Free Will in Heaven

Did or did you not say that "It's nonsense to talk of free will in the absence of agents to exwercise it."?

You're discussing the particulars of free will with out acknowledging the existence of the very creatures we're discussing. Is this not true of your statement and actions, Miles?
Did or did you not say that "It's nonsense to talk of free will in the absence of agents to exwercise it."?

You're discussing the particulars of free will with out acknowledging the existence of the very creatures we're discussing. Is this not true of your statement and actions, Miles?

I did indeed say so. Have you forgotten that you were referring to Noah ? I don't believe he existed. I am prepaqred to re-consider my belief, if you can offer some evidence to support your belief that he was a real man.

Please note, I am waiting with bated breath to hear your explanation of Satan, angels and a rebellion in heaven.
I did indeed say so. Have you forgotten that you were referring to Noah ? I don't believe he existed. I am prepaqred to re-consider my belief, if you can offer some evidence to support your belief that he was a real man.

Please note, I am waiting with bated breath to hear your explanation of Satan, angels and a rebellion in heaven.

hmmm. I'm not here to change your belief, Miles. My beliefs don't require your approval. They never have and never will.

The only question I have of you is, Why hypocriscy and Nonsense discriptions you can only apply to others but your own words are in full contradiction? Why do you like nonsense, why do you find your own hypocriscy valid.

Miles, why are your standards of self control and behavior different from what you expect of others?
hmmm. I'm not here to change your belief, Miles. My beliefs don't require your approval. They never have and never will.

The only question I have of you is, Why hypocriscy and Nonsense discriptions you can only apply to others but your own words are in full contradiction? Why do you like nonsense, why do you find your own hypocriscy valid.

Miles, why are your standards of self control and behavior different from what you expect of others?

Stop making false accusations and give some proper answers. Your beliefs don't need anyone's approval. That is obvious. But when you talk of Satan, angels and rebellions in heaven, you must be expected to be asked to explain yourself. Otherwise it may be assumed that you are living in a state of self-delusion.

Ps. The number of the dead in Burma is rising and all because they have not accepted the Lord as their saviour, according to you. Maybe Christ should have gone to Burma, China and Japan to name a few places where he was unheard of, as opposed to revealing himself to a select few in the ME.

pps. Don't forget to explain how Noah used his free will to build the ark. More bunkum!
What false accusations Miles.

Didn't you say It's nonsense to talk of free will in the absence of agents to exwercise it."?

Yet you're talking about the free will of that which you don't acknowledge exist. Why do you avoid the topic of the thread. The very question you offered. Shouldn't you be the first person to answer it?
It seems to me that if a person goes to heaven, their unconditional free will is taken away and is a form of brain washing from God? From the way I understand it is, what you do in the afterlife is what the father, son, and holy ghost would do.

Free will becomes redundant the moment the boundless spirit and the endless love of God is recognized withing one's heart. But no, God does not need to commit an act of removing free will.
What false accusations Miles.

Didn't you say It's nonsense to talk of free will in the absence of agents to exwercise it."?

Yet you're talking about the free will of that which you don't acknowledge exist. Why do you avoid the topic of the thread. The very question you offered. Shouldn't you be the first person to answer it?

Once and for all, you referred to Noah's free will. I do not except that Noah existed, therefore no agent in the instance you cited.

Now try answering my questions instead of dodging the issue all the time
Free will becomes redundant the moment the boundless spirit and the endless love of God is recognized withing one's heart. But no, God does not need to commit an act of removing free will.

And you know such a spirit exists because....

I'm not interested in your personal experience. Let's have some objective evidence !
Once and for all, you referred to Noah's free will. I do not except that Noah existed, therefore no agent in the instance you cited.

Now try answering my questions instead of dodging the issue all the time

I never spoke of Noah.
Try answering your own questions instead of dodging the topic of the thread.
did you not say your particpation here is nonsense?
I never spoke of Noah.
Try answering your own questions instead of dodging the topic of the thread.
did you not say your particpation here is nonsense?[/QUOT

Sorry, you spoke of free will in relation to Satan and his rebellion and my response was based on my not believing in Satan. No existence= no agent to exercise free will. Can you now please explain how you know Satan existed and how you lnow he rebelled !
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No need. But it might be an idea not to give "answers" on a forum such as this if you are not prepared to support them with some form of evidence. Otherwise you may mislead some young members that you have knowledge which you lack. You might get away with it at a Bible camp with a captive audience of innocent, trusting children but don't expect to do so here !
No need. But it might be an idea not to give "answers" on a forum such as this if you are not prepared to support them with some form of evidence. Otherwise you may mislead some young members that you have knowledge which you lack. You might get away with it at a Bible camp with a captive audience of innocent, trusting children but don't expect to do so here !

EXACTLY!!! Theres no need. You're not listening anyway.
You don't know how.
Thank you for cutting to chase and proving my point.
[waste as little breath on the incompetent as necessary]
EXACTLY!!! Theres no need. You're not listening anyway.
You don't know how.
Thank you for cutting to chase and proving my point.
[waste as little breath on the incompetent as necessary]

I totally agree with you because you are saying that you are only prepared to talk to those who believe your silly ideas to begin with. It's known as preaching to the converted.

But if anyone attacks your ideas, having no defence to offer, you squirm in an unbecoming manner. All you can do is quote the Bible and tell us what you take it to mean. I shudder to think what progress humanity would make if we all had your burning curiousity to understand the world.