George Carlin on Religion...

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Conclusion: You refuse to explain why you have no problem with biased comments favoring atheism

Yeah, ok, thanks for the re-confirmation

It is a legitimate point you deluded atheist...


You haven't f**ked anyone's mother, in fact you'd be lucky if you got to f**k anyone's grandmother

IT IS an argument from ignorance, here I'll look it up for you you deluded atheist

No it just means someone who has false beliefs (atheists)

This wasn't directed at you dumbass, next time read

Reflects great

They'll ONLY moderate me, the deluded moderators favor atheism, so Godless saying f*** doesn't matter, its a good thing as long as favors atheism

Dumbass !? Now that's not nice.. you naughty boy !
Read my previous post. And stop calling me a deluted atheist, you closed-minded bigot.
Yeah, I read them, you never explained why you have no problem with biased comments favoring atheism, in fact you also have no problem with atheists saying theists are deluded (they do that constantly)

So the only conclusion is that you only care if the comments are baised against atheism meaning that your own bias is left NAKED
Yeah, I read them, you never explained why you have no problem with biased comments favoring atheism, in fact you also have no problem with atheists saying theists are deluded (they do that constantly)

So the only conclusion is that you only care if the comments are baised against atheism meaning that your own bias is left NAKED

Um... lets see... do I have to slow this down for you????














And if you would just go back and read the past 3 pages, I've told you time and time again. Your eyes look but you can't read.
Um... lets see... do I have to slow this down for you????














And if you would just go back and read the past 3 pages, I've told you time and time again. Your eyes look but you can't read.


Good one.

Now explain why if that's true have you not spoken out against biased atheistic comments?
Because no atheist has ever told me directly that I was deluted, wrong, immoral, sinning, and have not denied the possibility of a God.

AND AGAIN Just because one does not acknowledge a god, does not mean that they refuse the possibility of a god.
Because no atheist has ever told me directly that I was deluted, wrong, immoral, sinning, and have not denied the possibility of a God.

ROFL Well that's obvious when you post threads favoring atheism

I haven't told you any of those things besides deluded, ofcourse atheists won't because they agree with your positions (ROFL)

According to the moderators saying someone is deluded is not an insult

MZ3Boy84 said:
AND AGAIN Just because one does not acknowledge a god, does not mean that they refuse the possibility of a god.
Right you deluded atheist
Ok dude, seriously. I'm done here. I've done everything I can possibly do in order to TRY to get you to see my reasoning. 3 pages and 2 days later, we have accomplished NOTHING because you refuse to see another side other than your own. I accept whatever it is you may believe, and I have no problem with it UNTIL you insult someone else. You believe what you want to believe and nothing more. And thats f****g fine and dandy, its your loss not mine. Until you are able to think for yourself and have an intelligent conversation, I have absolutely nothing else to say to you regarding this issue. If you have a problem with my withdrawl from this conversation, quite frankly you can kiss my @$$. Have a wonderful evening and take care.
Ok dude, seriously. I'm done here. I've done everything I can possibly do in order to TRY to get you to see my reasoning. 3 pages and 2 days later, we have accomplished NOTHING because you refuse to see another side other than your own. I accept whatever it is you may believe, and I have no problem with it UNTIL you insult someone else. You believe what you want to believe and nothing more. And thats f****g fine and dandy, its your loss not mine. Until you are able to think for yourself and have an intelligent conversation, I have absolutely nothing else to say to you regarding this issue. If you have a problem with my withdrawl from this conversation, quite frankly you can kiss my @$$. Have a wonderful evening and take care.

Welcome to the reasoning of the one and only VitalOne lol
Ok dude, seriously. I'm done here. I've done everything I can possibly do in order to TRY to get you to see my reasoning. 3 pages and 2 days later, we have accomplished NOTHING because you refuse to see another side other than your own. I accept whatever it is you may believe, and I have no problem with it UNTIL you insult someone else. You believe what you want to believe and nothing more. And thats f****g fine and dandy, its your loss not mine. Until you are able to think for yourself and have an intelligent conversation, I have absolutely nothing else to say to you regarding this issue. If you have a problem with my withdrawl from this conversation, quite frankly you can kiss my @$$. Have a wonderful evening and take care.

Yeah your reasoning is simple, insult theism and expect positive comments from theists, say you only have a problem with biased theistic comments, then pretend you're unbiased and say yeah well if atheists insulted me (even though my comments favor atheism) then I would have a problem too, even though atheists have no reason to insult me since I haven't insulted them :rolleyes:

Great strategy you deluded atheist
Yeah your reasoning is simple, insult theism and expect positive comments from theists, say you only have a problem with biased theistic comments, then pretend you're unbiased and say yeah well if atheists insulted me (even though my comments favor atheism) then I would have a problem too, even though atheists have no reason to insult me since I haven't insulted them :rolleyes:

Great strategy you deluded atheist

Right.. :roflmao:
Nice one you deluded atheist, you should really wake up from this imaginary fantasy land you live in

"I don't have to explain anything, why not just laugh, then pretend I'm right, CHECKMATE!!!"

I don't have to explain anything TO YOU. There is a difference...
There is not a whole lot someone can achieve by talking to you Vital.
I don't have to explain anything TO YOU. There is a difference...
There is not a whole lot someone can achieve by talking to you Vital.

In other words "I have no arguments, let me pretend I do to dodge out of it"

Good one!!!
Obviously, the chances of useful discussion happening in this thread are close to zero.

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