Gay Rights

pavlosmarcos said:
I am a hetrosexual atheist, I am sick to death of religious people and gays trying to indoctrinate me by knocking on my door, stopping me in the street,screaming there rights over the media.

So put up a sign that says no solicitors, and quit watching TV, dorkus. Complaining that the media publicizes the civil rights battle going on in this nation is probably one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. . . and I've been around these forums for a while! I'm terribly sorry that it doesn't fit into your egocentric world, but everyone else in the nation seems to be involved in some issues worthy of being called "news". Maybe next you can tell us how sick you are of hearing about what's going on in stupid old Iraq.

pavlosmarcos said:
I have rights to, now all you lot are going to say "you get better rights then me"

You do have rights, but you get better rights tha. . . Oooh! you already coverd that. Wait. . . what the hell are you talking about? Honestly if you don't even understand what this issue is about, then do yourself a favor and shut up, it just makes you sound like an idiot, or a troll at the least.

pavlosmarcos said:
then what of my right to a peaceful life and my right to walk down the city streets without being accosted by someone I could go on for ever.

Wait, are homosexuals and religious anti-marriage people lurking in dark shadows to mug you, now? I mean, I'm sure that at this point I'd punch you in the face if I met you walking down the street, but I can't imagine that happens to you all the time, not unless you'd already had time to introduce yourself to someone.

pavlosmarcos said:
what people do in there private lives is up to them, but dont shove it down other peoples thoats.
you live your life and I'll live mine (stick to this ideology) and you wont antagonise anyone, unless you want to interfere with there basic rights.

Again, it's clear that you don't have any fucking clue what you're talking about! You just want a chance to write something down and think people are listening to you, don't you? You're working on some bizarre distorted view of the world that is really neither here nor there. Choose a side on this argument, you can't just exist in your own little world of delusions and expect to be taken seriously in this forum.

pavlosmarcos said:
one question I will ask of you as it amazes me to how it happens is
how come most men who find that they're gay suddenly adopt a effeminate voice
and the opposite for gay women a butch voice . why ? (your still male and female).

Likely because you're a moron who's shooting his mouth off without any reguard for what he's saying; Who also knows no homosexuals, but has wached a few episodes of Will&Grace, or Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. My advice to you would be to turn the TV off, take a step outside of your bubble, and figure out what the hell is going on in the world before you try to formulate. . . what I suppose is supposed to be an opinion, let alone an argument.
I think he was talking about me, Mystech. You see, a group I organize actually does go around and accost people on the streets and demand that we be allowed to inform them on our stances on gay civil rights. We have chapters across the nation! Imagine it, and entire league of people dedicated to harassing poor people like pavlosmarcos on the street about gay civil rights! Its getting so he cant even walk out the door!

(note for the sarcasm impaired. There is no such organization, and pavlosmarcos is a bit of a dope for suggesting that he cant even walk out his door without being accosted by someone on one side or the other of this issue as if we are tearing the world asunder in this conflict.)
SpyMoose said:
I think he was talking about me, Mystech. You see, a group I organize actually does go around and accost people on the streets and demand that we be allowed to inform them on our stances on gay civil rights.

I must admit that I've got something similar organized, though we tend to hang around school campuses and encourage gangs of children to beat up kids who disagree with our position. We feed them candy bars for every little conservative brat they send crying off to the nurse's office. I know that it's starting small, but the children are our future, and doing the same thing to adults would be dangerous, many of them have guns!
you live your life and I'll live mine (stick to this ideology) and you wont antagonise anyone, unless you want to interfere with there basic rights.

The crux of the matter, in this thread, is that heterosexual couples have the legal right to marry, & homosexual couples don't. If that anomaly were removed, the issue would die a natural death. So if you don't want to antagonize homosexual people who want to get married, don't support laws or constitutional amendments that prohibit this.

Seems a simple enough issue to me.
Dee Cee if a guy walked up to a woman and said I am going to beat the crap out of you tomorrow at two o'clock then she could have the cops waiting for him or have a gun ready. Men have the advantage in muscle mass and bone density we will on the average kick a girls butt in a fair fight. And most abusive personalities male or female do not pick victims that can fight back effectively.
I have two neighbors the good neighbors and the bad neighbors. The good neighbors were two middle aged homosexual women. One of them just recently died of cancer. They had three well behaved and polite if rambunctious boys. These boys are going to have to move from out in the country into the city to live with their father because their other mother was not married to their biological mom. I have opposed homosexual marriages until recently on the general purpose that any act which encourages sexual deviancy is bad. I have changed my opinion on this issue because it is not right to make the government impose my religious beliefs on someone else. As long as it was just the homos wanting to play house and shove their homosexuality down my throat I could oppose it. Upon further reflection, it seems that I have been trying to shove my beliefs down their throats and have to apologize to them, at least on this issue.
Mystech said:
So put up a sign that says no solicitors, and quit watching TV, dorkus. Complaining that the media publicizes the civil rights battle going on in this nation is probably one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. . . and I've been around these forums for a while! I'm terribly sorry that it doesn't fit into your egocentric world, but everyone else in the nation seems to be involved in some issues worthy of being called "news". Maybe next you can tell us how sick you are of hearing about what's going on in stupid old Iraq.

You do have rights, but you get better rights tha. . . Oooh! you already coverd that. Wait. . . what the hell are you talking about? Honestly if you don't even understand what this issue is about, then do yourself a favor and shut up, it just makes you sound like an idiot, or a troll at the least.

Wait, are homosexuals and religious anti-marriage people lurking in dark shadows to mug you, now? I mean, I'm sure that at this point I'd punch you in the face if I met you walking down the street, but I can't imagine that happens to you all the time, not unless you'd already had time to introduce yourself to someone.

Again, it's clear that you don't have any fucking clue what you're talking about! You just want a chance to write something down and think people are listening to you, don't you? You're working on some bizarre distorted view of the world that is really neither here nor there. Choose a side on this argument, you can't just exist in your own little world of delusions and expect to be taken seriously in this forum.

Likely because you're a moron who's shooting his mouth off without any reguard for what he's saying; Who also knows no homosexuals, but has wached a few episodes of Will&Grace, or Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. My advice to you would be to turn the TV off, take a step outside of your bubble, and figure out what the hell is going on in the world before you try to formulate. . . what I suppose is supposed to be an opinion, let alone an argument.

I was giving my opinion I was not rude and did not call you down
if you are what the gay world stands then it's in a poor state of affairs and my brother wont be happy and I was'nt picking on gays I have a lot of gay friends and they know my opinions there are a lot of religious people out there that do knock on doors I was just interested in what your view would be I am sorry I ask as I certainly got you back up. my brother says the reason he talks efeminate is to fit in and he told me to put that statement in as an after thought.
you certainly are rude

also Iwas under the impression the the thread was about gay rights not just gays getting wed as I have nothing against that, I never said I had anything personal against gays now did I
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laughing weasel said:
As long as it was just the homos wanting to play house and shove their homosexuality down my throat I could oppose it.

This made me laugh a bit as I read it over, but thinking about it, I guess you're right, this is a view that's out there. You've got to wonder about some people when they won't believe that you're not getting married just to piss them off.
This is a reply to the thread of gay rights, I really believe that homosexuals have the right to any of the same things that heterosexuals can do. hence the fact that they are the same type of person, just with diffrent taste. In the article that was composed, it stated that "if they are stupid enough to get married, then let them" them reffering to the homosexuals. but thet also state that they have no problem with the whole matter, but they seem rather confused with what side they are on. so for the fact of the things they keep going between, they surley dont know what they are talking about. They also stated some thing that is written in the bible saying that, Homosexuals are the only people that god dosent love. But one thing that they forgot to mention is that the bible also states, that thou shall not jude, there for god loves EVERY ONE!!!!! :D
the man with a ? said:
one thing...i dont believe homosexuality should be legal if we are going to keep god in this the bible, it specifically says that homosexuals are the only people that he doesnt THAT MEANS NO!
Also...i believe that homosexuality is just plain GROSS...i dont see how u can love ur own anatomy...
this is my opinion...

Who the hell are you to determine how someone should live?The only good thing the church is for these days is to judge and impose its views on everyone else.If the church understood what spirituality really is it would stop all its foolishness.Noone can tell me about God if they do not know the meaning of empathy.Do as you will be done by.Anyone with half a mind can tell that the bible comprises the word of God(which is pure and infallible),and the word of Man(which reeks of inequality,power and self-preservation)
The post that you're responding to is 10 months old, and the guy who posted it is long gone.