Full born atheism is anti-intellectual

What you are trying to say is that the position of absolute certainty that there is no god is intellectually indefensible, right?
What you are trying to say is that the position of absolute certainty that there is no god is intellectually indefensible, right?

I suspect you're right here super...

Nonetheless, even if that is the case, we move from pragmatic impossibilities to rational probabilities, and in that case, Ockham's rules...

Your occam has nothing to the validy of Gods existence. and yes SL you are correct.

here, I said this on messenger to a girl "friend"

Brent says:
because; the conception of God is dismissed. Gods conception is dismissed. noone knows what god is. it could be called t he flying spegetthi monster; but it could also be called religion; a religion of the universes connectivity; or a religion on the possibility of rebirth; all of this nonsense which i have dwelved into
Brent says:
if your atheist that's fine; atheists sometimes still have some sort of faith towards the universe

going frantic.

I know what I have experienced, and it is no where away from "God"
I suspect you're right here super...

Nonetheless, even if that is the case, we move from pragmatic impossibilities to rational probabilities, and in that case, Ockham's rules...

Absolutely. That tiny sliver of possibility I reserve for god(s) wouldn't stop a weak photon. But it's still there...
pragmatic impossibilities

Sorry glaucon; but it is nomore a pragmatic impossibility than it is a reality.
One point here. The prominence given to atheism in academia especially the sciences has had an anti-intellectual effect. Less people are now going in for sciences because there is a growing discrimination against believers in the sciences. Plus, discouraging Christians, Jews and Muslims through discrimination means that this trend will continue to rise. People who believe in God will feel uncomfortable and leave science fields.
One point here. The prominence given to atheism in academia especially the sciences has had an anti-intellectual effect. Less people are now going in for sciences because there is a growing discrimination against believers in the sciences. Plus, discouraging Christians, Jews and Muslims through discrimination means that this trend will continue to rise. People who believe in God will feel uncomfortable and leave science fields.

You're a believer who happens to be in the sciences, right? How often are you discriminated against for your beliefs?
Thank god for that.

Was that a joke? If not, you don't want competent intellects moving away from these fields. Just because they happen to have their one superstitious belief does not mean that their work will be colored by it. I've worked with plenty of theists who I respect and who have been a huge asset to me.
You're a believer who happens to be in the sciences, right? How often are you discriminated against for your beliefs?

This forum is a pretty good microcosm. How many theist scientists do you see here, who admit it?

From what I have seen in the west, admitting to faith of any kind seriously damages your upward mobility in the science fields.
Was that a joke? If not, you don't want competent intellects moving away from these fields. Just because they happen to have their one superstitious belief does not mean that their work will be colored by it. I've worked with plenty of theists who I respect and who have been a huge asset to me.

Actually, I do want those otherwise competent people moving away from scientific fields due to their personal superstitious beliefs. Note the caveat on competency. Note also, that the entire aim of science is to avoid superstition.
Naturally, simply because a belief may interfere with a particular pursuit it does not follow that it will do so. Nonetheless, it behooves the rational mind to eliminate as many variables as possible.
This forum is a pretty good microcosm. How many theist scientists do you see here, who admit it?

I personally think this forum is actually a pretty poor microcosm that fails to reflect mainstream views on most issues.

From what I have seen in the west, admitting to faith of any kind seriously damages your upward mobility in the science fields.

Any personal experience? Or do you know any theists personally to whom this happened?
I personally think this forum is actually a pretty poor microcosm that fails to reflect mainstream views on most issues.

It reflects the viewpoints of western scientists towards issues pretty accurately.

Any personal experience? Or do you know any theists personally to whom this happened?

I found it much easier to work in India and the Middle East. There is a tendency towards racism in western interactions especially towards Asians. And I never talk religion at work. But my brother had some odd experiences.