Frenchman sued by wife for not having sex


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Frenchman sued by wife for not having sex

Daily Mail
September 06, 2011 1:26PM

A RELUCTANT husband has been sued for $13,000 by his wife for failing to have sex with her for "a period of several years".
The 51-year-old Frenchman, named only as Jean-Louis, neglected his matrimonial duties to wife Monique in Nice, who sued him for 10,000 euros and took her divorce case to an Appeal Court, The Daily Mail reports.

The court in Aix-en-Provence heard that the couple had been married for 21 years and raised two children on the French Riviera.

But the strains of work and illness prevented Jean-Louis from fulfilling his matrimonial duties, his advocate pleaded.

Announcing her decision the judge quoted the French civil and penal code, which requires both parties in a marriage to respect ‘lifelong community’ requiring them by law to have sexual relations.

Whereas sexual abstinence in a couple, together with violence and infidelity, are cited regularly in hundreds of divorce claims in France, it is extremely rare for a husband or wife to pay financial damages for specifically failing to satisfy sexually.

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The last similar case in France dates back to the year 2000.

In recent years the traditional image of the French lover par excellence has taken a battering from statistics.

The country that put the ‘French’ in front of kiss and purports to speak ‘la langue de l’amour’ is in the process of losing its libido, it would seem.

A survey by the French Institute of Public Opinion questioned 1,000 adults and found that 76% of them ‘suffer relationship problems that due to a poor sex life.

Half of those also polled said they had 'no desire' to make love.

Viewed 13/09/11 at 15:27

Ummm, what? Talk about treating people like reproductive organs
conjugal duties of a spouse is serious business . I seen it brake up marriages plenty of times . If I was single you could send her to my house and I would do the dirt job for him . I can't sense I am married. If I wasn't ? Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Ummm, what? Talk about treating people like reproductive organs

That is very weird. Everyone knows you should only be able to sue third-parties if your spouse stops having sex with you. In U.S. law, it's called "alienation of affection".
In Australia sex is something you negotate on a continuing basis. Reproduction on the other hand aparently is something for the partnership (there was a debate a while ago to ban vecetomies and other sterilisation unless you had consent from your partner as well as yourself)
I'd like to see what the wife looks like: Melissa Theuriau?

What else is marriage about? Seems fair to me. She went into it with certain expectations that were not met.
In Australia sex is something you negotate on a continuing basis. Reproduction on the other hand aparently is something for the partnership (there was a debate a while ago to ban vecetomies and other sterilisation unless you had consent from your partner as well as yourself)

That's WAY fucked up. Nobody should get to decide that someone else must have children. If any boyfriend of mine tried to make decisions about my body like that, I'd kill him.
So what constitutes not enough sex? And what else can we sue for? Failure to provide children? Not bringing home enough money? Failure to do the laundry for 3 years?

This is just fucked up and I cannot believe they allowed it to stand. If it's a big deal get a divorce, she had the choice, it's her own fault. Frivalous lawsuits make the world go around huh?

I guess this opens up the door for guys to sue on the same basis though. Can't see the words "suck it bitch or I'll sue" going down too well. Figuratively speaking. :shrug:
So what constitutes not enough sex? And what else can we sue for? Failure to provide children? Not bringing home enough money? Failure to do the laundry for 3 years?

This is just fucked up and I cannot believe they allowed it to stand. If it's a big deal get a divorce, she had the choice, it's her own fault. Frivalous lawsuits make the world go around huh?

I guess this opens up the door for guys to sue on the same basis though. Can't see the words "suck it bitch or I'll sue" going down too well. Figuratively speaking. :shrug:

I knew a guy at work, had a wife and kid, the wife also worked there and was very good looking. She advanced faster than he did, but worked longer hours also. He was bitching about not getting enough, so I said, well when both parties are working getting together for sex might not be as frequent as otherwise. His reply to that was he needed sex every day and if she wasn't going to take care of business he was going to find someone that would. That was an attitude that I knew was the start of ending a relationship. They got divorced about 6 months later.
Just....don't get married. Don't put your life in the law's hands.

In most states living together for 6 months is the same as being legally married. So maybe just avoiding live in sex is safer. Besides live in sex is never as good as visiting sex IMO.:D
No matter where you are or what you've heard "common law" is still a lot different than a full marriage.
Besides live in sex is never as good as visiting sex IMO.:D

My husband and I would disagree with you sir. When you're with someone, highly active in the bedroom, the body becomes a territory for which the time of marriage can be a time of map making. The delicious valleys, hills, depths, roads taken and not taken (or maybe to be taken later), among other things need time to be properly enjoyed.

Riding through a national park with only 2 seconds per acre doesn't seem nearly as satisfying as setting up camp and romping in the woods :D
No matter where you are or what you've heard "common law" is still a lot different than a full marriage.

In what way? In no fault states the assets accumulated from the time when common law went into effect are still divided 50-50, and if kids are involved they are still made the most important consideration just like in your so called full marriage.
My husband and I would disagree with you sir. When you're with someone, highly active in the bedroom, the body becomes a territory for which the time of marriage can be a time of map making. The delicious valleys, hills, depths, roads taken and not taken (or maybe to be taken later), among other things need time to be properly enjoyed.

Riding through a national park with only 2 seconds per acre doesn't seem nearly as satisfying as setting up camp and romping in the woods :D

I can only go by my own experience and what others have told me. I've been married twice and had a ten year non live in relationship. The non live in relationship was the best sex I've ever had (yes it was still a monogamous relationship).
I'm not going to get into an argument over every single jurisdiction.

Generally speaking:

The Common law relationship must be proven (can be difficult sometimes). Sometimes proof of sex required...imagine that lol.
The couple usually must declare it (usually to an accountant for tax purposes - that's just fucked to me).
You are correct, if there is a child involved, proof is in the pudding so to speak lol and the only difference is that you didn't spend 40000 dollhairs for a piece of paper.
Asset division at the dissolution is different. It just is because of the estimation of when the union came into effect, the usual lack of a matrimonial home and quite frankly people who are common law rarely fight over every little thing like full on married people do.
I can only go by my own experience and what others have told me. I've been married twice and had a ten year non live in relationship.


The non live in relationship was the best sex I've ever had (yes it was still a monogamous relationship).

It all depends on how old is the woman , is it before menopause or after