Friends getting religious

don't say that, even you have what to live for, proof is that you are still alive now..when you can simply suicide..

Ok, my purpose is not to die. And that's not a purpose in the sense that God meant that for me, it's a biological imperative to not 'want' to die.
I put 'want' between quotes because it's not primarily conscious.
as they all end with death.

That is the nature of life. But it is the part in the middle where the meaning is made.

and so, become meaningless.

The dead have no care or need for meaning.

so, lol, "why bother"?

Because I do. The same reason you do except I'm honest about it.

what is your purpose in life ...?

Life precedes purpose. What purposes do you care to set for yourself while you live?
If there's no purpose then there's no point. Its just random acts of bullshit without meaning. Its nothing.

The classic theist false dilemma.

First, you have no need for either purpose or point. Life existed long before either were conceptualized.

Second, it is fully within your capacity to create such purpose, point and meaning as you may care to. Each is as close as your thoughts from which they are spawned.

Your fear is empty.
Ah, but they aren't limited or sad and they have the added bonus of actually being true.

But even if they were limited and sad, I would still prefer the truth.

In a lot of ways the truth is what you make it. We are all part of this. And I know that your thoughts and hopes and will manifest into very real things. You don't want to get out of this mess? Fine. I do. And I know its possible.
The classic theist false dilemma.

First, you have no need for either purpose or point. Life existed long before either were conceptualized.

Second, it is fully within your capacity to create such purpose, point and meaning as you may care to. Each is as close as your thoughts from which they are spawned.

Your fear is empty.

I'm not afraid of anything. I know there is meaning, I'm living it. And there always has been meaning. Without it nothing would exist.
Precisely! And the same goes for every other human construct - the human must be around for them to have any sort of substance.
In a lot of ways the truth is what you make it.

Absolutely not. In fact if it requires you to "make it" then it is opinion. not truth.

Truth is what remains even when you wish it weren't so.

And I know that your thoughts and hopes and will manifest into very real things.

Only when I choose to act on them.

You don't want to get out of this mess? Fine. I do. And I know its possible.

This "mess" is all you get. Clean it up and fix it.

And even if there were a god and a heaven, do you really think he is going to let you trash your room and then just walk away from the mess and go have dessert? It doesn't work that way around here.

Clean up your planet first and then we'll talk about heaven. God's not your maid servant you know.

Personally I like this "mess" a lot and shame on you for dissing god's handy work. He goes to all that effort for you and all you can do is complain.
Anyone willing to render a description of the science of intuition? Genetic memory perhaps?

SAM, if you take a duck's egg from it's nest, and hatch it in isolation, will the duckling have a natural affinity to water? Does God make the duck know that? If you aren't going to say yes to that answer, why are you banging on at this angle?

it might be a good idea to examine your own beliefs instead of panicking over those of others.

Nobody is panicking SAM, that's just more of your drama and bullshit.
As I said, create as much meaning as you care to.

For as long as you've been convinced you needed to have it.

The universe has been around 15.9999 billion years longer than your meaning, give or take a few.

not MY meaning, THE meaning. you think i created the universe? you think i created the laws that govern it? the laws that govern it just happen to have meaning, otherwise they wouldn't be called laws, and otherwise the universe wouldn't exist. and all humanity seems to want to do is find ways to circumvent those laws. to trangress with hope of no consequence so it can have it's own way. and in the process destroying ourselves, the planet, and each other. THAT is meaning.
Absolutely not. In fact if it requires you to "make it" then it is opinion. not truth.

Truth is what remains even when you wish it weren't so.

Only when I choose to act on them.

This "mess" is all you get. Clean it up and fix it.

And even if there were a god and a heaven, do you really think he is going to let you trash your room and then just walk away from the mess and go have dessert? It doesn't work that way around here.

Clean up your planet first and then we'll talk about heaven. God's not your maid servant you know.

Personally I like this "mess" a lot and shame on you for dissing god's handy work. He goes to all that effort for you and all you can do is complain.

well then you can stay here and have it. i'm moving on to something perfect and so are many others.

your thoughts manifest even if you don't overtly act on them. they influence your behavior and your beliefs and your perceptions, and if you don't believe me then ask a psychologist. your thoughts also have energy. it's what some people call prayer. energy causes things to happen. your thoughts manifest whether you intend them to or not. that's actually why you don't know god.