martin) then you can't propose that there is any evidence Martin backtracked and intentionally attack Zimmerman.

The scenario I posted was based on what was deemed to be the likely scenario painted by multiple sources. I do not give a crap if you do or do not accept it.

Does this scenario include Martin turning around and attack zimmerman?


Many possibilities that are more likely then "I'm going to fuck that cracker up!"
A) He slowed down, while talking with girlfriend perhaps or even stopped for some time, perhaps trying to determine if he was still being chased, he could have even turned back some distance to see if he was in fact being chased or was seeing things.
B) He was not taking a direct route, possibly because he thought he was being chased.
C) He got lost possibly because he ran at first when he thought correctly that he was being chased.

Note my argument is that Martin for most of the time was untrackable, so all your 'maps' are BS, I also don't need to suggest an alternate path that he took because my argument is that he was untrackable based on existing evidence: so no alternate pathway or any pathway can be proven.


So? Do we murder people for walking around randomly?

You are just too lazy to research this yourself. I have read and understood the timeline, but I imagine it is simply too much for your brain to handle. I cannot dumb it down enough, or am not willing to dumb it down enough. Maybe ask your mommy to help you figure it out.

Oh the insults, they hurt, ouch, oh I think you broke my virtual I-give-a-shit bone!

If Trayvon continued down a road then Zimmerman would have been able to follow him by truck.

Why should Martin have continued down that road? If you think someone is chasing you why the fuck would you keep out in the open where he could run you down with his truck?
@ Tiassa;

Regarding the Alexander story;

It makes sense why the SYG law didn't work in her defense after reading all of the details of the case. (And knowing more about how that tied in with the "stringent" particulars of SYG) But I'll say this. If you* have been in an abusive relationship, you will understand the bizarre dynamic between Alexander and her lover. If you have never been in an abusive relationship, you won't understand it. That said, here we have a case where an abusive man beats this woman and she ends up in jail ...for firing a warning shot? What a joke.

And Zimmerman kills a teenager and he walks.

Basically, SYG is a good defense if you're a white man.

* "you" meant in a general sense ;)
**side note: It's still rather sadly astonishing how pathetic the court system still views and handles cases involving women who have battered woman "syndrome." :/

KWHilborn said:

Tiassa recently discussed case was about someone who tried to use the SYG defense and failed because she shot at kids, and had gone elsewhere to get the gun and returned. If she feared for her life as is required, why did she return after getting gun or go to the victims home and again attack him in front of his kids as soon as she made bail. Judge denied SYG defense.

I do, in fact, owe you an apology for the shot on your parenting skills. However, she did not shoot at the kids. And, well, I won't await any of the dozens of apologies you owe other people.

But, yes, sorry about the parenting shot. And, yes, you're right—as long as it's just teaching them the loathsome ideas you express here, you're doing fine.
@ wegs,

You may have been mislead by false media about her shooting a warning shot into the ceiling. The shot was really in the wall behind the victims. How do you know it is a warning shot? If I try to shoot you in the head and you duck at the last second and the bullet lodges in the wall behind you the room, it would look the same as if I fired a warning shot. This woman (despite the dynamic) did not fear for her life.

In order to use the Stand Your Ground defense the person using the defense must feel their life is in danger. Did she feel this man was going to kill her in front of his kids? Did he restrain her from leaving when she left the house to get her gun? It appears not. If she was truly in danger and ran outside to the Garage and got the gun while he was ten feet behind her tripping over stuff she was tipping in his path and then grabbed the gun and shot him just as his fist was hurling towards her, then that would be an instance she feared for her life. If she was scared she could have stayed in the garage with the gun and called the police. Going back into the house is not a fight or flight response which was deemed necessary by the judge.

Now when she was arrested for attempted murder (it was aimed at him according to the three witnesses) despite your warning shot fantasies, she was forced to abide by certain conditions and obey a court ordered peace bond. She made bail.

Now when she made bail she went straight to the man (totally disrespecting the court orders and bail conditions) and attacked him.

Her bail was then revoked because obviously she was too psychotic and too dis respective of laws, and the court orders. From the courts point of view her first chance of freedom will send her straight back to the same man armed to the teeth. How would you protect a family if a person shows extreme violence and utter disrespect for the law, and peace bonds.

You seem to want to think that she is sane enough to be let go, but if she kills the man or his kids could you live with that guilt?

She did try the Stand Your Ground defense but she is obviously not afraid of him, and obviously not in fear of her life. She had no fear beating him when she got out on bail.

Let's just let all the psychos out of jail.

Law is mostly common sense. Put yourself in the judges shoes.
a) Was she in fear of her life as is necessary to use the SYG defense?
b) Would you feel safe letting this woman go knowing that when she was released last time she went directly to the mans home and AGAIN assaulted him and beat him in front of AGAIN his children.

Oh sorry. I did not mean to bring real law into a case that you have already decided is 100% racist. This case is obviously settled in a way that ensures the safety of the victims, and she certainly was never in fear of her life. The father could have wrestled the gun away from her partially and aimed it while they were struggling and shot her and claimed the SYG defense because his children could testify she fired a shot at him, and he WAS IN FEAR OF HIS LIFE. If he had fully wrestled the gun off her then he would no longer be in fear, as he would have the firepower.

@ Electric Fetus,

Trayvons Girlfriend said he was by his dads house
JEANTEL: It was just a fight broke out. It was not taken serious. It was just a fight broke out and I had thought he was already by his daddy house. That somebody would come help him because by another area you could have heard sounds and stuff. And I thought the daddy was there, so.


JEANTEL: I told him, you better run. And he had told me he already -- he almost by his daddy fiancee house. So I said and I just shut my room door that connects to my door in the bathroom.

(Comments from court transcripts)

So according to Jeantel (his GF) Trayvon was by his dads house. Other witnesses confirmed this. What is the mystery is how Trayvon got to be back at the intersection he vanished from a few minutes earlier. Was he kidnapped at gunpoint from his parents house? Did he run low on skittles and was walking back to the store? Was he going to bash GZ? Nobody can explain it without coming to the conclusion Trayvon turned on GZ. This is what a Jury believed and it does cast reasonable doubt.
I reread the details about the case, here is a link for anyone interested.

I will agree with you kwhilborn, she acted recklessly. But, where she honestly went wrong? She should have fled the house and not returned into it, IF he was threatening her life. Keep in mind something. Her estranged partner had a history of abusing Alexander. She had a RO against him. That’s not an easy thing to obtain, against someone. Abusive relationships are very hard to understand if you’ve never been in one. It is very easy to cast judgment on Alexander, but it’s not a typical situation, these two.

That said. She should have fled when she knew he was there, since she had a RO against him. That alone implies that she either a) really wasn’t all that afraid of him, if she was willing to stay and ‘argue’ with him or b) she ''snapped'' after having dealt with abuse for so long at the hands of the guy…so, that part is what stands out more to me than the judge rejecting the SYG defense.

But, again…abusive relationships are very volatile and these two just had a baby a few weeks prior to this incident.

But, I do believe that if Alexander was white…SYG would have swooped down to save the day. This is my opinion. I would love to see some real cases whereby the SYG law was used as the defense for an African-American person shooting a white person, and the African-American person was acquitted through such a defense. My guess…you won’t find too many.

And race DEFINITELY plays a huge factor when it comes to longer prison sentences for African-Americans. (that’s not my opinion)

But, I will agree with you—she acted recklessly. But, 20 years?
Russ_Watters said:
No, not "damaging punches", just punches (or other physical violence). Zimmerman may have thrown a punch that didn't land, it's just that without injury to Martin, there is no evidence of a thrown punch. You're really not comprehending what I'm saying. A little tip: I'm not trying to trick you. I mean exactly what I'm saying.
While fist fights involve physical contact, they don’t always begin with it. In a boxing match for example, missed punches are not landed and feints aren't intended to land. Many punches aren't landed with enough force to leave evidence of their application. That there is evidence of one punch allegedly landed by Martin doesn’t mean it was the first one thrown.

1. You mixed together physical and non-physical (probably on purpose). Only the physical matters here. I'll let you figure out which is which.
You don’t understand the concept of contact and non contact Interaction? How about landed punch vs. feint.

1a. There is no evidence of any physical action by Zimmerman during/starting the fight until he fired the gun.
Zimmerman the rag doll?
Mark Osterman, Zimmerman’s best friend and the author of a book defending him, testified Tuesday that Zimmerman told him on the night of the shooting that Trayvon briefly grabbed his gun as the two wrestled on the ground. Mr. Osterman said Zimmerman said to him, “somehow I broke his grip on the gun when guy grabbed between the grip and the hammer.”

2. "Provocations". Again, you're trying to twist the wording. We're not talking about a "provocation", we're talking about an actual fight.
All fights begin for a reason or provocation, including this one. There are initiating factors that the jury is required to derive from reasonable inference in order to assign blame.

I see a lot of inconsistency and embellishment in your narrative, much less in Zimmerman's. No, Zimmerman's wasn't perfect but your are trying to embellish it to make it much more imperfect than it really was. There has to be some reason why you are letting your conclusion drive your logic and not the other way around (note: I did not mention racism).
Zimmerman claims to be the victim of an extensive life threatening attack, when the evidence only supports the infliction of relatively inconsequential injuries caused by a single punch to his nose. No reasonable evidence of a single head slam to the pavement, let alone the dozens reported by Zimmerman. This embellishment by Zimmerman is meat of his self defense argument, without it he has no reasonable cause to employ deadly force.

Zimmerman did not sustain the injuries by accident while playing a sport!
As I mentioned above, the injuries received by Zimmerman are not considered serious or life threatening. The sports example is relevant to show that while such injuries may be a painful annoyance, they don’t significantly compromise health or performance.

You're misdirecting again. No one is saying that the injuries Zimmerman had could have been fatal. All they say is that Martin was inflicting (not threatening) bodily harm, for which Zimmerman had a right to defend himself. And given that:
1. Zimmerman could not stop the bodily harm in any other way than with his gun.
2. Zimmerman didn't know how much more bodily harm Martin would inflict, up to and possibly including killing him.

Deadly force was justified in stopping the attack.
Again, the evidence suggests that all of Zimmerman’s injuries are consistent with the application of a single punch to the nose. There is no reasonable evidence of the sustained attack claimed by Zimmerman.

You're being ridiculous. Breaking your nose hurts and people scream when on the losing end of fights all the time, whether or not they are life threatening. In addition, 37 seconds would have been an awful long time for them to have been fighting over the gun without it going off. Zimmerman's version is consistent with the events and logic. Yours is not. And again, your implication that I said Zimmerman's injuries were life threatening (or that they needed to be) is intentionally deceptive.
I’ve had my nose broken playing basketball, it really wasn’t that painful at the time of the injury, but became more so hours later, and it didn’t stop me from continuing the contest.

Zimmerman admits to wrestling for control of the gun, so take away the single punch by Martin and the remainder of the action consists of a struggle for the gun. How long does it take to throw a single punch?

Like I stated before, it was much more likely that Zimmerman feared the harm associated with losing his weapon than that stemming from a single punch to the nose.

If you're guilty, then lying and hoping the jury buys it may be your only way out. If you are innocent, then telling the truth is definitely the better course of action, even if the truth isn't pretty. Lying to make the story prettier, if discovered, will damage your entire credibility in defending yourself. It is a big and unnecessary risk, particularly when there is little evidence on which to convict you. I suppose you're wishing Zimmerman had told big lies and been caught in them, as it would have helped gain a conviction.
So you’re saying that it would be wise for Zimmerman to lie if he could avoid discovery of those lies. Do Zimmerman’s misrepresentations of the cause and severity of his injuries amount to Lies?

You're being intentionally dense. They were not on a soccer field and there is no other reasonable explanation for Zimmerman's injuries than that they had been sustained in the fight.
Stop thinking so narrowly. Any collision of sufficient force between a nose and a solid object can cause a nasal fracture. So if Zimmerman had claimed a collision or fall into a his truck body, a tree, fence railing, or ground objects they all would've been reasonably consistent with the incidental environment.

Clearly. I use 95% as an example, not as an exact standard. It could be 97%. It could be 90%. But it isn't likely to be less than that. But what we do know is that is is much more than 51% certainty.
When quantifying certainty as it relates to a jury verdict you’re averaging the subjective application of certainty by individual jurors. Juror A holds high certainty for conviction, while juror B holds high certainty for acquittal, in this case they cancel, but since conviction requires unanimity the outcome still favors the defendant. Stack the jury with juror A types and conviction is certain.

Reasonable doubt means eliminating unreasonable possibilities, like the possibility that Zimmerman broke his nose playing soccer right before spotting Martin. Part of the prosecution's job is to try to trick the jury into thinking the burden of proof is lower while part of the judge's job is to make sure they don't succeed. We're not bound by that. We should be smart and objective enough to see through that, since we aren't being paid to try to convict him or defend him.
The prosecution’s task is to present reasonable evidence to support the associated charge and to discredit the defendant’s assertion of innocence. Ideally no need for trickery, but it’s much more likely to be used by the defense due to the fact that prosecutions are contingent on the likelihood of the evidence favoring a conviction.
@ Electric Fetus,

Trayvons Girlfriend said he was by his dads house

So according to Jeantel (his GF) Trayvon was by his dads house. Other witnesses confirmed this. What is the mystery is how Trayvon got to be back at the intersection he vanished from a few minutes earlier. Was he kidnapped at gunpoint from his parents house? Did he run low on skittles and was walking back to the store? Was he going to bash GZ? Nobody can explain it without coming to the conclusion Trayvon turned on GZ. This is what a Jury believed and it does cast reasonable doubt.

This is not a second by second account. There are many other likely possibles other then he turned back to attack zimmerman. Where was he approximately to his [father's girlfriends/fiances] house (that he was staying at) the instant he said what Jeantel says he said? She could have misheard, he could have meant something else, he could have passed his house and went up lost or being chased from behind, zimmerman could have taken very different path down and around that would have forced martin to run past his home, etc, etc. And why take that thing out of Jeantel testimony and ignore all the rest when she claims to have heard him directly voice "Why are you following me for?" not jump out of nowhere and attack as zimmerman claims, as well as Jeantel claiming to hear next Zimmerman say "What are you doing around here?" not screaming that he is being attack, and even hears Martin saying "get off, get off"?
@ Electric Fetus,
And why take that thing out of Jeantel testimony and ignore all the rest

You have a short memory. You just asked how they accounted for Trayvons time in the missing seconds.

You said,
Let simplify this here: is there any moment in the time span between Zimmerman leaving his car and him fighting with and killing Martin in which one or both individuals can't be tracked? If in fact most of that time is untrackable for one or both of them (certainly Martin) then you can't propose that there is any evidence Martin backtracked and intentionally attack Zimmerman.

I showed the relevant parts of Jeantels testimony that showed he told her he was home or by his house. There are MANY MANY versions of that testimony as she has been repeatedly interviewed on television.

The parts of Jeantels testimony I posted are regarding your theories
Many possibilities that are more likely then "I'm going to fuck that cracker up!"
A) He slowed down, while talking with girlfriend perhaps or even stopped for some time, perhaps trying to determine if he was still being chased, he could have even turned back some distance to see if he was in fact being chased or was seeing things.
B) He was not taking a direct route, possibly because he thought he was being chased.
C) He got lost possibly because he ran at first when he thought correctly that he was being chased.

Note my argument is that Martin for most of the time was untrackable

I posted several lines applicable to that. I was answering part of your question regarding timeline. Several witnesses also claim to have seen Trayvon at home, but that is their say so and not official via court. (his brother, etc.)

The stuff she heard regarding fighting was from a mouthpiece lying in the grass, and even Trayvons own father gave different testimony about whos voice was on the 911 tape. Since it was GZ who was beaten it seems more likely he was the person yelling "get Off", or "Help".

Your argument that he was untrackable is ridiculous, because he was telling Jeantel his every move. He said when he was at mailbox, when and where he headed, etc. Her story matched the GZ account of events. The police phone calls also matched the events described.

Like he was walking towards GZ when he left mail (as described in phone) and then going onto trail as described by Jeantel, Zimmerman, and need to leave car to follow. It is not rocket science. It is comprehending how a puzzle fits together. Your theories make no sense, and would make Jeantel a liar.
@ Electric Fetus,

You have a short memory. You just asked how they accounted for Trayvons time in the missing seconds.

I showed the relevant parts of Jeantels testimony that showed he told her he was home or by his house. There are MANY MANY versions of that testimony as she has been repeatedly interviewed on television.

So let me get this straight, that one thing she says accounts for all the missing seconds?

The parts of Jeantels testimony I posted are regarding your theories

yet your going to take one thing she said as fact and disregard the rest?

Several witnesses also claim to have seen Trayvon at home, but that is their say so and not official via court. (his brother, etc.)

So at this point your using 'evidence' not even admitted in the court?

The stuff she heard regarding fighting was from a mouthpiece lying in the grass, and even Trayvons own father gave different testimony about whos voice was on the 911 tape. Since it was GZ who was beaten it seems more likely he was the person yelling "get Off", or "Help".

That purely a matter of your opinion, for all we know Zimmerman attack Martin and Martin was defending him self.
Can someone 'splain something to me?

(As a refresher for myself...) I've read recently that the SYG law is designed to literally be able to 'stand your ground' should your life be threatened, even to the point of killing the other person whom you perceive as the threat to your life. With self defense however, the idea is to escape. You are ''required to retreat'', I've read. I ask because GZ's defense team used self defense as the defense in his trial, and not SYG. Can someone explain this to me? Thanks.
Can someone 'splain something to me?

(As a refresher for myself...) I've read recently that the SYG law is designed to literally be able to 'stand your ground' should your life be threatened, even to the point of killing the other person whom you perceive as the threat to your life. With self defense however, the idea is to escape. You are ''required to retreat'', I've read. I ask because GZ's defense team used self defense as the defense in his trial, and not SYG. Can someone explain this to me? Thanks.

"The publicly available Zimmerman trial jury instructions -- which were entirely based on Florida's Stand Your Ground self-defense law -- stated: "If George Zimmerman was not engaged in an unlawful activity and was attacked in anyplace where he had a right to be, he had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he reasonably believed that it was necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony."

The jury instructions are nearly identical in wording to the text of Florida's Stand Your Ground law. According to Dan Gelber, a former Florida state senator and former prosecutor who opposes the law, Stand Your Ground "fundamentally changed the analysis used by juries to assign blame in these cases." The law was also important to the case because it was cited by authorities as a reason for why Zimmerman was not initially arrested after shooting Martin."