Genetic modification: fear it! fear it like THE BOMB!

But also since there are tons of domesticated animals and plants some are bound to survive in nature.

Just look at how something like a house cat can survive to live in many locations.

They are so adaptable they can live wild in places as different as and far as the Australian outback, and arctic islands without human interference.

The only thing people did was move them from one area to another.

Since the animals in the new area had no protection against them some became extinct and endangered.

This is a good example of what any invasive speciescan do to the ecosystem.

And what could happen with genetically modifyed organisims could do if they got out of control.

Just think what GM bugs could do.:eek:
Oh yes there are many historical situation were domestic animals and plant ran wild and cause ecological and health disasters: killer bees, purple loosestrife, Cain toad, European house sparrow, ect ect. cats being a great example. GM plants and animals have the advantage of being engineered sterile once and for all alleviating this problem!
Your right about how now GM creatures can be made mostly sterile.

But what about the future?

What if some mad scientist made something thats not sterile?:eek:
That the mad scientist's problem not GM, laws and regulations should be setup to prevent that but hey s/he is mad. The problem is universal in which many technologies have been developed for very evil purposes.
Thats true but what about crazy government projects?

In Russia I heard there was experimentation on germs and viruses in which super diseases where made!:eek:

These diseases where tested on some lab animals.
The results showed that a disease can be modified to become to dieseses in one! Such as getting the common cold and then when it looks like your getting better you get the flu. All from the same organism!

The good thing is that these were not used on people. Because although the projects were crazy the people knew that if these diseases were ever released that eventually everyone (not just their enemies)would be affected by it.

But the Russians had safty procedures to make sure nothing bad happened so these diseases were kept under control.:D
I was just thinking wouldn't it be good to have a special sattilite that could scan for new viruses and bacteria?

That way everyone would know were to go in order to control the virus.

Also that way people could avoid the disease entirely weather its a natural or artifical disease.:)
Although it would be almost impossible now in the future it could happen.:)

Just look at weather sattalites. A hundred years ago no one would believe that we could monitor the earth like we do now.

So just be cause it doesn't exist now dosn't mean it will not ever exist.:D
No No you don't understand, how the hell is it going to detect virii floating in the air from 400km above?!?! How the hell is it going to tell the different between that a pollen or natural bacteria and fungi spoors??? Maybe if you had an international squad of Anti-bioweaposn inspectors with tiny little spy robots that I could believe.
Your right that it would be A LOT easier to use small robots.
This is already being developed.
I was just talking about how even satilite mounted sensors that detect germs or anything else you can think of might eventually happen just not for a really long time.:)
Rather than satellites the new generation of miniature pilotless planes would be better for sampling the atmosphere and detecting biological or other kinds of WMD- if any do exist-
bear in mind the development sites will be hermetically sealed.
SF worldbuilding at
genetic modification eh? like say the kind that would allow a fetus in a jar to type on a forum? =-P
Oh that’s not the result of genetic engineering, that’s all thanks to cybernetics and illegal stem cell research. :D