Gay blood ban 'discrimination'

then I guess you answered your own completely-lacking-a-shred-of-common-sense question haven't you.

It's a different thing though. Homosexuals have a psychological disorder so their blood might also be contaminated
ok orleander i promised to find some statistics for you so here we go:)

this one lists gross numbers up to 2007 but doesnt break it down by sexuality, cause of infection or anything else (though it does by age)

this is from the ABS so i vouge for its validity but its out of date unfortunatly (it is 1997)!OpenDocument

this again is from the ABS but its on all infectious diseases so it doesnt break down the transmission rates as well as the previous one did. However its up to 2007 so its more recent
The blood donation centers should not be discriminating like this when they are constantly begging people to donate. All blood from both saintly pure virgins and sickly heroine addicted prostitutes goes through the same tests to check for any contaminants. The people at the lab don't know who the blood came from they just do the testing. If its contaminated or unusable they throw it away, if it isn't they use it to save someone's life. There is never enough and I think its worth throwing away a few extra pints so that they can broaden the amount of donations they receive. By banning homosexual people they are cutting their supply of viable blood short.
cutsie i wouldnt go that far. for starers for some groups its dangerious for THEM if they give blood (animics for an off the top of my head example). there is also a good reason to ban anyone who has traveled to england from giving blood (mad cow disease cant be picked up in testing i belive) and if someone is engaged in risky behavor i dont have a problem excluding them but the point with this is it doesnt just ban people who are at risk. If you have been in a 50 year realtionship with someone and nither of you has ever cheated your concidered more of a risk than who has had 50 sexual partners in 6months and never worn a condom just because your sexual partner is another male
she was insulted because the guy who was blocked from giving blood was her friend and there was no more risk of him being HIV positive than there was her. It is a clear case of discrimination because the test stupidly doesnt ask about risky HEDROSEXUAL bahavor but assumes all samesex sex is risky.
Asgard, you're letting your politics cloud your thinking. Homosexual sex (anal) is clearly more risky than vaginal sex and the risk of a homosexual having HIV is orders of magnitude higher than a heterosexual.
In 2005, over half of new HIV infections diagnosed in the US were among gay men, and up to one in five gay men living in cities is thought to be HIV positive.
An official with the World Health Organisation (WHO) is finally admitting what many AIDS experts have been saying for years - there is no threat of a world AIDS pandemic among heterosexuals.
AIDS is seen no longer as a risk to heterosexual populations outside sub-Saharan Africa, but rather is restricted to high-risk groups such as homosexual men, injecting drug users, prostitutes and their solicitors.
The risk of a male homosexual being HIV positive is simply much, much higher than a non-homosexual. Don't give me crap about Homosexuals in commited relationships, either. Peolple lie, especially about sex.
umm mad you do realise that if they wanted to lie they could just lie on the form anyway?
If you put gay blood into people does it turn them gay?


No, there is nothing wrong with the blood of homosexuals. I'm not sure how the myth that homosexuals have aids more got started, but I'm pretty sure its false.
umm mad you do realise that if they wanted to lie they could just lie on the form anyway?
Sure, they could just lie anyway. But there's less motivation. Imagine a gay couple come in to give blood. One of them has been heading down the the local bath house for frequent anonymous sex. Will he admit that? Doubtful.

The fact that the infection rate is so much higher among male homosexuals would make allowing them to donate an unacceptable risk.
I would prefer not to have a gay man's blood in me if I could have non gay blood.
That's my choice...please don't discriminate against me for it.
So it's ok for a straight person who fucks anything that moves to endanger people with their possibly aidsey blood, but a monogamous gay person can't donate blood purely because they're gay? Yeah, really sound.

That's discrimination, pure and simple.
mad, actually the biggest climbing group for HIV infection is teenage HEDROSEXUALS because they just dont seem to get safe sex.

BTW there is little insentive for people to lie anyway, you dont get paid for giving blood in austalia rember. Its a compleatly altuistic thing
It's a different thing though. Homosexuals have a psychological disorder so their blood might also be contaminated

You idiot. If someone with OCD gives blood will the recipient have OCD? Use your fucking so-called 'brain'.

And please do not call homosexuality a disorder.
and in case anyone was wondering where I stand, that sucks. It's discrimination, pure and simple. A straight person who fucks anything that moves with no condom can endanger people with their possibly aidsey blood, but a monogamous gay person can't donate purely because they're gay? Ya, really sound.