from the beginning, the end

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To find the end, look to the beginning, as Christ said. This is my knowledge so far.

God is light which came into being of itself. God, being full of joy created 12 angels which are gods to express his joy.
Each of these Gods has their own realm with their own firmaments (boundaries) to separate the realms from eachother.
The physical (visible) realm is one of these. Lucifer was one of the gods and is the god of the visible realm. Each of the angels created innumerable beings. Eight of these Gods became aggressive beings and boast that they are Gods. Satan/Lucifer is one of these. Those beings in the visible realm (man) are of his spirit of aggressive self-serving beings who believe the world belongs to them and they are the god of their own world.

God will, in the end, bring all of his creation back into himself, into the light, except for the defective parts of his creation and their creation. The physical creation will soon perish. As we know, all which is born physical perishes. God being the Father of all creation, used his spirt (Love) as the mother of creation.

Over the ages God has sent messengers which became men, to the physical realm to bring knowledge in hopes of showing humankind the error of their ways and beliefs. Christ is the Father himself, manifested as a physical man to bring knowledge. Each of the beings which God has sent to man were gentle being, unconcerned with power, prosperity, property, wealth, long life, etc. These beings have always been abused by mankind, made fun of, mocked, used, tortured, killed, etc. Such is the reason for the wrath of God and the destruction in eternal fire of the defective, aggressive, self-absorbed, boasting, lustfull, pleasure seeking beings.

Every created being has a small drop of spirit (Love) in it. This will be returned to God in the end. If you can attach all of your being to the spirit and the invisible realm, you can return to God. If you remain attached to the physical being of yourself, you will perish with it in the fire of uncreation (eternal Hell).

On judgement day, Christ will say to you, show me your sign. Most will show him the cross. In my opinion, this would be like showing John the baptist the axe which was used to chop off his head, and christ will say: depart to the eight assembly, into outer darkness and eternal fire. Christ did not come to save the world, but to bring fire and to condemn it, and to avenge the blood of all the saints, prophets, and apostles and disciples of Christ. Christ said: I brought fire to the world, and will guard it until it blazes. There will be no aggressive beings in heaven.

During the first of the last few days of earth, it will rain blood everywhere on the earth, Then the earth will shake so hard as to remove every single mountain from its place and no building will remain standing, and the earth will be knocked out of its orbit. On the last day only the elect will still be alive. The 144,000 chosen of God. Christ said that Saul who was Paul will be the last of the last and will be numbered among the very elect. He also said: many of the first will be last and will become a single one. Such is what I have learned.

Feel free to try and correct any error in my reasoning.
Feel free to try and correct any error in my reasoning.

Starting from the first sentence straight through to the last. But if it gives you some comfort, it's a nice story.
Witless:it's your subjective reasoning(imagination), whats to correct.
for objective reasoning(reality), the whole things in error.
Well I guess since you say its true then it must be. Do you ever question what it is all about and see anything a little doubtful in what's being said and about what?

Of the billions that have died plus the billions that are here now, and may well die, plus the billions to come, you are saying only 144,000 will be saved. That's very poor odds for any individual hoping to survive. With such an inadequate quota system and such odds there appears to be little to no incentive to follow Christianity.

But I can understand the number and the minds of the mythmakers who wrote this. Some 2000 years ago the total world population was only a few million and a number like 144K would have seen relatively huge. E.g. it would have been very rare to have ever seen crowds of more than a thousand at any given time. So the number would have seemed like a reasonable percentage for those times. But clearly these fiction writers could not have foreseen that the world population would have grown so large and thus making such primitive and idiotic ideas seem so foolish.

Go in peace dreamer - Christianity and your witness program are just silly myths.

If you can attach all of your being to the spirit and the invisible realm, you can return to God.
Unless the quota has already been met. Can you see the idiocy and inconsistency of these myths?
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Feel free to try and correct any error in my reasoning.

You said it yourself:

"This is my knowledge so far. Such is what I have learned."
To find the end, look to the beginning, as Christ said.
Makes sense.
God is light which came into being of itself. God, being full of joy created 12 angels which are gods to express his joy.
Each of these Gods has their own realm with their own firmaments (boundaries) to separate the realms from eachother.
The physical (visible) realm is one of these. Lucifer was one of the gods and is the god of the visible realm. Each of the angels created innumerable beings. Eight of these Gods became aggressive beings and boast that they are Gods. Satan/Lucifer is one of these. Those beings in the visible realm (man) are of his spirit of aggressive self-serving beings who believe the world belongs to them and they are the god of their own world.

God will, in the end, bring all of his creation back into himself, into the light, except for the defective parts of his creation and their creation. The physical creation will soon perish. As we know, all which is born physical perishes. God being the Father of all creation, used his spirt (Love) as the mother of creation.

Over the ages God has sent messengers which became men, to the physical realm to bring knowledge in hopes of showing humankind the error of their ways and beliefs. Christ is the Father himself, manifested as a physical man to bring knowledge. Each of the beings which God has sent to man were gentle being, unconcerned with power, prosperity, property, wealth, long life, etc. These beings have always been abused by mankind, made fun of, mocked, used, tortured, killed, etc. Such is the reason for the wrath of God and the destruction in eternal fire of the defective, aggressive, self-absorbed, boasting, lustfull, pleasure seeking beings.

Every created being has a small drop of spirit (Love) in it. This will be returned to God in the end. If you can attach all of your being to the spirit and the invisible realm, you can return to God. If you remain attached to the physical being of yourself, you will perish with it in the fire of uncreation (eternal Hell).

On judgement day, Christ will say to you, show me your sign. Most will show him the cross. In my opinion, this would be like showing John the baptist the axe which was used to chop off his head, and christ will say: depart to the eight assembly, into outer darkness and eternal fire. Christ did not come to save the world, but to bring fire and to condemn it, and to avenge the blood of all the saints, prophets, and apostles and disciples of Christ. Christ said: I brought fire to the world, and will guard it until it blazes. There will be no aggressive beings in heaven.

During the first of the last few days of earth, it will rain blood everywhere on the earth, Then the earth will shake so hard as to remove every single mountain from its place and no building will remain standing, and the earth will be knocked out of its orbit. On the last day only the elect will still be alive. The 144,000 chosen of God. Christ said that Saul who was Paul will be the last of the last and will be numbered among the very elect.
Doesn't follow.
WJJ said:
This will be returned to God in the end. If you can attach all of your being to the spirit and the invisible realm, you can return to God.

When Jesus was on the cross, did he say 'Anyway guys, if you just hang on to your spirit with all your being, everything will be just cool.' ?

Mark 15:37

Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and gave up the spirit. (WEB)

Perhaps some flawed reasoning in there somewhere. :eek:


Significance of the Number 12

witnessjudgejury: To find the end, look to the beginning, as Christ said. This is my knowledge so far.
M*W: Don't you have it backwards? The norm would be to look at the beginning to find the end, so essentially you haven't stated anything profound, and your knowledge thus far is lacking.
witlessjudgejudy: God is light which came into being of itself. God, being full of joy created 12 angels which are gods to express his joy.
M*W: Your "God" which is "light" came into "being," because your "God," Lucifer, is the "light-bringer."
witlessjudgejudy: Each of these Gods has their own realm with their own firmaments (boundaries) to separate the realms from each other.
M*W: Do you realize you are talking about the 12 signs of the zodiac? You are preaching astrology! LOL Each of your "Gods" do, in fact, have "their own realm with their own firmaments (boundaries) to separate them from each other." Look up at the night sky, or better yet, get a reference book of the constellations. There you'll find the Adam and Eve, the Serpent, John the Baptist and, oh yes, your "God" Lucifer, the Light-Bringer! Lucifer was a constellation or a grouping of star bodies that "fell" as in "falling stars." As you probably already know, stars are lights in the night sky.
witlessjudgejudy: The physical (visible) realm is one of these. Lucifer was one of the gods and is the god of the visible realm. Each of the angels created innumerable beings. Eight of these Gods became aggressive beings and boast that they are Gods. Satan/Lucifer is one of these. Those beings in the visible realm (man) are of his spirit of aggressive self-serving beings who believe the world belongs to them and they are the god of their own world.
M*W: I would agree for the most part with this statement. Angels is another word for "stars." The stars were thought to be angels. Some of them "fell" as in "falling star." When one of the "angels," quite possibly a meteor, fell to Earth, the ancients believed angels had appeared.
witlessjudgejudy: God will, in the end, bring all of his creation back into himself, into the light, except for the defective parts of his creation and their creation. The physical creation will soon perish. As we know, all which is born physical perishes. God being the Father of all creation, used his spirt (Love) as the mother of creation.
M*W: There is an ancient legend out of Egypt that says the sun (our biggest star and greatest light-bringer) was Aten-Ra or the One God of All. When he masturbated, his illuminescent ejaculate spilled onto the Earth, and the Earth was illuminated. In affect, the Earth was impregnated as life began to flourish all around.
witlessjudgejudy: Over the ages God has sent messengers which became men, to the physical realm to bring knowledge in hopes of showing humankind the error of their ways and beliefs.
M*W: These "messengers" you speak of that "God" sent to show humankind their errored ways; hmmm, who could that be . . . oh, who could it be . . .? L U C I F E R ? ? ? Did you ever think for one moment that if humankind was erroring in any manner, it was because we needed "light" to see our way?
witlessjudgejudy: Christ is the Father himself, manifested as a physical man to bring knowledge.
M*W: Interesting connection: Christ = the Father = knowledge. How does one gain knowledge? By seeing the "light!"
witlessjudgejudy: Each of the beings which God has sent to man were gentle being, unconcerned with power, prosperity, property, wealth, long life, etc. These beings have always been abused by mankind, made fun of, mocked, used, tortured, killed, etc. Such is the reason for the wrath of God and the destruction in eternal fire of the defective, aggressive, self-absorbed, boasting, lustfull, pleasure seeking beings.
M*W: This "God" you speak of is Lucifer, or more practically, starlight and the occasional falling meteor. I can see where you get the metaphor as in "wishing upon a star," blah, blah, blah, but at no time in the history of "humankind" have any stars been reported as being "abused by mankind, made fun of, mocked, used, tortured, killed, etc." However, there have been many millions, maybe billions, of people on Earth who have been "abused by mankind, made fun of, mocked, used, tortured, killed, etc." And, there may be just a miminally few reported cases of the possibility that a falling star was to blame for killing a human, especially if he was in the act of collecting moonbeams in a jar.
witlessjudgejudy: Every created being has a small drop of spirit (Love) in it.
M*W: Please refer to my fifth-down comment. That "small drop" you speak of, well we can call it "Love," but it can be sticky and leave some gigantic pecker tracks all over the place. Now everytime it rains . . . oh, well.
witlessjudgejudy: This will be returned to God in the end. If you can attach all of your being to the spirit and the invisible realm, you can return to God. If you remain attached to the physical being of yourself, you will perish with it in the fire of uncreation (eternal Hell).
M*W: How can one "attach all of your being to the spirit and the invisible realm," if one cannot see the realm because it is invisible? Well, first, you would need Lucifer, the Light-Bringer, so you would have light to see. Jezeus called himself the "Morningstar." Most people consider the "Morningstar" to be the Planet Venus, but this is a misnomer. The "Morningstar" that rises every morning and dies every evening is the Sun - or "God." And, later, it became called the "Sun of God." Some 2,000 years ago, our massively erring humankind began calling it the "Son of God." Yet, it is still somewhat difficult for me to imagine the "Son of God" masturbating all over me.
witlessjudgejudy: On judgement day, Christ will say to you, show me your sign.
M*W: I'm Sagittarius with Scorpio rising, thank you.
witlessjudgejudy: Most will show him the cross.
M*W: And I will explain to him how the crucifix was mistaken for the crossing of the equinoxes, Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter, and how they fall consistent with the sun in a crosswise position on the zodiac. Imagine, if you will:

March 21
June 21-------]--------Dec 21
Sept 21

(Although this is a crude computer depiction, March 21 to September 21 forms the vertical crossbar, and June 21 to December 21 forms the horizontal crossbar. This may or may not be reproduced correctly on the actual sciforums post. I was unable to attach an exact image.)
witlessjudgejudy: In my opinion, this would be like showing John the baptist the axe which was used to chop off his head, and christ will say: depart to the eight assembly, into outer darkness and eternal fire.
M*W: The 12 signs of the zodiac, minus the four equinoxes, leaves eight signs. By your words, you are saying that Jezeus would be telling the eight of the 12 signs to "stay in the heavens where there is darkness but where there are lights (stars=angels) that stay lit with eternal light." Everything you have preached today is astrology. Way to go, man!
witlessjudgejudy: Christ did not come to save the world, but to bring fire and to condemn it, and to avenge the blood of all the saints, prophets, and apostles and disciples of Christ. Christ said: I brought fire to the world, and will guard it until it blazes. There will be no aggressive beings in heaven.
M*W: Of course not! The Sun of "God" does bring "fire, heat, lighting, energy, (in some circles, the "passion" and the "hots" of love could be encluded in this list). So, yes, you are correct when you aver that "Christ did not come to save the world, but to bring fire." When you state that "there will be no aggressive beings in heaven," look at the peaceful nature of the signs of the zodiac. Look at the constellations in the night sky. This would also include the Constellation Serpens, or the serpent of Eden. All relgions on Earth stem from reading the skies, incorrectly, I might add.
witlessjudgejudy: During the first of the last few days of earth, it will rain blood everywhere on the earth, Then the earth will shake so hard as to remove every single mountain from its place and no building will remain standing, and the earth will be knocked out of its orbit. On the last day only the elect will still be alive. The 144,000 chosen of God. Christ said that Saul who was Paul will be the last of the last and will be numbered among the very elect. He also said: many of the first will be last and will become a single one. Such is what I have learned.

Feel free to try and correct any error in my reasoning.
M*W: Thank you for your offer as I have thoroughly enjoyed correcting all your errors.

Lastly, the only blood to be found will not come out of the skies. The most significant amount of animal and human blood is only to be found here on Earth, so far as we presently know. I sincerely hope I have a few more Earth-moving experiences ala Carole King before I go.

The only one who needs to be concerned about being knocked out of his orbit is you, my friend. In fact, I strongly suspect that has already occurred indeed.

Let's discuss the number 12. Twelve is the honored number of completion. That's why there are:

- 12 signs of the zodiac
- 12 fictional apostles
- 12 months in a year
- 12 days of Christmas
- Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
- 12 tribes of Israel
- Jacob's 12 sons
- 12 inches in one-foot
- 12-inches tripled is one-yard
- Johnny Mathis's song, Twelfth of Never
- 12 signs in the Chinese zodiac
- 12 hours AM
- 12 hours PM
- 12 numbers on a clock dial
- 12 stars around the head of Virgin Mary
- 12th birthday of a Jewish girl is when she has her bat mitzvah
- 12 imam's in Islam
- 12 days of yuletide celebrations
- 12 great feasts in Eastern Orthodox religion
- 12 Olympian gods of Greek mythology
- 12 knights of King Arthur's Round Table (see zodiac)
- 12 High Holy Days of the Roman Catholic Church
- 12 disciples of the LDS church
- Time, itself, is measured in increments of 12
- 12 hours a day are ruled by the sun
- 12 hours of night are ruled by the moon
- 12 is the symbolic number in the Jewish Temple
- 12 is the number for judgment
- it is on the 12th day is when the world will end
- 12 refers to immortality and eternity
- 12 refers to completion of creation
- Adam had 12 ribs
- 12 is the number for humanity (Adam=6+Eve=6=12)
- 12 or a dozen roses are the appropriate number sent
- 12 prince sons Ishmael begot
- 12 wells of water at Elim where Israel 1st camped
- 12 pillars for 12 tribes, Moses built an altar
- 12 stones for 12 tribes were on the breastplate
- 12 cakes were to be made for Aaron & his sons to eat in the tabernacle
- 12 princes of Israel
- multiple repetitions of the number 12 for dedication of the tabernacle
- 12 rods with the names of princes were written
- 12 spies searched land of Canaan
- 12 men selected one from each tribe
- 12 men each carry a stone to commemorate crossing Jordan
- 12 stones from Jordan pitched in Gilgal
- 12 officers Solomon placed over all Israel
- A line of 12 cubits encompassed the two pillars of brass
- 12 brass oxen held the Temple baptismal font
- 12 lions stood on one side
- 12 stones from Mount Carmel from which Elijah builds altar
- 12 yoke of oxen Elisha plowed with
- 12 of the chief priests were separated
- Journey to return to Jerusalem to end the 1st Diaspora started on 12th of 1st month
- 12 bullocks and 12 male goats Elisha offered
- A fillet of 12 cubits compassed the pillar
- Altar shall be 12 cubits long and 12 cubits broad
- 12 inheritances were based according to 12 tribes
- 12 tears with an issue of blood plagued a woman
- 12 Apostles will sit on 12 thrones to judge 12 tribes
- 12 baskets of fish and loaves Jesus feeds 5,000
- 12 baskets remain full
- 12 legions of angels
- 12 year-old girl raised from the dead by Jesus
- Jesus at age 12 gets lost from his parents but teaches in the temple
- 12 gates of 12 pearls in Jerusalem
- 12 foundations in Jerusalem
- 12 thousand furlongs long
- 12 fruits the Tree of Life bore - one for every month
- 144,000 represents 12,000 Jews from each tribe who will assemble before the Messiah
- 12 high councillors in the LDS church
- 12 councillors are also found at the stake level
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The 144,000 are not the only ones who are saved. The 144,000 refers to twelve groups of 12,000 who go to preach the gospel in the end times. I believe the 12 groups are the tribes of Israel, but I could be wrong on that. More people are saved than 144,000.
The 144,000 are 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel. They are not "saved" but are the "elect". The only ones to survive the wrath of God (physically). Everyone else on earth will be dead. An un-numberable amount of souls will be saved and wash themselves clean in the blood of the lamb and will be in heaven, but will be killed before christ returns.

If anyone would care to read their bible, they would find this to be true, if you believe the bible to be God's word.

As for my other statements, If you care, you can type "secret sayings of christ" into your search engines and read a little bit. These are words of christ such as the Gospel of Thomas, which were kept out of the bible by the command of good old King James.

As for me, I am the many who were first and have become a single one. And I am Paul who was to be the last of the last and numbered among the very elect.(words of christ). How do I know this? I have more spirit than one hundred men combined. I have better reasoning than 10 engineers in a room working on a problem. I have stronger emotions than many put together. Also, I know where I came from. From resting in the light of the Father. My only desire is to return. I hate this life and this dead world. My words are like wind blowing through your hair. Paul died in 65 AD. I was born in 1961 AD. Rose from the dead at the beginning of the third day. (One day being 1,000 years).

What is my purpose? To be in the perfect will of the Father.
As the tribulation continues, some will wish to hear my words but will not be able to find me.

The only joy I can have here is to watch this world be torn completely apart.

Now being immortal and among the elect, I cannot die or be killed, so let me expose a thing.

Many christian leaders tell you that our great country was founded by christians. Actually it was founded by Satanists. George Washington was a Mason and the free masons in their upper ranks, practice satanic rituals. The litteral corner stone of Washington DC was laid as a free mason symbol. So the bible says christ is the cornerstone that the builders rejected. The masons litterally are the builders. Now on the dollar bill you will see the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum" interpreted "New World Order". (mark of the beast). Again, if you draw a pentagram star, the sign of satan, and you look in the center, you will see The Pentagon. Hmm.

So all american voting citizens are participating in their government of Satanism.
Now you can't wonder as your country is removed from the world map.
Also, the United Nations is a free mason organization. Even countries which hate eachother are united by the brotherhood.

I may be insane but will live longer than 99.999 percent of you.
Everyone else on earth will be dead... if you believe the bible to be God's word. I may be insane

One must wade through the descriptive and retrieve that which fully reveals the crux of the apostrophe.
So we have another nut in sci!.

Have any proof for such wild claims?. If not you only show your nuttyer then most.

witnessjudgejury said:
Now being immortal and among the elect, I cannot die or be killed, so let me expose a thing.

Please create an video that adequatly shows you surviving various forms of biological termination. I recommend bullets, grenades, and poison. It would really be convincing to see your head lobbed off and not dying.
Godless said:
So we have another nut in sci!.

Have any proof for such wild claims?. If not you only show your nuttyer then most.


He won't tell you his evidence... "you have to find it out for yourself" remember...
This generation is so lost you don't even know the difference between what is right and what is wrong. You've read many books but could not ever bring yourself to read the one that God wrote to you.

The evidence is that you are living in eternity now. So, when the perishable part of you dies (your body) where will you go?

Justice for wrongdoing is as simple as the law of inertia and Newtons laws. Every action requires an equal and opposite reaction. Justice is eminent.

If you don't care to find God now, he won't care to find you when you die.

God said:"the wages of sin is death" and "it is the purpose of every man to die once".
Because every man sins, every man dies. You have to pay for your sins. Some more evidence of the wickedness of this generation is the fact that the bible states that the last generation will be like that of Noahs generation. God hated mankind so much for his sins that he drowned every single soul on earth except Noah and his family and his animals on board. The wrath of God will kill every soul on earth again except for the elect. Just watch. It won't be long.

I would suggest that you all do an exhaustive study on the subject of right and wrong.
God hated mankind so much for his sins that he drowned every single soul on earth except Noah and his family and his animals on board.

Your god must condone the killing of innocent children, who couldn't possibly have sinned, yet were drowned nonetheless. Only a dispicable and cruel god would do such a thing.

The wrath of God will kill every soul on earth again except for the elect. Just watch. It won't be long.

Will he once again come along to mass murder millions of innocent children? Perhaps he won't allow many of YOUR family members to live as well?

Can't wait to meet your god, sounds like a real nice guy.
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