Free Will?

water said:
However, our identities can't exist in a vacuum. A man left all alone, stranded on an island would get mad. What the other identitiy we relate to is, does matter.
not self doesnt need to be a an entity. the rock below me is not myself neither the sky above. all is important and all is god manifest.

Can you, eventualy, "catch yourself"? Or do you have to wait until your emotions wear off?
yes and no.

I mean that if we relate to God, define ourselves in relation to God, then we can identify ourselves as imperishable and eternal as well.
yes and that is what we do. we do. but some of them dont

But I want colours! A completely different way of seeing things.
then you are disatisfied with what you are looking at or how you percieve it.

Don't let my professionalism mislead you.
If you knew me personally ....
no worries, i am not mislead.

Something that just is. I know, this is not much of an explanation, but I think such is will. It is.
then it is just an unconcious process that you are somehow attached to.
almost like a string on a marrionette. it is and you are connected to it, it is your free will. so how are you connected to it, or it to you?

It can be so, yes. And traditionally, "free will" is considered to be endowed with fix contents, something intellectual.
I don't believe so; I believe free will exists apart form any of those cognitive contents. I am not sure about emotions though -- they may be the most primary expression (?) of free will.

I think that to truly influence a person's free will, it would mean to kill this person. As long as alive, free will is there. What can be limited and influenced are abilities and options, which then may appear as a lessened free will. But it only appears so.
i wonder if it would be easier to remove the free from freewill and talk about will as an aspect of our being. free can be added to those aspects of will that we consider as free functioning will and other wise left out of the equation until the will is pinned down.
water said:
If he is not aware, he does not act on it. *In effect*, he does not have it.
my appendix would still be there even if i was not aware of it nor made concious use of it. but if the freedom of my will is not percieved because of the lack of freedom to exercise my will, then i may not be aware that such a thing exists. i may even call those who do "believe" they have such a thing delusional.
water said - "A person may believe he has no free will, but if he does so, he will continue to act as if he would have no free will.
If a person is convinced he has no free will, then he has no free will.
Cole Grey, what say you? "

I thought we were aiming for a universally held quality, as in "God gave mankind free-will."
I agree that a person can perceive a lack of free-will and its effect will probably be the same as not having free-will, but as for something given to humankind, this piece of the definition will not work, I think.

P.S. I am convinced I have very little free-will today, by ellion's definition as a thing we have some of, but I think I have a similar ability to choose as i did when I thought anything was possible.
cole said:
I thought we were aiming for a universally held quality, as in "God gave mankind free-will."
I agree that a person can perceive a lack of free-will and its effect will probably be the same as not having free-will, but as for something given to humankind, this piece of the definition will not work, I think.

i am not sure if i have taken this right but i'll respond to what i think your saying.

god has given man many things. not all of us will realise those things to the same degree. we all have creativity, some are more creative than others some people will say i am not creative at all. this is only their percpetion. we all have intellect, etcetera.
Originally posted by yuri sakazaki
" Either God is not omnipotent or we do not have free will and I've never seen any religious figure explain around this or clarify which is true."

Sorry, but that aint right............ omnipotency and free will aren't neccesserily contradicting.

Let us return to the child you have,

If you were sitting near a table, you placed a glass of water on the edge. Your son comes and starts to play near the table.
You'll tell him "Son if that glass falls and breaks you'll be grounded"..... you tell him that once twice and thrice, then he breaks the glass of water.
Eventually he is grounded.

Now, Your will (Hence God) is placing your child (hence creation) under the test, the result was you child's choice which eventually bares the consequence of the act by being grounded........... but all that time you had the power over him, because you placed him under that test.
You could have simply lifted the glass of water and placed it somewhere else.

Hope to have helped.
May we all be shown the Truth.
If everything in the universe is interconnected and is all the result of cause and effect then there can be no freewill, as all is the product of cause and effect.

The only complete freewill that is possible, is the original freewill that set the first cause in motion.

If everything in this universe is illusion.

Then the first freewill choice that made the first cause that started the illusion could have been started by us. In this case it would be possible to make that freewill choice again.

In this case in a universe of cause and effect there is only one excercise of freewill possible: to see the illusion or not: to give the first cause or not: and at any time the first cause may be withdrawn and the universe of illusion will diappear. - enlightenment!

not self doesnt need to be a an entity. the rock below me is not myself neither the sky above. all is important and all is god manifest.

Too broad, lacking discernment.

I mean that if we relate to God, define ourselves in relation to God, then we can identify ourselves as imperishable and eternal as well.

yes and that is what we do. we do. but some of them dont

And? So their identities are, to them, more fleeting than ours.

But I want colours! A completely different way of seeing things.

then you are disatisfied with what you are looking at or how you percieve it.

I meant that I do not want black, white and grey.

Don't let my professionalism mislead you.
If you knew me personally ....

no worries, i am not mislead.

If you think "i imagine that it is not as you have a much more cognitive process a mental not emotional processor. not that you dont process emotionally but your predominant mode is mental, you also appear very willful,(dynamic energy, activity)", then you are mislead by my professionalim.

then it is just an unconcious process that you are somehow attached to.
almost like a string on a marrionette. it is and you are connected to it, it is your free will. so how are you connected to it, or it to you?

I am not separate from my free will.

* * *

cole grey,

water said - "A person may believe he has no free will, but if he does so, he will continue to act as if he would have no free will.
If a person is convinced he has no free will, then he has no free will.
Cole Grey, what say you? "

I thought we were aiming for a universally held quality, as in "God gave mankind free-will."
I agree that a person can perceive a lack of free-will and its effect will probably be the same as not having free-will, but as for something given to humankind, this piece of the definition will not work, I think.

I see your point.

All people are endowed with potential free will. This potential can be recognized and acted upon, or not.

P.S. I am convinced I have very little free-will today, by ellion's definition as a thing we have some of, but I think I have a similar ability to choose as i did when I thought anything was possible.

You said you colour swans. If I'd bring you my geese, would you turn them into swans?

* * *

Light Travelling,

If everything in the universe is interconnected and is all the result of cause and effect then there can be no freewill, as all is the product of cause and effect.

This supposes that in such a universe, free will would exist only if phenomenon P could either happen, or not, in necessary conditions NC. Meaning, if this would be a universe that would be inconsistent by default.

Which is actually a productive train of thought -- because it's not like we could say whether the universe is consistent or not. We have no way of proving either way.

The only complete freewill that is possible, is the original freewill that set the first cause in motion.

If everything in this universe is illusion.

Then the first freewill choice that made the first cause that started the illusion could have been started by us. In this case it would be possible to make that freewill choice again.

In this case in a universe of cause and effect there is only one excercise of freewill possible: to see the illusion or not: to give the first cause or not: and at any time the first cause may be withdrawn and the universe of illusion will diappear. - enlightenment!

No no no no no.
You are talking about power, not about will.
The reason why we tend to think in terms of determinism is because we realize we are not all-powerful. Tsunamis strike, volcanoes errupt, asteroids can hit Earth, the Sun will burn out -- and there is nothing we can do about it, we cannot prevent it. We are left to the mercy of conicidence and cosmic powers which leaves us thinking we are "determined". When in fact, we just have limited power.
water said:
ellion said:
all is important and all is god manifest
Too broad, lacking discernment.
okay so what is it that you need to discern? what principles do you want to focus on? what apsects of god would you prefer to concentrate on if the whole is not adequate?

So their identities are, to them, more fleeting than ours.
are they? i dont know.

I meant that I do not want black, white and grey.
so change. this is what i have been saying to you throughout this thread. you are only seeing black and white look at the whole of the picture use all your colours to paint it. but then above you have once again said (in my words) "i dont want to look at the whole it is too broad, there is no discernment."

If you think "i imagine that it is not as you have a much more cognitive process a mental not emotional processor. not that you dont process emotionally but your predominant mode is mental, you also appear very willful,(dynamic energy, activity)", then you are mislead by my professionalim.
okay, are you telling me you dont have a predominant intellectual modality and that you are not dynamic and strong willed?
why would your professionalism lead me to see this in you? are you saying that the way you interact here on this forum is a facade, in that you are playing a part of a character and assuming these qualities?

water said:
ellion said:
so how are you connected to it, or it to you?
I am not separate from my free will.

what happened here i asked how you are connected to your free will(how your free will functions in you) and you replied "i am not seperate from my free will" why, what happened? is this psychological blindness?

all is important and all is god manifest

Too broad, lacking discernment.

okay so what is it that you need to discern? what principles do you want to focus on? what apsects of god would you prefer to concentrate on if the whole is not adequate?

I'm not exactly sure. But if we are to think a dog turd is important and God-manifest ...

I meant that I do not want black, white and grey.

so change. this is what i have been saying to you throughout this thread. you are only seeing black and white look at the whole of the picture use all your colours to paint it. but then above you have once again said (in my words) "i dont want to look at the whole it is too broad, there is no discernment."

Ah. Total miss.
My not wanting blacks, white and grey has nothing to do with there being only black, white and grey present.

okay, are you telling me you dont have a predominant intellectual modality and that you are not dynamic and strong willed?

I am not so. My professionalism is.

why would your professionalism lead me to see this in you? are you saying that the way you interact here on this forum is a facade, in that you are playing a part of a character and assuming these qualities?

I am not playing a part, I am not assuming anything.
It is just that when I am professional, then I am professional. And when I am not, then I am not.

what happened here i asked how you are connected to your free will(how your free will functions in you) and you replied "i am not seperate from my free will" why, what happened? is this psychological blindness?

I wouldn't know.
i dont hate you but your response is very dismissive so i feel you have what you need from this thread. and yes dog shit has a place in the universe too, a place that we can only understand fromn our limited perspective but we can appreciate with a little imagination. evrything brings forth life. i cant think of the exact quote but its from revelation. something like the whole of existence cries in pain to give birth. even the lowest forms of that life are divine.
water said:
All people are endowed with potential free will. This potential can be recognized and acted upon, or not.
i think the problem is in the definition, not the application.

water said:
You said you colour swans. If I'd bring you my geese, would you turn them into swans?
I don't know how much "potential" your geese have, but if you bring me your geese, I will turn them into retrievers, and parade them down hollywood boulevard on one long leash. If they relieve themselves on all the postcard stands and four dollar t-shirt shops in Hollywood, and I am carried away by the police, it will be worth it to see you laughing yourself to tears.
P.S. Sorry, you are bummed.
ellion said:
i dont hate you but your response is very dismissive so i feel you have what you need from this thread. and yes dog shit has a place in the universe too, a place that we can only understand fromn our limited perspective but we can appreciate with a little imagination. evrything brings forth life. i cant think of the exact quote but its from revelation. something like the whole of existence cries in pain to give birth. even the lowest forms of that life are divine.

Romans 8
20For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.



How's that for free will? Being subjected to futility and all..
Lawdog said:
dont you like my work?
Obviously you mean your deleted post, and no, you need to drop all the instances of thy, shall, and other outdated language. It makes you sound like a kook.
I know you aren't (I think), but that type of wording lends you the appearance.
How's that for free will?
i dont know, how is that for free will? you see free will something very different to what i do, to what romans do and to what christians do, so what is it like for you?
thanks for finding the quote. :)