Free Will in Heaven

As far as i understand the scripture, there is no need for free-will in heaven, just as much as there is no need for the police, or sex.
Is there a need for alcohol?

sitting next to God for an eternity can become boring, in a free willing way.

What if I will to replace God, am I free to do it?
It seems to me that if a person goes to heaven, their unconditional free will is taken away and is a form of brain washing from God? From the way I understand it is, what you do in the afterlife is what the father, son, and holy ghost would do.

If that were true...
Then the same would be same for a person that joins law enforcement or the judicial system. Obviously these people's free will is intact as was Satan and the other angels that chose to join him when he rebeled against God in Heaven.

That said. The Bible perspective of the future is that rebellions would never again be tolerated to avoid the consequence that have befallen the earth today.
The fall ? Is that when our ancestors fell out of the trees and began to walk upright ?

the "fall" in the bible refers to the moment when humans became conscious and fell into this world... into these bodies. they fell from unity, into separated male and female bodies.

before the fall we were unconscious, like in dreamless sleep... the fall is when we started to see this dream, and we started to think that we are a part of this dreamworld.
If that were true...
Then the same would be same for a person that joins law enforcement or the judicial system. Obviously these people's free will is intact as was Satan and the other angels that chose to join him when he rebeled against God in Heaven.

That said. The Bible perspective of the future is that rebellions would never again be tolerated to avoid the consequence that have befallen the earth today.

Thank you for sharing that happy message with us. Can you now explain what it means; Satan , angels and a rebellion in heaven.
what makes you think the material world is the only place that has "things"?

Because if there had been another source, holy Noah would have got his wood elsewhere.How to keep all those sex-crazed animals in an immaterial ark, now that sounds like a real problem.
Is there a need for alcohol?

sitting next to God for an eternity can become boring, in a free willing way.

What if I will to replace God, am I free to do it?

Not so fast buddy. I shall sit next to God, so you will have to sit further away you miserable sinner. Proof ? The Archangel Gabriel, who is responsible for the seating arrangements has shown me his plan which is inscribed on a tablet of gold
Because if there had been another source, holy Noah would have got his wood elsewhere.How to keep all those sex-crazed animals in an immaterial ark, now that sounds like a real problem.
M*W: And just imagine the shit to be shoveled.
M*W: And just imagine the shit to be shoveled.

His sons were lazy bastards who wouldn't do a stroke of work; they left it all to poor old Noah who shovelled shit 24/7.

Mrsa. Noah complained to the Lord: " Why hast thou so ordained it that I have become a shit widow ? "
So you're admitting you participation in the discussion is nonsense?
I would agree with that declaration.

I am admitting ? Who do you think you are you puffed -up bible- thumper ? As usual you are twisting things to avoid having to face an issue.

Do tell us the value of free will if there are no agents to exercise it !