Freelance Jihad: Crusaders and the Soldiers of Allah(swt)


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Welcome to the oldest pub in England,” reads the sign on the white inn, situated below Castle Rock in Nottingham, the scene of the legendary Robin Hood tales. The pub, Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem, is famous for another thing, though. With the date 1189 AD - the year King Richard the Lionheart claimed the throne of England - painted on its walls, the pub is believed to have been the hangout place for knights and men in arms before they left to fight the “Saracens'' ( ie: MUSLIMS ) who occupied the Holy Land of Christian religion,” as the inn’s website brags....READ MORE HERE:


The pub where the murderous crusaders used to gather before their trip to slaughter the infideles ( the Muslims ) !!!!
Proud Mussy - Its people like you that makes me hate muslims - yes lets hope history repeats itself - it usually does!
Richard was a barbaric thug, never learnt to speak English and rarely visited England.

If it had not been for the stupidity of Christianity, the crusaders and their thuggery then Islam might never have become such a force in the world for terrorism.

There is NEVER an excuse for terrorism but you can trust a muslim will find one.

Islam is Barbaric!
If it had not been for the stupidity of Christianity, the crusaders and their thuggery then Islam might never have become such a force in the world for terrorism.

Granted, the Crusades were idiotic because they were motivated by religion, but I don't see the connection to Islam as you've presented. Why has Islamic terrorism been dormant all these years and only recently surfaced?
The Crusades were not motivated solely by religion, but were rather by the brutality, fictional or unfictional, when the Muslims invaded Christian land. These events then gave Europeans impetus to form opinions based upon their religious ideas.
Have Gun Will Travel reads the card of a man.
A knight without armor in a savage land.
His fast gun for hire head's the calling wind.
A soldier of fortune is the man called Saladin.

Saladin, Saladin
Where do you roam?
Saladin, Saladin
Vienna said:
Proud Mussy - Its people like you that makes me hate muslims - yes lets hope history repeats itself - it usually does!
M*W: WeeWienie, hate is very distructive to the person who feels it. It doesn't hurt anyone else you may direct it to. It hurts YOU. The universe has a way of compensating negative energy with positive energy. Everytime you direct hate toward Islam and its people, what happens is that hate turns inward to destroy you, and the positive energy that comes out of your self-destructive hate helps Islam and its people thrive. If you really dislike something as much as you dislike Muslims, try a little kindness, and give a little love in that direction. You will be surprised that the hatred in you will turn to love, and you will grow spiritually. Turning out so much hate will make you and empty shell. The first rule of spirituality is "first, do no harm." Whether you like them or not, we are all part of the human family. They are our brothers and sisters, and we are theirs. This goes beyond any religious beliefs because the human family is ONE BODY, ONE MIND, ONE SPIRIT.
Katazia said:
Richard was a barbaric thug, never learnt to speak English and rarely visited England.

If it had not been for the stupidity of Christianity, the crusaders and their thuggery then Islam might never have become such a force in the world for terrorism.

M*W: You are wise my child!
The crusades were wrong, a horrible tragedy fueled by RELIGION. Islam and Christianity are both branches on the tree of Judaism, they are largely the SAME THING, and fight wars with each other over trivial differences. Islam happens to be the sore loser, their pride is still hurt from the crusades, GET OVER IT. Most likely, if they are anything like they are now, the muslims started it in the first place, then they whine like babies when anyone fights back.
Medicine Woman said:
what happens is that hate turns inward to destroy you, and the positive energy that comes out of your self-destructive hate helps Islam and its people thrive.
Bullshit, got any more stupid remarks.

Turning out so much hate will make you and empty shell. The first rule of spirituality is "first, do no harm." Whether you like them or not, we are all part of the human family. They are our brothers and sisters
Muslims are no more my brothers and sisters than Hitler was my Aunt Fanny. Muslims are a political and religious group of people who impose themselves and their violence upon this world.
Proud Muslim, shame on you for posting this pic in an attempt to stir up more trouble. Everyone else bar Kat and MW, shame on you for taking the bait. The Crusades were wrong outright. There was no justification for them, bar a religious one and Christians have no more right to deny a Muslim his faith than a Muslim does to deny a Christian theirs. All this "They started it" and tit for tat petty bickering will be the end of us all. Frankly, I hope that all those here who just can't get along would all just take their childish disputes elsewhere and fight it out amongst themselves. The rest of us who are actually interested in meaningful discourse are getting more than a little tired of reading this drivel.
Siddartha, here it is again

Muslims are a political and religious group of people who impose themselves and their violence upon this world.

The rest of us who are actually interested in living in a peaceful world are getting more than a little tired of Islamic violence.
Vienna said:
Bullshit, got any more stupid remarks.

Muslims are no more my brothers and sisters than Hitler was my Aunt Fanny. Muslims are a political and religious group of people who impose themselves and their violence upon this world.
M*W: Christianity is the most bloodthirsty religion this world has ever known. It's writers created their own myth of a demi-god savior who would HAVE TO DIE a bloody death so people wouldn't need to take control or responsibility for their own lives. WeeWienie, you are so typically Christian. It's people like YOU who make ISLAM THE GREAT RELIGION IT IS!
Vienna said:
Siddartha, here it is again

Muslims are a political and religious group of people who impose themselves and their violence upon this world.

The rest of us who are actually interested in living in a peaceful world are getting more than a little tired of Islamic violence.
If there wre Muslims in your town or village and they lived peacefully without imposing themselves on you any more than the average white British Christian did, would you be happy?
Siddhartha said:
If there wre Muslims in your town or village and .......

they lived peacefully without imposing themselves on you ......

would you be happy?........
There are - in great numbers.
They don't.
I'm not.

Any more questions?
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Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Christianity is the most bloodthirsty religion this world has ever known. It's writers created their own myth of a demi-god savior who would HAVE TO DIE a bloody death so people wouldn't need to take control or responsibility for their own lives. WeeWienie, you are so typically Christian. It's people like YOU who make ISLAM THE GREAT RELIGION IT IS!
Christianity is my preference in Abrahamic faiths, but secularism is the way forward to world peace.

And if you think you are winding me up - think again - you haven't the education or talent.

In your dreams lady.