Genetic engineering in food


Registered Senior Member
I really know very little about this topic but i would be keen to learn more. Are there any major problems with genitically engineering foods? i can see many advantages in doing so but what are the problems with it (im sure there are some)? Also are there any huge benefits from using genetic engineering in foods? thanks for replies..
From one side of GM's against arguement you could perceive that the creation of "Eugenically" modified crops does cut out diversity and the aspect of any "Natural selection".

However on the pro GM side you could suggest that many cereal crops we have to day once started as grass that grew upon plains, that has over the years been "Cultivated" into being more food producing through the way in which the fields are irrigated and maintained. (a good example of changes was during the Agrarian Revolution with such things as "The Seed Drill" and 'Turnip' Townsends "Four course crop rotation".)

Other more relevant changes in bottony could be seen in the development of "Black" Roses, even the creation of Apple trees that have at one point had three or four trees spliced together to make one. (A Frankenstein monster of a tree.)

There is also the factor that before the governments stepped up their methods to stop people carrying seedlings and food sources across their borders, a number of different diseases altered the shape of our countries when they were introduced into the wild.
For instance in the UK their was the outbreak of something known as "Dutch Elm Disease" that killed most of the Elm trees. This was something "unintentional" and not something that would be "Monitored" like GM.
Naturally occuring foods may be more & better recognized, accepted or liked by our body as our cells & their genetic habitualities will much more match with those foods. Old friends & companions are better then new persons.:)
Kumar said:
Naturally occuring foods may be more & better recognized, accepted or liked by our body as our cells & their genetic habitualities will much more match with those foods. Old friends & companions are better then new persons.:)

Not really. Natural foods may be laced with toxins and other nasty stuff.
Kumar said:
Naturally occuring foods may be more & better recognized, accepted or liked by our body as our cells & their genetic habitualities will much more match with those foods. Old friends & companions are better then new persons.:)

Genetic modification generally does NOT result in a major chemical composition change of the species!
natural mean i mean tradditional foods not genetically or any other modern mean is much ganged. New roses lookss good but old roses really have good smell & appeal.
John Connellan said:
Natural diversity might be lost with genetically engineered foods. This CAN be overcome however.


How do you propose that diversity might be lost? :confused:
John Connellan said:
No, new roses will smell good too! Even better perhaps!
But still we may like smell of traditional roses more. Perfumes can't be comared with natural smell of flowers, therefore we have natural perfume/ perfumed water as better liked perfume. Just go on eating genetically developed bigger & more sweat fruits & after that eat same traditional fruit, you may notice some remenberance. It is just like classical/folk music & modren music.
Rambo said: "I really know very little about this topic but I would like to know more"

I personally would not go near GM foods--i try and just eat and drink organic. But it's not just a case of the food possibly being detrimental for us. it's much more complex than that, affecting people's lives in many way....Let me recommend you read this

An Interview with Dr Vandana Shiva
duendy: Rambo said: "I really know very little about this topic but I would like to know more"

I personally would not go near GM foods--i try and just eat and drink organic. But it's not just a case of the food possibly being detrimental for us. it's much more complex than that, affecting people's lives in many way....Let me recommend you read this
M*W: Hi, duendy, Rambo also said, "Make sure I have enough body bags."

I've always believed that in the USA, cattle ranchers are beefing up their cattle with hormones and god knows what else to bulk up the cattle so they can make more money per pound at the slaughter house.

Also, in the USA, dairy farmers have long been giving their cows hormones and other toxins to make their cows produce more hormone-laced milk.

Unfortunately, this has been going on for about 30 years now, and what we're seeing in this country are more young people with sexual identity crises. I believe homosexuality has always been part of nature, but in recent years there seems to be so many more homosexuals in high schools around the country. I'm not saying anything against homosexuals, nor would I ever do that, but I blame artifical engineering of our food supply for causing hormone imbalances in our youth.
aaah there are so many threads on this topic here, simple use the search tool and search for "GM foods"
WellCookedFetus said:
aaah there are so many threads on this topic here, simple use the search tool and search for "GM foods"

Yes indeed, but how many of them are full of scaremongering shite? :rolleyes:
I too straddle the edge in this topic, trying to watch evidence and ideas from both pro-GM and non-GM studies and sources. I'm a techno-geek and so am fascinated with the technology and potential of GM foods/medicines/products. At the same time, I think we very well may not know enough to make good long-term outcome predictions yet. Its one thing to know how to flip a switch, but understand all of the reactions down the line from that switch is a different matter.

I grew up a techno-city kid, and married into a farming family. I bounce between working on computers to being around a farm that exceeds the national organics standards - using horses to do all the work on the farm. Only occasionally using a lawnmower or tractor when they have to. Interestingly, food can indeed be full of crap and still get called ''organic'', the big agri-corps had a large hand in crafting the organics standards. Its full of loopholes. And conversely, lots of small farmers whos stardards are much higher than the national organics regulations demand - can't *afford* in time and/or money to jump through the hoops to be able to legally call their food ''organic''.

The word "natural'' these days drives me nuts! Uranium is natural, so is cyanide. Heck, *WE* are natural and therefore it can be argued that anything we do is natural. That nothing natural creatures can create out of natural products isn't ''natural''. Of course, though something is ''natural'' one still must judge the smart & dumb ways to use it!

Once long term concern I have about mass use of untested GM products is accumulation of errors - some biological problems tend to accumulate up the food chain, and chicken/cow/pig feed is one of the places GM products most quickly are being adapted. Then we eat the animals. Perhaps we've nothing to worry about, but I suspect nobody really knows.
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What about men initiated hybridization/breed improvement? Is it natural or unnatural?

Although, GM/Hybrid foods may not be so natural & can cause some imbalances, It may be a need for maintaining the current population. It may also be applicable for current medical system.
Kumar said:
But still we may like smell of traditional roses more. Perfumes can't be comared with natural smell of flowers, therefore we have natural perfume/ perfumed water as better liked perfume.

No gentically modified roses smell more like roses than perfume. In fact, they smell identical to roses.