Genetic engineering

If they are better than us they will outcompete us without any hostile action. They would take the slow and steady road and just let natural selection do the work.

Members of Homo Superior will interbreed with Homo sapiens and may not even know they are different.
I am Japanese Cow Gene Therapist and Splicer

Moo. I splice gene of cow. Haha. My brother no like gene splice. He is now half-cow. !haha. I splice him/cow. cow not amiable towards gene splice. I splice anyway. !haha. Funny is that cow that turn green. Sick? no. Was paint? Yes. I tried splice cow. But wasnt' gene splice juice. was color water. [[haha]].

cows not have rights. I eat cows. cows cant eat me. The intelligence quotia of mine is greater than the cow. Therefore, cow = stupid, cow = !Yum. If cowIQ > MineIQ = More, therefore cow eat me. But the > is a <, so cow deserve to be splice.

The End.
genetic engineering is a real good thing for a lot of biologists. Otherwise they would have to think of other ways to do an experiment. Now they can always make a transgenic mouse in which they either knock out their favorite gene or overexpress it.


Scientists are looking in cases like this, for ultimate power (someone would call it "playing God") because well... it makes money. People will do anything for money, be it considered moral or not. Now, I'm not pushing an argument for wether or not genetic engineering is moral or not, but I am saying that it doesn't matter what scruples a given person has. The right person will do things lots of people consider immoral for the right amount of money.
So the question becomes -- what rights does the "mouse" have?

Today it may be only mice that are being used this way, but tomorrow it might be human clones.
Before you stop genetically altering bice stop extermination them.
I doubt many would accept that price. Squeak baby...

What if you created (from mouse origins) a creature with more worth? For example, a big mouse with the same intelligence as a chimp? A human?

What if you knowc out just one set of mouse chromosomes and replace it with the human anologue? (presumeing it dosnt automatically kill the thing)
you can also look at it from this perspective:

if a scientist didn't make a transgenic mouse, it would never have been born.

at least it was alive...

Human cloning bothers the hell out of me. Mice are one thing, but a human clone would be a member of our species. Then again, we have already decided in other issues that DNA is not a valaid argument for deciding the level of humanity of a given human being. It has to do with their IQ, wether or not they are disabled, age, ect at least, according to most things I've noticed.
We've also decided that animals have rights as exemplified by the ASPCA. In fact, you can see a regular program on Animal Planet about the officers of the ASPCA in NY and how some offenses lead to prison time.

It's a slippery slope we're on... :eek:
p.s. there are news reports that the first human clone is likely to be born in January, so the issue of rights is getting closer, faster... :eek:
As long as the clone is treated as a human being with the rights and privledges of anyone else I am ok with this.
Gee. Then why bother to create them? It's not as fun as the old tried and true method of creating new humans... ;)
Colonizing other planets perhaps. Just send a single unmanned probe with a cloning apparatus, some source dna, and some other crud and you have a new colony.

Easier than sending several hundred people on a trip they likly will not live to see the end of.
Genetic eng'g? Could aid in disease fighting, finding the cure to aging, space colonization like Clockwood mentioned.

Plus, for those that fancy it, an endless list of personal improvements can be made. That is, if genetic engineering comes about as much as everyone thinks it will. Wings, gills, green skin, echolocation, increased speed stamina agility endurance strength... list gos on
Now you are talking about Eugenics. So! Anyone here all for creating the true Aryan race?
No way - like tatoos, piercings, those burn-tatoos people do, hairdyes, and artistic scars - eugenics should be a choice made by the individual. ESPECIALLY not done by parents to a child - wait til the child's older and can choose what they'd like done. Playing with the genetics of an older organism would be really hard...but it might be able to be done.
Genetic engineering makes the very idea of eugenics obsolete. Anything eugenics can buy with many generations of human suffering those using genetic engineering can have for free.

One zygote and a little bit of labwork necessary. Little else.

I would gladly accept any modifications given to me before my birth if was to my benifit and 2. it didnt get me treated like a leper.