

Registered Senior Member
i would like to point out that it doesnt matter if the earth is 10000 years old or a billion years old. the whole point of the creation story is to say that god created the earth. the bible doesnt say anywhere how old the earth is. the church said that it was 6000 years old...not the bible.
the second part of the creation story is the fall of man. it doesnt matter if a guy ate an apple or not, the whole point of the story is that satan tempted eve to disobey god. then she tempted adam to do the same. it explains why we have hardships through out life.
with cain and able, it's just saying that cain killed able, and now telling that humans were not innocent, but capable of killing and doing bad things. it also shows how jealousy is dangerous.
well a long time passed between cain and able, and we go to the story of the flood. human kind grew so wicked and vile, that god regretted for making the earth. also, angels came from the heavens; shemizah leading them and they had children with women. this caused a whole new race that pillaged, killed, and spread wickedness. they were giants .he only saw a couple of good people worth saving. they got saved, and thus temporarly, their was no evil on the earth. canaan was cursed because of noah who cursed the ancestor of it. god also made a convenent that he would NEVER punish the earth with a flood. a while passed, and people again grew wicked. the people of the earth decided to build a tower so they could reach heaven and show god that they would punish him.with that, they started building the tower and city. but god gave them different languages, and they got confused.building stopped, but some people remained. the city than became known as babylon. (not in the bible about babel becoming babylon, but the babylonians refered to the tower and that the city was built their).
the rest of genisis is about the abraham and his desendents convenant with god, and how god would make them great. he also promised haggar, mother of ishmael who later would be the father of the arab's that they will be strong and will be like enemies to other peoples.
i gotta go now, ill finish iit later.
hey, no one can flood the earth completely mainly because there isn't enough water to do so in the first place. also, the story of the world flooding is believe to have derived from when the red sea (i think it was the red sea) was actually a fresh water lake (proven from sediments lying at the very bottom of the red sea). it had naturally high land walls surrounding it, but those one day ruptured and the sea came rushing in. the water level grew at an astounding rate so people thought the world was "flooding". this event was later explained as noah and the world being flooded 300 years later- not anything to do with god or evil or wicked people.
Originally posted by edgar
i would like to point out that it doesnt matter if the earth is 10000 years old or a billion years old. the whole point of the creation story is to say that god created the earth. the bible doesnt say anywhere how old the earth is. the church said that it was 6000 years old...not the bible.

Good point, if more people could let go of old religious dogmatic like that then we wouldn't have much trouble. Accept what scientists and rationalist thinking has said for a while now: god is not real. Although the idea of a personal and non-interventional god is actually appealing to me, and it is not appalling. All people have to understand is that it is not science that is keeping back religion, but religion that stops science and weakens out species. Religion has had run for thousands of years, and now it is the time of sciencce.

Originally posted by edgar
the second part of the creation story is the fall of man. it doesnt matter if a guy ate an apple or not, the whole point of the story is that satan tempted eve to disobey god. then she tempted adam to do the same. it explains why we have hardships through out life.

This is just dumb. That is no explanation as to why people are killed off by cancer in the millions, why people still justify hate crimes, why there are kids born without love or means of a proper life or fair start. Your god sucks; this whole story is a dumb way of justifying anything that happens in our modern society.

I want you to look in the eyes of a child dying from AIDS and tell him that the devil is the cause of his death. Your opinion and values are morally corrupt and base.

Originally posted by edgar
human kind grew so wicked and vile, that god regretted for making the earth.... this caused a whole new race that pillaged, killed, and spread wickedness. they were giants....canaan was cursed because of noah who cursed the ancestor of it. god also made a convenent that he would NEVER punish the earth with a flood. a while passed, and people again grew wicked.

Not only does god look like an idiot here, but also your faulty logic is a little sickening for trying to discern messages from god. If his creation was so wicked and evil, then that means that he too is evil. We can clearly see that your god is evil in all the killing and destruction he let out on earth. People are not evil because god allowed them free will; we are evil because god created us in his image image.

Or, there is no such thing as god and "shit happens" as the old bumper sticker adage goes...

Originally posted by edgar
the rest of genisis is about the abraham and his desendents convenant with god, and how god would make them great. he also promised haggar, mother of ishmael who later would be the father of the arab's that they will be strong and will be like enemies to other peoples.
i gotta go now, ill finish iit later.

Please do not finish. We don't need your horrible dumbing-down of this already completely boring and idiotic fairy tale. There is no god.


There are many problems with the story of the fall of man.

the second part of the creation story is the fall of man. it doesnt matter if a guy ate an apple or not, the whole point of the story is that satan tempted eve to disobey god. then she tempted adam to do the same. it explains why we have hardships through out life.

I have a hard time believing all of this given the fact that God is all-powerfull and all-knowing. If he knew Adam was going to be decieved by Satan then why allow Satan to interfere with mankind in the first place? How does that explain why we have hardships in life, because God was angry at Adam? Really if he set the whole thing up to begin with shouldn't he be angry at himself?

This is hardly any "explaination" of anything at all.

Given you may not believe God to be all-powerful or all-knowing in which case sorry for my assumptions.

that god regretted for making the earth.

Again how can god regrette something he knew was going to happen. Seriously do you really believe God is not all-knowing?
The Genesis story of the flood is not original (showing the fact that the bible is not totally inerrant) and was borrowed from an earlier story from the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Maybe the serpent was adams penis and the apple reffering to seeds(sperm) new life/sex---->new life=first humans as they are today.

That would sound more accurate to me,theyd write it metaphorically though,and they lacked knowledge of any different.

Person who wrote it,i take my hat off to him,managing to write a book thats sold more copies than anything else and still selling 2000 years from its published date,but thats all it is,a book,a word from the same person,a work of philosophy and fiction mixed in with a touch of exagerated true accounts.

Fisherman,bah,they couldnt read and write,never mind write 4 accounts that match,nah they all went to one educated guy gave em a story together,but the writer just went off and published it his way,thats what happened.

he only saw a couple of good people worth saving

Such a loving and compassionate God(sarcasm).......Instead of simply doing something to help humans right themselves, he says "nope, nice try but sorry to say..... game over"

the people of the earth decided to build a tower so they could reach heaven and show god that they would punish him

Why does the bible tell us of so many past interactions between humans and God. What happened, why not anymore?

There are soooo many holes with your whole post, this statement is not meant to insult, rather to inform you of the lack of logical, reality based thinking you have exhibited. You make God look even more confused and twisted than humans, which are supposedly his creation.

More and more I am in awe of people's capactiy to believe in such outdated ideas. The only base I can see they have is their ability to satisfy one's need for reassurance and comfort in a world that does not offer such pretty conclusions. This way of thinking is not rooted in the strength of humanity, it is rooted in the weakness of our specie's capacity(not all members of course) to accept reality and all the things that come with it. Existance is not a fairy tale of Good vs evil. Attach as many words or meanings as you like, but this world will chew us up and spit us out if we continue to think in such primative ways. One day humanity as a whole will need to accept the fact that not everything turns out the way we want, accepting this idea will allow us to embrace science and from there we can truely make gains to help out our fellow humans and strive to be better. Religion will only help propegate ignorance and a gross misunderstanding of the world we inhabit.
First of all, God started creating on the first day. How long was a day when a day wasn't even created yet?! One day to God at that time could have been a million years, and thus, it would throw off the age of the Earth as well.So, it really doesn't matter.

Secondly, if we are going to have the "Balance of Opposites", then evil would come simultaneouslywith the creation of the Universe of which is one of it's major structural points. That's not saying that evil came simultaneously with God, that's just saying that when he created all of this, evil came with it as a given.

As for all the murdering and other bad stuff that we humans do, God gave conscience to man. That is where it is made our responsability to do the right thing. Wrong decisions were bound to be made because of the "Balance of Opposites".

Scientists believe they have found evidence of the flood all over the world, not in just one place. Not proven, as far as I know, but not discredited either.
Snakes did actually evolve around the same time as humans, they are some of the more recent inductions into nature, I have to admit it is strange that the bible says they are "the closest in the animal species to man" because, time wise, I think they might be.
Wow, it seems the bible accidently sort of almost said something close to true nearly.
Most atheists think Genesis is the most ridiculous part of the bible because of the whole "creation" thing but I think it is the only part of the bible with any merit whatsoever. It is written in such a way that is obviously symbolic and can be interpretted to make alot of sense. Whoever wrote it was a very wise man indeed.

I interpret it like this;
The garden of eden was earth before man. A common misconception is there was no pain in the garden of eden but I think the reason it was conveyed as being so "great" is because it was a perfectly working environment with a perfect balance. There was plenty of pain. Thats life and we only think its bad because we are simple organisms that want to avoid it because we feel like we want to live. Really all we want is to continue our species and living is required for that.
To an outside observer the natural system of earth would be very "great".

Adam and eve reprasent the start of the aquatic apes we know as humans. I think the 'apple' that they found so irresistable was actually the selfish comfortable lives we enjoy today. The abandoning of nature. They say people were banished from the garden of eden but we really took ourselves out of it by unnaturally progressing and striving for comfort. This is how man started "sinning". He was without sin while in the garden of eden because he was living by natures laws like the animals.
Of course, it makes sense that all the books after genesis are a load of crap because they are made by "sinful-post-apple-eating-humans" with misconceptions of what genesis was really saying.
Jesus got it totally wrong and actually made us start "sinning" harder than ever before.

I think genesis is very interesting actually. Nothing supernatural about it at all, it is a legend that symbolically describes the natural history of man as accurately as a symbolic legend could.
The rest of the bible is not describing how to be "good", but more like describing how to be "bad". like I said, it is the teachings and stories of "evil-apple-eating people". The fact their misinterpretations get worshipped would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
Is that so? Damn, my bad. My dad told me that, what an idiot, I'll punch him in the face for you:D
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Is that so? Damn, my bad. My dad told me that, what an idiot, I'll punch him in the face for you:D

i'm not sure of course, because these are all web sources (and you can't trust the web), but it seemed very strange to me that snakes would be as old as us because of their wide distribution. Then I did a quick google search.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
but it seemed very strange to me that snakes would be as old as us because of their wide distribution
Aaaah yes of course.
I should have thought of this myself. I know exactly what you are talking about its just that I'm not activating 100% of my knowledge all the time.
Yes, in fact they must be very old to be in places like australia. A land that is so old it doesn't even have modern mammals.
okay lemme get this straight, when in the bible it says were created in god's image, it means we have an immortal soul or spirit like god is. except that god is omnipotent and always lived
Maybe you have misinterpretted.
Maybe "god" is omnipotent because it is actually the process of infinite length that we call a 'universe'.
Maybe our 'immortal soul' is only referring to the fact that the particles that make up our bodies are 'immortal'.
Maybe "we are created in gods image" has been switched around. Like the killer whales original name was "whale killer". Maybe that sentence really means, we are the first to think about gods image(gods image being the universe).

See when you put it that way it doesn't contradict known science:) Isn't that a more sensible way to be?
Originally posted by edgar
okay lemme get this straight, when in the bible it says were created in god's image, it means we have an immortal soul or spirit like god is. except that god is omnipotent and always lived
Is that an absolute answer or your interpretation?