Genetic engineering in food

Hercules Rockefeller said:
We’re all doomed!!!!! That’s exactly the sort of scaremongering that needs to be countered by reason and education.

No, I am talking about very large scale genetic engineering as I thought everyone was. I KNOW that genetic engineering is going on NOW and I KNOW that it is doing no harm and not affecting diversity significantly now. :rolleyes:
We’re all doomed!!!!! That’s exactly the sort of scaremongering that needs to be countered by reason and education.

Well, being paralyzed by fright is not helpful, but its equally idiotic to think that ANY concern and desire to be methodical and careful is "scaremongering". The most helpful attitude, as in most things, usually lies somewhere in the middle of the two extremes.
We may come to know in future, what these GE foods will do to us? But at present esp in animals I think GE (as cloned Dolly) didn't come our to be so good. What about Insulin developed biotechnologically? Is it just natural?

Yes the insulin made by genetically engineered bacteria is just like human insulin. X-ray crystallography and NMRI have proven this, that and the fact that it work better then bovine insulin on humens.

The chances of Gm agriculture being harmful for you or the environment is equal to the chances of conventional agriculture being harmful to you or the environment. Ever hear of skin blistering celery? It was made though conventional breeding!
Adaptation may be a relevant concept to this issue. More we are adaped to anything more it can be usefull/acceptable/hadlable. We might have adapted better to 'naturallly occuring foods' as we run parllell to those foods. But we have still to adapt new foods. It can be just shocking types or alike foreign materials to body till our body adapt,recognize fully or process properly, any new food or concept. But need of the time may force us for pursuing new adaptations. We may be needed to be parllell to modern new lifestyle or environment with these new GE foods & other new means alike modern medicines.
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oh so we have adapted to skin blistering celery? believe it or not but the rate of "adaptation" in selective breeding, hybriding and conventional agriculture is far faster then human evolution, thus the human digestive track is not in fact use to are present diet, for example: noticed the unusually high rate of diabetes, obesity, colon cancers, ect?
Currently/Initially, We may have to pay some tax for adapting new things which may be needed for the futue need of our children--if we want to continue in modern style.:D
Kumar said:
Adaptation may be a relevant concept to this issue. More we are adaped to anything more it can be usefull/acceptable/hadlable. We might have adapted better to 'naturallly occuring foods' as we run parllell to those foods. But we have still to adapt new foods. It can be just shocking types or alike foreign materials to body till our body adapt,recognize fully or process properly, any new food or concept. But need of the time may force us for pursuing new adaptations. We may be needed to be parllell to modern new lifestyle or environment with these new GE foods & other new means alike modern medicines.

It is not an issue at all. Adaptation needs to occur when the diversity is increased. Like I've said , I don't know how many times, diversity is reduced in GE. Everything we eat, we have already eaten before.
example "you WILL adapt. cause we say you will" farmers who now have to BUY...yes BUY GM seeds

always look where the money's going. dont listen to the " we wanna save the starvin chidren of the world" (say it loud mimiking WBush shpiel. and throw in the divine Jesus if you wanna)....thats bullshit. what they WANT is to own Nature and make a profit. profit is their god

or and you could look at it like this, less you think iam demonizing the lot of them. yes we can see the white coat lab brigade studiously trying to genetically 'improve' on natural-ness. but they are doing it ignorantly. they are blind to the damage they've alREADY dont in their blindness and now seek to put it 'right' making yet moe of a cockup, just as they have done with monoculture and pesticides
Fear mongering? Duendy sounds right on the mark. The scientists/researchers themselves almost all certainly ARE driven by genuine hope and care that their products will help out humanity. But the guys signing their paychecks and who own the labs, the folks who meet in boardrooms . . . they are in it for simple greed and power.
no, the scientist are in for the money to! Hope for humanity? With a little bit of pixie dust, ect. haha No we make things that will be products good enough to buy, hey look at our rice it makes essential vitamins come and buy it, or look at this corn its make twice the amount of protein of normal corn, come buy it. And then there is the lethal operon: sure it makes it so that a organism can’t live or reproduce without human intervention, thus none of those ecological disasters caused by agriculture products run amuck, but now you have to buy the product from us every growing season, either that or a activation agents or your seeds won’t grow, its good for the environment and good for our pockets.
John Connellan said:
It is not an issue at all. Adaptation needs to occur when the diversity is increased. Like I've said , I don't know how many times, diversity is reduced in GE. Everything we eat, we have already eaten before.
I think cloned Dolly was also similar, but still defects were there? Anyhow we will come to know it with experiance.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. You can be sure that the power to engineer living things will be as well. And again, though you seem to want to believe everybody MUST be polerized simply for/against any subject - I actually am very excited about the promise of GM foods & drugs. I just think we must be cautious, slow and careful.

Incidentally, do you think that basic english composition skills could perhaps be genetically engineered into a pill Fetus? ;)
John Connellan said:
No, I am talking about very large scale genetic engineering as I thought everyone was. I KNOW that genetic engineering is going on NOW and I KNOW that it is doing no harm and not affecting diversity significantly now. :rolleyes:

You're rolling your eyes at me?!?

I don't see anywhere in the thread where we are obviously talking about some undefined future level of genetic engineering. The original post obviously referred to what we are doing in the present, and your continual statements that GE affects diversity never contained any statement that you were referring to future events.

So, you have just admitted that you “…KNOW that it is doing no harm and not affecting diversity significantly now.”

Good ;)

John Connellan said:
Like I've said , I don't know how many times, diversity is reduced in GE.

But you've just admitted that it doesn't! :confused:

So, if we assume that these continual statements are referring to “very large scale genetic engineering” and not current GE efforts, then this begs the question: what constitutes “large scale” GE?<P>