Gay Rights

Vienna said:
It is not acceptable to be Normal these days. Queer bastards rule!

Oh my lord you are so right! Its not like snoids in suits with concervative values who attend church regularly and strongly dissaprove of homosexuals and minoritys are in charge of everything! Oh... WAIT they are! And thats why homosexuals cant get married, and there is going to be a constitutional amendment, and Bush is going to be reelected. Concervatives like you just have such high vanity and low tollerance for deviation from what you know that you constantly feel like you are surrounded by oddness.
alain said:
"Gays have their bars, beaches , lakes and other hangouts they go to"

yes, but straight people dont!!
how can it be equality, if they have places where we cant go, but if we had a place where they cant go, we would probably get sued?

I'm going to guess that you're a very young person who is growing up in a conservative household, right? It'd be a shame for anyone with a few years behind them to be so infuratingly stupid.

I have no idea why you think a straight person might get sued for going into a gay bar, the idea is absurd.

As for the idea of "places where straight people can go" I'll assume you mean gathering places spacificaly for straight people, as oposed to any sort of place that they can legaly go, that's pretty much anywhere in the country. You go spend some time as a desipized minority and see if perhaps you and your people don't start opening establishments with the spacific purpose of being friendly to your own group.

alain said:
Before, you were discriminated against for being Black, Gay, Female or a Child
nowadays you are discriminated against for being White, Straight. Male or a child

Being both a white male and a homosexual I can fairly confidently say that descrimination against homosexuals in our nation is a problem, where as descrimination against being a white male is not.
"Gays have their bars, beaches , lakes and other hangouts they go to"

yes, but straight people dont!!
how can it be equality, if they have places where we cant go, but if we had a place where they cant go, we would probably get sued?

Of course we have places we can go. Why don't you go out and go to mcdonalds. The last time i looked it was open to straights as well, but i can be wrong. As for getting sued, you must be joking. It's called a gay bar because the majority of its participants are homosexual, but at the same time it isn't restricted to just gays. If you were straight and felt comfortable around gay men, then go into the bar, it isn't illegal.

Before, you were discriminated against for being Black, Gay, Female or a Child
nowadays you are discriminated against for being White, Straight. Male or a child

Do you realize you said child twice? The reason we pay more attention to black and gays is because they are the minority. No matter how much you argue you cannot deny the fact that white straight men is the majority of the U.S. It will be very hard to discriminate against a white straight man in such a large scale that it would become a national crisis. Every group is disrimated in small intervals but over all, blacks, gays and females have received the most abuse over history. You are just deny the fact that they were worse off then white straight men. Can you name some point in history or the present where a majority of white straight men were discrimated and treated like crap?
Votorx said:
Can you name some point in history or the present where a majority of white straight men were discrimated and treated like crap?

What about that thing in 1910 where white strait men had to fight for their right to vote... oh no, that was women

What about the sixties and seventies when white strait men had to march on Washington just to be allowed in the same schools? Oh, hold on I think that was blacks.

What about in current events, where white strait men just recently gained official closure on the legality of their sexuality, and are fighting for their right to marry? Hmm hold on a second...

He is going to bring up affirmative action, I KNOW it. It really gets me whenever someone does that, because they never acknowledge the fact that affirmative action for minorities is in place to counteract the affirmative action for white people that most colleges instituted on their own to keep Jews and blacks out of their classes.
You got a pretty sick mind buddy
Moleste kids, shag annimals. You're from Vienna, Austria,,,?
Maybe not but one guy from Austria certainly agreed with you.
Come on dude, you really mean what you're saying.
Heh Heh...
I love this...

"Do you realize you said child twice? The reason we pay more attention to black and gays is because they are the minority. No matter how much you argue you cannot deny the fact that white straight men is the majority of the U.S. It will be very hard to discriminate against a white straight man in such a large scale that it would become a national crisis. Every group is disrimated in small intervals but over all, blacks, gays and females have received the most abuse over history. You are just deny the fact that they were worse off then white straight men. Can you name some point in history or the present where a majority of white straight men were discrimated and treated like crap?"

i know, children are so discriminated against but no-one cares. Voting rights, acces to pornography are just to examples of things adults take for granted, eventually kids will rally for the vote, just like women and blacks did. as in EXACTLY the same

there are few laws against whites, but public opinion is more powerful then any law
a female boxer would have been laughed at maybe 20 years ago, but now they arent
what about a white basketballer? they arent taken seriously
it is public opinion that black guys have penis's about twice the size of white peoples, sposedly that makes sense, i dunno how tho.
i have been given crap for being English, isnt that proof enought that whites are often discriminated against?

"What about that thing in 1910 where white strait men had to fight for their right to vote... oh no, that was women"

your proving my point, i said, 'in the good old days' women were descriminated against, any women who were over voting age then would be 112 years old by now, theres no point giving their granddaughters advantages over guys to make up for it

Advantages for females include, guys pay for dinner/date, girls are allowed to slap guys but guys cant touch girls

"What about the sixties and seventies when white strait men had to march on Washington just to be allowed in the same schools? Oh, hold on I think that was blacks."

And what about Saudi Arabia, where whites have no rights whatsoever and have to pretend to be Arabian? Also, that was still a fair time ago now

"What about in current events, where white strait men just recently gained official closure on the legality of their sexuality, and are fighting for their right to marry? Hmm hold on a second..."

Right, females got the right to vote in 1910, by 2000, they have the right to beat guys up and steal their money, Blacks were given the vote in 60's or 70's, so will be beating the whites up in 2050 and gays will be able to soon after

"He is going to bring up affirmative action, I KNOW it. It really gets me whenever someone does that, because they never acknowledge the fact that affirmative action for minorities is in place to counteract the affirmative action for white people that most colleges instituted on their own to keep Jews and blacks out of their classes."

affirmative action to balance other peoples affirmative action, wouldnt it make more sense to totally ignore whether people are gay straight black white young old male female, instead of piling more weight onto each side of the scale (at the moment govts are doing both, taking away ones rights and giving to another)
Voting rights, acces to pornography are just to examples of things adults take for granted, eventually kids will rally for the vote, just like women and blacks did.

No they won't. What they are prevented from doing is not permanent and they know they will gain the right once they reach the required age. Untill then they understand they must wait untill it is their time to reach adult hood and begin the tasks that they were banned from as a child. Children aren't stupid theya re quite rational.

what about a white basketballer? they arent taken seriously
it is public opinion that black guys have penis's about twice the size of white peoples, sposedly that makes sense, i dunno how tho.
i have been given crap for being English, isnt that proof enought that whites are often discriminated against?

White basketball players aren't taken seriously when THEY'VE DONE NOTHING to be noticed about. This day and time show that statistically, the majority of exceptional basketball players happen to be black. Unless a white man can STATISTICALLY beat this black ball player he will not be taken serisiously because he is worse at the sport than this black player. We do no recognize players because they are white we recognize then because they are good at their sport.

As for the blacks having penises twice white men's size, that is stereotyping not discrimination. You would have to be foolish, not racist to believe in that.

So you were discrimated for being english, should we begin segregating because of that and ruining hundreds of years of progress? If you are taking that small event so seriously then can u truthfully say you can rally up enough white straight english men to cause the senate to change their laws because you were offended? You are redicilous if you think you could, because blacks are still discriminated only worse than you are, gays are still recieving racism only worse than you are. There is no way you can prove to anyone that you have recieved more discrimination than these 2 minorities.

Advantages for females include, guys pay for dinner/date, girls are allowed to slap guys but guys cant touch girls

OYE, Your ignorance is beginnig to annoy me. Do you think at all? Men pay for their dinner/date because that is being courtous. There is no law that u would need to pay for their dinner/date, if you didn't want to pay for it then DON'T. Girls are allowed to slap guys and guys are allowed to slap them back. There have been many cases where men have beaten girls to death there is no law (although I hope you never would) that would prevent you from hitting a girl.

And what about Saudi Arabia, where whites have no rights whatsoever and have to pretend to be Arabian? Also, that was still a fair time ago now


Right, females got the right to vote in 1910, by 2000, they have the right to beat guys up and steal their money, Blacks were given the vote in 60's or 70's, so will be beating the whites up in 2050 and gays will be able to soon after not even going to reply to this....
Blacks had an uphill battle to get into professional sports, and proved themselves through superior performance, unless you want to call these organizations out for being "Anti-white", but in each of their histories blacks were banned from basketball, boxing, baseball, and so forth, only being able to make the crossover because of the superior performance of their black leagues. I would be willing to bet that white people mock you for being English, but if you want to blame the blacks women or gays for that i suppose its your business. And you absolutely never have to be hit by a girl, and defending yourself from one who is assaulting you is against the law nowhere. If you feel obligated to pay for ones meals, it is entirely your problem. Perhaps you don’t feel you can succeed in a relationship without treating her like a prostitute.

After all this you have still failed to display how whites are discriminated against. Try to keep in mind, events like "Oh, this one girl told me she only likes to sleep with Latinos" doesn’t stack up to pervasive social attitudes, and institutionalized discrimination that gays face.
mystech "where as descrimination against being a white male is not."
actually, i cope a hell of a lot of shit for being white, so do many people
now, can you remember your last date? who paid for it?
if the answer is the female, i will be surprised.

I have read magazines such as Womans weekly and terrible thing like that, tehy have articles in them entitled "merely men" how the fuck isnt that sexism, it was an article, purely insulting men. Guys magazines at least have the taste not to insult the other sex

Im not agaisnt ANY group of people whatsoever (Nazis dont count as people)
Ben Folds - "cos my great great great great grandad made someones great great great great grandadys slaves. IT WASN"T MY IDEA, NO IT NEVER WAS MY IDEA!"

I have done nothing against any group, so why should i let some of these people from previously discriminated against groups insult me and cry "RACISM!" whenever i look at them?
alain said:
I have done nothing against any group, so why should i let some of these people from previously discriminated against groups insult me and cry "RACISM!" whenever i look at them?

You're just going off on a wild self-absorbed tangent here. Do I need to call the waaaambulance (corny though it may be, I love that one).

I honestly couldn't care less who pays for what on a date or what women’s magazines write about men, watch me yawn as I think about it, it bores me terribly. If you're trying to address my argument you'd do well to look at the fact that I'm heavily focused on institutional discrimination against minority groups which has real effects on peoples lives. I'm not walking around crying because someone once said they don't like dirty faggots.

Remember, I too am a white male, and as such subject to the same "prejudice" or "discrimination" that you're imagining, and I can honestly say that it's quite nice to have the whole white male thing to retreat into when feeling a bit vulnerable in a room full of conservatives or otherwise religious folk.

If you’re worried that you have to walk on egg shells to keep from offending someone, my advice to you would be to not bother taking that sentiment to me, because again I don’t really care, and am not sure what you mean by addressing such a comment to me.

More on the whole paying for a woman’s dinner thing, just because I find that to be a particularly interesting and absurd thing to be upset about: You’ll not get an argument out of me defending any particular woman’s expectation that the man should pay for these sorts of things, I’ve never been one for senseless adherence to gender roles for their own sake. . . though if you’re the one who asked her out, It’s really only polite. As far as I know, however, there’s no unified front saying that a man should always buy for a woman, and I don’t know of any mass persecution of men springing forth from this issue. If you’re not man enough to give the impression that if you pay for her meal she’ll “owe” you later that night, then I don’t know what to tell you, it’s purely a matter between the two of you.
Viennas British. Do they have womens weekly in the uSA? I thought it was a british institution.

"I have read magazines such as Womans weekly and terrible thing like that, tehy have articles in them entitled "merely men" how the fuck isnt that sexism, it was an article, purely insulting men. Guys magazines at least have the taste not to insult the other sex"
Unfortunately, I havnt looked at womans weekly for a while, but I think i can say quite clearly that a lot of mens magazines insult women, and stereotype them or indeed insult by stereotying. So womens magazines also do that? What a surprise. Men and women are both human, and have similar tendencies to stupidity.
Alain, Nazis count as people as well, may not be favorable people but humans neverless.

As for you problem with woman's magazine, they have every right to their opinion. Do you not forget the daily words hundreds of millions of men use all over the country? Words such as Bitch, slut, whore, kuto (misspelled) and many more are used usually directed towards woman. But this seems to be accepted by you. As to what Guthrie says, i believe that many men magazines insult women as well.

But hey, your a funny guy. Infact I couldn't stop laughing when i read this "Im not agaisnt ANY group of people whatsoever" it almost sounds like you believe this. Incase you do i would suggest your re read your posts. It is clear that you are against black, woman, and gays. You need to seriously sit down and think about what your fighting for and what your fighting against, you are proposing that homosexuals should not get rights, and that woman and blacks have enough. Whatever discrimination your get is nothing compared to these minorities and maybe you should just shut up and suck up to whatever small racist comments you get. And yet you still haven't answered my question so i will repeat it:

"When have white straight men even recieve discrimanation at such a large scale that there would be a need for change?"
You're just going off on a wild self-absorbed tangent here. Do I need to call the waaaambulance (corny though it may be, I love that one).

actually, gays and blacks have many similarities in the way they used to be treated and the way they are treated now

I honestly couldn't care less who pays for what on a date or what women’s magazines write about men, watch me yawn as I think about it, it bores me terribly. If you're trying to address my argument you'd do well to look at the fact that I'm heavily focused on institutional discrimination against minority groups which has real effects on peoples lives. I'm not walking around crying because someone once said they don't like dirty faggots.

so you dont care whatsoever if women are insulting and using you?, your choice i guess. the rest of that section seems like a cry to be taken seriously, but then, maybe you do have an important job to do, in which case, is sciforums really the best place to publish your work?

Remember, I too am a white male, and as such subject to the same "prejudice" or "discrimination" that you're imagining, and I can honestly say that it's quite nice to have the whole white male thing to retreat into when feeling a bit vulnerable in a room full of conservatives or otherwise religious folk.

you just said your subject to something that doesnt exist, :confused: but it obviously exists, EVEN if it isnt too severe. I cant stand religious people who are against gays or anyone because their bible says so (see religion section of sciforums if you must). Conservatives, id much prefer socialists, communists or greens (cross between hippies and politicians) i think you may have got the wrong impression, i am trying to say, that instead of giving the various groups advantages over others, just get rid of the disadvantages they already have. Otherwise you would end up with an imbalance between the groups no matter how hard you try

If you’re worried that you have to walk on egg shells to keep from offending someone, my advice to you would be to not bother taking that sentiment to me, because again I don’t really care, and am not sure what you mean by addressing such a comment to me.

so, you dont care who you insult? unlike you, i would rather not hurt others feelings, which unfortunately meens they end up hurting my feelings, and im addressing this to you most likely as a reply to something you addresed to me

though if you’re the one who asked her out, It’s really only polite.

you see, laws can be changed in a month, traditions, take years. If you also mean its polite for women to pay when they ask the guy out, then its ok

If you’re not man enough to give the impression that if you pay for her meal she’ll “owe” you later that night, then I don’t know what to tell you, it’s purely a matter between the two of you.

are you suggesting that the only reason you buy women dinner is so that they sleep with you?? if so, that doesn make a large number of females not only unfair, but also prostitutes, if thats not what u ment, please explain what u did mean

Unfortunately, I havnt looked at womans weekly for a while, but I think i can say quite clearly that a lot of mens magazines insult women, and stereotype them or indeed insult by stereotying.

i havent actually noticed that, anyone have quotes from guys magazines??

Nazis count as people as well, may not be favorable people but humans neverless.

no, because they treated the jews and others as subhuman

As for you problem with woman's magazine, they have every right to their opinion. Do you not forget the daily words hundreds of millions of men use all over the country? Words such as Bitch, slut, whore, kuto (misspelled) and many more are used usually directed towards woman. But this seems to be accepted by you. As to what Guthrie says, i believe that many men magazines insult women as well.

and women have their insults for guys. Im not sure if this is because you have something against me, white males, or anyone who is disagreeing with you. Women have every right to their opinion, how come I dont appear to??

But hey, your a funny guy. Infact I couldn't stop laughing when i read this "Im not agaisnt ANY group of people whatsoever" it almost sounds like you believe this. Incase you do i would suggest your re read your posts. It is clear that you are against black, woman, and gays. You need to seriously sit down and think about what your fighting for and what your fighting against, you are proposing that homosexuals should not get rights, and that woman and blacks have enough. Whatever discrimination your get is nothing compared to these minorities and maybe you should just shut up and suck up to whatever small racist comments you get. And yet you still haven't answered my question so i will repeat it:

"When have white straight men even recieve discrimanation at such a large scale that there would be a need for change?"

i am only against blacks gays or women when they think themselves superior to me, which does happen fairly often. i dunno what stuff is like where you all live, but where i live (australia), minorities dont get hassle from people

thank you, you have put one of my main points forward very well, everyone else used to be discriminated against so much, and things had to change, yes, white males are seen as the discriminators, and are only discriminated against a small amount compared to other people, hundreds of years ago
and women have their insults for guys. Im not sure if this is because you have something against me, white males, or anyone who is disagreeing with you. Women have every right to their opinion, how come I dont appear to??

Who says your not entitled to your opinion? Or better yet, why is it that I don't have the right to my opinion? My opinion is that your wrong, your disrespectful, distriminitive, racist and self absorbed. My opinion is, that your way of thinking is what led to the holocaust. My opinion is, people like you is what causes racism, thinking that people have to many rights and some of those rights should be taken away. My opinion is, that you should sit back and rethink your values. Those are mine.

i am only against blacks gays or women when they think themselves superior to me

If they thought of themselves as superior then why would so many of them be fighting for equality?

i havent actually noticed that, anyone have quotes from guys magazines??

You don't need quotes from guys magazines, just 3 minutes outsides in a fairly populated area will give you all the examples you need.

you see, laws can be changed in a month, traditions, take years. If you also mean its polite for women to pay when they ask the guy out, then its ok

Maybe you don't understand why men treat woman so politely. Other than the fact that woman have had to go through day to day hardships and fight for their rights, it is also natural that woman are more fragile than men. I apologize if this insults any females on these forums but it is obvious that men are much stronger than most woman are. A majority of the woman are quite fragile and very emotional at times, meanwhile the basic idea of masulinity is the exact opposite of how today's female (streotypically) is. This is the view on females and many men follow this view, so to be fair, they do what they must for woman and little things like buying their dinner for them is only polite, it isn't a major crisis at all. I believe many woman would buy you lunch if you could actually get one of them to go out with you. But with your views on their life and the lives of others, i wouldn't be surprised if you had a VERY hard time doing so.

minorities dont get hassle from people

thank you, you have put one of my main points forward very well, everyone else used to be discriminated against so much, and things had to change, yes, white males are seen as the discriminators, and are only discriminated against a small amount compared to other people, hundreds of years ago

Are you a minority? Do you follow these monorities around daily and see exacly how they are treaded minute by minute? I dont' think you do.

How is this putting you main point forward? Please explain this to me. I was simply giving an example, any resonable man would tell you that these groups are still discriminated against even to this day. If your gay you may be accepted in some places but in most your are looked down as scum, same thing goes for hispanics, females, blacks, mexicans and more. These things still happen today and you seem to be living in a shell, cut off from the rest of society. You are too well protected and don't see what really happens out in the world. I still remember incidents that didn't happen to long ago, for example, a man being dragged down the street attached to a rope which was attached to the back of a van. His body parts were ripped from him by the speed at which the truck and him were going. The KKK are still active, just not as big as they used to be. A black man was shot 20 times for taking out his wallet to give police his ID. A black boy was stabbed in the neck by one of his fellow classmates. A gay teacher was murdered by one of his students. A female football kicker isn't accepted onto the football team for being female. A black man is brutally beaten in an alley way and left to die. 3 females are rapped severaly (at different times) by a trusted doctor including an 11 year old girl. It just keeps going on and on and on. Where have you been? Why haven't you heard of any of these events? Why do you still think these minorities are being teated equally?
Vortox, remember, the Nazi's thought they were being persecuted by the Jews. That might give you some insight to the sort of mindset the poor persecuted white males are in.
My opinion is that your wrong, your disrespectful, distriminitive, racist and self absorbed. My opinion is, that your way of thinking is what led to the holocaust. My opinion is, people like you is what causes racism, thinking that people have to many rights and some of those rights should be taken away

A majority of the woman are quite fragile and very emotional at times

Hah! Priceless, retard!

Now, on to the fun stuff:

Why haven't you heard of any of these events?

The plural of anecdote is not data.
Now - here is data:

Using statistics provided from the FBI (not some partisan "anti-racist" group) we can chart arrest rates by race thus:

According to the Department of Justice:

"Blacks were over 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2000"

Now, homicides are usually interracial - because murders generally take place between people who know each other, and people tend to associate with their own race. However, if we look at the stranger homicides:

Blacks are over twice as likely to kill a white stranger than whites are to kill a black stranger.


Don't take this as a defense. You're almost as stupid as he is.
First, if "having to buy dinner on a date" is oppression in your mind, you are a complete weakling.
Now - why are or were (I've never paid less than half on a date) men expected to pay? Very simple. A man trying to impress a woman into fucking him (let's be honest - the only reason we "date" is that it is more socially acceptable than hiring a hooker and people are too dumb to masturbate) wants to show that he is a good hunter/gatherer and can not only take care of himself, but can feed her and any children she might have by him.

It's basic evolutionary psychology.

are you suggesting that the only reason you buy women dinner is so that they sleep with you?? if so, that doesn make a large number of females not only unfair, but also prostitutes,

DUUUUH! Women are stupid whores.
How long did it take you to figure this one out, brainiac?

i am only against blacks gays or women when they think themselves superior to me, which does happen fairly often.

Why am I not suprised?
It doesn't really take much to be superiour to you, however.
I am completely against a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. As a personal matter, I don't understand what the big deal is about -- if you find a human being, in any form, who respects you, supports you, and loves you for who you are, God bless you both because that is rare and nearly impossible to find.

Intellectually, I have an entirely different bitch with this idea.

The Fourteenth Amendment does not prohibit discrimination based on sex. There is no constitutional amendment that protects against discrimination based solely on whether you're male or female. There are federal laws and many many state laws that do, but they do not have Constitutional support.

In the 1960s and 1970s, there was a major push for the Equal Rights Amendment, which would include sex as a "protected class" like those under the Fourteenth Amendment -- race, creed, color, national origin, religion, yada yada yada. Most people viewed this as the women's rights amendment, which in many ways it was. It's effect, however, would have reached farther than simply giving Constitutional protection against discrimination against women.

One of the major arguments against the Equal Rights Amendment, and one of the main reasons it was defeated, was that it would protect gay rights, including the right to be married. The ultimate defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment was more a testament to anti-gay senitment than any desire to keep women barefoot and cooking.

The Supreme Court treats most sex discrimination issues in the same way it treats race discrimination, and treats women or men (depending upon the issue) as a "protected class" under the Fourteenth Amendment. Not much chance that this Court would do it, but given this theme of jurisprudence there is every possibility that the Defense of Marriage Act could be struck down under this rationale. The only way to make sure that homosexual marriages will not be legal in this country is to prohibit it via a Constitutional amendment.

Should such an amendment pass, it is virtually guaranteed there will never be an amendment that prohibits sexual discrimination -- a subsequent amendment securing equal rights to all regardless of sex would arguably repeal a prior amendment outlawing gay marriage.

I am against a Constitutional amendment because it would have the lasting effect of forever denying Constitutional protection to everyone based on their sex -- this means men as well as women.
DUUUUH! Women are stupid whores.
How long did it take you to figure this one out, brainiac?

Calling me a retard yet revealing the cruel sexism found in most white supposedly straight male. Treating woman with such disrespect and your fellow peers explains why woman are beating every day for being alive. Thank god the world isn't populated with people like you Xev, or the human race would have died out centuries ago.

wants to show that he is a good hunter/gatherer and can not only take care of himself, but can feed her and any children she might have by him.

And yet you still agree with me to an extent that men, in most cases, need to "treat" woman out for their own personal reasons. Insult me then agree with me Xev? Doesn't seem like a very promising or intelligent way of doing things....

Vortox, remember, the Nazi's thought they were being persecuted by the Jews. That might give you some insight to the sort of mindset the poor persecuted white males are in.

Only supports what I've said. Such men like Xev and alain are the reasons there's racism, discrimination, the holocaust and many other examples of hatred within the world. I don't believe they'll change their views on anything in the world but it is pretty amusing how they try to support their obviously wrong ideas.