Funerals as opportunities to push Xtianity.

So some people reincarnate and then of course new ones are made? This is to account for the growing populations. Where do the new people get made? In a factory?
So some people reincarnate and then of course new ones are made? This is to account for the growing populations. Where do the new people get made? In a factory?

no has to do with quantum world...nothing new is being produced...everyone is like a mirror reflection of one essence...

quantum entanglement is what describes what I mean:

noone is being made...its just a new reflection is being cast in a new body.
noone is being made...its just a new reflection is being cast in a new body.

But there are more people. So how do you account for that?

It just sounds like an antiquated idea. For all we know he may be on an entirely different planet righ now.
But there are more people. So how do you account for that?

It just sounds like an antiquated idea. For all we know he may be on an entirely different planet righ now.

like I said...only one entity exists...that one entity is powerful enough to create illusions which are us, illusions powerful enough to have our own consciousness.

If you have trouble understand this idea...let me give you another anology, lets say you sat by a monitor and were in a virtual world controlling a plane flying over you also managed to control at the same time a car driving to your house via global satellite also at the same time...but now think that you could control trillion of objects simultaneously...people.
Fred phelps of westborough babtist church. His web site is
I'd provide a link but can't stomach being on his site long enough to create one. Lately his congregation has been picketing the funerals of fallen service members because " it's god's will since the serve an immoral nation"

is this the dickhead who was going to protest at heath ledgers funeral?

this dickhead

(note, i cant belive i googled protest at heath ledgers funeral and my thread came up:p)
never heard of anything like that. do you have a link?

a link to what? :bugeye:

its a theory like everything else is.

its my own belief, my own religion.

:cool: so what links do you want? just read on: quantum entanglement, entropy, thermodynamics
But there are more people. So how do you account for that?


All of creation is derived from the one source ..God. In comparison..Think of the sun having a hickup attack and throwing out trillions of pieces of itself....the reason that God does this? experience the duality of the physical universe.God exploring he/she self thru the multiplicity of trillions upon trillions of events occurring at any one given point in time.
All of creation is derived from the one source ..God. In comparison..Think of the sun having a hickup attack and throwing out trillions of pieces of itself....the reason that God does this? experience the duality of the physical universe.God exploring he/she self thru the multiplicity of trillions upon trillions of events occurring at any one given point in time.

And how do you know that ?