Frenchman sued by wife for not having sex

But judge, she's such an ________ I couldn't get it up.:D
Espece de cochon, vous lettez le side down! Allez away and perform vos duties matrimonial! Thinkez-vous du President De Gaulle. Do it for La Patrie!
Or vous will be sent to ze Bastille.
how is this not legislated spousal rape?

Rape is defined as " Force (another person) to have sexual intercourse with him without their consent and against their will, esp. by the threat or use of violence against them"

(yes i know it has in brackets "of a man" however most legal definitions have removed this requirement)

If someone can use the law to coerce someone to have sex with them that is force just as much as if it was physical force. There are innumberable threads and posts around (most by Michael) accusing muslims of barbarity by forcing women to have sex and hes quite right that anyone who forces someone else to have sex is barbaric. This law does so just as much.

France's Cour de Cassation authorized prosecution of spouses for rape or sexual assualt in 1990, but ruled in 1992 that a presumption of consent exists from the time of marriage until it is revoked by either party.[24]
So this French law also binds, under threat of penalty, the married woman to have unwanted children or abortions?
So this French law also binds, under threat of penalty, the married woman to have unwanted children or abortions?

a) i dont know
b) irrelivent

theres this wonderful invention called a condom that they have out now, the issue is legally forcing ANYONE to have sex, not forcing them to have kids. That would be a compleatly different issue.

the problem with this is its basically legalised rape because if you refuse to have sex (or your partner does) you could face a massive fine (or possibly jail, i dont honestly know what the max penelty is)
I wonder how many french women are unaware of that law.

Headache? Nope, you need to fulfill your obligations to our contract of marraige.
It's the complete opposite to marraige in the rest of the world when that ring goes on her finger "I do........ not suck cock anymore".
Seriously, this is disgusting.

Everyone always has the right to say no. I don't care if you're male, female, 280lbs or 80. No. Means. No.

Now, if someone NEVER says yes, that's a problem. And I'd expect them to do something about it together - talk about why one of them doesn't want it, share possible solutions, if it's purely a physical problem the low-libido person could get testosterone patches or some such.

But using force, whether wrestling someone into submission, or demanding it in the name of the law...sorry people, that's rape.
Ummm, what? Talk about treating people like reproductive organs

a) i dont know
b) irrelivent

theres this wonderful invention called a condom that they have out now, the issue is legally forcing ANYONE to have sex, not forcing them to have kids. That would be a compleatly different issue...

well, you're the one that brought up reproduction

and she's not upset that he said no. She upset that he said no for years. And if its a law in France, why can't she sue? :shrug:
and she's not upset that he said no. She upset that he said no for years. And if its a law in France, why can't she sue? :shrug:

He has a fundamental right to say no if he doesn't want sex! If she has a problem with that then they need counselling or to get a divorce (she has the grounds).

Just because it's a backwards law that hasn't been repeeled yet doesn't make her in the right. It's effectively "have sex with me or I can sue".
He has a fundamental right to say no if he doesn't want sex! If she has a problem with that then they need counselling or to get a divorce (she has the grounds).

Just because it's a backwards law that hasn't been repeeled yet doesn't make her in the right. It's effectively "have sex with me or I can sue".

I agree. They need to change the law. Hopefully her suing has brought this archaic law to everyone's attention and that will happen.

I can see why he didn't have sex with her. She's not very nice
I would never have thought of something like this, I really had no clue you could actually be sued successfully for not having sex, that's bizarre to me.