Genetic engineering

Being bored is infinitly better than being dead. And perhaps you could be modified so that the monotony would not get to you.
That sounds like a prescription for stagnation. After awhile, you could have the "been there, done that" attitude that leads to boredom.
Boredom is a perfect reason for somebody to do something new. New tech, new war, new culture.

Get somebody who wishes to know all things knowable and he will never be bored. The universe proceeds faster than you can learn.
Genetic engeneering can't be bad or god. Only people can.
It's an inevitable revolution. Our personal belif doesn't count very much here. It does't cout very much anywere to say the truth.
Forgive me, but that sounds like a very "NRA" (National Rifle Association) way of looking at things.

At what point do we judge a technology to be dangerous? After an example of the danger is there for all to see? And even then...
If people did not use guns to kill people we would use swords and bows. If we did not have svords and bows we would use rocks and sticks. If we did not have rocks and sticks we would use tooth and claw.
I think you should substitute "animal" for "people". The question is how do we, as people, distinguish ourselves from our animal instinct. Sometimes that entails removing sharp objects from our reach... ;)
I dont distinguish a person and an animal. We are simply animals that are just very good at what we do.

Nothing wrong with that. I have very high esteem for animals.
Okay, good point. Animals know the limits that nature has set for them.

Where are ours? :bugeye: :)
Our current limits are seen in the world around us. THat is what we currently can accomplish. Five min from now we will be able to do a little more and a little more will be done.

It is like looking at a termite mound, only it is socially evolving fast enough to see with you naked eyes.
Originally posted by Clockwood

It is like looking at a termite mound, only it is socially evolving fast enough to see with you naked eyes.

Does the termite mound contemplate what it means to be a termite mound? :confused: :eek:
Perhaps it could if it was complex enough. Perhaps it does.

In many periods of history human beings did little philosophising. We were still considered human.
"Little" is different than "no", don't you think?

Man began philosophizing when he looked up at night and saw the pretty lights and said "what're they?".

However, have we developed a reasonable philosophy for when we are not the top of the food chain? Can we handle a smarter alien intelligence (even if it's one of our own making)?

Somehow a termite mound will improve itself steadally. It finds gradually how to optomize its cooling towers, prevent its bottom levels from flooding, and breeding its fungus farms for edibility. It must somehow be pondering about what a colony is supposed to be like without really knowing.

Elephants bury their dead. Koko the gorilla has speak coherently using sign-language and even communicate abstract concepts.
There is no individual "smart" termite. In this case, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Competition with other species (ie. survival of the fittest) is much older than the elephant and the gorilla. For them, their place in the world is well understood and accepted.

The human race (ie. homo-sapiens) is always asking the question "is there more?". What if the answers turns out to be "not for your species"?
Originally posted by BatM
There is no individual "smart" termite. In this case, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Competition with other species (ie. survival of the fittest) is much older than the elephant and the gorilla. For them, their place in the world is well understood and accepted.

The human race (ie. homo-sapiens) is always asking the question "is there more?". What if the answers turns out to be "not for your species"?

There is no such thing as an individual termite. A colony mind is made of multitudes just like a human is made of cells.

If there is no "more" for your species MAKE more, even if you must take the more from another species.
If we genetically create superhumans, how do we know their superior abilities will breed superior ego's? What if they turn on US?