Gaddafi: Allow Jews, Christians entry to Mecca


pubic diorama
Valued Senior Member
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi called to “allow Jews and Christians to visit Mecca and circle the Kaaba (cubical building surrounded by the Sacred Mosque).”
Gaddafi believes the holiday offers a great opportunity to bring the three main monotheistic religions closer together. “Everyone has the right to stand atop Mount Arafat and circle the Kaaba,” he told the media.

“The Kaaba is not meant for Arabs alone, but for people of all continents; the mistake was that they granted this privilege only to Mohammad’s descendents, but the Quran does not support this.”[source]

That makes sense to me. Why not?
WOOOOOO go Gaddafi, Lol is he trying to piss off the Muslims aswell as the west?.

Place your bets now who will kill Gadaffi first the infidels or the extreamists?

I agree peopleof the books should be allowed in mecca.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi called to “allow Jews and Christians to visit Mecca and circle the Kaaba (cubical building surrounded by the Sacred Mosque).”
Gaddafi believes the holiday offers a great opportunity to bring the three main monotheistic religions closer together. “Everyone has the right to stand atop Mount Arafat and circle the Kaaba,” he told the media.

“The Kaaba is not meant for Arabs alone, but for people of all continents; the mistake was that they granted this privilege only to Mohammad’s descendents, but the Quran does not support this.”[source]

That makes sense to me. Why not?


Shadow, its an idiotic idea, and if you have some common sense then you should be able to figure it out.
Nobel Peace prize candidate. Did he say this while he was bombing his own people?

Even Kim Jong Il probably thinks he's crazy.
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi called to “allow Jews and Christians to visit Mecca and circle the Kaaba (cubical building surrounded by the Sacred Mosque).”
Gaddafi believes the holiday offers a great opportunity to bring the three main monotheistic religions closer together. “Everyone has the right to stand atop Mount Arafat and circle the Kaaba,” he told the media.

“The Kaaba is not meant for Arabs alone, but for people of all continents; the mistake was that they granted this privilege only to Mohammad’s descendents, but the Quran does not support this.”[source]

That makes sense to me. Why not?
For some reason I have really taken a liking to Gaddafi. Ever since I discovered he had a Dr. Evil, James Bond-style troupe of female bodyguard virgin assassins that guard him day and night. I mean, wow. Wow!

His sentiments regarding Mecca are spot on.

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For some reason I have really taken a liking to Gaddafi. Ever since I discovered he had a Dr. Evil, James Bond-style troupe of female bodyguard virgin assassins that guard him day and night. I mean, wow. Wow!

His sentiments regarding Mecca are spot on.


Is this true or a joke? he really has a personal unit of female bodyguards?


Nobel Peace prize candidate. Did he say this while he was bombing his own people?

Libyans are so lucky to have such a wise secular leader. Notwithstanding the fact that he bombs his own people and deprives them of basic civil rights.
There is nothing like bombing people to instill democrazy - or is it democraxis? All these newfangled notions about axis of dis and dat, dose and dem. Mayhaps the Saudis need to be bombed into democraxis
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There is nothing like bombing people to instill democrazy - or is it democraxis? All these newfangled notions. Mayhaps the Saudis need to be bombed into democraxis

I think you can blame the americans for all these new words they love putting people into little boxe's they make up words for everything.

I even heard some american news reporter call people who believe ine imam Mahdi "Twelvers" and the word "Truther" is given to anyone who believes in any type of consiracy theory mostly concerning 9/11.

They love it.

Ignorance is the American Point of View. Meanwhile, back in secular Libya...
heh... I always get a kick out of the blame America. NO wonder nothing ever gets done, no one is willing to own it and fix it. Much better to crap on about America this and America that. Libyans in the West are a part of Gaddafi's tribe and they support Gaddafi as Dictator as well as his son. Libyans in the East are a couple different tribes and they want someone from their tribe running the country. Meanwhile China has paid for and built 50 oil wells in Eastern Libya. Europe and America are liberating those as we speak.