France has become institutionally RACIST


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Ban on veils may spread to hospitals

Jon Henley in Paris
Friday February 6, 2004
The Guardian

As France's national assembly neared the end of a four-day debate on a ban on religious emblems in state schools, the prime minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, said "similar legislation" was planned to stop hospital patients refusing to be treated by male doctors.
MPs will vote on Tuesday on the so-called headscarf ban, aimed at protecting the strictly secular French republic - and in particular the school system - from a perceived rise in Muslim activism. The bill is expected to win a large majority.

Health administrators have reported cases of Muslim husbands who would rather their wives were denied treatment than be examined by a man. Women in labour have refused epidurals because the anaesthetist was male.

The government is also considering a "secularism charter" for other public institutions. These include town halls, where Muslim women must remove their veils for official ceremonies, and public swimming pools, where Muslim women have demanded segregated bathing.

Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London, yesterday joined critics of the veil ban.

In a letter to Mr Raffarin, he said the ban may "inflame current tensions between communities and encourage attacks on minority communities".,11882,1142313,00.html
PM just as Muslims demand that their religious beliefs be undiluted and unpolluted in a foreign country so does the French demand their way of life remain unpolluted by Islam.
Greco said:
PM just as Muslims demand that their religious beliefs be undiluted and unpolluted in a foreign country so does the French demand their way of life remain unpolluted by Islam.

PM NEVER sees a double standard w/ this kind of thing;

When the Saudi's don't allow others to practice their religion on Saudi soil - well that's pefectly understandable - as Muslims must protect their faith from the infidels.

When France wants to put curbs on religious ideology in the public sector - that's a travesty that's racism - how dare they safegaurd secularism.

Example of Democracy in radical Islamic countries;
One man, one vote, one time. :p
PMS, the headscarf is traditional, but it is the only way to conform to the modesty standards of Islam? Couldn't muslim women cover there heads with something else? My grandfather went around with a small knitted wool cap in place of the jewish yamica, call it adaptation to modernity.
Greco said:
PM just as Muslims demand that their religious beliefs be undiluted and unpolluted in a foreign country so does the French demand their way of life remain unpolluted by Islam.

So all this talks about HUMAN RIGHTS and RELIGIOUS FREEDOM is just BS, right ???

Barkhorn1x said:
PM NEVER sees a double standard w/ this kind of thing;

When the Saudi's don't allow others to practice their religion on Saudi soil - well that's pefectly understandable - as Muslims must protect their faith from the infidels.

This is pure blatant NONESENSE, Saudi Arabia does not claim to be FREE, LIBERAL OPEN DEMOCRATIC society as France 'does'.

Beside, there are 57 MUSLIM STATES in which non muslims are allowed to do whatever they want, why just picking saudi ??????

Saudi Arabia is closed religious state, they declare that and they make that very clear, so you have no right to question them, tell the french to declare their state religious, closed and conservative and muslims will shut up.

When France wants to put curbs on religious ideology in the public sector - that's a travesty that's racism - how dare they safegaurd secularism.

We shall see what the European Court of HUMAN RIGHTS would say about the French racism....already massive boycott of French interests started in the Muslim World, let us see how those racist french will afford billions of dollars in losses because of their racist law.

Also, the Sikh community is protesting this RACIST LAW, so dont blame muslims for asking for their BASIC RIGHTS, YOU BIGOTS.

Example of Democracy in radical Islamic countries;
One man, one vote, one time.

Example of Democrasy in 'liberal' western countries:

One man, NO vote, NEVER.

spidergoat said:
PMS, the headscarf is traditional, but it is the only way to conform to the modesty standards of Islam? Couldn't muslim women cover there heads with something else? My grandfather went around with a small knitted wool cap in place of the jewish yamica, call it adaptation to modernity.

Fair comment, but who determine modernity ?? what might be modernity for you might not be for me.

For example, the French dont mind NUDITY because for them it is 'modernity' while us muslims consider that to be another indication of the animalistic characters of the modern western societies.

Muslimm women should not give up their hijab( headscarf ) why should they ? after all those RACIST FRENCH did not mind thousands of muslim and sikh men with turbans to fight and DIE for them in WW1 and WW2, so why they mind now ?

Proud_Muslim said:
We shall see what the European Court of HUMAN RIGHTS would say about the French racism....already massive boycott of French interests started in the Muslim World, let us see how those racist french will afford billions of dollars in losses because of their racist law.
Yeah right - And France is really gonna miss out on all those important camel imports and sand.

Get a life muslim!

Europe faces up to Islam and the veil

And about time too.....

If France's national identity is inseparably tied to secularism, then Italy's is linked to religion. That seemed at least the message to emerge from a heated row over whether crucifixes should hang in the classrooms of Italy's nominally non-confessional state schools.

It began in October when an Italian-Egyptian convert to Islam, Adel Smith, won a court judgment ordering the removal of crosses from his children's village school in the Abruzzo region of central Italy. In a country where the use of Muslim headscarves has never been an issue the decision prompted an outcry.
Proud_Muslim said:
after all those RACIST FRENCH did not mind thousands of muslim and sikh men with turbans to fight and DIE for them in WW1 and WW2, so why they mind now ?

You racist fool, those muslims and sikhs fought for their own freedom against Hitlers army.
Proud_Muslim said:
So all this talks about HUMAN RIGHTS and RELIGIOUS FREEDOM is just BS, right ???


PM you just dont get it. Nobody is telling you what to believe. What France is trying to do is separate church and state. Why is it so hard to understand that religious symbols in schools would lead into an out of control situation where anyone, of a myriad of religions, could wear what he likes. What if I wore a tee shirt saying my religion is the true one and all others false. You would take offence to that I'm sure or worse I could wear one that says Islam is a satanic cult.

Don't you see the problems that could arise? Or maybe you do and you relish the confrontation.
What France is trying to do is separate church and state.
What does an individual expressing their religious belief have to do with the state endorsing religion?
What's so great about French culture anyway, that they have to preserve it? The confusing cinema, the rich food, the awful cars, the snooty waiters, the stinky cheese and overpriced wine?

The French also banned the word e-mail, because it's not a French word.

Viva la differance!
spidergoat said:
What does an individual expressing their religious belief have to do with the state endorsing religion?
What's so great about French culture anyway, that they have to preserve it? The confusing cinema, the rich food, the awful cars, the snooty waiters, the stinky cheese and overpriced wine?

The French also banned the word e-mail, because it's not a French word.

Viva la differance!

Spider try living in Saudi Arabia for a year and then tell me about an individual expressing their religious belief.

As to French culture hey that's why they're French YOU DONT HAVE TO GO THERE.
Spider try living in Saudi Arabia for a year and then tell me about an individual expressing their religious belief.
I wasn't going to bring that up, because its a separate issue.
Tu quoque ("you too"). This is the fallacy of defending an error in one's reasoning by pointing out that one's opponent has made the same error. An error is still an error, regardless of how many people make it. For example, "They accuse us of making unjustified assertions. But they asserted a lot of things, too!"
Greco said:
PM you just dont get it. Nobody is telling you what to believe. What France is trying to do is separate church and state. Why is it so hard to understand that religious symbols in schools would lead into an out of control situation where anyone, of a myriad of religions, could wear what he likes.

And why there is no problems in other European countries that allow the hijab like the U.K and ALL Scandinavian countries ?????????????? :rolleyes:

What if I wore a tee shirt saying my religion is the true one and all others false. You would take offence to that I'm sure or worse I could wear one that says Islam is a satanic cult.

But if you do that you wont be practicing your religion, you would be inciting hatred, would not you ????

Don't you see the problems that could arise? Or maybe you do and you relish the confrontation.

I did not see any problems in the U.K. nor in the U.S.A !!! does that tell you anything ???

Greco said:
Spider try living in Saudi Arabia for a year and then tell me about an individual expressing their religious belief.

This is pure blatant NONESENSE, Saudi Arabia does not claim to be FREE, LIBERAL OPEN DEMOCRATIC society as France 'does'.

Beside, there are 57 MUSLIM STATES in which non muslims are allowed to do whatever they want, why just picking saudi ?????? :bugeye:

Saudi Arabia is closed religious state, they declare that and they make that very clear, so you have no right to question them, tell the french to declare their state religious, closed and conservative and muslims will shut up
Proud_Muslim said:
And why there is no problems in other European countries that allow the hijab like the U.K and ALL Scandinavian countries ?????????????? :rolleyes:

But if you do that you wont be practicing your religion, you would be inciting hatred, would not you ????

I did not see any problems in the U.K. nor in the U.S.A !!! does that tell you anything ???


As I said before all organized religions are delussional. They all think that they are the true religion and if you dont believe in them you are not going to heaven etc. Some religions even go further and claim if you believe in their religion you are the scum of the Earth. Ring any bells PM?

Inciting hatred yeah that's your boy Osama and his islamic followers. I dont know of any Christian lately that has blown up a Muslim but it seems that blowing up christians and jews come real natural to Muslims. As my president says BRING IT ON.
Greco said:
As I said before all organized religions are delussional. They all think that they are the true religion and if you dont believe in them you are not going to heaven etc. Some religions even go further and claim if you believe in their religion you are the scum of the Earth. Ring any bells PM?

Hopeless athiests are always like that, very JEALOUS.

Inciting hatred yeah that's your boy Osama and his islamic followers.

Osama bin laden is YOUR own made,you made him and your trained him, and now your own monester is turning against you.

I dont know of any Christian lately that has blown up a Muslim but it seems that blowing up christians and jews come real natural to Muslims. As my president says BRING IT ON.

Oh I see, you did not see any christian or jew blow up muslim !!! What about the CHRISTIAN MASSACRES AGAINST MUSLIMS IN BOSNIA AND KOSOVO ???????



Blowing up Muslim homes in Afghanistan, The American war OF terror.






As long as our childern and people are treated in such way, you guys WILL NEVER EVER BE SAFE.....NEVER.
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Your increasingly - shrill rhetoric, paranoia, intolerance and vindictivness are a wonder to behold.

There is no reasoning w/ you.
