Gay blood ban 'discrimination'

I would prefer not to have a gay man's blood in me if I could have non gay blood.
That's my choice...please don't discriminate against me for it.

I would suggest you donate and save your own blood then. I would think that would be the safest thing to do. Don't they do that for Jehovah Witnesses before surgery?
its difficult with JW's, the blood has to be kept moving or they cant use it. Im pritty sure what they generally do is filter the blood as they are doing the surgury and keep recyling it through the pt. Its not the best option but its the only one they can do
It's discrimination. I think the Red Cross checks blood people donate anyhow for AIDs and other diseases before giving it to someone else.
of course orleander, as far as i know (im no expert in what happens to blood) they divide blood into platlets, RBC's and plasma
It's discrimination. I think the Red Cross checks blood people donate anyhow for AIDs and other diseases before giving it to someone else.

Of course they do after that tainted blood fiasco. They finally started paying out the victims who received the blood as they were on their death beds. :bugeye:
mad, actually the biggest climbing group for HIV infection is teenage HEDROSEXUALS because they just dont seem to get safe sex.
The study found that homosexual men were the only risk group in which the number of new infections rose annually from 2001 through 2006. (Epidemiologists prefer the term "men who have sex with men," or MSM, because many of them do not identify themselves as homosexual or gay.) In contrast, injecting-drug users, homosexual men who injected drugs, and heterosexuals each showed declines in new infections over that period.
HIV remains, outside of Africa, largely concentrated among male homosexuals, IV drug users, and prostitutes. Ignoring this in blood collection is silly and dangerous.
ok so in the US the problem is still confined to the homosexual comunity. In Australia (where this case is being herd) the growth in cases has been from the late teen\early adult hedrosexuals. This also goes for syfilis, hep c, and even herpies. Basically the safe sex message needs another reinforcer
HIV remains, outside of Africa, largely concentrated among male homosexuals, IV drug users, and prostitutes. Ignoring this in blood collection is silly and dangerous.

I have to agree with you especially after all those ppl received tainted blood. A lot of ppl suffered and even died because of that. I think under the circumstances they have the right to be very strict and cautious about whose blood they are taking and transmitting into someone else. Can you imagine how upset you would be if your wife or husband was given some tainted blood and died a horrible life of aids or something. I would be absolutely livid.

Before any blood is used I hope it is tested for everything and anything and even retested before it gets reused.
I think it is a very discriminating question! Do they ask if a person is Bisexual or an IV drug user? Do they consider the fastest growing AIDS populations are young 18-30 black straight women and men in many parts of the world? I agree it is rather a person’s sexual activity rather than their sexual preference.
why would they even ask about a persons sexual preference? They test for HIV/AIDS anyways, so why bother asking?
oiram no to the first yes to the second.

Actually technically they dont ask your sexual prefference at all, what they ask is "have you or your regular partner had male\male sex in the last year)
why would they even ask about a persons sexual preference? They test for HIV/AIDS anyways, so why bother asking?
Do you honestly think that any test is 100% accurate? Ever hear of false positives or false negatives? I can't find the exact numbers for heterosexual HIV infection rates, but let's say it 1/1000. Contrast this with a rate of 1/5 for urban homosexual males (that figure is referenced above.).

Say that your test is 99% accurate in detecting HIV. Among 10,000 urban male homosexuals, you would expect 2000 to be HIV positive. So if your test was 99% effective, you'd miss 20 people who actually have HIV.

Compare that with 10,000 heterosexuals. Among that group, you'd expect 10 to be HIV posive. If your test was 99% effective, you wouldn't expect to miss any of them (0.1).

I'm not sure if my numbers are exactly correct, but you should see that including a high risk group vastly increases the chances of tainted blood slipping thru.