Funerals as opportunities to push Xtianity.

I agree. I would have liked to hear more about Randy.

maybe no one really knew him well enough to speak much about him...besides, many are afraid for themselves and death ceremonies are made to halt that fear of death for ourselves as well.
Actually you hit the nail on the head. He was a guy that would never let anyone get to know him.
He was a relapsed alcoholic (thats why he was a former co worker) Its also what killed him.
At any rate, because of his alcoholism, nobody ever got to know him. But I am sure there was a lot more to say about him than what was said.
He is probably rolling over in his grave reading this thread.

he is now a new baby...(in my belief) except its not really him anymore, he just has consciousness of himself and that is all there memories...nothing...there is no Randy
How can we all be the same when the population grows- doubling...tripling. Dont have an answer for that?

I do. We are all the same thing, time has no effect on us. I, you, everyone else...are basically the same essence, we can coexist and interlap in our existence.