Genetically Modified foods: Good or Bad?

GM foods good or bad?

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as I made clear, one can do both.

Both what? Regulate companies and make people starve?

Nope it is not the same. 1) The dangers are much greater. 2) the GM stuff is not helping people and it is not the intention of the companies to do this. Individual scientists may have this as a goal, but the corporations are want to create dependency and money. Some of the first products they marketed were made to allow MORE pesticide use. You are believing the PR of the companies way too much. 3) there are other ways of getting food, etc. to people without the same risks.
1) How are the dangers much greater? Drugs have actual dangers, whole wars have been fought over them, countries have been brought to their knees with them (opium wars, china), millions of people are addicted, many of them disfunctionally so! While GM foods has only theoretical and hypothetical dangers and many simply cite dangers with belong best in a 1950's B movie!
2) First point: Bull shit, millions around the world are kept alive by food donations from the USA, because food is cheap, but it would not be so if it was "organic", second point Bull shit, I don't read the PR of companies, I never even see a companies advertise for GM food! Yes, herbicide resistance (why would a plant need to be pesticide resistant?) is certainly not an honorable thing, but all of GM is not simply herbicide resistance, if you have a problem with herbicide resistance, focus on regulating that, don't throw out the baby with the bath water, police abuse there power often, should we get rid of law enforcement?
3) Nope, none such that will be able to feed the whole world and bring us all to a first world standard of living, even GM can only hypothetically do it as it still need to advance a lot more to achieve that kind of crop yields, for example the development of perennial grain plants will require GM enhanced hybridizing but will result in a plants that have a full log less need for tilling, planting, water and fertilizer, which will be very necessary in the coming years considering the price of water and fertilizer are sky rocketing and expected to keep shooting up for the foreseeable future.

I would happily support the denuclearization of the world for similar reasons. Especially around weapons. I think there are technologies we are not mature enough to use.
your are only semicorrect: there are no technologies we are mature enough to use, every technology can and has been used for horrific purposes.

We have restrictions around the use of other technologies. Very few people can investigate biological weapons or their precursors. There is precedent for extreme restrictions on certain technologies.
Name one that is not a weapon.

There should be one on GM.

If the changes come about, then perhaps....

But given the current situation, I think it is sick to allow the corps. to do what they are doing.
Again that a problem of corporatization, fight the man, not the tool.

You know what I notice about your posts, you avoid saying whether you agree or disagree about these issues. If you agree about the oversight problems, why do you not say that. This would be a more convincing stance for the pro-GM crowd. But as it is it just sounds like lip service and distraction.
I thought I made it clear, I fine with moderate regulations, installation of lethal operons, etc, I just disagree with disallowing the whole technology as criminally racist.

But not just. There are a good number of scientists who no longer consider machine an appropriate metaphor for living organisms, especially us. And you seem to have no idea that calling all of us machines is ad hominem.

And there a good number of scientist that still refer to life as a machine, Richard Dakwins for one. I don't care for the symantics, you can call life what ever you want as long as you agree its functions are limited to this reality and this realities laws of physics, it can thus be simulated and predicted if only crudely at are present stage of knowledge. Fuck we are even starting to make synthetic life now whose genome is designed on a computer and is printed out on a DNA synthesizer and "booted up" on a genetically striped cell. Call us machines does not change anything, its does not reduce our value, and calling my self a machine does not make for an ad hominem: respect life for what it is, do not add miracles and magic.

All it takes is something that fucks up the nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil, for example, and we can kiss civilization good bye for a hundred years.

I mean seriously with this kind of statistical intuition by an outsider of the field, you should be able to make money in the market hand over foot.

Right kill all the nitrogen fixing bacteria in the world, might as well try to kill all life everywhere. Lets say we made a virus that kills nitrogen fixing bacteria: join the club there are already thousands of species of such viruses, the problem with life is that it evolves, you won't be able to kill a square meter of soil before the bacteria get resistant.

Also I'm not an "outside of the field." That there is and ad hominem. Who I am is not important: if a child says 2+2=4 should we disregard it because the child is not a mathematician?
electric said:
I did: bee are dieing in non-gm fields and countries, ergo you can't blame GM
There are no such countries - certainly not Canada or anywhere in Europe.
electric said:
First point: Bull shit, millions around the world are kept alive by food donations from the USA, because food is cheap,
Millions more are malnourished by the dislocations of industrial agriculture - including important influences from GM technology. US food donations don't begin to make up the deficits - they are often counterproductive, in real life.

It's not only the biological and technological hazards of releasing these brand new kinds of genetic constructions into the world, but the economic and political threats as well, of which you are blissfully and profoundly ignorant.

What is wrong with establishing accountability and imposing severe restrictions on the corporate, for profit propagation of such intrinsically dangerous technology? Do you expect the free market to impose sanity and prudence on Monsanto ?

"We don't know what's going to happen, therefore we are safe" is an incredible attitude to take toward the uncontrolled release of self-propagating, self-reproducing, self-modifying genetic constructions designed to maximize the short term profits of a corporation.

Your examples of kudzu, etc, should serve as fair warning - not reassurance. A couple of invasive species doing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage in a few years is peanuts compared with the possibilities from invasive genetics. Kudzu you can kill.
There are no such countries - certainly not Canada or anywhere in Europe.

Prove to us all that a GM crop was any near all CCD bee hives.

Millions more are malnourished by the dislocations of industrial agriculture - including important influences from GM technology. US food donations don't begin to make up the deficits - they are often counterproductive, in real life.

Explain how an African farm is forced out of business by an industrial farm thousands of miles away, when everyone is starving.

It's not only the biological and technological hazards of releasing these brand new kinds of genetic constructions into the world, but the economic and political threats as well, of which you are blissfully and profoundly ignorant.

Adding a Gene or two does not make this "genetic constructions" new, nor does it provide dangers any much greater than conventional agriculture. Yes please do explain how GM foods provides economic and political threats that a new and specific to GM foods.

What is wrong with establishing accountability and imposing severe restrictions on the corporate, for profit propagation of such intrinsically dangerous technology? Do you expect the free market to impose sanity and prudence on Monsanto ?
I have nothing against limiting the corporations for anti-corporation sack, but not because of GM foods, you have yet to explain what so intrinsically dangerous about it!

"We don't know what's going to happen, therefore we are safe" is an incredible attitude to take toward the uncontrolled release of self-propagating, self-reproducing, self-modifying genetic constructions designed to maximize the short term profits of a corporation.
We know that detrimental events are unlikely and unlikely to be major. When they started up the LHC there was some that complained they might make a black hole the will kill us all, but it was considered horrifically unlikely so they went forward anyway.

Your examples of kudzu, etc, should serve as fair warning - not reassurance. A couple of invasive species doing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage in a few years is peanuts compared with the possibilities from invasive genetics. Kudzu you can kill.

Gene don't spread that easily! What you saying is equivalent to saying a engineered pig with glowing skin is to spread that gene to every other mammal on earth so we all glow, it's impossible! But if you worried by invasive species we can solve the problem with GM.
electric said:
Prove to us all that a GM crop was any near all CCD bee hives.
And until that is proven, you will refuse to recognize even the obvious potential hazards ? Hundreds of people are now investigating that unknown, comparing it with others.

btw: You are aware that there is a black market in GM seeds and crops, right?
electric said:
Explain how an African farm is forced out of business by an industrial farm thousands of miles away, when everyone is starving.
Is that an honest question - are you truly unaware of any of the various common bad effects of industrial agriculture, commanded by multinational corporations and backed by governments, on local food production in many countries, including several that have experienced famines?
electric said:
Adding a Gene or two does not make this "genetic constructions" new, nor does it provide dangers any much greater than conventional agriculture.
That is now lying. There is no excuse for it.
And until that is proven, you will refuse to recognize even the obvious potential hazards? Hundreds of people are now investigating that unknown, comparing it with others.

Considering millions depend on cheap crops to live, yes.

Is that an honest question - are you truly unaware of any of the various common bad effects of industrial agriculture, commanded by multinational corporations and backed by governments, on local food production in many countries, including several that have experienced famines?

And that industrial agriculture problem, fix industrial agriculture not their tools.

That is now lying. There is no excuse for it.

nope, its the truth, we have through conventional agriculture produce hyperallergenic crops, invasive species, even species that are dangerous directly to humans, GM allows a solution to these problems: we could engineer organism so they can't grow outside of human supervision, preventing invasiveness.
electric said:
Considering millions depend on cheap crops to live, yes.
- -- -
And that industrial agriculture problem, fix industrial agriculture not their tools.
The dependency on industrial agricultural is created, and not beneficial to starving people - a good share of "fixing" industrial agriculture would involve severely restricting and regulating its employment of certain methods and "tools".

It's not a hostage situation. We do not have to accept insanely irresponsible deployment of radically new and poorly understood genetic manipulations into the general environment, in order to obtain the as yet "potential" benefits of GM techniques.

These people do not know what they are doing, and they are doing it on an industrial scale, backed with political and economic power, for short term profit. The risks involved are to others, not the profiters, and the profits are very, very large. The situation is set up for abuse, and abuse is inevitable without firm governmental oversight and serious enforcement of severe restrictions.
electric said:
That is now lying. There is no excuse for it.

nope, its the truth,
Any attempt to confuse the new kinds of genetic manipulations with traditional breeding, as if the same automatic safety features and environmental curbs were in place, is a lie.
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The dependency on industrial agricultural is created, and not beneficial to starving people - a good share of "fixing" industrial agriculture would involve severely restricting and regulating its employment of certain methods and "tools".

It's not a hostage situation. We do not have to accept insanely irresponsible deployment of radically new and poorly understood genetic manipulations into the general environment, in order to obtain the as yet "potential" benefits of GM techniques.

what irresponsible and poorly understood about it? I can understand "new", but its about a new as integrated circuits and I don't see you crying the sky is falling over computers. And I still don't understand how what your proposing would actually increase the amount of food production world wide?

These people do not know what they are doing, and they are doing it on an industrial scale, backed with political and economic power, for short term profit. The risks involved are to others, not the profiters, and the profits are very, very large. The situation is set up for abuse, and abuse is inevitable without firm governmental oversight and serious enforcement of severe restrictions.
Any attempt to confuse the new kinds of genetic manipulations with traditional breeding, as if the same automatic safety features and environmental curbs were in place, is a lie.

How do you know they don't know what they are doing? When they try to make crops with vitamin A and vaccines in it or try to make perennials food crops, short term profit does not seem like there primary direction, so I think your generalizing what GM Foods are about. What kind of abuse are you suggesting? GM can all of safety features but because people like you are too busy putting down the whole science as witchcraft legislation to force the utilization of lethal operons is never going to happen, if you focused on specific request and actually compromise and talked with use in the biotech community then you would have a much better chance of getting what you want
Both what? Regulate companies and make people starve?
Hm. Did you really not understand? I think it more respectful of you to assume you did.

1) How are the dangers much greater? Drugs have actual dangers, whole wars have been fought over them, countries have been brought to their knees with them (opium wars, china), millions of people are addicted, many of them disfunctionally so!
Sounds like you are talking about drugs (which are not weapons) that are generally illegal or have their use restricted, opium, for example, severely.

First point: Bull shit, millions around the world are kept alive by food donations from the USA, because food is cheap, but it would not be so if it was "organic", second point
This makes no sense in context.

Bull shit, I don't read the PR of companies, I never even see a companies advertise for GM food!

I don't think you, then, are aware of how PR companies and journalists and news media intereact OR you don't read or watch the news.

Yes, herbicide resistance (why would a plant need to be pesticide resistant?)
I assume that pesticides can also harm plants. I certainly wouldn't bath in a herbicide, despite the fact that I am an animal.
In any case, they seem not uncommon. You will have to ask the companies why they have them.
On route to back up my claim I found this
where it seems the editors missed pesticide in the title of the article not fitting the herbicide resistant strain in the article body. But nevertheless it points out, well, the unforeseen problems with GM.

is certainly not an honorable thing, but all of GM is not simply herbicide resistance, if you have a problem with herbicide resistance, focus on regulating that, don't throw out the baby with the bath water, police abuse there power often, should we get rid of law enforcement?
I understand your position. I do not share your confidence in oversight, intentions and regulation. But notice the assumption you do not back up. Law enforcement, so far, has been carried out in part with police. Agriculture so far has been carried out without GM foods. So your analogy implies that the only way to feed the world is via GM. You equate GM with law enforcement, when in fact the analogy is between agriculture and law enforcement.

3) Nope, none such that will be able to feed the whole world and bring us all to a first world standard of living, even GM can only hypothetically do it as it still need to advance a lot more to achieve that kind of crop yields, for example the development of perennial grain plants will require GM enhanced hybridizing but will result in a plants that have a full log less need for tilling, planting, water and fertilizer, which will be very necessary in the coming years considering the price of water and fertilizer are sky rocketing and expected to keep shooting up for the foreseeable future.
I have to say I do not have the expertise to know if you are right or wrong, but I suspect you are wrong and there are experts who agree with each of us. Until I become convinced your evaluation is correct, more likely by experts other than yourself, I am against GM.
your are only semicorrect: there are no technologies we are mature enough to use, every technology can and has been used for horrific purposes.
And generally with evil intent. What concerns me about GM is catastrophies can be caused without this. Even Chernobyl is local once you start sending out products that can, yes, affect all ecosystems.

Name one that is not a weapon.
What you are asking me to do is to name something that is dangerous that is not ALSO used as a weapon. Anything that is dangerous will be considered and used as a weapon by individuals and or governments. You really think that no one is investigating the use of genetically modified organisms as weapons?

Again that a problem of corporatization, fight the man, not the tool.
Corporations are not men, even though they have been granted the rights of people.

I thought I made it clear, I fine with moderate regulations, installation of lethal operons, etc, I just disagree with disallowing the whole technology as criminally racist.
Strange word choice. I am not a racist.

And there a good number of scientist that still refer to life as a machine, Richard Dakwins for one. I don't care for the symantics, you can call life what ever you want as long as you agree its functions are limited to this reality and this realities laws of physics,
Newtons? There's the rub. And I am aware there are scientists who still think in machine terms.

it can thus be simulated and predicted if only crudely at are present stage of knowledge. Fuck we are even starting to make synthetic life now whose genome is designed on a computer and is printed out on a DNA synthesizer and "booted up" on a genetically striped cell. Call us machines does not change anything, its does not reduce our value, and calling my self a machine does not make for an ad hominem: respect life for what it is, do not add miracles and magic.
The scientists who belief the machine metaphor or description is inadequae do not add miracles and magic.

Right kill all the nitrogen fixing bacteria in the world, might as well try to kill all life everywhere. Lets say we made a virus that kills nitrogen fixing bacteria: join the club there are already thousands of species of such viruses, the problem with life is that it evolves, you won't be able to kill a square meter of soil before the bacteria get resistant.
Well, there's a good argument against herbicides and pesticides, and I also think you are wrong. I tell you think, anybody or any machine coming back from Mars will go through a screening like has never been seen before. Even though it looks unlikely that life is buzzing around up there even on monocellular levels.

Also I'm not an "outside of the field." That there is and ad hominem. Who I am is not important: if a child says 2+2=4 should we disregard it because the child is not a mathematician?
1) it makes a difference to me that you are not an expert when you speculate. 2) the analogy was terrible, we both know 2 + 2 = 4 in base ten, etc.

Look I get your position. You have evaluated the situation. You think the risks of not doing GM outweigh the dangers.

I disagree.

One of us probably has a better intuition. We each think we know who.
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How is genetically modified food unhealthier than a tiger muskie, beefalo, or a boysen berry, all hybrids.
Hm. Did you really not understand? I think it more respectful of you to assume you did.

Sounds like you are talking about drugs (which are not weapons) that are generally illegal or have their use restricted, opium, for example, severely.

2) This makes no sense in context.

I don't think you, then, are aware of how PR companies and journalists and news media intereact OR you don't read or watch the news.

I like this fallacy:
A: what is x?
Q: Well obviously your ignorant.
A: well explain x?
Q: Well I assume you would know.
A: Well I haven't see that
Q: Well obviously you haven't seen that
A: Could you show me?
Q: Well you obviously don't read or watch the news.

Just belabor the point, don't explain your point just keep ad homineming your opponent to death, nice.

I assume that pesticides can also harm plants. I certainly wouldn't bath in a herbicide, despite the fact that I am an animal.
In any case, they seem not uncommon. You will have to ask the companies why they have them.

Depending on the herbicide, sure I'll bath in it. And that article seems to validate my point that this is a witch hunt against GM.

European Union legislation requires research facilities to disclose the locations of GM trials to the public. Concerned researchers say such information has allowed anti-GM protesters to destroy these crops during the experimental phase. "We demand the academic freedom to gain knowledge, and a society that doesn't allow scientists to do that has got a problem,"

Yeah thanks for holding back sciences assholes "burn it all, so what if people in africa starve, at least the land will be GMO free!" Just wait 30 years when it will be your turn to starve to death because energy cost make fertilizer and herbicides to expensive and when you come crying for science to do something "sorry you burn all our experiments down".

There is not one reference on this whole article, I would like the read the actual report please.

On route to back up my claim I found this
where it seems the editors missed pesticide in the title of the article not fitting the herbicide resistant strain in the article body. But nevertheless it points out, well, the unforeseen problems with GM.
Superweeds were not a unforeseen problem, in fact its the main one cited, lethal operons and sterility could fix this, but because you people are do busy trying to destroy a whole science regulation within it never happens.

I understand your position. I do not share your confidence in oversight, intentions and regulation. But notice the assumption you do not back up. Law enforcement, so far, has been carried out in part with police. Agriculture so far has been carried out without GM foods. So your analogy implies that the only way to feed the world is via GM. You equate GM with law enforcement, when in fact the analogy is between agriculture and law enforcement.

I have to say I do not have the expertise to know if you are right or wrong, but I suspect you are wrong and there are experts who agree with each of us. Until I become convinced your evaluation is correct, more likely by experts other than yourself, I am against GM.
That is a non sequitur there, I don't see the connection. The argument for GM foods is that without increase productivity we won't be able to feed everyone, as is we can only keep 1/3 of the world in first world level, and without the energy to make massive amounts of environmentally damaging fertilizer and suck huge amounts of freash water which we are running out of, we are doom! Unless we make crops that are more efficient with less and grow more productively, its impossible to achieve high throughput to feed the world with "green" agriculture, its already beyond its limits to feed the with industrial agriculture, GM is the only hope left. Now if you want regulation to prevent superweeds and to test for health concerns be my guest but forbidding the whole technology is plain wrong.

And generally with evil intent. What concerns me about GM is catastrophies can be caused without this. Even Chernobyl is local once you start sending out products that can, yes, affect all ecosystems.
Yeah like killer bees, purple Lucite, Chinese ladybugs, gee all this was done just with conventional agriculture! We can make GM crops that can't live without human supervision that can't become invasive, that hybrid offspring will die, simple regulation requiring leathal operons would provide this and allow us to make crops that can grow without fertilizers, in nutrient poor fertilizers, with less water, and produce more while at the same time alleviating an ecological concern endemic to all agriculture.

What you are asking me to do is to name something that is dangerous that is not ALSO used as a weapon. Anything that is dangerous will be considered and used as a weapon by individuals and or governments. You really think that no one is investigating the use of genetically modified organisms as weapons?
Bioweapons are forbidden, biotech is not. forbidding genetic modification is forbiding a technique, as science, it is its self capable of being use for good or evil, not just evil like say bioweapons.

Corporations are not men, even though they have been granted the rights of people.
It was a metaphor jackass linked to cultural memo spouted since the 1960's.

Strange word choice. I am not a racist.
Hey if your willing to help other people develop over your opinions of nature, than your not a racist, but if you want people to starve because you feel GM is wrong, fuck you racists.

Newtons? There's the rub. And I am aware there are scientists who still think in machine terms.
This is not a issue physical randomness verse order, quantum mechanics is in fact predictable, and the belief that the universe holds properties which can't be predicted is so far at the biological level unfounded.

The scientists who belief the machine metaphor or description is inadequae do not add miracles and magic.
Yeah we don't, and if your asking for that than you better start asking for a theocracy rather than secularism.

Well, there's a good argument against herbicides and pesticides, and I also think you are wrong. I tell you think, anybody or any machine coming back from Mars will go through a screening like has never been seen before. Even though it looks unlikely that life is buzzing around up there even on monocellular levels.
And and its also expected that no matter what something can get passed all those sterilizations steps.

1) it makes a difference to me that you are not an expert when you speculate. 2) the analogy was terrible, we both know 2 + 2 = 4 in base ten, etc.
What makes a difference to you does not determine if the argument is right or wrong. The nature of an ad hominem is as terrible as rejecting 2+2=4 because a child says it instead of an adult.

Look I get your position. You have evaluated the situation. You think the risks of not doing GM outweigh the dangers.

I disagree.

One of us probably has a better intuition. We each think we know who.

Well than if you aren't open to changing your opinion than it best not to discuss this anymore, if not than next time you want to drop a thread that long you better wait a least a week for me to reply.
Q: Well you obviously don't read or watch the news.
Just to take one piece, this last one. I never said you don't watch the news. I assumed and assume that you do. What I was pointing out was that PR documents often go directly into news articles. I said OR you don't read or watch the news, meaning that the issue is moot if you get your information another way.

Just belabor the point, don't explain your point just keep ad homineming your opponent to death, nice.
You second post was a blanket ad hom. of anyone who does not share your views on the issue:

there are those that have an irrational fear of genetic modification

and then in response to another poster

Riiiiiiggghhht, and next you tell me cowpox vaccine will turn people into cows. the evil corporations are going to get us all, next it will be the 5 jewish bankers.
you jump into straw man, mocking and implying again racism.

You set the tone, live with it and pull back your victim hyperbole, notice you are alive and as snarly as the next guy.

Depending on the herbicide, sure I'll bath in it. And that article seems to validate my point that this is a witch hunt against GM.
I thought it was a balanced article that included this, on my side...

Critics say the improvements have yet to be seen. "The biotech industry's claims about genetically altered crops are perennially overstated. In truth, agricultural biotechnology has almost nothing to offer to the world food crisis in the short term," said Margaret Mellon, director of the Union of Concerned Scientists' food and environment program in a press release during the peak of this year's food crisis.Instead, farmers now douse the landscape with herbicides in places where pesticide-resistant crops have become widespread, critics say. They point out that the most popular herbicide happens to be sold by Monsanto, the same company that patents most GM crops. In addition, opponents say, the spread of GM crops may lead to the creation of new food allergies and to the disruption of the ecological balance.

In its report, the IAASTD also concluded that concentrated biotechnology ownership has driven up the cost of seeds and forced developing nations to buy crops not adapted to their regions if they choose to acquire GM crops.
and this...
Environmentalists say these promises are unfounded and that the crops instead encourage widespread chemical use that may threaten human and ecosystem health.
and yes, it also made points for your case from the industry side.
I could find an article that was more to my side and I think you know this. Am I being mocked now because I presented a balanced article?

European Union legislation requires research facilities to disclose the locations of GM trials to the public. Concerned researchers say such information has allowed anti-GM protesters to destroy these crops during the experimental phase. "We demand the academic freedom to gain knowledge, and a society that doesn't allow scientists to do that has got a problem,"
Yeah thanks for holding back sciences assholes "burn it all, so what if people in africa starve, at least the land will be GMO free!" Just wait 30 years when it will be your turn to starve to death because energy cost make fertilizer and herbicides to expensive and when you come crying for science to do something "sorry you burn all our experiments down".
The presumption, again, of course, being that the GM foods will actually help people and it is the only way. Let alone the ad hom - which I hasn't killed me - and the strawman.

Superweeds were not a unforeseen problem
Not as a category, but in this case, and specific cases are the issue, abstract categories will never be the problem.

The cross-fertilisation between GM oilseed rape, a brassica, and a distantly related plant, charlock, had been discounted as virtually impossible by scientists with the environment department.

in fact its the main one cited, lethal operons and sterility could fix this, but because you people are do busy trying to destroy a whole science regulation within it never happens.
You are blaming me for a solution to a problem that my stance would not face.

That is a non sequitur there, I don't see the connection. The argument for GM foods is that without increase productivity we won't be able to feed everyone, as is we can only keep 1/3 of the world in first world level, and without the energy to make massive amounts of environmentally damaging fertilizer and suck huge amounts of freash water which we are running out of, we are doom! Unless we make crops that are more efficient with less and grow more productively, its impossible to achieve high throughput to feed the world with "green" agriculture, its already beyond its limits to feed the with industrial agriculture, GM is the only hope left. Now if you want regulation to prevent superweeds and to test for health concerns be my guest but forbidding the whole technology is plain wrong.

Are you for any of the regulations that you keep suggesting I support, which I do and actively?

I understand your position. You must be aware that there are other experts out there who disagree with what you are saying must be and will be the case without GM foods. There are others experts, with overlap between the two groups, that are skeptical that GM foods will be used in the ways you think they will. And there are experts who support your position. Two positions each supported by doomsayers.

Yeah like killer bees, purple Lucite, Chinese ladybugs, gee all this was done just with conventional agriculture! We can make GM crops that can't live without human supervision that can't become invasive, that hybrid offspring will die, simple regulation requiring leathal operons would provide this and allow us to make crops that can grow without fertilizers, in nutrient poor fertilizers, with less water, and produce more while at the same time alleviating an ecological concern endemic to all agriculture.

Bioweapons are forbidden, biotech is not. forbidding genetic modification is forbiding a technique, as science, it is its self capable of being use for good or evil, not just evil like say bioweapons.
I would forbid the commercial aspects of it, at the very least radically slow down introduction and expect actual regulation and oversight.

I might just be younger than you, or perhaps you 'metaphor jackass' is more slang and not an ad hom and you are simply informing me about your language. Here's the thing: who is the authority here. If industry has enough power to get a green light from government - and I recommend Kennedy Jr.s Crimes Against Nature on the issue - then shutting the damn thing down is fighting the man.

Hey if your willing to help other people develop over your opinions of nature, than your not a racist, but if you want people to starve because you feel GM is wrong, fuck you racists.
You seem smart enough to know the problems of logic and ethics in the above, you pedophile, no let me see. I mean really come on. I do believe that you think this is best for people. I do believe that. However mocking and insulting I never implied anything like this. Grow up.

This is not a issue physical randomness verse order, quantum mechanics is in fact predictable, and the belief that the universe holds properties which can't be predicted is so far at the biological level unfounded.
This would be another thread, but sorry you did not sum up my case or dismiss it.

Yeah we don't, and if your asking for that than you better start asking for a theocracy rather than secularism.
Man, you are off. The scientists I was referring to, as far as I know, are for the most part atheists, as are the majority of scientists.

And and its also expected that no matter what something can get passed all those sterilizations steps.
Sterilization is not the only issue and has not been as effective as anticipated, see above for one example.

What makes a difference to you does not determine if the argument is right or wrong. The nature of an ad hominem is as terrible as rejecting 2+2=4 because a child says it instead of an adult.
You are supporting your argument with a straw man. You would treat my posts differently if I had a doctorate in a relevent field. I was pointing out that you were (or at least seem to be) an outsider speculating on the odds of certain things happening. I pointed out that I do not find that compelling, nor would I or do I take it as seriously as I would the speculations of an expert. It is not ad hominim. You angrily dismiss the liklihood of something as if it were written in stone.

Well than if you aren't open to changing your opinion than it best not to discuss this anymore, if not than next time you want to drop a thread that long you better wait a least a week for me to reply.

After calling me a racist, you really think I give a shit about anything you have to say. You are on permanent ignore.
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I was editing when you hopped in. Please read the part near the top where I describe how you came into the thread and set the tone. I am not interested in a response to that or any other part, but I would like you to read it.

Now you are on ignore. Of course I will still participate in the thread.
I was editing when you hopped in. Please read the part near the top where I describe how you came into the thread and set the tone. I am not interested in a response to that or any other part, but I would like you to read it.

Why should I? So far you guys have yet to state the reason why you fear GM, I'm left to speculate.

Now you are on ignore. Of course I will still participate in the thread.

Yes, like there is anyone else to argue with on this thread!
electric said:
what irresponsible and poorly understood about it? I can understand "new", but its about a new as integrated circuits and I don't see you crying the sky is falling over computers
When integrated circuits start propagating themselves, and reconfiguring themselves, and introducing their reconfigured and propagated selves into all manner of nearby working machinery that we depend on to function reliably, I will warn you about the potential for trouble.

It wouldn't be as sharp a warning as this, because the immediately likely trouble would just be a crashed airplane or two, maybe a series of unstoppable rolling electrical grid blackouts, cars taht refuse to brake, that kind of thing. Trivial stuff, compared with what a genetic engineer can turn loose.

And you will ask me to prove that something major has already gone wrong, before you deign to recognize the obvious situation for what it is.
electric said:
How do you know they don't know what they are doing?
Because usually nobody does. Some of the systems involved have never been studied even in their baseline functioning, and are extremely complex- beyond our current analytic capabilities, often.

And because in the occasional instance where a bad situation is simple and studied and some people do understand it, I'm giving the marketers the benefit of the doubt and assuming they aren't among those people. (For example, the fact that they are almost certainly breeding immunity to Bt toxin in the major species of pest insects, thereby destroying one of the few reasonably safe and effective pesticides available, is known to many people. I'm giving the propagators of that bit of utterly stupid genetic engineering a great benefit of the doubt, by calling them ignorant.)
orleander said:
How is genetically modified food unhealthier than a tiger muskie, beefalo, or a boysen berry, all hybrids.
Genetic engineering techniques can be used to merely speed up the process of ordinary hybridization, and in that case you would have a point.

GM techniques can also be used to make novel kinds of alterations in the gene pool of an organism, and in ways that facilitate the spread of the introduced genetics to other related organisms. These are changes that are impossible with ordinary breeding, and the genetics created have almost certainly never been seen before in that context on the planet. No one - absolutely no one - knows what effects they will have.

One small immediate example: herbicide resistance genetics are shotgunned into corn and soybeans and several other plants. It turns out that - surprise - one occasional consequence is that complexes of neutralized herbicide (that's the mechanism of "resistance") are stored in some of the plant's cells that humans eat. It turns out - surprise - that in human digestion these complexes are sometimes degraded in ways that release the herbicide molecule or its effective pieces into the human gut. It is a poison, probable carcinogen, etc etc - the warnings on the label are not pro forma. The gut involved is often that of a child - children eat more for their weight than adults, and thus have more tendency to pick up unusually large doses of whatever is bad in the family's food.

Now, is that a serious problem? We don't know yet. The question of amount, frequency, and variance of exposure si critical, etc etc - none of that stuff has been well studied.

We don't know whether overuse of the herbicide involved (made possible by the resistance of the crop plant) is a serious problem, either. Runoff, etc, needs to be studied in real life usage. The economics of the marketing may sometimes encourage irresponsible use and create other problems in some economies. And so forth.

You can't get into that kind of a mess with ordinary breeding and hybridizing. You can't avoid it, with the new GM techniques.
When integrated circuits start propagating themselves, and reconfiguring themselves, and introducing their reconfigured and propagated selves into all manner of nearby working machinery that we depend on to function reliably, I will warn you about the potential for trouble.
Self prorogation is an issue, but we can control it, if you people would actually help implement smart legislation. The other problem is your assuming that this new, which it is not, when ever we make a hybrid plant we are introducing a self propagating reconfiguring organism into the environment, heck when we breed and select plants we are often doing so at rate far faster then normal evolution. At least with GM we can make these things far less cable of growing and breeding outside of human supervision.

It wouldn't be as sharp a warning as this, because the immediately likely trouble would just be a crashed airplane or two, maybe a series of unstoppable rolling electrical grid blackouts, cars taht refuse to brake, that kind of thing. Trivial stuff, compared with what a genetic engineer can turn loose.
Trivial? have you seen terminator? or in fact in general the theory that once they get smart enough and control their own development humans are seriously fuck? How about gray goo apocalypse?

And you will ask me to prove that something major has already gone wrong, before you deign to recognize the obvious situation for what it is.
Because usually nobody does. Some of the systems involved have never been studied even in their baseline functioning, and are extremely complex- beyond our current analytic capabilities, often.
It not hard to test these organism or to expect that something is happening here that has never happened before. What happening is not new, adding a gene is not likely to create something that evolution would not have done or natural gene transfer would not have done, all be it at a much faster pace.

And because in the occasional instance where a bad situation is simple and studied and some people do understand it, I'm giving the marketers the benefit of the doubt and assuming they aren't among those people. (For example, the fact that they are almost certainly breeding immunity to Bt toxin in the major species of pest insects, thereby destroying one of the few reasonably safe and effective pesticides available, is known to many people. I'm giving the propagators of that bit of utterly stupid genetic engineering a great benefit of the doubt, by calling them ignorant.)
You do know Bt has been used as a pesticide for decades? Decades of use as a pesticide surely been an evolutionary driver for making resistant pests, but it does not matter if we spray it on or if its grown in the plant, although spraying it on is far more expensive. So GM Bt is no more likely to make super bugs then spraying it on.

Genetic engineering techniques can be used to merely speed up the process of ordinary hybridization, and in that case you would have a point.

GM techniques can also be used to make novel kinds of alterations in the gene pool of an organism, and in ways that facilitate the spread of the introduced genetics to other related organisms. These are changes that are impossible with ordinary breeding, and the genetics created have almost certainly never been seen before in that context on the planet. No one - absolutely no one - knows what effects they will have.

This is called and appeal to fear or and appeal to the unknown, just because it unknown does not mean its going to be bad or likely to happen. Why can't you get this???

Genetic trading in nature is not impossible just very rare. Naturally though new genetic constructs are produced every day, diatoms for example grab what ever genes they find in the sea, viruses and plasmids in plants cna transmissite genes, now mind you we are doing this at a rate taht would take nature eons by very rare transgenic events. But this is certainly not new to this plant.

One small immediate example: herbicide resistance genetics are shotgunned into corn and soybeans and several other plants. It turns out that - surprise - one occasional consequence is that complexes of neutralized herbicide (that's the mechanism of "resistance") are stored in some of the plant's cells that humans eat. It turns out - surprise - that in human digestion these complexes are sometimes degraded in ways that release the herbicide molecule or its effective pieces into the human gut. It is a poison, probable carcinogen, etc etc - the warnings on the label are not pro forma. The gut involved is often that of a child - children eat more for their weight than adults, and thus have more tendency to pick up unusually large doses of whatever is bad in the family's food.

We don't know whether overuse of the herbicide involved (made possible by the resistance of the crop plant) is a serious problem, either. Runoff, etc, needs to be studied in real life usage. The economics of the marketing may sometimes encourage irresponsible use and create other problems in some economies. And so forth.
This is not GM problem but the herbicides, if you want to do testing to verify this I'm all for banning herbicide X if you can prove it's metabolite products are carcinogenic or mutagenic, tetragenic, etc, I don't see what this has to do with forbidding rice that makes vitamin A so that thousand of 3rd world children don't go blind? Again you can't disregard all GM foods, you argument would be better place in say "stop making herbicide restient plants" but not is "Stop making GM plants I don't care if it makes vaccines, or vitamins or grows in places that is normally unfarmable, etc" It blatantly saying you don't give a fuck about anyone else!

You can't get into that kind of a mess with ordinary breeding and hybridizing. You can't avoid it, with the new GM techniques.
Really, herbicides naturally degrade in the soil, farm crops suck them up, we eat them, were is the GM? and I don't think we could make a killerbee with today's GM!
electric said:
Self prorogation is an issue, but we can control it,
Maybe, most of the time.
electric said:
The other problem is your assuming that this new, which it is not,
The only comparable events might be symbiotic or parasitic melding, which takes thousands of generations. Otherwise, nothing like this stuff has been seen on the planet until about fifteen years ago.
electric said:
Trivial? have you seen terminator? or in fact in general the theory that once they get smart enough and control their own development humans are seriously fuck?
I don't get my major worries from Hollywood.
electric said:
How about gray goo apocalypse?
Not much to do with integrated circuits. Closer to genetic engineering, actually - self-replicating machines. Only wholly imaginary so far, unlike the genetic stuff.
electric said:
It not hard to test these organism or to expect that something is happening here that has never happened before.
Yes it is. It's all but impossible. The systems involved are not understood, and extremely complex.
electric said:
What happening is not new, adding a gene is not likely to create something that evolution would not have done or natural gene transfer would not have done, all be it at a much faster pace.
Never before have artificial genes, purposefully mutated genes, and genes from organisms of different phyla and ecosystems, been shotgunned in easily transported form into alien genomes, then cloned and broadcast into the general environment. Evolution has little chance of duplicating even one of these feats, over a million years, let alone the thousands in progress over the next decade.
electric said:
You do know Bt has been used as a pesticide for decades? Decades of use as a pesticide surely been an evolutionary driver for making resistant pests, but it does not matter if we spray it on or if its grown in the plant,
The way pesticide resistance is avoided is by prudent and targeted use,the way docs use important last-ditch antibiotics - only spraying when needed, alternating with other methods, keeping large buffer zones of non-sprayed plants, discontinuing when successful, etc. Clearly, loading every plant with the stuff defeats all of those measures, and creates an environment in which resistance is of immediate and permanent largescale benefit. From then on, it's just a matter of time. Morons, doing damage that will affect us all.

But they're making money.
electric said:
just because it unknown does not mean its going to be bad or likely to happen. Why can't you get this???
Because it's foolishly wrong. Playing with the cockpit controls of an airplane in flight would have unknown (to you or me) effects as well - some of them might be good. Would you recommend it? How about if someone pays someone else to do it from a radio control tower on the ground, randomly messing with the controls in your plane - would you ask for some regulation ?
electric said:
Really, herbicides naturally degrade in the soil, farm crops suck them up, we eat them, were is the GM?
Read the example I briefly described above. Or any of the dozens in the literature, more technically.
Maybe, most of the time.

Behold the answer for everything. "will the LHC not destroy the world?" Maybe, most of the time. "will humanity not destroy its self in nuclear war?" Maybe, most of the time. "can people do accurate risk management?" Maybe, rarely.

The only comparable events might be symbiotic or parasitic melding, which takes thousands of generations. Otherwise, nothing like this stuff has been seen on the planet until about fifteen years ago.

I don't get my major worries from Hollywood.

Because Hollywood spouts it, it must be impossible?

Yes it is. It's all but impossible. The systems involved are not understood, and extremely complex.

Again appeal to unknown.

Never before have artificial genes, purposefully mutated genes, and genes from organisms of different phyla and ecosystems, been shotgunned in easily transported form into alien genomes, then cloned and broadcast into the general environment. Evolution has little chance of duplicating even one of these feats, over a million years, let alone the thousands in progress over the next decade.
First of all most GM uses gene which are not artificial both rather taken from another organism. What the difference between purposefully mutated and naturally mutated? Genes from different phyla and ecosystems can transmitter be it very rare. Alien genomes?, something from space? Many organisms rely on pickup random genes from the environment, over millions of years all permutations are probable to have happened.

Let say that never before has there been televised ideological leaders who spout mindless nonsense and have taken control of millions of people through indirect contact so quickly, but I don't fear Opera, no matter how much worshiping of her is a self propagating meme. Get detailed enough and just about everything is new, that does not mean its bad nor dangerous.

The way pesticide resistance is avoided is by prudent and targeted use,the way docs use important last-ditch antibiotics - only spraying when needed, alternating with other methods, keeping large buffer zones of non-sprayed plants, discontinuing when successful, etc. Clearly, loading every plant with the stuff defeats all of those measures, and creates an environment in which resistance is of immediate and permanent largescale benefit. From then on, it's just a matter of time. Morons, doing damage that will affect us all.
Every plant is not loaded with this stop, buffer zones are still used, Bt crops are not used were not needed, Bt crops can and are alternated. So I don't see the problem.

But they're making money.
Oh the horror, if someone is making money they must be doing something evil right?

Because it's foolishly wrong. Playing with the cockpit controls of an airplane in flight would have unknown (to you or me) effects as well - some of them might be good. Would you recommend it?

If you were the most qualified person their to do it, yes, since our options our to stop progress and let starvation and civilization grind to a halt or keep moving forward, yes I recommend doing what we can.

How about if someone pays someone else to do it from a radio control tower on the ground, randomly messing with the controls in your plane - would you ask for some regulation ?

What wrong with some regulation? As long as safety can be reasonably assured and productivity can be increases I have no problem with it.

Read the example I briefly described above. Or any of the dozens in the literature, more technically.

I gave and example equivalent to yours using non-gm, your reply of "return to start" is not valid.
And before we really come to any consensus about GM foods

Nanofoods and nano-packaging of food products are already here.,21498,24478409-948,00.html?from=public_rss

If you look at the last article, even recent regulation changes do not require safety testing on nanoparticles in food and packaging is not even covered.

More experimentation. On us.
As long as Choice persists and GM foods are labelled, so be it. Its progress and it merely formalises what farmers have been doing with natural selection and grafting for many years. Splicing a salmon gene into a tomato gene so tomatoes can be grown in winter by surviving frosts is OK if you happen to like tomatoes. Its law in most countries that GM foods be labelled as such.